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1963 Timeline? With key dates, made concise and postable to anchor reading links

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Hi, this might already exist but we should surely have a key dates in 1963 link for viewers to see and post around as the 50th anniversary approaches. This could contextualize and snag new readers.

For example I know that the 50th anniversary of the Magnolia Oil Party is coming up in Feb. We should have a thread of key dates with brief descriptions of their significance in the broader historical narrative.

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Hi, this might already exist but we should surely have a key dates in 1963 link for viewers to see and post around as the 50th anniversary approaches. This could contextualize and snag new readers.

For example I know that the 50th anniversary of the Magnolia Oil Party is coming up in Feb. We should have a thread of key dates with brief descriptions of their significance in the broader historical narrative.

My friend, Walt Brown, is writing a timeline. It should be ready for Dallas.

Kathy C

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But we need it now, to send around the universe as each 50th anniversary of that date approaches. Great way of gradually building knowledge, day by day. e.g. 50th anniversary of Magnolia Oil Party... wacky party for a leftist no... short descriptions made sweet with a link to longer article if curious. In short we need to be throwing chum overboard for the fisherman on our boat.

I realize that not many people care about SPREADING knowledge rather than just letting it die with our aging brains but geez.... If we do not start SPREADING the 50th is already dead. Its great to have websites. But nobody will go to them if you are not spreading links.

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This is a really good idea.

I am surprised that no one has suggested it yet.

These timelines have proven to be really effective in other cases.

So what does Walt have done so far?

I tried to set up a blog that would be updated daily, with links and archived collection of any news, feature article, column or blog post that mentioned the assassination, including a Photo and Quote of the Day - and excerpts from the chronologies of Mary Ferrell and Ira Woods, leading up to the assassination.

I got as far as setting up the blog site and composing a calender but I haven't been able to update it daily.


Jeff Morley and Rex Bradford have tried to post something daily, and have called attention to relevant chronology items.

JFKfacts - Memory / Truth / Meaning

I've seen some of Walt's TimeLine and it is not a Chronology of relevant events that gives you an idea of what is happening but is a list of events entwined with his own analysis. Ira Wood's chrono is probably the best, only because Mary Ferrell's is not digitalized so you have to clink on each date to see what she says on her index cards.

There will be an increasing number of articles and stories about the assassination, and I'm sure a lot on TV and radio too, and Greg Parker has started a web site that is trying to keep track of it all.

I had previously started a Rendezvous At Dealey Plaza where I tried to track JFK and LHO's movements in the last year of their lives, but haven't finished it.

And it has been suggested that the incidents like the party where the Oswalds meet the Paines and Volkmar Schmidt, etc., should be reviewed again as we march through the calender

Taylor Branch also said that the more obscure but significant events in the Civil Rights era be highlighted as their 50th anniversary passes by.


Edited by William Kelly
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Guest Robert Morrow

Hi, this might already exist but we should surely have a key dates in 1963 link for viewers to see and post around as the 50th anniversary approaches. This could contextualize and snag new readers.

For example I know that the 50th anniversary of the Magnolia Oil Party is coming up in Feb. We should have a thread of key dates with brief descriptions of their significance in the broader historical narrative.

The Magnolia Oil/War Hawk party occurred on 11/22/63.

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Great idea a triple or even quadruple time line might be very effective as a snag, used to introduce articles and book titles. People might want to think about who could handle this in terms of graphics. I already have someone in mind to ask.

As far as the fourth line I was thinking of Kennedy's policy initiatives, both economic, social and in terms of foreign policy.

Edited by Nathaniel Heidenheimer
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Hi, this might already exist but we should surely have a key dates in 1963 link for viewers to see and post around as the 50th anniversary approaches. This could contextualize and snag new readers.

For example I know that the 50th anniversary of the Magnolia Oil Party is coming up in Feb. We should have a thread of key dates with brief descriptions of their significance in the broader historical narrative.

The Magnolia Oil/War Hawk party occurred on 11/22/63.

Actually there were two parties set up for Oswald to meet the Paines as the first party the host Volkmar Schmidt and Michael Paine couldn't make it, but Marina met Ruth and Oswald met Michael and Schmidt at second party, also in Feb.

More to come on this issue.


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Dallas News Interactive Timeline

John F. Kennedy Timeline

This interactive timeline of Kennedy's short trip to Dallas is driven by a database of events, people and organizations. To explore the day of the assassination and the three days following, click any point on the timeline and a window will open with more information. Sources: Dallas Morning News archives; WFAA-TV.

Instructions: To sort the points on the timeline based on people, places, organizations or media type, click on any record below and a check box will display next to it. You may check as many records from each of the categories as you want. To reset the timeline, click the checkbox that appears at the top of each category.

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Dallas News Interactive Timeline

John F. Kennedy Timeline

This interactive timeline of Kennedy's short trip to Dallas is driven by a database of events, people and organizations. To explore the day of the assassination and the three days following, click any point on the timeline and a window will open with more information. Sources: Dallas Morning News archives; WFAA-TV.

Instructions: To sort the points on the timeline based on people, places, organizations or media type, click on any record below and a check box will display next to it. You may check as many records from each of the categories as you want. To reset the timeline, click the checkbox that appears at the top of each category.

Also see:

A Twitter account is providing history fans real time updates on JFK assassination | wtsp.com

St. Petersburg, Fl. - A Twitter account is providing history fans and social media buffs with a look back in time, to the events surrounding President John F Kennedy's assassination.

It's called JFK Real Time. John F Kennedy was killed on November 22, 1963, so we're just months away from the 50th anniversary of his death.

The Twitter account, @JFKElmStreet is updating in real-time all the events that led to Lee Harvey Oswald shooting J-F-K in Dallas.

So far, the account has tweeted about everything from Lee Harvey Oswald's wife leaving him to when Oswald bought a .38 revolver by mail.

A tweet on January 28 reads, "Oswald bought the .38 revolver by mail from Los Angeles-based Seaport Traders. $10 down & balance of $19.95 paid cash-on-delivery."

As you know, there is a Tampa connection. President Kennedy was in Tampa four days before he was killed. Shortly afterward, Kennedy Boulevard was renamed for him.

Follow 10 News Anchor Allison Kropff on twitter @AllisonKropff


West Wing Reports


Independent White House journalist. Paul's bio: 5 yrs Moscow, 5 yrs network TV, 5 yrs Wall St.; foreign correspondent, early stage VC. 53 countries & counting.

White House Press Room · westwingreports.com

Edited by William Kelly
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I tried to get people interested in doing a Joint Chronology Timeline years ago - 2006 - but only a few resoponded.

JFK Joint Chronology Timeline Project - JFK Online Seminars - The Education Forum

There's also a need, for those researchers with a lot of spare time on their hands, to update the HSCA's Chronological Bibliography of books and articles on the assassination.

Although an alphabetical bibliography is academic and popular, a chronological one tells us what we know and when we knew it, an important aspect of the research.


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Why not go ahead and start with Ira Wood, and see what Walt Brown has so far.

Wouldn't that be a good beginning?

And then go ahead and fill it out with:

1. Oswald's actions

2. Kennedy's foreign policy actions

3. What the CIA was doing covertly

Other things you could fill it in with are things like Nagell's actions in 1963, which are very important I think.

I agree Jim, I think there is a relationship between each of those things, I just don't have the time to do it, as it is a long, manpower type of detailed compilation of data from different sources.

What I had in mind was a kind of group project, where people add things to it when they can.


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Here is a chronological presentation of audio from various Dallas/Fort Worth radio stations - dating back almost seventy years. Some audio is scoped (most of songs or commercial breaks are edited out,) while some of the audio is totally un-edited. If you have any audio of DFW radio that you would like to contribute, please email DFW Radio Archives.WRR41.jpg

1310 WRR (Mutual Network) June 6, 1944


KLIF%2061.jpg1190 KLIF Top 40 Jan. 4, 1961


KNUS72.jpg98.7 KNUS Top 40 June 1972


KLIF68.JPG1190 KLIF Top 40 Sept. 1972


KLIF66.jpg1190 KLIF Top 40 Nov. 22, 1963


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Here's a combined Timeline for late Dec 62 and Jan-Feb 60-61-62-63 of relevant events from JFK Daily Log at JFK Library, IRa Woods and Mary Ferrell.

JFKCountercoup2: Combined TimeLilne Jan.-Feb 60-63

Dec 19 1962 JFK meets with Cuban Revolutionary Council in Oval Office.

Dec 23 1962 Captured Bay of Pigs Brigade is freed

Dec 28 1962 Lee Harvey Oswald and Marian attend a party hosted by White Russians

Dec 29 1962 JFK and Mrs. Kennedy are driven in open car to Orange Bowl Miami

Dec 31, 1962 (Monday) – Oswald works from 8–5:15, JCS. (23:564); Marina writes New Year’s greetings to the USSR Embassy in Washington (18:499) and says that they stay at home on New Year’s Eve. (18:626)

Dec 31 1962 Khrushchev writes to JFK “The year 1962 is now passing into history witnessed events whose fatal development was possible to avert, thanks to the fact that both sides showed a sensible approach and reached a compromise.”

- Jack Ruby attends a motel party that Bobby O’Day (Robert McEwan) and other entertainers attend. (23:349)

- Breck Wall (Billy Ray Wilson) and Joe Peterson live in Room 1703, Adolphis Hotel, until February 15, 1963. (25:276)

- Bringuir says Jack Ruby in Cuba (10:50)

Jan 1, 1963 Tuesday The Oswalds are living at 604 Elsbeth, Dallas. Oswald sends for Castro’s Sept. 1960 UN speech and March 26, 1962 “Against Bureaucracy and Sectarianism” 1962 speeches to Pioneer Press (Newman: 196, 217); Oswald does not work today (23:565)

-Jack Ruby is living in Apartment 207, 223 S. Ewing, Dallas, where on several occasions boxer Reagan “Buddy” Turman works at Vegas Club and lives with Jack (22:886) Stripper Reba Jane Lann quits Jack after working over a year (23:24)

-DRE Intelligence Unit Director Jose Antonio Lanuza, Miami, says that Jack Ruby goes to Cuba (26:607)

-Jack Ruby’s financial backer Ralph Paul buys Bowman’s 50% interest in the Bull-Pen, an Arlington Drive In. (Paul is living with Mrs. Bowman 14:140, 157)

-Oswald’s cousin Marilyn Murret returns to New Orleans after round the world trip (CD 87: SS517:1) from July 1959 until January 1963 (CD 942)

-Volkmar Schmidt (aka “Dirk”) moves in with Everett Glover on Potomac where Richard Pierce had moved in the month before (10.3)

Jan. 1963 – CIA’s Task Force W is replaced by Special Affairs Staff, Des FitzGerald replaces William Harvey as CIA manager of covert action against Cuba.

Jan 1 1962 Monday 6:21–7:12 pm JFK visits his father at St. Mary’s Hospital, Palm Beach, Florida

Jan 2, 1963 Oswald works at Jaggers-Chiles-Stoval (JCS) from 8:15-5:15 (23:565)

-Oswald sends 35 cents for some Communist literature using PO Box 2915, Dallas, but they don’t arrive until April.

Jan. 2 1960 JFK announces his candidacy for President

Jan 2 1963 Wednesday 12 – 3:30 pm JFK and Mrs. Kennedy cruise aboard the Honey Fitz and have lunch at the Vanderbilt estate, Lantana, Florida.

Jan 2 1963 David Ferrie calls the law office of G. Wray Gill on 17th floor of Pierre Marquette building in New Orleans

Jan 3, 1963 Thursday Oswald works at JCS from 8:15-5:15 (23:565

Jan 3 1961 Eisenhower breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba

Jan. 3 1963 9 – 9:55 am JFK meets with Agriculture Secretary Orville Freeman in Palm Beach, Florida

Jan 4, 1963 Friday Oswald works at JCS from 8:15-5:15 (23:565);Oswald cashes JCS check #3767 for $67.10 at Mercantile Bank (22:227.282 photo);Oswald pays $7.13 Dallas Power and Light bill; Oswald pays $68 rent for 604 Elsbeth apartment

Jan 4 1963 Friday – JFK attends funeral of Sen. Robert Kerr of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City.

Jan 4 1963 The Standing Group of National Security Council replaces the EXCOMM in reviewing US Cuban policy, which now includes McGeorge Bundy’s proposal of opening communications with Castro and developing some form of accommodation.

Jan 5, 1963 (Saturday) Oswald sends $100 money order to the State Department on his $435.71 loan, from Box 2915, Dallas

Jan 6 1963 Sunday 12:48-3:05 pm JFK and Mrs. Kennedy, Caroline and guests cruise aboard the Honey Fitz, Palm Beach, Florida

Jan 6 1963 The Twist by Chubby Checker tops the pop music charts

Jan 7 1963 Monday Oswald works from 8:15-6 at JCS

Jan 7 1963 First class postal stamps increased to 5 cents

Jan 7 1963 12:44–2:50 pm JFK, VP Johnson and party go for cruise, Palm Beach

Jan 8, 1963 Tuesday – Oswald works at JCS from 8:15-6 - Brown cardboard tube postmarked Jan. 8, 1963 found at 2515 W. 5 Irving on 11/22/63, addressed to Miss Ruth Hyde, 1308 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from Columbus, Ohio, containing National Geographic maps of Africa.

Jan 8 1963 Mona Lisa exhibit, on loan from France, opens in DC

Jan 9, 1963 Wednesday – Oswald works at JCS from 8:30-5

Jan 10, 1963 Thursday – Oswald works at JCS from 8:15-5:45

- Oswald writes letter to his brother Robert thanking for Christmas gift to daughter.

Jan 10 1963 12–1:02 pm JFK meets with President-Elect Juan Bosch of Dominican Republic

Jan 11, 1963 Friday– Oswald works at JCS from 8:30-5:15’ Oswald gets JCS check #3912 for $54.78, cashed at Mercantile Bank; State Dept. writes to Oswald in Dallas.

Jan 12, 1963 (Saturday) – Oswald works at JCS from 8 – 5:45

Jan 12 1963 10:30 am– 2:30 pm JFK meets with advisors to discuss Cuba, space program and nuclear testing.

Jan 13 1963 Sunday 10-10:30 am JFK and Mrs. Kenendy attend mass, Middleburg, Va

Jan 14, 1963 (Monday) – Oswald works from 8–5:15 JCS; Oswald enrolls in typing class at the Dallas Public Schools.

Jan 14 1963 Monday 12:31–1:16 pm JFK delivers State of the Union Address and calls for biggest income tax cut in US history

Jan 14 1963 George Wallace sworn in as Governor of Alabama calls for “Segregation forever.”

Jan 15, 1963 Tuesday Oswald works from 8-5:15 JCS

Jan 15 1963 Tuesday 6:35–7:30 pm JFK meets with Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara and McGeorge Bundy to discuss Cuba, Vietnam, NATON and the multilateral force.

Jan 16, 1963 Wednesday Oswald works from 8-5:45

Jan 17, 1963 Thursday Oswald works from 8:15-5:30

- Jack Ruby calls Arlington CR5-4891, the Bull Pen from the Carousel Club (RI 7-2362)

Jan 18, 1963 Friday – Oswald works from 8:05-5:30 – JCS; Oswald cashes check #4058 at Mercantile Bank $69.14


Jan 19 1963 Saturday 12:56 -2:35 am JFK attend Post-Inaugural Anniversary Salute party at the home of VP LBJ

Jan 20, 1963 Sunday Oswald’s second daughter (Rachel) conceived, born Oct. 20)

Jan 20 1961 JFK Inaugurated as 35th President of the USA

Jan 20 1963 Sunday JFK attends mass at St. Stephen’s Church

Jan 20 1963 Gerry Patrick Hemming and Loran Hall visit Dallas, meet with Gen. Edwin Walker, leave Jan 22.

Jan 21, 1963 Monday – Oswald works from 8:05-6 JCS

Jan. 21 1961 JFK meets with former President Harry S. Truman

Jan 21, 1962 Gallup Poll reports JFK approval rating of 77%

Jan 21 1963 Monday 11-11:50 am JFK meets with Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board

Jan 22, 1963 Tuesday – Oswald works from 8:15-5:30 JCS

Jan 22 1961 JFK meets with poet Robert Frost

Jan 22 1963 Tuesday 4:15-5 PM JFK meets on Haiti and Guatemala with Edwin Martin, John Crimmins, Lansing Collins and Ralph Dungan

Jan. 23 1960 Beyond the Sea by Bobby Darin debuts on the pop music charts

Jan 23 1961 10 am -12:20 pm JFK meets with Dean Rusk, Robert S. McNamara, McGeorge Bundy, Gen. Lymn Lemnitzer, Paul Nitze, Chester Bowles, J. Graham Parsons, Allen Dulles, and Richard Bissell.

Jan 23, 1963 Wednesday Oswald works from 8:15-5:30 JCS

-Harrold A. “Kim” Philby disappears from Lebanon, surfaces in Moscow July 30.

Jan 24 1961 4:14–4:45 pm JFK meets with George S. McGovern

Jan 24, 1963 Thursday Oswald works from 8:15-5:15 JCS

Jan 24 1963 Thursday 4 – 4:30 pm JFK holds forty-seventh news conference

Jan 25 1960 JFK holds first live telecast of a presidential news conference

Jan 25, 1963 Friday Oswald works from 8:30-5:15 JCS Cashes check #4203 $56.10 at Mart Liquor Store, 401 S. Ervay. Oswald sends $106 in two money orders to State Dept. which completes repayment of loan.

Jan 25 1963 Friday 4:05-5:30 pm JFK meets with EXCOMM to discuss Cuba and European policy

Jan 26 1961 JFK holds first meeting with the Cabinet

Jan 26, 1963 Saturday Oswald works from 8 – 6 JCS

Jan 26 1963 Saturday 9:48-10:20 am JFK meets with Federal Reserve Chairman William McChesney Martin

Jan 27 1963 Sunday Oswald obtains a printed mail order form of the Seaport Traders “from an unknown source” using the name A.J. Hidel, PO Box 2915, 28 years old (Oswald 23), with “D.F. Drittal” as his witness (16:511; 22:116; 26:700) This is the order for the “Tippit” pistol, which Oswald does not mail until March 12, 1963. (26:700)

- Jack Ruby at T-Bone Club, Wichita, Kansas to see Gail Raven perform.

Jan 27 1961 JFK greets American RB-47 pilots Captain John R. McKone and Freeman B. Olmstead.

Jan 27 1963 Sunday 11:30 am – 12:10 pm JFK and Mrs. Kennedy attend Mass at Middleburg, Va. And return to Glen Ora

Jan 27 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald uses “Hidell” alias in filling out mail order coupon for revolver.

Jan. 28 1961 Saturday 12:35 – 1:05 pm JFK meets with VP LBJ

Jan 28, 1963 Monday Oswald works from 8-6 JCS; Oswald pays $9 tuition for typing classes, held from 6:15-7:15 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Oswald attends until March 28, 1963.

Jan 29 1962 Nuclear test ban conference in Geneva adjourns in deadlock after 3 years.

Jan 29 1961 Sunday 5:10–6:05 pm JFK attends swearing in ceremonies for 15 Presidential appointees.

Jan 29, 1963 Tuesday Oswald works from 8-5:45 JCS; Oswald attends typing class from 6:15-7:15; Oswald files income tax showing $1356.00 total income. JCS $727.81; Leslie Welding Co. $626.25,.

Jan 29 1963 Robert Frost, poet at JFK’s inauguration dies

Jan 29 1963 Dodd hearings begin and include a focus on Kleins and SeaPort Traders.... both Oswald purchase points

Jan. 30 1961 4:31–4:38 pm. JFK meets with VP Johnson and James Webb of NASA

Jan 30 1963 Wednesday Oswald works from 8–6:30 JCS

Jan 30 1963 Wednesday 4:07-4:27 pm JFK meets with FCC Chairman Newton N. Minow

Jan 31, 1963 Thursday – Oswald works from 8 – 6 JCS;Oswald attends typing class

-Jack Ruby borrows $1375 from Merchants State Bank on his Oldsmobile (formerly owned by W.A. Weldenbenner, 513, Robinhood, Irving)

-Breck Wall (Billy Ray Wilson) tells of Jack getting a car loan in ten minutes to be able to lend Wall $300 for a New York Trip (14:614:617; 23:11; 26:846)

Jan 31 1963 6:05-7:10 pm JFK meets with EXCOMM to discuss European policy and NATO


Feb 1 1960 Black students at Greensboro, North Carolina stage first segregated lunch counter sit in.

Feb 1 1961 4:02 – 4:35 pm JFK holds second news conference

Feb 1 1963 Naval Intelligence memo dated today gives Mac Wallace’s past history and notes “When you add to the above that his thrice married wife, an admitted lesbian, charged him with [deleted] on their minor daughter, applicant suggests all the least desirable elements of an utter bum.” IDW

Feb 2 1961 9:36 am 10:05 am JFK meets with NATO Commander Lauris Norstad and Chairman of JCS Lyman Lemnitzer

Feb 2 1962 Friday 4:10-5:40 pm JFK meets with Standing Group and scientific advisors to discuss nuclear weapons and nuclear testing

Feb 2 1963 Saturday 11:12 – 12:25 pm JFK meets with Ambassador David Bruce, Dean Rusk, George Ball and McGeorge Bundy on NATO.

Feb 2 1963 CIA establishes new Domestic Operations Division under Tracy Barnes, who was chief of the psychological and paramilitary staff for the Bay of Pigs; David A. Phillips takes over Cuban operations.

Feb 2 1963 George and Jeanne De Mohrenschildt invite the Oswalds to a party at the home of Everett Glover to meet Michael Paine.

Feb 3 1961 10:40–11:38 am JFK meets with Ambassador to Laos Winthrop Brown

Feb 3 1962 JFK bans all trade with Cuba except for food and medicine

Feb 3 1962 Duke of Earl by Gene Chandler hits #1 on pop music charts

Feb 3 1963 Sunday 11:30 – 12:10 pm JFK attends mass at St. Matthew’s Cathedral

Feb 4 1962 12:00–12:33 pm JFK and Mrs. Kennedy attend Mass at Middleburg, Virginia Community Center and return to Glen Ora

Feb 5 1961 7:30 pm JFK and Mrs. Kennedy have dinner with William Walton and Martha Gelhorn

Feb 5 1962 Monday 9:40 – 9:50 am – JFK meets with John Glenn

Feb 5 1963 Tuesday 4–5:30 pm JFK meets with EXCOMM on Cuba and European policy

Feb 5 1963 JFK request to USMC begins a national 50 mile hike craze

Feb 6 1961 11-11:40 am JFK meets with Joint Chiefs of Staff

Feb 6 1963 12:05-12:55 am JFK meets with Lord Mountbatten, Ambassador of Britain David Ormsby-Gore and Gen. Maxwell Taylor

Feb 7 1962 Wednesday 4 – 4:30 pm JFK holds twenty-third news conference.

Feb 8 1961 9:51-10:30 am JFK holds third news conference

Feb 8 1962 5:10-6:20 pm JFK meets with Gen. Maxwell Taylor and John McCone

Feb 9 1961 Beatles debut at the Cavern Club, Liverpool, England

Feb 9 1961 10:12 am -12 pm JFK meet with National Security Council

Feb 9 1962 Friday 4 – 5:25 pm JFK meets with Dean Rusk, McGeorge Bundy, Foy Kohler, Charles Bohlen, Martin Hillenbrand and Maxwell Taylor

Feb 9 1963 Saturday 10:50-11:20 am JFK meets with Foy Kohler Ambassador to USSR

Feb. 10 1962 US released Soviet spy Rudolph Abel in exchange for U2 pilot Francis Gary Powers

Feb 10 1963 JFK and Mrs. Kennedy have lunch with Prince and Princess Radziwell and Charles Spaulding at Voisin Restaurant, NYC

Feb 11 1961 Fidel Castro says US encouragement of Cuban counterrevolutionaries gives him the right to encourage revolution throughout South America

Feb 11 1961 Saturday 10:15 am -12:15 pm JFK meets with VP Johnson, Dean Rusk, Charles Bohlen, George Kennan, Averell Harriman and Llewellyn Thompson

Feb 11 1963 Monday 12:22 – 12:55 pm JFK meets with Admiral Hyman Rickover

Feb 11 1963 – Feb 14 – Willim Harvey is in Miami, leaves to meet Rosselli in LA.

Feb 12 1961 Sunday 12:33 pm – President and Mrs. Kenedy spend a quiet afternoon at Glen Ora, Middleburg, Va.

Feb 12 1963 Tuesday 10 – 11 am JFK meets with EXCOMM to discuss multilateral nuclear force in Europe

Feb 13 1963 Jimmy Hoffa accuses RFK of waging vendetta against him

Feb 13 1963 Informers tip of a plot to kill deGaulle is uncovered in Paris, three men and two women arrested. Plan to shoot de Gaulle in courtyard of the Ecole Militaire with rifle with scope.

Feb 14 1962 Jacqueline Kennedy hosts televised tour of the newly restored White House

Feb 14 1963 Thursday 4 – 4:30 pm JFK holds forty ninth news conference

Feb 15 1961 7 pm – 7:30 pm JFK holds fourth news conference

Feb 15 1963 Friday 10 – 10:20 pm JFK meets on Berlin

Feb 16 1961 9:33 am – 12:29 pm JFK attends briefing of Atomic Energy Commission

Feb 16 1963 Saturday JFK helicopters to Glen Ora, Middleburg, Va.

Feb 17 1963 Sunday 12:13-1:15 pm JFK and Mrs. Kennedy, with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fay visit the site of the President’s new home, Atoka, Virginia.

Feb 17 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald’s Russian wife Marina writes letter to Soviet Embassy in DC

Feb 18 1961 10:15 am–12:02 pm JFK meets with McGeorge Bundy, Llewellyn Thompson, Allen Dulles, Foy Kohler, Charles Bohlen and Averell Harriman.

Feb 19 1961 Sunday 1:50 pm – The President, Mrs. Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy stay at Glen Ora, Middleburg, Virginia.

Feb 20 1963 Wednesday 4:05-5:20 JFK meets with Venezuelan President Romulo Betancourt

Feb 20 1963 White House police take over responsibility for guarding the entire Executive Office Building from GSA

Feb 21 1963 Thursday 4 – 4:30 pm JFK holds fiftieth news conference

Feb 22 1963 Friday 1 – 2:52 pm JFK, Carolie and guests cruise aboard Hony Fitz, Palm Beach, Fla.

Feb 23 1961 Thursday 10:12–11:39 pm JFK meets with Attorney Gen. RFK and FBI Director J. Edgar Hover.

Feb. 23 1962 Friday JFK visits NASA’s Cape Canaveral with John Glenn

Feb 23 1963 12:36 Saturday 2:14 pm JFK cruises on Hony Fitz in Palm Beach with British ambassador and Mrs. Ormsby-Gore

Feb 24 1963 1:05 – 3:45 pm JFK and Mrs. Kennedy, Caroline and guest cruise on Hony Fitz, Palm Beach, Fla.

Feb 24 1962 Saturday JFK visits father then goes boating with family at Palm Beach

Feb 25 1961 Saturday 10:30 – 11:30 am – JFK meets with Sen. Richard Russell, CIA Director Allen Dulles and VP LBJ

Feb 25 1963 Monday 12:30–1 pm JFK meets with King Savang Vatthana of Laos and again on Wed. Feb 27.

Feb 26 1961 12:15 pm JFK and Mrs. Kennedy stay overnight at Glen Ora, Middleburgh, Virginia

Feb. 27 1961 Monday 9:30 am–10:30 am JFK meets with William O. Baker, President of Research, Bell Telephone Laboratores, Jerome Wiesner and McGeorge Bundy

Feb 27 1962 Tuesday 10-11:35 am – JFK meets with National Security Council to discuss nuclear testing

Feb 28 1961 11:10 – 11:50 am JFK meets with Henry Kissinger, Theodore Sorensen, David Bell, McGeorge Bundy and Jerome Wiesner

Feb. 28 1963 JFK sends his first special message on civil rights to Congress

Feb 28 1963 Thursday 5:30 – 6:40 pm JFK meets with Joint Chiefs of Staff at White House

Feb 28 1963 Nine are arrested in plot to kill French Premier Pompidou.

Edited by William Kelly
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