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Bullet strike in Muchmore film

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Pardon me if this has been discussed previously, I've searched the archives and have not found duplication.

As a commentor points out on the YouTube clip, does anyone else see the results of a bullet strike through the windshield in this version of Muchmore? It appears to be smoke/dust emerging from the windshield area.

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Pardon me if this has been discussed previously, I've searched the archives and have not found duplication.

As a commentor points out on the YouTube clip, does anyone else see the results of a bullet strike through the windshield in this version of Muchmore? It appears to be smoke/dust emerging from the windshield area.

I see it. Interesting. A second or two after the fatal headshot.

--Tommy :sun

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It might be a good synchronisation point if it is the moment when the driver turns to look back in Z and here exposes the rear view mirror.

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What? That's it?

Can I assume that I am correct in my suggestion?

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OK, Then I assume it means something to people. Somethign unpalatable? Perhaps it is something so simple that there's no need to say anything further? Perhaps I'm completely wrong? I don't think the last is right becuse it's reasonably likely that if so someone would refute it. Therefore, given a consequent plethora of discombobulation from hoaxters that is tangentially relevant presents itself to me a viable assumption. Perhaps that is a sign of an overblown ego? Whatever. Having the floor I suggest the following. This is a sign of a continuing effort to totally discredit the Z film. If this event happened as precisely shown in the Z film as I am suggesting then it cannot be used as part of that discombobulation. It must take some other form. In this case no-form. This is a viable hypothesis given that the hoaxters are suffering from a narcissistic personalty disorder, to varying degrees, and the response is as one may reasonabley expect : discomboulation.

edit typos

Edited by John Dolva
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OK, Then I assume it means something to people. Something unpalatable?

I just got busy and distracted myself, didn't have time to further compare the different Muchmore versions. I noticed that one couldn't see it in any Nix version.

This Nix-Groden film essay by Gerda Dunckel might interest people who haven't seen it. I discovered it along my way: It's a nice intro to Dunckel's work.

Edited by David Andrews
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On 2/18/2013 at 10:12 PM, John Dolva said:

It might be a good synchronisation point if it is the moment when the driver turns to look back in Z and here exposes the rear view mirror.

Guess it dpends if you believe Z313 occurred where it did rather than 30 feet further down the street according to the WCR.

Here is the driver's turn - the second turn - within a second of the headshot. the frame order is down then over

The only way these sync is if we move that shot down to where Altgens and the WCR said it happened.. Station 4+95 as opposed to the plat legend's 4+65 feet.


btw - personally I don't think we can even know whether there was a hole or not. too many conflicting stories. Yet you don't destroy evidence if it's benign.

and that windshiled was definitely destroyed and replaced with a duplicate.


Edited by David Josephs
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You may be right. The disappearing head looks like a similar effect.

Is it an artifact of film frames when translated to video? In the .gif versions it looks like light patches on the grass by the steps. Driving me crazy.

Those light patches don't change much as the Muchmore frames go on, though. That's why it was driving me crazy.

Edited by David Andrews
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