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Fire at JFK Library in Boston

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I must ask, regarding the Marathon: What type security is it that allows bombs to go off at or near the focal point (the "finish line") of a once-per-year event, despite all its hullabalooed preparations?

Sadly, this may be a rhetorical question.

Edited by David Andrews
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I just heard Wolf Blitzer of CNN report that the event at the JFK Library was a fire and

that it has nothing to do with the bombings at the Marathon. Who knows!! The competing

networks are trying to get a scoop up on each other. We may hear later that the fire indeed

was part of the attack. It's not unlike the reporting that went on after the JFK assassinaion in Dealey Plaza.

It's a good question David. I would say that it's very difficult to secure a race that covers

26 miles. The good news is that there are many many surveilance cameras on the race route,

and hopefully officials will be able to use them to give us a clearer picture as to who's responsible.

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I do know one thing, common sense would dictate that if the fire or explosion at the JFK Library was connected to the bombing at the Boston Marathon, the Aryan Brotherhood or a like minded organization or individual, would be an area of keen interest, to say the least. I was already thinking along those lines just by virtue of the fact that Boston isn't exactly a conservative bastion, toss in the fact that Al-Qaeda generally knows how to do bombings on a massive scale by virtue of their own past history, it's hard for me to believe they would be behind a bombing in the United States that has killed two people so far.

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Wonder when someone is going to try to connect the dots in a different direction -- SOS John Kerry has Mass. connections and just yesterday KYU floated a crude diagram of hits on various places in the lower 48. :-0

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