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Passing Our Pro-Castro Leaflets in New Orleans

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I don't know why this just now occurred to me all these years later but.....

Did anybody ELSE other than LHO pass out such leaflets back then? In downtown NO? I suspect "no". Does anybody have any info or recollection about this?

Also, I believe LHO passed out his leaflets to sailors going on liberty at a pier where a U.S. aircraft carrier was berthed. I defy anybody to try that today (never mind in '63!) and not wind up in a hospital by sunset.

I strongly suspect that there must have been some FBI escorts concealed nearby ready to rescue him should a fight develop. Oswald wouldn't have been stupid enough to go out there all alone. At the same time, I strongly suspect that the crew of that ship was alerted in advance to pay no attention to him, leave him alone, and go on with their liberty. Also not to discuss this with anybody.

It would be interesting if someone who was on that ship at the time could come forward and comment on this.

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I strongly suspect that there must have been some FBI escorts concealed nearby ready to rescue him should a fight develop. Oswald wouldn't have been stupid enough to go out there all alone. At the same time, I strongly suspect that the crew of that ship was alerted in advance to pay no attention to him, leave him alone, and go on with their liberty. Also not to discuss this with anybody.

When Oswald was in the marines, didn't he spend a lot of time listening to recordings of the Russian language in the barracks? Wouldn't other marines inquire about why the interest in Russian? And if he told them, wouldn't he have also spent a lot of time in the infirmary?

Let's face it, Oswald just liked to live dangerously.

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I strongly suspect that there must have been some FBI escorts concealed nearby ready to rescue him should a fight develop. Oswald wouldn't have been stupid enough to go out there all alone. At the same time, I strongly suspect that the crew of that ship was alerted in advance to pay no attention to him, leave him alone, and go on with their liberty. Also not to discuss this with anybody.

When Oswald was in the marines, didn't he spend a lot of time listening to recordings of the Russian language in the barracks? Wouldn't other marines inquire about why the interest in Russian? And if he told them, wouldn't he have also spent a lot of time in the infirmary?

Let's face it, Oswald just liked to live dangerously.

Nonsense. His marine buddies kidded him and called him "Oswaldskovitch". Either marines in 1959 were casually tolerant of open communists in their midst or they knew something was up with him they needn't be concerned about. An open communist getting a secret clearance to monitor the U2? Puhleese!

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