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The Afghanistan War was Planned Months Before the 9/11 Attacks

Steven Gaal

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Jane's Defense - India Joined US led plan against Afghanistan in March 2001.

"India joins anti-Taliban coalition"

By Rahul Bedi

India is believed to have joined Russia, the USA and Iran in a concerted front against Afghanistan's Taliban regime. [janes.com]

From April 2001, yet more indications that a mideast war was planned long before 9/11.

India Reacts - American government told other governments about Afghan invasion IN JUNE 2001.

In this article published in India in the summer of 2001 the Indian Government announces that it will support America's PLANNED military incursion into Afghanistan.

India in anti-Taliban military plan

India and Iran will "facilitate" the planned US-Russia hostilities against the Taliban.

By Our Correspondent

26 June 2001: India and Iran will "facilitate" US and Russian plans for "limited military action"
against the Taliban if the contemplated tough new economic sanctions don't bend Afghanistan's fundamentalist regime. The Taliban controls 90 per cent of Afghanistan and is advancing northward along the Salang highway and preparing for a rear attack on the opposition Northern Alliance from
Tajikistan-Afghanistan border positions.

Indian foreign secretary Chokila Iyer attended a crucial session of the second Indo-Russian joint working group on Afghanistan in Moscow amidst increase of Taliban's military activity near the Tajikistan border. And, Russia's Federal Security Bureau (the former KGB) chief Nicolai Patroshev is visiting Teheran this week in connection with Taliban's military build-up.

Indian officials say that India and Iran will only play the role of "facilitator" while the US and Russia will combat the Taliban from the front with the help of two Central Asian countries, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, to push Taliban lines back to the 1998 position 50 km away from Mazar-e-Sharief city in northern Afghanistan.

Military action will be the last option though it now seems scarcely avoidable with the UN banned from Taliban controlled areas. The UN which adopted various means in the last four years to resolve the Afghan problem is now being suspected by the Taliban and refused entry into Taliban areas of the war ravaged nation through a decree issued by Taliban chief Mullah Mohammad Omar last month. [indiareacts.com]

BBC - American government told other governments about Afghan invasion IN JULY 2001.

US 'planned attack on Taleban'

The wider objective was to oust the Taleban

By the BBC's George Arney

A former Pakistani diplomat has told the BBC that the US was planning military action against Osama Bin Laden and the Taleban even before last week's attacks. Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told by senior American officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October.

Mr Naik said US officials told him of the plan at a UN-sponsored international contact group on Afghanistan which took place in Berlin. Mr Naik told the BBC that at the meeting the US representatives told him that unless Bin Laden was handed over swiftly America would take military action to kill or capture both Bin Laden and the Taleban leader, Mullah Omar.

The wider objective, according to Mr Naik, would be to topple the Taleban regime and install a transitional government of moderate Afghans in its place - possibly under the leadership of the former Afghan King Zahir Shah. Mr Naik was told that Washington would launch its operation from bases in Tajikistan, where American advisers were already in place.

He was told that Uzbekistan would also participate in the operation and that 17,000 Russian troops were on standby. Mr Naik was told that if the military action went ahead it would take place before the snows started falling in Afghanistan, by the middle of October at the latest.

He said that he was in no doubt that after the World Trade Center bombings this pre-existing US plan had been built upon and would be implemented within two or three weeks. And he said it was doubtful that Washington would drop its plan even if Bin Laden were to be surrendered immediately by the Taleban. [BBC]

MSNBC - Afghanistan war plans were on Bush's desk on 9/9/2001

President Bush was expected to sign detailed plans for a worldwide war against al-Qaida two days before Sept. 11 but did not have the chance before the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, U.S. and foreign sources told NBC News. ... The plan dealt with all aspects of a war against al-Qaida, ranging from diplomatic initiatives to military operations in Afghanistan, the sources said on condition of anonymity. [MSNBC]

In the summer of 2001, while the American media kept the people distracted with "All Condit All The Time", the US Government was informing other governments that we would be at war in Afghanistan no later than October.

How lucky for our government that just when they are planning to invade another country, for the express purpose of removing that government, a convenient "terrorist" attack occurs to anger Americans into support for an invasion.


9/11 radio broadcast: "The Director of the CIA warned that there could be an attack—an imminent attack—on the United States of this nature. So this is not entirely unexpected." [Memory Hole] 9/11 CBS9 broadcast: "There are contigency plans set to go, and the plans have been set to go for several weeks now on what to do if Osama bin Laden were to plan a very large attack, and they've selected targets in Afghanistan, and you can be sure that if it is Osama bin Laden that the US will probably retaliate, and retaliate massively." WMV video download (172kB) 911_retaliate.jpg "To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got the public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign on Afghanistan but for what happened on September 11."
Tony Blair. July 17, 2002 [Guardian]

See also:

Tony Blair’s bin Laden dossier: a pretext instead of proof
The Fake 2001 bin Laden Confession Video
It's All About Oil!

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Edited by Steven Gaal
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WARNINGS !?!! DONT HAVE TO SHOW YOU NO STINKIN WARNINGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsdZKCh6RsU&feature=player_detailpage (VIDEO)



From 9/11 Encyclopedia:

Many 911-related websites, including the GROUND ZERO Forum (->lebensaspekte.de, ourDNA.org) compiled several early warning lists about a pending attack in 2000/1 including the last 24 hours before Sep11th. CopvCia.com by Ruppert,Mike was one of the first websites, who had a huge list of oversea intelligence warnings, grabbed from mainstream articles. Finally in Summer 2002, Paul Thompson compiled the most detailed list at

Which countries exactly warned of the secret service intelligence and foreign governments? :


Afghanistan: Taliban-Minister warned US State Department (->Muttawakil, Ahmed)

Egypt: President Mubarak

France: DGSE , French Secret Service

Germany: BND Israel: Efraim Halevy , Director of Mossad

Italy: Italian Deputy Prime Minister Gianfranco Fini

Jordan: Intelligence

Morroco: Intelligence

Russia: Igor Ivanov (Russian Foreign Minister), Vladimir Putin (Russian President)

United Kingdom: MI5 Many early warnings had been confirmed various times in some newspapers, but got still ignored by US Government.


1) Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon authorised the leak of sensitive documents which reveal America's spy agencies were warned about a terrorist strike weeks before September 11.

As late as August 24, less than two weeks before the attacks, a Mossad warning, confirmed by German intelligence, BND, said that "terrorists plan to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture." The warning alert was passed to the CIA. The warning was passed to MI6. Israel warned later a second time.
www.dailytelegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=%2Fnews%2F2001%2F09%2F16%2Fwcia16.xml http://www.gordonthomas.ie/104.html

2) Jordan, beyond a doubt, and Morocco, with some certainty, advised US and allied intelligence that "Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda terrorists were preparing airborne terrorist operations in the continental United States". csmonitor.com/2002/0523/p11s01-coop.html

3) Britain gave President Bush a categorical warning to expect multiple airline hijackings by the al-Qaeda network a month before the September 11 attacks. www.sundayherald.com/24822

4) Egyptian intelligence warned American officials about a week before September 11 that Osama bin Laden's network was in the advance stages of executing a significant operation against an American target, President Hosni Mubarak said. .nytimes.com/2002/06/04/national/04WARN.html
In an interview with Le Figaro, Mr Mubarak said: "We had communicated to the Americans certain information from the video made by bin Laden on June 13. It spoke of assassinating President Bush and other heads of state in Rome. It was a question of an airplane stuffed with explosives.
theage.com.au/news/world/2001/09/27/FFXEBQP02SC.html globalresearch.ca/articles/LEB112A.html

5) The National Security Agency (->NSA) received information on September 10th that "something big" was coming. nypost.com/news/nationalnews/50177.htm
June 21, 2002: "Recent news that the
National Security Agency (NSA) intercepted two messages the day before the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks -- messages that indicated imminent action -- obliges us to reconsider whether the airliner hijackings that led to 3,000 lost lives and $20 billion in property damage could have been foiled." prospect.org/webfeatures/2002/06/prados-j-06-21.html

6) Sources tell NEWSWEEK, a "tested" undercover "asset" who had been working closely with the FBI office in San Diego on terrorism cases related to Hamas. msnbc.com/news/805186.asp

7) American intelligence agencies received many more reports of terrorists plotting to use planes as weapons before September 11 than the U.S. government has previously acknowledged, a congressional investigator said. The intelligence agencies warned senior U.S. officials in July 2001 -- just two months before the attacks. msnbc.com/news/809484.asp?0cb=-21924124

8) In August 1998, U.S. intelligence learned that a "group of unidentified Arabs planned to fly an explosive-laden plane from a foreign country into the World Trade Center. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid=525&ncid=525&e=2&u=/ap/20020918/ap_on_go_co/attacks_intelligence_17

9) On September 7th, 2001, former U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz (CFR->), received "a little-noticed State Department memo that was issued a week ago and warned that Americans "may be the target of a terrorist threat." www.newsmax.com/showinsidecover.shtml?a=2002/5/28/231650

10) David Welna, NPR: "I spoke with Congressman Ike Skelton(->) (CFR)--a Democrat from Missouri and a member of the Armed Services Committee--who said that just recently the Director of the CIA warned that there could be an attack--an imminent attack--on the United States of this nature. So this is not entirely unexpected." To hear this audio in MP3 format (or as streaming Real Audio), head to: thememoryhole.org/tenet-911.htm

11) The Taliban Warning: Talibans minister Muttawakil (->) warned the US Embassy in Pakistan, who alerted the US State Department. "Weeks before the terrorist attacks on 11 September, the United States and the United Nations ignored warnings from a secret Taliban emissary that Osama bin Laden was planning a huge attack on American soil." news.independent.co.uk/world/politics/story.jsp?story=331115

12) (The US) had picked up reports of threats about attacks planned for inside the United States and of using airplanes as weapons. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&u=/ap/20020918/ap_on_go_co/attacks_intelligence_19

13) September 17th 2002 at the second 911-hearings: 33idea.gifIndices confirmed by Staff Director Eleanor Hill, Joint Inquiry Staff . "...Hill also said that between May and July 2001, the National Security Agency reported at least 33 communications indicating a possible, imminent terrorist attack." http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&u=/ap/20020918/ap_on_go_co/attacks_intelligence_19 intelligence.senate.gov/0209hrg/020918/hill.pdf forums.delphiforums.com/ground_zero2001/messages?msg=1452.12
The hearings compiled a list of 50-60 warnings including classified documents. (->
http://9-11congress.netfirms.com Hill: h9-11congress.netfirms.com/Hill_7.html burningbush.netfirms.com/Eleanor_Hill.html Tenet: 9-11congress.netfirms.com/Tenet.html Hayden: 9-11congress.netfirms.com/Hayden.html etc...)

14) Moussaouis (->) own warning ignored: An FBI supervisor, sounding a prophetic pre-September 11 alarm, warned FBI headquarters that student pilot Moussaoui,HabibZacarias was so dangerous he might "take control of a plane and fly it into the World Trade Center," a congressional investigator said in a report. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid=512&ncid=716&e=4&u=/ap/20020924/ap_on_go_co/attacks_intelligence

FBI agent Rowley, Coleen took this warning and evidence serious, bot got ignored by FBIHQ, FISA and the NSLU. Pan AM and the Faa, confirmed by Minnesota Rep. Jim Oberstar, knew about Moussaoui: "After his arrest, Pan Am learned that Moussaoui had flown 57 hours in a Cessna 152 in Oklahoma but never soloed, an accomplishment usually achieved after 20 hours." www.startribune.com/stories/1576/913687.html

French anti-terrorism Judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere, in charge of the investigation, opened his inquiry into the alleged embassy plot September 10 -- a day before the catastrophic attacks in New York and Washington. detnews.com/2001/nation/0110/03/a07-309216.htm

The French Intelligence warned of a terrorist attack, when they learned on Moussaoui. detnews.com/2001/nation/0110/03/a07-309216.htm
They confirmed, that the CIA ignored a visit by Bin Laden in a Dubai Hospital (->) in June 2001: "
French Intelligence sources say that another CIA agent was present; and that Bin Laden was visited by Prince Turki al Faisal (->), then head of Saudi intelligence (->), who had long had links with the Taliban, and Bin Laden."

15) Kenneth Williams (->) warning ignored "A Minnesota FBI agent investigating Moussaoui, Habib Zacarias testified yesterday that he notified the Secret Service weeks before Sept. 11 that a terror team might hijack a plane and "hit the nation's capital." www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/57848.htm

Williams released the Phoenix-memo (->), which included a warning on muslim students in US flight schools.

16) Between September 6th and 7th, 2001, put options (a speculation that the stock will go down) totaling 4,744 are purchased on United Air Lines stock, as opposed to only 396 call options (speculation that the stock will go up). This is a dramatic and abnormal increase in sales of put options. Many of the United puts are purchased through Deutschebank/A.B. Brown, a firm managed until 1998 by the current executive director of the CIA, A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard. (Source: The

Herzliyya International Policy Institute for Counterterrorism (ICT), http://www.ict.org.il ) (-> Insider Trading, CIA), (-> Insider Trading, FBI )

The New York Times reported the findings of Ernest Welteke (German Bundesbank) that "there have been fundamental movements in these markets (airline stocks) and the oil price rise just ahead of the attacks is otherwise inexplicable." Mayo Shattuck III, the head of the Alex Brown unit of Deutschebank -- which had its offices in the WTC -- suddenly resigned from a $30 million, three-year contract on September 12, as reported by the New York Times and other papers.

17) The San Francisco Chronicle reported, that Mayor Brown (->) was called eight hours before the attack and warned that "Americans should be cautious in their travel." (I consider this a general warning only since none of the planes involved were on the West Coast). http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/09/12/MN229389.DTL

18) Author Salman Rushdie (who has written anti-Islamic works) was warned by the FAA on Sept. 3 not to fly to Canada and the US, according to the London Times. He was scheduled to be on Minnesota Public Radio's book club "Talking Volumes" on September 11th. access.mpr.org/support/marketing/posters/20010922_talkingvolumesb.html

19) The Defense Language Institute in Monterey (->) was put on alert prior to the attacks, as well as some overseas embassies and military bases. Monterey Officer Steve Butler (->) later accused President Bush of letting the attack happen on purpose.

20) Project Bojinka was well known to the CIA, an older terror plan to crash planes into buildings 21) Former FBI agent Robert Wright (->) (and 9 unidentified other agents) contacted former Top Prosecutor David Schippers (->) and warned of an attack. Schippers tried to reach John Ashcroft, without success.

22) Alex Diamandis, vice president of sales and marketing, confirmed that workers in Odigo's research and development and international sales office in Israel received a warning from another Odigo (->) user approximately two hours prior to the first attack. http://www.newsbytes.com/news/01/170583.html www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=77744 (-> Holinger Inc.)

23) Warning of member at TV Clubhouse: Jeannenjim Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 03:32 pm "I heard earlier today they knew this was coming ... I have a brother who lives and works close to the Wright/Patterson Air Force base in Dayton (->) ...The company he works for said the officials at W/P advised them to send home all employees... stating W/P was to be target number 6 and they have known this since last night" NOTE: The company was later identified as Reynolds + Reynolds, a subsidiary of TRW/Raytheon. (->) The responsible executive was Philip A. Odeen (->)

24) The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), quoting unnamed German intelligence sources, said that the Echelon (->) spy network was being used to collect information about the terrorist threats, and that U.K. intelligence services had advance warning. www.bizreport.com/article.php?art_id=2137&width=800

25) Italian Deputy Prime Minister Gianfranco Fini spoke on Italian television of parallels between the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and warnings received before the Genoa meeting. "Many people joked about the Italian Intelligence Force," Mr Fini said. "But actually they had information that in Genoa there was the hypothesis of an attack on the American President with the use of an airplane. That is why we closed the air space above Genoa and installed anti-aircraft missiles. www.theage.com.au/news/world/2001/09/27/FFXEBQP02SC.html
At the Genoa Summit, the security measures had been increased: "...Up to 20,000 police and military personnel are involved in the security operation"

26) Former Top Anti-Terror FBI-agent ONeill, John warned about an attack: Under the influence of U.S. oil companies, the government of George W. Bush initially blocked U.S. secret service investigations on terrorism, while it bargained with the Taliban the delivery of Osama bin Laden... ..the Federal Bureau of Investigation's deputy director John O'Neill resigned in July in protest over the obstruction." www.intelligenceonline.com/p_index.asp 27) Pakistan knew about threats and the planning of the war- at the same time: "A former Pakistani diplomat has told the BBC that the US was planning military action against Osama Bin Laden and the Taleban even before last week's attacks. Niaz Naik (->), a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told by senior American officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October (2001)" news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/south_asia/newsid_1550000/1550366.stm

28) Jeb Bush (->) signed Emergency Executive Order 01-261 on Friday September 7th, 2001, but didn't disclose, why. sun6.dms.state.fl.us/eog_new/eog/orders/2001/september/eo2001-261-09-07-01.html (->Informants) (->Butler, Steve)

29) George Bush, George Tenet, Andrew Card, Condoleeza Rice, Sen. Richard Shelby, Sen. Bob Graham, Porter Goss, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Cheney received a memo (->) on August 6th, 2001 about a warning on an attack with planes. Condoleeza Rice (->) not only knew about the Ashroft warning and received the CIA-memo ( www.newsmax.com/showinsidecover.shtml?a=2002/5/28/231650 ) , she received two more warnings within the same week before
September 11th, by Gary Hart and Dana Rohrabacher. Five days before September 11, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice was warned that a terrorist attack inside the United States was imminent.

30) Walid Arkehs warning: A Florida inmate claimed he warned the FBI last summer that al Qaeda was planning a terror attack on New York - but his words were ignored. "I told them something big was going to happen in New York City," Walid Arkeh, 35, said in an interview with the Orlando Sentinel. In August, he got word to the FBI that he had information on a planned terror attack. But when two FBI agents showed up at the to interview him Aug. 21, he said he would tell what he knew only if he was freed from prison, given asylum in the United States and offered the kind of security granted by the witness-protection program. Arkeh said one of the agents told him, "Is that all you have?" The FBI never returned until the afternoon of September 11, when agents showed up again to speak to him. www.nypost.com/seven/01072002/news/nationalnews/38382.htm

31) Cayman Islands warning: As the Los Angeles Times revealed: "Two weeks before the hijackings, an anonymous letter sent to a Cayman Islands radio station warned that the three might be involved with bin Laden in preparing 'a major terrorist act against the US via an airline or airlines.'" Meanwhile, the Ottawa Citizen reported, that "a man in the Cayman Islands was said to have contacted American authorities in late August saying he overheard three Afghan men in a bar discussing planned attacks on the US." There's no way to know if this man and the letter-writer are the same person, or whether these three men are the same ones mentioned in the letter, but either way at least one person knew what was going to happen and warned the authorities and the media."

32) Twin Towers on high alert: "Over the past few weeks we'd been evacuated a number of times, which is unusual..: ...Ben Fountain, 42, a financial analyst with Fireman's Fund, was coming out of the Chambers Street Station, headed for his office on the 47th floor of the south tower. How could they let this happen? They knew this building was a target. Over the past few weeks we'd been evacuated a number of times, which is unusual. I think they had an inkling something was going on." people.aol.com/people/special/0,11859,174592-5,00.html CounterPunch has learned from two sources that a) three weeks before the attack of September 11 security at the World Trade Center was abruptly heightened and that B) six weeks before the attack a US army base in New Jersey was placed on top security alert. http://www.counterpunch.org/bombsense.html

33) Portland eyewitness report (by Maine Mary, DU): "On August 11th, I brought my daughter to Maine's Portland airport to send her off for a visit with her father in Arizona. I'm very familiar with that particular airport and nothing seemed any different. As usual, I was able to walk right through the baggage check area with her and to the Gate she would leave from. But everthing was suddenly different when I came to pick her up on August 26th. The most notable was the fact that no one was allowed to wait at the Gate(s). Only people coming from, or going on a flight were allowed through the baggage check area right up to the gate(s). I had never seen Portland do that before and furthermore, it isn't set up well to have so many people say hello or goodbye to their loved ones in the small area we were allowed in."

34) John Ashcroft was warned: July 26th, 2001: "In response to inquiries from CBS News over why Ashcroft was traveling exclusively by leased jet aircraft instead of commercial airlines, the Justice Department cited what it called a "threat assessment" by the FBI, and said Ashcroft has been advised to travel only by private jet for the remainder of his term. "There was a threat assessment and there are guidelines. He is acting under the guidelines," an FBI spokesman said. Neither the FBI nor the Justice Department, however, would identify what the threat was, when it was detected or who made it. www.cbsnews.com/now/story/0,1597,303601-412,00.shtml (->Ashcroft, Flying High)

35) Al-Jazeera US-Website mirror was shutdown by FBI 4 days before September 11th: Sep 7th, 2001: "An 80-member FBI terrorism task force on Wednesday and Thursday raided the offices of InfoCom Corporation, a Texas-based company that hosts a broad array of Arab Web sites, including the Arab world's leading news channel. The FBI said the action was part of a two-year investigation by the North Texas Joint Terrorism Task Force, but declined to give specific reasons for the raid" www.newsfactor.com/perl/printer/13407/ (-> Al Jazeera website shutdown)

36) Bob Gipson warning: "Bob Gipson of El Dorado County, California, wrote his congressman expressing his fear that the U.S. government would orchestrate a terrorist attack on "certain" U.S. cities and blame the attacks on "Islamic terrorists." Gipson told Rep. John T. Doolittle (R-Ca) he thought the "operation" would be a platform for declaring martial law in the U.S." www.onlinejournal.com/Commentary/Lynn032702/lynn032702.html

37) US Congress Member Dana Rohrabacher (->) tried to warn the US Department and arranged an appointment a few days before September11th.

38) Former naval intelligence officer Delmart Vreeland (->)claimed, he tried to warn the US Intelligence with a letter, while he was in prison.

39) The Pentagon was warned on September 10th: On Sept. 10, NEWSWEEK has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns. www.msnbc.com/news/629606.asp?0sp=w13b2#BODY
The idea that authorities had no idea the Pentagon could be a target is laughable, according to information in the Daily Telegraph. "For years, staff at the Pentagon joked that they worked at 'Ground Zero', the spot at which an incoming nuclear missile aimed at America's defenses would explode. There is even a snack bar of that name in the central courtyard of the five-sided building, America's most obvious military bullseye. In October 2000 the Pentagon built a miniature Pentagon and crashed some planes into it.

pentasim1.jpgpentasim2.jpgpentasim3.jpg (See Pentagon,SimulatedCrash)

40) General Tommy Franks and Jeffery Starr on "high alert" ?: British newspaper The Guardian: According to it, a U.S. department of defense official, Dr. Jeffrey Starr, visited Tajikistan in January, and U.S. Rangers were training special troops in Kyrgyzstan. The head of the current Afghan war, General Tommy Franks, visited Dushanbe on May 16, 2001, calling Tajikistan "a strategically significant country." http://www.centrexnews.com/ http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4264545,00.html

41) The Faa issued 6 warnings or bulletins on possible attacks between January 2001 and August 2001 but ignored the Moussaoui-warning in a public statement. However, FAA Administrator Jane Garvey and other agency officials did not order any new security measures. Airlines and airports said they received no detailed warnings from the federal government that would have prepared them for the September 11 attacks. Official statements had been made by Delta spokeswoman Peggy Estes, Barbara Platt, spokeswoman for Massachusetts Port Authority, which runs Boston's Logan Airport http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,52998,00.html

42) Own US Congress-Reports ignored: In December 2000, a committee appointed by Congress ­ the Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction ­ released their second annual report. It flatly stated: "We are impelled by the stark realization that a terrorist attack on some level inside our borders is inevitable" On September 10, 2001, the Congressional Research Service issued a report titled "Terrorism: Near Eastern Groups and State Sponsors." This prescient report stated: "Signs continue to point to... a rise in the scope of threat posed by the independent network of exiled Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden.... Osama bin Laden's network, which is independently financed and enjoys safe haven in Afghanistan, poses an increasingly significant threat to US interests in the Near East and perhaps elsewhere." On September 18th, the second 911-panel confirmed, that a "plan to attack WTC was among warnings that preceded 9/11." http://www.msnbc.com/news/809484.asp

43) On September 7, 2001, the State Department issued a "worldwide caution" which said: "American citizens may be the target of a terrorist threat from extremist groups with links to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda organization." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/09/14/MN92245.DTL
Former US Secretary of State George Schultz said he was "startled" by the State Department's memo. "I have no idea what intelligence lies behind the warning, but they put this out because they had some sort of intelligence," he said. "They had some sort of rumbling of something, even if they didn't pinpoint it in the right direction.... Something was cooking."

44) Airline News Warning: "US Airlines May Be a Terror Risk Over Next 3 Days," read the headline of a story from Airjet Airline World News. Dated June 23, 2001, the news release is worth quoting at length: "With US Gulf forces already on high alert, the US State Department is expected to issue a travel advisory shortly warning Americans traveling overseas to be on their guard."

45) Suspicious Observations ignored In June 2001, Federal Protective Service officers in New York arrested three Middle Eastern men who were engaged in photographic reconnaissance of federal buildings in New York City. In another stunning display of incompetence, after the FBI and INS interrogated the men, they were let go, according to the New York Post.

46) Atta (->) was under surveillance: From January to May 2000, Mohamed Atta ­ considered the ringleader of the hijacking teams ­ lived in Frankfurt, Germany, where the CIA had him under surveillance. (According to the German news magazine Focus, the agents didn't tell German authorities about Atta, who came to the US in June 2000 to take flying lessons.) This is in stark contrast to the statements of authorities, who claim that as of Atta's entry into the US in January 2001, they had no idea he was involved in terrorist activity. On a related note, German security officials say they had been observing Said Bahaji ­ a prime suspect under warrant for the 911 attacks ­ at some point before September 11. Atta was under surveillance by the Mossad, too. "Just a month before the deadly attacks, the paper said, Mossad handed over to the Americans a detailed report naming several suspects they believe were preparing an attack on the United States. The ring was reportedly hard on the heels of at least four members of the hijack gang, including its leader Atta,Mohammad. The paper also claims that the CIA failed to inform the German authorities that Ramzi Binalshibh, a key logistics man for the attacks, had attended a high level meeting of al-Qaeda activists in Malaysia over 18 months before 11 September. Without that information the Germans could not prevent him re-entering the country and contacting the Hamburg cell that was planning the hijackings. " www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,216421,00.html www.zeit.de/2002/41/Politik/200241_fahndungspannen.html news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/2294487.stm

47) Iraq was on high alert: Two weeks before the attacks, Saddam Hussein put his military on its highest state of alert, something he hadn't done since the Gulf War a decade earlier. He hid in his network of bunkers and moved his wives out of their palatial residence in Baghdad. What makes this so suspicious is that Hussein had no apparent reason for declaring a red alert and going into hiding. A US intelligence official commented: "He was clearly expecting a massive attack and it leads you to wonder why."

48) Russias President Putin warned Bush personally of an attack during the Summer of 2001, same to the Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov. izvestia.ru/rubr.cgi?id=5542&idr=523%20
Already during the summer of 2001, Russian media were abuzz with talks of some kind of "attack" against the US that would destabilize and perhaps topple the economy. Russian citizens were urged to convert their dollar to rubles. On July 12, Pravda ran a page-one article headlined, "The Dollar and America Will Fall Down on August 19".

49) Iranian prisoner warning: An Iranian man being held in Hanover warned US intelligence officials of an attack that was to take place in America the week of September 10. After pleading with his captors to let him talk to authorities in America, he was allowed to call (at least one of those he called was the Secret Service). However, US officials hung up on him when he said that he was awaiting deportation from Germany. Mere hours before the 911 attacks commenced, the 29-year-old begged to fax a letter to President Bush. He was denied the chance.

50) Ex-FBI Officials Admit of Knowledge of the Coming Attacks: "Rusty Capps, a retired FBI counterterrorism chief: "We've had indications this was coming for some years." (Knight Ridder News Service 27 Sept 2001) Michael Cherkasky, former New York City prosecutor who worked on the 1993 WTC bombing investigation and currently the head of Kroll, Inc., a well-known security company: "I believe that we had sufficient, specific information to say we were at enormous risk during the year 2000, 2001 of having a very, very serious incident here." ("Warning Signs." NBC News 23 Sept 2001) Jerry Bremer, a former State Department terrorism expert and the chair of a national commission on terrorism in 2000: "We all predicted this. We had strategic warning. This is not something the analysts missed. (Boston Globe 15 Sept 2001)

51) Warning was passed to US Army Medical Corps and NSC: In August 2001, Drs Garth Nicholoson and Nancy Nicholson, two of the world's most distinguished Mycoplasma researchers on Gulf War Syndrome, informed Pentagon officials that they had "confirmed intelligence that on September 11, 2001, a terrorist strike against the Pentagon would be made." They cited their sources as including "individuals in key intelligence positions and one high-level African diplomat." Their information was passed to the Inspector General of the U.S. Army Medical Corps and the National Security Council. "Unfortunately it was ignored," says Dr Garth Nicholson.

52) As learned from the second 911 hearings (->) in September 2002, in July 2001, the DCI's CTC was aware of an individual who had recently been in Afghanistan who had reported, "Everyone is talking about an impending attack." The Intelligence Community was also aware that Bin Ladin had stepped up his propaganda efforts in the preceding months. On August 23, 2001, the Intelligence Community requested that two individuals, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawafal-Hazmi, who had first come to the attention of the Intelligence Community in 1999 as possible associates of Usama Bin Ladin's terrorist network, be added to the U.S. Department of State's watchlist for denying visas to individuals attempting to enter the United States. A briefing prepared for senior government officials at the beginning of July 2001 contained the following language: "Based on a review of all-source reporting over the last five months, we believe that LJBL will launch a significant terrorist attack against U.S. and/or Israeli interests in the coming weeks. The attack will be spectacular and designed to inflict mass casualties against U.S. facilities or interests. In August 2001, based on information it had in its possession at the time, the CIA sent a message to the FAA asking the FAA to advise corporate security directors of U.S. air carriers of the following information: "A group of six Pakistanis currently based in La Paz, Bolivia may be planning to conduct a hijacking, or possibly a bombing or an act of sabotage against a commercial airliner. In late summer 2001, the Intelligence Community obtained information that an individual associated with al-Qa'ida was considering mounting terrorist operations in the United States. intelligence.senate.gov/0209hrg/020918/hill.pdf burningbush.netfirms.com/Eleanor_Hill.html forums.delphiforums.com/ground_zero2001/messages?msg=1452.12

53) As learned from an interview between FEMA spokesman Tom Kennedy and CBS Dan Rather on Sep12th, 2001, one team from FEMA was apparently in New York on "monday evening", September 10th. whatreallyhappened.com/fematape.html FEMA was able to install in time one of their emergency softwares, a new trial upgrade of Fdonscene, which was installed on September 11th, confirmed by Skip Trudo of NJ Field Communications. (-> Abbott, Tom)
Pentagon, Simulated Crash)

54) The CIA knew what was going on and already confirmed it: On April 12, 2002, James Pavitt, Deputy Director of CIA Operations, speaking at the Duke University Law School Conference, said, "We had very, very good intelligence of the general structure and strategies of the al Qaeda terrorist organization. We knew and we warned that al Qaeda was planning a major strike" The FBI confirmed on Sep24th, that they "knew that several associates of Osama bin Laden had trained at U.S. flight schools, but believed the al Qaeda leader needed pilots to transport goods in Afghanistan" alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N24304866

But noone of any officials was fired. Without any further public notice, however FBIHQ-Officers Dale Watson and Robert J. Chiaradio quit their job in 2002, another CIA-officer Cofer Black quit his job without any further explanation. It has been standard FAA procedure for more than 25 years to scramble U.S. fighters to intercept -- not shoot down -- any errant or non-responsive aircraft under FAA control. At the end of 2002 the US Government still defined September 11th as the result of "incompetence" or "intelligence failure". (See Faa-Warnings) Compare: (See Thompson,Paul) http://www.propagandamatrix.com/archiveprior_knowledge.html

Edited by Steven Gaal
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