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Chang'e 3

Evan Burton

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Interesting to see that some of the ol' rabid HBs are now loudly decrying the landing of the PRC's Chang'e 3 lunar lander and explorer, claiming it is "faked". Laughably, some are using the already debunked "classic claims" from the Apollo days.

Of course, some asked if the Chang'e 3 could image the Apollo landing sites; when told that the nearest site was about 1000KM away, a HB posted "How convenient". Thus is the mind of a HB.

Congratulations to the PRC on a great achievement.

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Absolutely Evan. New technology, new research. Fascinating. A number of nations, apart from the traditional ones, (India, Iran, Europe..) are launching various endeavours. I wouldn't be surprised if what's coming will be more spectacular than the USA, USSR efforts which while amazing in themselves they were very much a proving ground for new technologies of the time so many now can go from there. Kinda makes me wish I was much younger, but then wouldn't have been there to follow the missions of the day.

I prefer to think of the 'tinfoilers' as eccentrics with a peculiar sense of compensatory humour. When I think of them at all, that is.

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G'day John,

I am not happy with a lot of what the PRC is doing but it is great to see their space programmes are achiving their aims. As you say, I would not be surprised to see them become the leaders in space technology. In fact, a recent issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology headed the article "China: From laggard to leader".

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  • 1 year later...

Interesting to see that some of the ol' rabid HBs are now loudly decrying the landing of the PRC's Chang'e 3 lunar lander and explorer, claiming it is "faked". Laughably, some are using the already debunked "classic claims" from the Apollo days.

Of course, some asked if the Chang'e 3 could image the Apollo landing sites; when told that the nearest site was about 1000KM away, a HB posted "How convenient". Thus is the mind of a HB.

Congratulations to the PRC on a great achievement.

In addition, the HB's bemoan the fact of a buffer zone around A11 and A17


The Blunder from Down Under has added comment is his LRO series concerning the no-fly and buffer zones.

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