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MAJOR CONFERENCE: JFK Vigil - Assemble on JFK's Birthday, 5/29/14: Free the CIA/JFK Files

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Please accept your invitation TODAY! (video link: www.MadAsHell.net) - JFK said “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.” His words and this video are your invitation to join together in a peaceful and Constitutional Assembly on the anniversary of JFK's birth, May 29, 2014 at 12:30 p.m., on the public terraces of The Kennedy Center, petitioning by your presence for immediate release of all the still secret JFK records, starting with the “CIA SEVEN” Most Wanted files, and return of the CIA to its original, intelligence-only mandate. Honor John F. Kennedy. Free the files and find the truth. Restore America as a Free and Constitutional Republic.


Facebook JFK activist Diane Antonio recently suggested that there should be simultaneous, global events to Honor JFK on the anniversary of his birthday, May 29, 2014. Diane absolutely nailed it with her idea. So the current Facebook Event page calling for a July 4th Constitutional Assembly at the Kennedy Center, to Free the CIA/JFK Files is being updated to reflect this preliminary event at the Kennedy Center's public terraces on that date. This may either preclude the need... for (or intensify the importance and attendance of) any subsequent gathering, whether July 4, 2014 or perhaps coinciding with the window of time from 11/22/14 until the 2014 Kennedy Center Honors.

I will be correcting various technical glitches in the first video to add a new one, notably updating date-related images to highlight this now earlier, preliminary event on 5/29/14. While updating, I will make sure that creation of the JFK "Free-the-Files" poster as used for COPA's 2013 JFK/Dallas Conference is appropriately attributed to Gene Case, who has left us the brilliant legacy of his organization: www.AvengingAngels.org.

I've emailed Stephen Kling and Sylvia Rodriguez Case ("Avenging Angel's") to discuss/ask their assistance in building/ operating website www.HonorJFK.com as a helpful focal point for coordination of free-the-files events on the occasion of JFK's birthday, May 29, 2014. Here are some more details about Gene Case and the organization he founded:

"Gene Case was a leading figure in advertising's Creative Revolution of the 1960s and a founder of the agency Jordan, Case & McGrath, later acquired by Havas. In 2001, Gene retired from Jordan, Case to found Avenging Angels Inc., and devote his talents, and those of his dedicated inner circle, exclusively to progressive causes. Gene was a giant who fought giants with the most humble of weapons: words. Gene taught that clarity would always be persuasive. He had an unwavering faith that ordinary people would make the right decisions if they simply understood the facts. He believed in truth, and that by telling the truth we could change the world. He died suddenly in September, 2010, leaving the organization he created to carry his work forward as he would have done. We carry on in his tradition of excellence and the courage to tell truth to power."

Gene Case was a brilliant and perceptive man:

“At one small gathering of key JFK researchers for a weekend he asked ‘Is this just a hobby for you guys or do you want do something about it?’”

“His slogan for Avenging Angels, Inc. was ‘It’s time for the better angels of our nature to start kicking ass!’”

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I blindly cut and paste the above message as a favor to a person who, while basically being a total stranger, appeared to just be a fellow earnest researcher. I do not endorse any view this person has; just being a nice guy and cutting and pasting what appeared, at first glance, to be a decent conference

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COPA Conference Poster and Political Opportunism

February 3, 2014
By admin

The official poster logo and artwork used for our national conference in Dallas in 2013, “Fifty Years is Enough! Free the Files, Find the Truth”, showing the famous Kennedy half dollar issued in 1964 with a bullet hole and blood and the conference title slogan above, with a reference to our website was specifically and exclusively designed for our use and for the conference by former JFK assassination researcher and advertising expert Gene Case. Permission for exclusive use by COPA was given by Gene’s widow, Sylvia Rodriguez and by the artist who designed the poster.

It has come to our attention that certain individuals have appropriated the image for use, often without reference to COPA as the source, without prior permission or request. We ask that they cease and desist in such unauthorized use, regardless of their intent.

Some argue that anything posted on the Internet is somehow fair game for download and use without even asking. In our view this not only violates the intellectual property rights of the artist and the creator but also breaks the rules of common decency and courtesy. Some continue to defend their use on the grounds that COPA needs to post notice to deny them the right to do these violations. If so, consider this such a notice.

Continued use after being informed that permission was denied in our view dishonors Gene Case, the artist and the serious research community COPA represents, and is a form of political opportunism that should not be encouraged.

COPA and other members of the research community have long been involved in the struggle to free the files regarding the Kennedy assassination, and in fact this guided the formation and work of COPA from the beginning.

Our member organizations were responsible for both the passage and the implementation of the JFK Assassination Records Act, and continue to push for full release of files under that act or by any other method.

We have spent decades using FOIA requests and lawsuits, appeared in public forums of government agencies tasked with release, including the ARRB, NARA, PIDB and the NDC as well as the specific agencies withholding the files to demand expedited release. We have at times taken part in public demonstrations focused on the release of these files, not the least being our annual Moment of Silence held in Dealey Plaza on November 22.

We welcome and encourage others to join us in this effort if they are sincere and if they want to work together with those who have been involved for many years.

We also welcome any and all public demonstrations and other pressure put on the government for full disclosure and release of records if done in a legal and nonviolent manner by those whose agenda is simply such transparency in the historical record.

We will not sponsor or endorse individual actions that conflict or compete with our announced annual events or the actions of those who misuse our name, wrongfully appropriate our images with or without asking permission, or demonstrate an opportunism by planning events without reference to or cooperation with the existing body of researchers and organizations who have worked on this issue for so long.

Calling for “working together” after making the planned actions and themes solely by themselves, defending conflicting events with no interest in the harm done, and continuing to defend unprincipled actions is the definition of political opportunism in our view, and an attempt to wrongly lead or take credit for the majority public support for release of the JFK files with no history of working on the issue, and in contempt of those who worked for decades to build that support.

We call on COPA members and the serious research community to withhold cooperation with individuals and groups who demonstrate this sort of opportunism. We also, again call on everyone to cease and desist in reproduction, reprinting or any use of our conference poster, artwork and slogan.

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