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Roger Stone on House of Cards: Is Frank Underwood LBJ?

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House of Cards: Is Frank Underwood LBJ?

Article by Roger Stone

April 30, 2014



Wow. Roger Stone doesn't like Johnson. His dislike for him impedes his judgment at times, IMO.

Stone's defense of Nixon is another matter. Why mock "Luci Bird" for trying to resuscitate her father's reputation, when Stone and his ilk continue to defend Nixon, and deify Reagan? Why not just admit Johnson and Nixon were both skunks, and that Reagan was an arms-for-hostage-trading hypocrite, and an average President at best?

Johnson greatly expanded a (probably) pointless war for political reasons, to the detriment of most everyone involved. Nixon got elected after bragging he had a secret plan to end the war--and then continued the war for political reasons, only to end the war under nearly identical terms to those on the table when he took power. Both men have blood on their hands, IMO.

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Stone calls LBJ a racist, but historian Robert Caro disagrees:

Caro: The reason it’s questioned is that for no less than 20 years in Congress, from 1937 to 1957, Johnson’s record was on the side of the South. He not only voted with the South on civil rights, but he was a southern strategist, but in 1957, he changes and pushes through the first civil rights bill since Reconstruction. He always had this true, deep compassion to help poor people and particularly poor people of color, but even stronger than the compassion was his ambition. But when the two aligned, when compassion and ambition finally are pointing in the same direction, then Lyndon Johnson becomes a force for racial justice, unequalled certainly since Lincoln.


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Guest Robert Morrow

Lyndon Johnson was a racist, and a hard core racist at that. However, he did try to "integrate" his black secretary Gerri Whittington in July, 1964.


Lyndon Johnson tried to have sex with his black secretary Gerri Whittington - July 1964

“Gerri’s last trip to the Texas White House would be on the weekend of July 4, 1964. Lyndon was always so casual and relaxed at the ranch, which, much more than the real White House, he considered his own space, where he could do as he pleased. According to his aides in earlier years, this included nocturnal wanderings with a flashlight into staff bedrooms. What happened behind those doors is known only to those staff members whose rooms he entered, but it was certain that others would know he was there. There was little likelihood that the president of the United States could wander about in the night - even in his own home - without someone hearing him and drawing his or her own conclusion. Regardless of his motive, this kind of behavior would be highly offensive to someone like Gerri, who valued her reputation as much as anything in life. This was something Lyndon apparently didn’t understand…. So he probably gave it little thought before he showed up at Gerri’s room one night after everyone had retired. Gerri thought she handled it quite well. Without waiting to learn why he was there, she told LBJ she wasn’t feeling well, and although it was nothing serious, just her time of the month, she had to get to sleep. With that, she nixed the possibility of anything from chitchat to- well, Lyndon did have a reputation, although with Gerri he had always acted appropriately. He left, and that’s the way it was. Mulling it over later, she thought perhaps he just wanted to talk. But this was not the right time or place. She realized, however, that her calm and quiet brush-off did not assure it would not happen again, and she wanted to make sure it didn’t. When the president and entourage returned to Washington after the holiday weekend, Gerri avoided the president while she thought it over. She told me she had considered resigning, but hoped it wouldn’t come to that….At the end of the week, when she finally came face to face with the president in the secretaries’ office, he commented (with some exaggeration and maybe a little sarcasm), “Did you decide to come to work - haven’t seen you over here in a week or so?” The secretary keeping the president’s diary that day noted the comment, as well as some good-natured banter with the other secretaries.Gerri felt she may have made her pointby her absence.”

[simeon Booker, Shocking the Conscience: A Reporter’s Account of the Civil Rights Movement, pp. 244-245]

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