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Secret Service Agents Response

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YARBOROUGH: When the noise of the shot was heard, the motorcade slowed to what seemed to me a complete stop (though it could have been a near stop). After what I took to be about three seconds, another shot boomed out, and after what I took to be one-half the time between the first and second shots (calculated now, this would have put the third shot about one and one-half seconds after the second shot--by my estimate--to me there seemed to be a long time between the first and second shots, a much shorter time between the second and third shots--these were my impressions that day), a third shot was fired. After the third shot was fired, but only after the third shot was fired, the cavalcade speeded up, gained speed rapidly, and roared away to the Parkland Hospital.

The motorcade coming to a halt is congruous with the queen mary and motorcycle escorts coming to a halt as a result of the fatal head wound.

This is when JOHNS, KIVITT and TAYLOR react and start to exit from the VP follow-up vehicle.

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Can't believe testimony, can't believe that certain testimony can be corroborated by films and by photographs, can't believe that the films and photographs do not corroborate the WC/R theory or corroborate ANY conspiracy theory?

Then continue to read the non-sense that the pundits publish and the documentaries on PBS and be happy that the assassination will always remain a mystery to you.

There is a great deal more evidence that can be posted, but by the lack of response on this thread, it seems a bit hopeless that anyone really cares to know the truth or is capable of recognizing it.

To those that think of themselves as researchers...keep working on it, the truth may dawn on you some day.


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VP follow-up car is pulled to the left and has stopped near where HARGIS and MARTIN stopped when the first shot from a high powered rifle was fired / fatal head wound.

Yellow circle shows open back door on SSA TAYLORS side of follow-up vehicle.

WEIGMAN frame, car in front is National Press Pool Car, in front of that is CABELLS vehicle, hard to discern and then the VP follow-up car as indicated with back door wide open.

NOTICE the break lights are on in the car in front, the National Press Pool Car?


Edited by Robert Mady
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If we were to play a game and move the motorcade up to where we know the VP vehicle to be at the moment of the fatal head shot we could use the model that was built to imitate ALTGENS #6, we would just count the limo to be about were the VP car was and so on...


Edited by Robert Mady
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Robert, I think I asked this once before but in your long string of posts its easy to get lost. Before writing us all off could you just simply state the conclusion of your work and what

scenario you are supporting with the pictures. Not trying to be difficult but for the simple minded such as myself, what is your point? What happened that everyone else who

has researched this missed up to now?

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Larry, thank you for the response and the question.

What I believe the evidence that has been posted proves is; four shots were fired during the assassination, not three.

First shot made little noise, four SSA did hear this noise but dismissed it as non-threating, a few other witnesses heard this noise, the terminology used by witnesses that actually heard this was 'a noise' or 'firecracker' like. I posted reaction to hearing this noise in that SSA READY, LANDIS, HICKEY and HILL all simultaneously look toward the grassy knoll after Z-190 and continue to peer in that direction until Z-207 or Z-210 when they are lost from frame. So this proves that they did not turn to the rear in response to the first noise. Point being, the vast majority of witnesses were unaware of this shot. Also no one was aware that the President had been injured by this shot, including JACKIE KENNEDY.

First shot that was heard by everyone came at Z-313, from a 'high powered rifle', which caused the fatal head wound and two other shots followed in quick succession.

Timing of the assassination as conceived by WC/R and all conspiracy theories is absolutely incorrect.

Evidence has been posted directly equating testimony with films and photographs showing that the 4 shot scenario is closest to being the truth.

Even testimony given in support of the WC/R theory has been grossly misinterpreted, when looking at the details it becomes self-evident that some truths are buried within the testimony and is accessible once it is understood how testimony was crafted to twist the truth.

The primary evidence is films and photographs, the secondary evidence is the testimonies, what is of paramount importance is that testimony can and does match what is observed through media. the problem we have had for 50 years is trying to understand why the testimony seemed useless, we excused the lack of continuity as expected, human error, when the reality was our misconception of the assassination combined with the WC's apparent intention to deceive.

It is also important to fully understand that films and photographs do not corroborate in any significant manner the WC/R theory or any Conspiracy theory.

Before you leap to a conclusion based on 50 years of research I would ask that you read the thread and consider each piece of evidence presented individually, then determine if the combined weight is substantial enough to you, to be conclusive.

Four shot scenario model

~Z-190 shot 1 - 'firecracker' like sound - cause throat wound

~Z-313 shot 2 - 'high powered rifle' - cause fatal head wound

~Z-325 shot 3 - 'high powered rifle' - cause wound to CONNALLY

~Z-360 shot 4 - 'high powered rifle' - cause wound to TAGUE

Bob Mady

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Larry & Tom

Why has everyone missed this four shot assassination scenario model?

This theory was introduced with abundant definitive evidence, every aspect of the four shot scenario presented is corroborated in films, photographs and the majority of testimony.

Why not FIRST consider the evidence presented and discover if the four shot assassination model is accurate and truthful? How would it be possible to KNOW any other way?

Then we can discuss together why this truth took so long to be uncovered.


Prove the interpretation of the evidence to be incorrect and I will take my delusion and not trouble this forum again.

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JFK's head is turned toward the Elm Street crowd on his right at Z-190, no?

I'm thinking that no signs of physical distress in JFK can be postulated before Z-220, which is blurred

Connally's hands (and hat) rise up in reaction to a bullet passing him at Z-225, synchronous with JFK's elbows rising.

Is Connally not first hit at c. Z-290-292? He's in obvious physical distress by Z-295, or else is moved to sing a tragic aria.

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David, the fact that JFK's head is turned toward his right is significant in that it aligns the throat wound with the back wound and the grassy knoll.

Because we can not detect an immediate reaction from JFK to a wound that occurs around Z-190 is not definitive proof that this shot did not occur, it is that we are disappointed that JFK does not react in the manner that WE are expecting. JFK may have been stunned by the shot and it took a few seconds to react.

I can offer an explanation as to what is happening with CONNNALY when you understand the timing, sequence and number of shots.

I ask you to try to comprehend what has been posted on this thread before hoisting preconceived notions on evidence you don't understand.

If your focus is to defend currently held beliefs you can learn nothing new.

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Please be aware that evidence has already been posted on this Forum from;












That the FIRST shot they heard was at the moment of the fatal head wound and other shots followed.

I have gone through over 70 witnesses on a thread in JFK Assassination Forum analyzing all testimonies from eye witnesses of the assassination and almost all of them can be found to corroborate the four shot scenario.

And remember

That the first shot the SSA READY, LANDIS HICKEY and HILL heard had to be around Z-190 at which time they all turned toward the grassy knoll, but none of them took further action.

Edited by Robert Mady
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Thanks for the explanation Bob, that makes your view very clear and personally I've never been hung up on any particular shooting scenario - other than knowing that both the ones offered by the FBI and WC (which themselves conflict) can certainly not be accepted on the face of things...

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Larry, thanks for the post, I hope you take the time to explore the evidence that has been presented in support of the four shot scenario, I am confident that it is so strong that the scenario becomes self evident and precludes the WC/R theory or Conspiracy theories from being a possibility.

I would be happy to answer any questions posed.

Thanks again for taking the time to read the thread.

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