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A Step by Step process to donate to support the site

James R Gordon

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I accept that the donate button has had a few hiccups. However it now does work and here is the process by which a donation can be made.

I am looking into ways to simplify the system, but for the present this system works and is secure.

Step 1:-

Click on the link which will take you to the donate button.


A member is allowed to donate from $1 to $100. The member enters the sum they want to donate and clicks the button.

The Donate Button


Step 2:-

Having done that you are taken to a form. Basically this is information that Paypal needs for the receipt that you get at the end of the process.

The Form to Fill out


Step 3:-

Yes, this stage may seem something of an inconvenience but it is a verification stage. The program is asking you if the information you entered is correct. In this example I have blocked out my own personal details which is why you see nothing.

Confirm Details


Step 4:-

Having agreed that the information is correct you are taken to the account. Here you can choose to either pay by PayPal or by Credit Card.

PayPal Account


After you make your donation you are sent a receipt.

I accept it may seem a little cumbersome at the moment and I am looking into simplifying the system shortly. But the system does work and it is secure.


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