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Peter Dale Scott: Deep State Assassinations: JFK, CIA and Covert OPs

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Suspension of American Constitution: Oliver North

Joseph McBride wrote on Facebook today: I remember vividly watching this live and realizing that (in the words of Dr. Henry Lee), "Something wrong": Rep. Jack Brooks of Texas (who was in the Dallas motorcade) tries to raise the issue of COG (Continuity of Government) during the Iran/contra hearings by questioning Oliver North about his work on that program and in particular its procedures to suspend the Constitution. Brooks is overruled by committee chair Sen. Daniel Inouye (Medial of Honor, World War II), who says they can't discuss the matter in open session. COG was implemented on 9/11 by "President" George W. Bush and has been in effect ever since, with Bush and Obama renewing it each year. Read Peter Dale Scott for more on this program, which few Americans seem to know about or care about if they do. And we wonder why our government seems so dysfunctional (outwardly) and doesn't respond to the will of the voters.

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I think PDS gets some things right. In particular, the central position of illegal drug trade in deep state politics; and the natural alignment of various interest groups. As to the latter, as has been discussed many times, the MIC, the Federal Reserve, the mafia, and certain other groups were presumably aligned in wanting JFK out of the way. To observe this fact, however, is to do no more than state the obvious.

Today many groups with disparate goals are aligned in opposition to President Obama. As a 70-year-old American, I think, so what? And I'm not a huge fan of Mr. Obama.

It's easy for me to believe a bomb-them-to-hell Air Force General rejoiced at the idea his buddies in the CIA killed JFK. Or that a big mafia guy in U.S. City A was convinced a big mafia guy in U.S. City B did the deed. Truth is, many, many powerful and dangerous individuals were doubtless overjoyed at JFK's murder.

JFK was not killed because powerful individuals hated him. I say this, because no president would have survived his presidency if that were the case.

JFK was killed for a practical reason, not an emotional reason. Emotion simply bought into and rejoiced at the killing.

Specter and Humes weren't emotional guys. They had a job to do. They acted practically. They're among the guys focus should be maintained.

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And I'm not a huge fan of Mr. Obama.


Personally, I'm not a "huge" fan of anyone in politics right now, but in the sense of choosing the better of two less than ideal candidates... I'm curious; do you think the USA would be better off today if McCain or Romney had been elected instead of Obama?


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