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Energy and the Human Journey: Where We Have Been; Where We Can Go

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Thanks Krishna:

You have been busy.  I have Why the West Rules - For Now here in my stack to read, and I just ordered his war book.  Someday...  Interesting on England’s trade and the Industrial Revolution.  I can see it being a proximate cause.  Otterbein’s slim book shows the two paths to warfare.  Agrarian civilization warfare was the second path, and the first goes back to the beginning of humanity, and I would argue that it goes back to chimps.  Pastoralists from the Eurasian steppes were devastating to agricultural societies, with the Mongol Hordes being the worst.  Otterbein wrote that all anthropologists that he knew of, who studied war, saw it as a societal failure that they wanted to help eradicate.  

Ed shredded Pinker’s imperial valentine.  

I’ll agree that when we are focused on survival, we rarely see past that, to tomorrow, or outside of our immediate environment.  This is part of the free energy conundrum, as almost everybody is too egocentrically focused, and scarcity is a big part of that.  They can’t or are unwilling to see past their immediate self-interest, and greed, megalomania, and the like take over.  That is one reason why relatively comfortable Fourth Epoch peoples are my likely target audience.  They can broaden their horizons a little, but those people are needles in haystacks in industrial societies, too.  



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Not much time today, but here is a brief addendum to yesterday’s post and avoiding the egocentrism that has plagued all free energy efforts.  All humans have egos.  It comes with being human.  However, we are ego-bound as a species, and the perils and temptations of the free energy pursuit are magnified by orders of magnitude over any other kind of effort.  I intimately know the challenges to the ego that it presents, and when inventors try to get rich and famous, declaring themselves to be the Messiah and Second Coming, their egos have lost the battle.  

I have seen the perils of simply trying to make a living in the free energy field, and I have purposely designed my effort to steer clear of the many pitfalls that I have seen, which have derailed 100% of the independent efforts made over the past century and more.  I don’t ask for money to do what I do, and those primarily guided by self-interest will not be attracted to my effort, unless it will be to coopt or steal it, and they would have a tall task ahead of them.  

I seek people who have achieved, or are attempting to achieve, a soul-centric focus, in which their immediate self-interest takes a back seat, way in the back.  It is the only way that my approach will have a prayer of making a dent.  The comprehensive perspective that I continually impart is designed to help people achieve a larger perspective of our situation.  

That said, anonymity is antithetical to my approach, and being a real person in my effort is manifesting 1% or so of the courage and gumption that my approach needs to have a chance of success.  A gathering of the anonymous is not going to accomplish anything worthwhile, especially for this task.



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It is time for a little post on the choir and reactions to my work.  My list of choir qualities will likely never change, and the order of importance won’t move much, if at all.  I know that I seek needles in haystacks, but I get some strange reactions to that statement, such as denial of that truth as people work over their social circles, to then soon announce that nobody was home and that there are almost no needles on Earth, not enough for an effort like mine to work.  As they hectored me, they failed to realize that they proved my point, instead of invalidated it.  I get those kinds of beginners’ reactions regularly.  Some finally start to get it, but most don’t or won’t.  When they begin to understand that proselytizing to their social circles won’t work, they can go off the deep end.  They thought that some clever talk for a few weeks could save the world.  It won’t work that way.  Egocentric efforts don’t have a prayer for this task.  Only a soul-centric approach has a chance.  

Those kinds of reactions are a big part of why I chose my approach in the first place.  I began seeing them soon after I became Dennis’s partner in 1987, and it was a lot more than just chatting up people’s social circles: we were trying to mount a business effort.  I long ago decided that that approach would not work, and my last involvement in a mass movement effort permanently cured me of those kinds of approaches.  I am doing something so different that almost nobody can begin to comprehend it, and that is OK.  I am not trying to wake up the sleeping, and I relinquished judgment of the situation long ago.  It is just the world we live in and whom we share the planet with.  Those whose opinions I respected understood, but almost nobody else is willing or able to.  They will begin to understand when free energy is delivered into their lives, and not before.  

The world is full of Level 0’s, 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, and 4’s.  People in levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 are not my target audience.  It is probably Level 0s and Level 10s who finally understood the futility of that approach.  Level 0s that become choir candidates are going to be extremely rare, but they might be the best candidates, as they have yet to be swept into the free energy field’s state of arrested development, from which few ever escape, so not many Level 10s will arrive at my doorstep, either.  

It is just what it is, and this path has been teaching me patience:)



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Thanks Krishna:

Ah yes, the good ol’ Aryan Invasion, a close cousin to the Kurgan Invasion, as the patrilineal pastoral tribes invaded and conquered the matrilocal horticultural societies.  The Mongol Hordes were a later manifestation of the same dynamic, as Genghis Khan left behind millions of descendants from his rapist ways.  Yes indeed, the invading men drove the invaded men from the gene pool, as with the Neolithic and Bantu Expansions.  We can arguably call it a universal dynamic, I am sorry to say.  

In the past week, I have read most of Ian Morris’s West vs. East book, began reading his war book, and am waiting for his forager/farmer/fossil fuel book to arrive in the mail.  He and I are pursuing different questions, so our emphases are going be different, but I find myself respecting his mainstream efforts, while I am playing a different game.  Some of his work will make it into my big essay update.  Thanks for making me aware of his work.  



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I am going to start a little thread on the integrity issue.  It keeps rearing its head.  The integrity issue is the primary reason why we do not live in the Fifth Epoch today.  The lessons of integrity were by far the greatest ones of my journey.  Nothing else came close.  But I am regularly challenged on that issue and what I learned, and even well-meaning people have a very difficult time wrapping their hearts and minds around it.  

One way to learn the lesson is to go try to make free energy happen.  If you survive the experience, you will learn that lesson.  By trying to make it happen, I mean go and do what Dennis, Brian, and Greer did, walking the high road, trying to stir things up, risking your life in numerous ways.  They definitely tangled with Godzilla’s minions, which shortened Brian’s life, Dennis miraculously survived, and Greer was never the same.  Onlookers tend to focus on those interactions, and they could certainly be dramatic and deadly, but they really are a minor aspect of the issue.  Far more important was how those men were betrayed by those around them, how apathetic the public was to their efforts, the activities of lower-level suppressors, and the like.  I know Dennis’s journey the best, but I heard plenty about Brian’s and Greer’s, too.  

If you had told me what was in store for me, when that voice suggested that I move to Seattle, I would have never believed any of it, and I would not wish my journey of awakening on anybody, but it did wake me up.  The first several times that I saw attempts by Dennis’s business associates to steal our companies, I was shocked, and Dennis told me to join the club, but before my first stint with Dennis was over, I was attacked by friends and family, including both parents, and my mother even campaigned against me, and she was a complete bystander, not involved at all.  She never even asked for my version of events, but swallowed her employer’s lies whole.  Again, I don’t want anybody that gets involved with me to be able to tell stories like mine.  I am not asking anybody to put their lives on the line as I have, and I don’t play at anything near Dennis’s level.  I was just a spear-carrier, although Dennis says that I threw a few, too, but I am long since done with those days.  A handful passed the integrity test, such as Mr. Professor, but it cost him his life.  That was the single most devastating part of my journey, and I don’t want to bury anybody else because of their involvement with me.  

So, on to the integrity issue.  This will take a few posts.  



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Similar to how the financial economy mimics the real economy, because it has to be based on the real economy, human behaviors are rooted in our biological journey, and when we see similarities with the natural world, it is not just coincidence, but humans are acting out their biological heritage.  All life plays the energy game, which is how life exists, and how life gets its energy can be grouped like this:



All life uses at least one of those modes of energy capture.  Autotrophy does not rely on life for its energy, but “rolls its own” by capturing electron energy from inorganic chemicals or photon energy from the Sun.  Symbiosis has had monumental significance.  Complex life itself owes its existence to the greatest act of symbiosis ever, and in the eon of complex life, the decision by plants to feed animals instead of protect against them led to humanity.  

The lessons of integrity that I learned often mirrored those methods of energy generation, as the human journey has seen people mimic those energy methods in nature.  A Dennis is like an autotroph, building something from nothing, but since all humans are heterotrophs, Dennis is more like a symbiont, going for the win-win.  Like Sparky Sweet, Dennis thought that the electric companies would give him a tickertape parade for bringing the energy conservation that they said they wanted.  Those men discovered the hard way what a big lie the stance of the energy interests are.  They may seem to engage in symbiosis – providing something that people need in a fair exchange, but that is a lie.  They are more like parasites.  

I have seen humanity called the greatest detrivore in Earth’s history, as we mine and burn the remains of ancient life, with coal and oil.  Early elites learned how to skim the cream off of the economies, in what could be called an act of grazing, but they are like parasites, too.  I have likened Godzilla to the king of the jungle, the greatest predator of all, but he is also really a parasite, hiding away as he sucks the lifeblood of humanity, like those gray beings in that hellish Roads world.  

It was only a generation later, as I studied to write my big essay, that I could see how humanity’s behaviors mimicked how nature does it, and it fit neatly with the integrity issue.  If free energy technology was available to the public, all of humanity would be independent, generating their own energy, like an autotroph.  The other modes of human interaction, of grazing, predation, parasitism, and detrivory, would become obsolete, and humans would be autotrophs or symbionts.  You can see that in that heavenly Roads world.  But in our world of scarcity and fear, humans play the games of grazing, predation, parasitism, and detrivory.

One of my favorite quotes on capitalism is this one:

“Criminal: A person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient capital to form a corporation.”

What we encountered on our journey was mostly people being parasites or predators, AKA beggars and thieves, and we had various predators sicced on us, as we threatened to disrupt the milking of the herd that the elites performed.  The GCs may call it a symbiosis, but symbiosis has two willing parties, and the GCs cannot afford to have the public know the real game being played, so it is a parasitic relationship.  They may want to see it as grazing, but it is really parasitic.  

I think that seeing what we encountered on our journey through life’s energy-capture lens that I outlined above can be helpful for understanding the integrity issue, and to also release judgment of the situation.  It is just the world we live in, and the great lack of integrity that humanity has always displayed has energetic roots.



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Every organism does its best to survive, and that is the root of the integrity issue.  “Look out for Number One” is the overriding biological imperative.  All life had to reproduce to exist, and sexual-partner and parent-offspring relationships are the key ones in the journey of complex life.  Caring for one’s offspring created social bonds, and likely goes way back.  The females often carried the bulk of such duties, and males had a wide range of roles, and sometimes became primary caretakers of the offspring.  

Social animals became social because of the benefits that sociality accrued, and mammals, with internal fertilization and the investment that females make, from gestating to nursing their offspring, creates the closest parent-offspring bond in the animal kingdom.  Simians are highly social and brainy, and intelligence, sociality, and evolution are key issues today among scientists who study simians and the path to humanity.  Marginal monkeys left the trees and became apes, and marginal apes left the rainforest and became humansBipedalism, toolmaking, and the rapidly expanding brain are key aspects of becoming human.  A prominent speculation is that the human line began pair-bonding when Homo erectus appeared on the evolutionary scene, and life revolved around the campfire, where meals were prepared (and pair-bonding also likely reflects when paternity became understood).  Just when fire was controlled, and made the hearth possible, is a lively controversy today.

In studying hunter-gatherers, scientist think that the “golden rule” was an ideal in the earliest Homo sapiens, and may go back further.  That ideal of fair treatment is the heart of the integrity issue with humans.  That ideal only applied to the society, however, and out-groups have been fair game for the entirety of the human journey, and it was always economically mediated.  With the “flexible” human conscience, people justified eating their children in hard times.  The “good times” of the human journey were always the early days of exploiting a new energy resource, when people could afford to be magnanimous, but those golden ages always ended when the easy energy did.  I was raised in the most golden of ages, and I have witnessed the decline as the easy energy ran out.  

I am currently reading a book that argues that “productive war,” which was when the out-group was not simply slaughtered but brought into the society (as lower-ranking members, of course, often as slaves), is how humanity has become more peaceful over the millennia.  I’ll report on it later, along with other books by that author, but I have long written that the first civilization saw radically different social organization, along professional lines instead of kin lines.  Social organization radically changed with the next Epoch, when fossil fuels were exploited, as the level of energy use largely determined the social organization.  

Understanding how we got to be this way can greatly help for understanding where we can go when the next Epochal energy source becomes publicly available, but the level of personal integrity (how others are treated) that we have today is what we have to work with, and my days with Dennis comprised a real-world laboratory for learning about the integrity issue.  It was a lab like no other, as the perils and temptations of the free energy pursuit are like nothing else on Earth.  Everybody will tell you that they have integrity, even psychopaths.  It is just how large their in-group is.  For a psychopath (AKA dark pather), it is an in-group of one, for a Jesus, the in-group was all of Creation.  For the rest of us, it is somewhere between those poles.  



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I was planning on making a post that takes a break from the integrity thread, but as I sat down to write it, I realized that it is an integrity post, or the lack thereof.  I am reading Ian Morriss books that Krishna mentioned, and so far, my conclusion is going to be, “not bad for a white guy.”  Morris mentioned Steven Pinker’s The Better Angels of our Nature as the best book on the modern decline in violence.  I found myself rereading Uncle Eds critique of Pinkers book, and Ed, like Noam, was always notable for taking it easy on imperial hacks, usually arguing that they had so deeply imbibed their indoctrination that they were incapable of seeing how irrational their work was, and it took me many years to really understand what Ed was saying.  We don’t need to invoke conscious dishonesty or a “conspiracy” when other dynamics produce the same results.  But in Eds critique of Pinkers book, Ed outright called Pinker’s work dishonest, and I can see why.  

I crunch numbers for a living, and have a pretty good BS detector for when people play games with the numbers to make them say what they want to.  Ed showed how Pinker did that repeatedly in Better Angels, and when his statistical gymnastics actually failed to make his bogus points, Pinker then engaged in transparent sophistry to explain the data away.  

One of Pinker’s exercises in particular raised my hackles, when he attacked Lancets study in violent death in Iraq after the American invasion, and instead embraced the Iraq Body Count numbers, which were admittedly an undercount.  Pinker raised the Main Street Bias issue, which a chorus of imperial hacks jumped on in the wake of the publication of Lancets study, which is considered the only statistically valid study of Iraq’s violent deaths, and it used best-practice methods.  I studied the attacks on Lancets study in real-time, when they came out, and it was disgusting.  It was just another bunch of imperial hacks trying to cover up genocide.  

Pinker is a Canadian at Harvard, and Morris is a Brit at Stanford, and both are, to a degree, bootlicking the USA.  Morris much less so, but his praise of Pinker’s book is telling.  Bill Gates and other “humanitarians” praised Pinker’s imperial valentine, and then took photo ops with people such as Paul Kagame.  Gates’s IQ is a lot higher than mine, so “intelligence” does not seem to have much to do with embracing fraudulent work such as Pinker’s.  When “intelligence” meets self-serving indoctrination, indoctrination almost always wins.  That is not a high-integrity act.  Even people such as Ralph McGehee took many years to wake up to the evil.  These dynamics are a big part of why humanity has its toes over the edge of the abyss.



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As a coda to the previous post, my lessons on integrity were learned before I ever heard of the radical left, and Uncles Ed, Noam, Howard, and Mike.  As I digested their amazing work, Orwell came up a lot, and it was in Orwell’s work that I first read about how servile intellectuals are to the powerful, but it did not really hit home deeply until I studied for writing Ed’s biography, as I studied the insane attacks on him and Noam over the years, from leading academic and liberals.  I had done it before, but never so intensively.  A five-year-old could see through the “logic” of the assailants, but they could not seem to see how bogus their interested-conflicted “rational” opinions were.  

That was by no means a new realization, but as I studied for writing Ed’s biography, it hit home like never before how irrational the attacks were, and I realized that the vast majority of the attacks were not consciously dishonest, but they were all about protecting the hand that fed them, and it did not matter if it was an evil hand that slaughtered millions in the name of profit and power.  All of today’s dominant ideologies are similar, with their well-paid “intellectuals” flacking for them.  It really seems that all of those “smart” people are incapable of understanding how irrational, and ultimately dishonest, their attacks on people like Noam and Ed are, and it once again brings up Brian O’s question: Is humanity a sentient species?   And if we are, does it mean much?  

My fellow travelers with my highest respect all drank the Kool-Aid, but they all eventually woke up.  The imperial pundits will likely all go to their graves repeating their imperial mantras that don’t pass even cursory inspection.  It is really something to see, and impinges directly on the integrity issue.  But I am going to back up and cover the integrity issue via how I learned my lessons about it.  



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Frans de Waal had a graphic in one of his books that illustrated the integrity issue quite well.  His pyramid sits on top of resource availability, and energy is always the master resource.  When people’s immediate needs are met, then they can expand their concern for the wellbeing of others, beginning with their family, then their social circles, then their society, then humanity, and then all life on Earth.  When times get hard, people will justify eating their own children.  Humans can justify anything, as their in-group shrinks to one person: themselves.

To ask people to help all life on Earth, or humanity, or even their society, when they live in scarcity and fear, not knowing where their next meal comes from or if their job will last into next week, won’t work.  Enticing them, to appeal to their self-interest, is the game that Dennis played (along with noble rhetoric, but that likely did not have much impact), and I got to see, repeatedly, why such an approach would not work.  Dennis also played to all three population management ideologies, which are all based on scarcity and provide egocentric strokes and material rewards to their adherents.  They are all self-serving ideologies, and won’t work for this Epochal task.  

Almost nobody had the right stuff to avoid the perils and resist the temptations of the free energy pursuit.  People who were involved to serve their self-interest always fell by the wayside, for one reason or another, and it was virtually always because they reached the limits of their integrity.  They sacrificed the “cause” on the altar of their self-interest.  Almost nobody walked away from the effort with their integrity intact.

In some ways, I am amazed at my naïveté when I left home, but in ways it was normal.  As I look back at my childhood, I was blissfully insulated from many grim realities of my world.  I attended the California equivalent of Saint Hitler Grammar School, winning its first spelling bee in 1968, while my great nation, at its peak of power and prosperity, was slaughtering millions of people.  That same year, my mother took me to the UC Berkeley campus for some reason, and I remember seeing police drag a hapless hippie-type through the campus.  Mark later discovered what Berkeley was really like, if TPTB felt threatened.  I was raised in a racist and bigoted household, and I still cringe when I think what came out of my mouth when I left home.  It took a couple of years to put that behind me, but one brother embraced it so fervently that he joined the Ku Klux Klan.  

But I also had my mystical awakening when I was 16, along with my cultural awakening, and my energy dreams began then.  I really did think that maybe a third of the population would do the right thing, when it came time to do it.  That was naïve psychological projection, common among my overgrown Boy Scout fellow travelers.  We all woke up eventually, and my post-graduate days began sobering me up quickly.  My one-in-three fell to about one-in-five at the university and to one-in-ten by the time my first stint in LA was behind me.  My “friends” I am sure orchestrated my trial by fire in LA, but what nagged me the most was the growing suspicion that my profession was worthless.  Then that voice in my head came through and led me straight into Dennis’s company, which I still have a hard time believing happened, even though it did.  

I was on fire for my first three months at Dennis’s company, working for free, until I saw my boss engineer the theft of the company while the employees cheered.  It was my first big awakening moment.  By the end of the summer, I thought that maybe one-in-50 had the right stuff.  

Then I chased Dennis out to Boston, soon became his partner, we began raising Cain, and immediately attracted the Eye of Sauron (but it was probably aware of us in Seattle), and we received the friendly buyout offer, among other events.  But our effort in Boston went nowhere, the man we hired to run the office tried to steal the business, as usual, and by the time we moved to my home town of Ventura, my number had slipped to one-in-100.  

In Ventura, the fireworks really began, and when my three years in Ventura were finished, my life was shattered, I was radicalized, I would never again see the world the same way, and my number has not really moved much since then: people with the right stuff are one-in-thousands.  It was the biggest and most painful surprise of my journey, a lesson that I resisted every step of the way, until it was beaten into my head in no uncertain terms.  With that level of integrity, or lack thereof, amongst the general population, I can understand the pronouncements of doom that I regularly see and that people send me.  I have not given up, and those whom I respected the most never did.  Dennis is still at it in his 70s, incredibly.  He should be dead dozens of times over, and has been banned from the energy industry in the USA, after David Rockefeller got involved, but he is still trying.  I have never met or heard of another like him.  There were other beacons in the darkness, such as Mr. Professor and Brian, but they were few and far between.

But that level of integrity is just what it is, and I stopped judging it long ago.  However, I am regularly challenged over my biggest lesson, but the challengers have all been naïve, bereft of any experience of trying to make something like free energy happen, and some sallied forth, thinking to prove me wrong, and I never saw one of them get past Square One before they were defeated, usually self-defeated, and got sobered up, if their lives and careers were not wrecked.  To deny that reality is extremely perilous for trying to manifest the biggest event in the human journey.  One famous and grizzled fellow traveler, when he read my “personal integrity is the world’s scarcest commodity” statement, replied with, “You got that right!”  :)  

There is a lot more to come on this subject, including how it has informed my efforts over the past generation.  I am not asking anybody to take the kinds of integrity tests that Dennis and Mr. Professor took, as passing the test often means a ruined or prematurely ended life.  



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Back to the integrity issue.  In a world of scarcity and fear, acts of integrity are going to be few and far between.  It is just how it is, and wishing/believing it was different, or judging the situation, is counterproductive.  But humanity has its toes over the edge of the abyss and time is short to right the ship.  Humanity’s future, if there is much of one, will hinge on the integrity issue.  

I first heard of Noam Chomsky when Dennis was still in jail, but it was not until the next year that Lies of Our Times (LOOT) launched, and I heard of it while driving to LA to work at a medical lab that was nearly wiped out by the medical racket.  I subscribed to LOOT later that year, and began to understand how the media worked.  I had already been on the receiving end of its lies for years, but then I began to learn why it could only seem to serve up lies.

A couple of years of study and resuming my career later, a movie on Noams life came out, and I contacted Noam for the first time later that year.  When I published my first site in 1996, I contacted Ralph McGehee, to get his permission to quote his work, which led to our relationship.  A couple of years after that, I began corresponding with LOOT’s editor, Ed Herman, which led to my becoming his biographer a generation later.  I contacted Howard Zinn a few years later, again seeking permission for a quote, and received his gracious reply.  I became Brian O’s biggest fan when he published Miracle in the Void, buying 35 copies of the book and handing them to friends and family, and eventually became his biographer.  Dennis has treated me like his biographer, which I suppose I am, and I recently contacted Peter Ward for another publication permission, and received his amazing reply.  

So, there are points of light in the darkness, and I have been blessed to know some of the brightest, and Dennis most of all.  So, I am not hunting for something that does not exist, just something that is very rare.  And it was that understanding, that I resisted every step of the way, until it was beaten into my head, which led to my current approach.  I am not asking people to risk their lives, playing on that high road.  That is where the greatest lessons are learned, but it is also where your life can be wrecked or prematurely ended.  I am seeking people who can operate at a level or three below that, whose hearts are in the right place, have woken up, and have enough integrity to let go of their scarcity-based conditioning and dare to imagine abundance.  That seems pretty easy, right?  :) Almost nobody is able and willing to do the work to hit the notes, and I accepted that reality long ago.  But I dont need many for my plan to work.  

I regularly get newbies who might understand a piece of what I am imparting, think they understand the big picture, and rush out to proselytize to their social circles, which means that they did not really understand.  The best of them come back to me, chastened by the experience, and are then ready to learn.  They have to give up their sociality and in-group “thinking,” in order to understand, and almost no humans are willing and able to do that.  Combined positive intention, not sociality, will be the key, and it all rests on the integrity issue, with sentience a distant second, and everything else is noise.  



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I have repeatedly written that nobody is going to awaken by reading my work.  People can only awaken through personal experience.  One of the unhappiest aspects of my effort is when newcomers to my work introduce their “hip” friends to my work, to only have their friends’ heads explode a few pages into it, such as this section, and then come attacks, death threats, and the like, as people’s relationships ended in a series of painful incidents, and I have also been on the receiving end of such attacks.  Just like everybody thinks that they have integrity, everybody thinks that they are awake, and that is always relative.  More integrity than Hitler?  More awake than a rock?  Those kinds of introductions to my work are intended to drive away the sleeping, low-integrity individuals, etc.  They have no business being involved in what I am attempting.  They will begin to awaken when free energy is delivered into their lives.

While my effort is intended to drive away low-integrity individuals and the sleeping, I also don’t set the integrity bar all that high.  I am not asking for the life-risking heroic levels of integrity that Dennis lived, or even Brian.  I sacrificed my life to my path, and I don’t ask that of anybody.  All that I ask today is for the people I seek to work on developing a comprehensive perspective that can understand the Epochal significance of free energy, and help sing the song of abundance with me, ideally at my forum, but there will be other venues to do it.  If there were five choirs on Earth, making free energy happen would be easy.

Developing that ability to hit the notes is far easier said than done, because in order to understand my work and dare to envision what I am attempting, people have to relinquish their scarcity-based conditioning, and very few on Earth are willing and able to do that.  Virtually everybody cherishes their in-group status, fears ostracism, and the like.  A common delusion regarding my work is that I am trying to form another in-group.  That is the furthest thing from what I am attempting.  I seek to help amass combined positive intention, not another play on sociality.  Newcomers often completely misunderstand where the risks are.  They don’t have to fear anything from the Global Controllers; it is when they proselytize to their social circles that they get into trouble.  If they just sing with me, the GCs won’t bother them, and their social circles won’t be the wiser and won’t even care.

Unless that choir can form, of 5,000-7,000 voices hitting the notes in harmony, it will be pointless to try to progress further.  For the people I seek, they will come to understand why those standard paths to free energy have all failed, and see how I am doing something different.  

Another integrity hurdle, that will help keep away the self-interested, is that my intention is to give away free energy, if my effort ever develops it.  Nobody is going to become the John Rockefeller or Bill Gates of free energy, at least from my effort (or the Messiah  :) ).  Of course, the enticement of free energy is like nothing else on Earth, and if my effort ever builds up any steam, many will swarm to it, trying to see how they can cash in, et cetera.  I have watched people turn into Orcs lusting after The One Ring in the free energy milieu.  

Let’s just say that I will be very careful on who can be involved, and anybody can be asked to leave, if they fall of the rails, which is easy to do, especially when the ego gets embroiled in it.  But since I am not asking for money or asking anybody to give up their livelihood or asking them to try to make money at this (I actively dissuade that idea), there won’t be any great harm done if people are asked to leave.  If anybody is asked to leave, it will mean that I failed on my selection task, and they have my apologies in advance.  In my experience, the people who will be asked to leave are those who just can’t help themselves from proselytizing, don’t really understand what I am doing, and they get embattled as they go out and preach, and drag that stuff into the choir.  That is not what the choir will be about.  

If we can hit the notes in chorus, the people that I seek will come.  They have been waiting for that song for their entire lives.  



Edited by Wade Frazier
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I’ll wrap up the integrity posts for now.  Integrity is really another way of saying love.  Only loving hearts can help with this project of making the Fifth Epoch manifest.  A love of the truth is arguably the key quality needed to develop a comprehensive perspective.  Those who love the truth will not settle for the pabulum and bromides of the dominant ideologies.  They will be awake, think for themselves (that sentience issue), do the work, and dare to imagine something different.  They will come to understand why all previous attempts to manifest free energy have failed, and not because it does not exist (they will know better than that), but because of the many perils and temptations.  

In a world of scarcity and fear, such people are like needles in haystacks.  They are generally out there, doing the good work, alone, and I am trying to use this new tool, called the Internet, to bring them together to help manifest the biggest event in the human journey.  I am not asking for heroic levels of integrity, but enough to be able to learn the song of abundance and sing it in chorus, which will attract others like them.  

That is my plan, and it entirely rests on the integrity issue.  Without enough of that, the rest won’t matter.  



Edited by Wade Frazier
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I am most of the way through Ian Morris’s books that Krishna discussed.  One day, I will report on them in some detail.  We cover a lot of the same territory, with different emphases.  The subject matter in the first half of my big essay is only lightly covered by Morris, as he focuses on the Second through Fourth Epochs (and only aspects of them, such as largely ignoring pastoralism), kind of dares to imagine a Fifth, but only in the vaguest of details (and free energy is not on his radar, of course), and he freely admits that we may have another one of those “busts” that the Second and Third Epochs often experienced.  A Fourth Epoch bust will dwarf all other busts that came before it, as billions of people would die and likely take most of the ecosystems with it.  The risk is very real.  Whether it would be environmental collapse, warfare, some new epidemic, or some combination of apocalyptic horsemen, is a matter of legitimate debate.  The main driver is our energy production methods of the Fourth Epoch.  We are rapidly running out of the hydrocarbons that have powered the Fourth Epoch, and their use is causing carbon dioxide levels to skyrocket, which is warming Earth’s atmosphere, which few climate scientists that don’t work for the hydrocarbon lobby seriously dispute.

The key takeaway for me, from Morris’s work, is that the level of energy capture largely determined the social organization, as well as the ideological underpinnings, of Second, Third, and Fourth Epoch societies.  My work makes similar arguments.  Changes in social organization and ideology were adaptive responses to the level of energy capture.  Humans are merely adapting to their situations as any other animal would, only different in degree from how bonobos changed their social organization as a reaction to their food supply’s doubling when gorillas left the area.  It brings up the issue of how free-thinking people really are, and what sentience means.  

All that said, Morris’s work is good stuff, particularly if we discount what I have to call the White Man’s Bias.  Lauding Pinker’s imperial valentine was one of those indicators of the limitations in Morris’s work.  We all have our biases, but Morris’s heart seems to be in the right place.  As I stated, not bad for a white guy.  :) I’ll definitely refer to his work in my big essay update.  I gotta get Uncle Ed’s bio work done first, or at least the major part of it.  That will be a chore for the next few months, and I can see my forum posting slowing down as I work on Ed’s bio project.



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I recently wrote on “8” years and anniversaries in my life.  Other than being born, I guess, my life’s most momentous year was 1988, what I call the year of my awakening.  I got together with the woman who became my wife that year, and she saw what I lived through.  If our relationship could survive that year, it could survive anything.  

Thirty years ago this month, I was beginning to exit from our company, to take the summer off, to try to recover from what I had lived through.  I looked like a raccoon then, according to a relative, with dark circles under my eyes.  The next month, Dennis was made the offer he couldn’t refuse, delivered by the CIA on behalf of European interests.  When 1988 was finished, I had long since been radicalized, would never see the world the same way again, and had my life’s lowest moment.  I overcame it, helped by people such as Gary Wean, and the biggest miracle I ever witnessed happened after I sacrificed my life, to give Dennis a snowball’s chance in our incredibly evil system, which still nearly killed him.  

I can’t regret any of it, but I don’t want to live through anything like that again, and that voice can find another fool to do its bidding next time.  But it woke me up, and for that, I am grateful.  I am constantly approached by people who have not yet awakened.  They think that they are, but they are still in thrall to their conditioning, to sociality, and for those who get past the denial of free energy’s possibility and desirability, they nearly invariably advocate those paths to disaster that I know so well.  

We have to raise our games if we want to make a dent, instead of shuffling along with the herd.  Manifesting the biggest event in the human journey likely demands nothing less.  So far, so good, for this “8” year.  As I look back, the other “8” years were pretty good.  We’ll see how it goes.  



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