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The women of JFK

Steve Thomas

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Someday I'd like to write an essay about the women of JFK.

No, I'm not talking about the Marilyn Monroe's or the Judith Campbell's or Mary Pinchot Meyer's; I'm talking about the Marita Lorentz's, the Rose Cheramie's, the Elizabeth Cole's; the Lillian Spingler's, the Sylvia Odio's; the women who spoke of an assassination attempt before it happened.

I think men had the habit of a priori speaking of it because, either (a) women were beneath notice, or (B) men were trying to puff themselves up or making them selves bigger in the womens' eyes.

As Lillian Spingler said, "...that at that point, she felt that this individual was seeking attention"


It would make an interesting essay don't you think?

Steve Thomas

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Neat Idea Steve.

Be nice to have that all in one place.

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  • 2 years later...
On 2/21/2016 at 7:49 AM, Steve Thomas said:

the women who spoke of an assassination attempt before it happened.

I was talking about women heard about or who spoke of an assassination attempt before it happened, and told somebody about it.


In 1975, Elizabeth Cole told the FBI that in the first week of November, 1963 she attended a Foreign Students Convention in New Jersey.

While there, she overheard a telephone conversation between a Cuban student and an unknown third party. In the phone conversation, the Cuban student related that JFK was going to be assassinated. The date of the assassination, the City of Dallas and a book company were also mentioned.

Cole said that she called the FBI when she returned to NYC, but never heard back from them.

You can read the details here:



Lillian Spengler was working in the Parrot Jungle, a tourist attraction in Miami. On or about November 1, 1963 a Cuban male came into the store asking for a piece of paper. While he was there, he talked about going to Washington and “shooting someone between the eyes” and told Mrs. Spengler that he had a friend named Lee who was a sharpshooter and spoke Russian. Another clerk, Mrs. Twigg, may have observed the encounter. When the store manager, Mr. Bill Vander Wyden, returned to the store, she told him about the encounter. He said the Cuban was probably drunk.



On November 20, 1963, Cherami was struck by a car on Highway 190 near Eunice, Lousiana. She told police Lt. Francis Fruge she had been traveling with two men from Florida to Dallas, as part of a drug run, but had been thrown out of the Silver Slipper Lounge after an argument, after which she had been run over. After exhibiting drug withdrawal symptoms, Fruge took her to Jackson East Louisiana State Hospital.

On the journey there, Fruge later told the HSCA, Rose Cherami told the story of her companions and the argument, and then when asked about her business in Dallas, she said she intended to "number one, pick up some money, pick up her baby, and kill Kennedy." Dr. Victor Weiss, who treated Cherami, told Jim Garrison's investigators in 1967 that he had heard Rose's predictions about the Kennedy assassination. In his testimony to the HSCA Dr. Weiss was clear that he had heard this before Kennedy's assassination... At the hospital, Cheramie again predicted the assassination. On November 22nd, several nurses were watching television with Cheramie. According to these witnesses, "…during the telecast moments before Kennedy was shot Rose Cheramie stated to them, ‘This is when it is going to happen' and at that moment Kennedy was assassinated.

http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKcheramie.htm by John Simkin.

https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/rose-cheramie-how-she-predicted-the-jfk-assassination by Jim DiEugenio.


There is no corroboration at the time for Marita Lorenz's story of traveling to Dallas with Frank Sturgis, et.al..


Any other women you can think of?


Steve Thomas

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What about the late Adele Edison.  Don't you think that is interesting?

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20 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:



What about the late Adele Edison.  Don't you think that is interesting?



Yep. You can add her to the list.

Also, wasn't there a telephone operator in California somewhere? Van Nuys?


Steve Thomas

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Ron, that's a very good link.  Karyn did not make that call.  But myself and many others believe that Karyn, 22, was murdered to stop Irv's delving into Jack Ruby and Chicago's ties to the assassination.  A further hindrance was that she was not discovered for 3 days.  You can read more about it in the book, "Hit List" by Richard Belzer and David Wayne.  Tomorrow is her birthday.

Karyn portrait.jpg

Edited by Kathleen Collins
Wanted to add the bit about her birthday.
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12 hours ago, Ray Mitcham said:

And Dorothy Kilgallen.

And Dorothy's friend, Florence Pritchett, who died the next day.  Supposedly, she had seen Dorothy's file.  Pritchett was a former girlfriend of President Kennedy.  Many years later her son came out and said Florence  had died from cancer.


Kathy C

Edited by Kathleen Collins
Had to add something
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15 minutes ago, Kathleen Collins said:

Ron, that's a very good link.  Karyn did not make that call.  But myself and many others believe that Karyn, 22, was murdered to stop Irv's delving into Jack Ruby and Chicago's ties to the assassination.  A further hindrance was that she was not discovered for 3 days.  You can read more about it in the book, "Hit List" by Richard Belzer and David Wayne.

Karyn portrait.jpg

Thanks for the reminder.  I've not pulled Hit List off the shelf in a while.

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Steve, I have enjoyed your many threads over the last year, they are some of the best content on this forum these days.

I have a question. I have been looking for a reference that you quoted which made reference to a "Roosevelt", I believe Elliott, being in a meeting with several persons of interest. Can you Help me find that reference?





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1 hour ago, Kathleen Collins said:

And Dorothy's friend, Florence Pritchett, who died the next day.  Supposedly, she had seen Dorothy's file.  Pritchett was a former girlfriend of President Kennedy.


Kathy C

Hit List reaffirmed my memory.  Not a lot of info available on Pritchett but she was supposedly suffering from Leukemia and died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage the day after Killagen.  I never knew cerebral hemorrhage's were associated with Leukemia.  It's most often associated with Head Trauma.  What a unusual circumstance or strange coincidence given the timing, the questionable circumstances of Dorothy's death and the disappearance of her Ruby interview/notes/files.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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5 hours ago, Michael Clark said:

Steve, I have enjoyed your many threads over the last year, they are some of the best content on this forum these days.

I have a question. I have been looking for a reference that you quoted which made reference to a "Roosevelt", I believe Elliott, being in a meeting with several persons of interest. Can you Help me find that reference?







I'm not sure this is directed at me, but I'm sorry. I don't remember this. Old age, I guess. Do you remember the topic?


Steve Thomas

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