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Please Read - The Kennedy Case and the Manipulation of the Media

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I am re-posting the link to the document titled, "The media and the Kennedy assassination: the social construction of reality," by Ross Frank Ralston of Iowa State University as a new thread. A member of this forum posted this deep inside of another post. I would like to thank this person for posting it (I try not to use other members' names in posts without their permission). I'm doing this not only for members but for new folks just learning about the case. Sometimes, really good stuff about the case gets buried in multi-post threads and, thus, gets lost in the shuffle.

I don't know anything about the author but I will say that he did an outstanding job writing about the history of the media and its manipulation by government officials, the old boys network (no pun intended) in media, and how, within hours of the murder, the suppressing and twisting of the unvarnished truth and evidence of the case had begun.

I know supporters of the official story will read from their usual scripts and say, "How in the world could this be pulled off?" My answer to this is simple - sorry, but it *can* be done because it happened to me years ago. The truth is painful and sometimes unbelievable. It does NOT mean it could not happen.

Many years ago I ran a multimedia facility for a federal agency producing hundreds of in-house products for national dissemination. I ran it successfully for four years. About 18 months from my own Zero Day (the closing of this office), I was at the mall with my family and ran into one of the agency's assistant regional commissioners, who had retired months before. After chatting with him, he asked me how things were going and I told him that we just got done making a national program about [redacted]. He looked puzzled and replied, "Oh, interesting. I thought the multimedia facility was going to be closed." I didn't give it much thought, we chatted a little more, and we went on our way.

Eighteen months later, my Zero Day came - the office was closed and relocated to another state. Now I know this is a tiny microcosm of an event compared to the Kennedy assassination. But here's a guy who had already retired (as in like Allen Dulles being "retired" by Kennedy) and he and others were in the loop making executive plans for the agency. And of course, me being the peon I was muddling along, was clueless.

So, yes, it can be done. When you have the full force of the top echelons of government working to suppress evidence and twist the truth, and then have the national mouthpieces on board to spread the lies to an unsuspecting public, it's not nearly as difficult or unbelievable to pull off as it may seem. And I always like to say too: If the government was really, truly seeking the honest truth of this case and with full transparency, would one of the most important pieces of the case - the Zapruder film - have been kept from the public for 12 years? I think not.

I highly encourage you to read this document. Here is one of many great quotes from it:

"We must ask why. The only hypothesis capable of explaining the media persistence of the "Single-Bullet Theory" and lone assassin is a hegemony between the media and government."

Note about the above link - I notice that it takes a while for the file (PDF) to load. I think it may have something to do with the host server being wonky. But you also have the ability to download the file to your computer, which is what I did.

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I like this excerpt to show the absurdity of the MSM when it came to the JFK case:

Dual Nuts and Gatekeeping

The most blatant example of this probably occurred in the Washington Post on January 6, 1979, after release of the House Committee's version two conclusion of a second gunman:

If the Committee is right about a fourth shot fi-om the Grassy Knoll could it have been some other malcontent whom Mr. Oswald met casually? Could not as many as three or four societal outcasts, with no ties to any organization have developed in some spontaneous way a common determination to express their alienation in the killing of President Kennedy? Is it possible that two persons acting independently, attempted to shoot the President?...Most large conspiracies unravel because someone leaves a clue somewhere. It is the inability of the Committee to present even one such clue that enables those who believe Mr. Oswald acted alone to rest their case. (Washington Post, January 6, 1979:16A)

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I highly encourage you to read this document. Here is one of many great quotes from it:
"We must ask why. The only hypothesis capable of explaining the media persistence of the "Single-Bullet Theory" and lone assassin is a hegemony between the media and government."
Note about the above link - I notice that it takes a while for the file (PDF) to load. I think it may have something to do with the host server being wonky. But you also have the ability to download the file to your computer, which is what I did.

thank you Michael--excellent document

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