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Lessons learned from my journey with Dennis

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This will be a two-fer post, as an addendum to some recent ones.  To that recent post on watching Greer’s new energy talk, and if you are familiar with his Disclosure Project tales, he definitely played in the rarified air and paid a heavy price, as do all who play that game.  He always talks about this or that politician, billionaire, military official, inventor, spook, corporation, etc., and almost none of them ever had the right stuff.  It is the same primary lesson that I learned back during my first stint with Dennis: personal integrity is the world’s scarcest commodity, and it is that way from the street-corner to the board room to the highest councils on Earth.  The issue is integrity, or if you will, love, or the lack of it.

Greer has been trying the Establishment route for his entire “alternative” career, and I highly doubt that it will work, and I am trying something else.  Greer plays at being a populist, but he is not the man for that job.  Dennis and Brian were, but I strongly doubt that that approach will work, not for this.  Three cheers for Greer’s efforts, and I wish him the best, but seeing efforts like his makes me want to redouble my efforts.  Now, if there were a hundred like Greer, and combining their efforts and not all trying to play the alpha, we would have FE by now.  Five Greers in a room together might get ugly.  If FE happens in this century, Greer’s name will be a prominent one, and higher praise I cannot give.  I know what it means to devote one’s life to this path, but I also have seen what has not come close to working, and the inventor-with-a-gizmo route that Greer is trying I strongly doubt has a prayer.  It is kind of the entry-level perspective.  

To my recent posts on scientific literacy and scientific dogma, scientific literacy is to the Fourth Epoch what literacy was to the Third Epoch: something that less than 10% of the population attained.  In the Fifth Epoch, scientific literacy will be like literacy is in the Fourth Epoch: something that all children learn.  The choir has to be comprised of scientifically literate people, or nearly entirely, but no more literate than is required to comprehend my big essay and be able to capably discuss it.  In that heavenly Roads world, all children were vastly more scientifically literate than anybody on the planet today.  

Today, I have seen scientific literacy dismissed by the scientifically illiterate, who have no plans to become scientifically literate, as they deeply distrust science and scientists.  That is like deciding to stay illiterate because not every book portrays the literal truth.  

Time for bed.  



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I am going to begin to wind down my lessons from my first stint with Dennis, but I am going to continue the lessons I learned until the present day.  The point of this series is to show the people I seek why I am taking my approach.  They may not agree with how I see things, but they will have a pretty good understanding of why I see them that way.  

The masses cannot distinguish the darkness from the light, and even call the darkness the light

I suppose that my first taste of that was watching those employees cheer the theft of Dennis’s company.  Dick Southwick even looked the part of suave evil, wearing black suits and driving a black Mercedes.  I do not know of another on the planet like Dennis, and the people cheered the prince of darkness as he crucified the greatest human I ever met, and after that day, the “Give us Barabbas!” story was no mystery to me.  I saw it again and again, such as Ken Hodgell so easily enticing Mr. Engineer and Mr. Researcher to go work for him, while my warnings were scoffed at, and I even got to hear Mr. Researcher parrot some of Mr. Deputy’s Dennis-attacking lies that he read in the newspaper.  It was truly hard to believe at first.  

Years later, when my mother took her scrapbook of those libelous articles on tour to my family, friends, and investors, telling them the story of her son the criminal, without ever even asking me for my side of the story, I was no longer surprised and it did not even hurt anymore.  The vast majority of humanity is a mass of ethical and spiritual ciphers, unable to distinguish the light from the darkness, because they see everything through the lens of their self-interest, and they will happily serve the forces of darkness while calling it the light, of all things.  As long as they profit from the arrangement, they will do anything.  About a third of all men readily become sadists when the opportunity presents itself.

I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself, but I saw that phenomenon innumerable times in the succeeding decades, and when Mr. Deputy retired to a hero’s farewell a few years ago, I was not surprised to read the accolades for what a wonderful public servant he was.  When Bill the BPA Hit Man arrived to wreck Dennis’s appearance at a conference, an observer called Bill a “noted Tesla researcher” and Dennis a “singularly dangerous individual.”  So, the steady stream of lies directed at Dennis from “notable” names in the FE milieu, and from others who are treated with veneration on the fringes, or Mr. Skeptic befriending big names in the FE milieu, who then turned around an attacked Brian, is simply par for the course for today’s humanity, as they practice absolutely no discernment whatsoever.

As I have stated plenty, we do almost all of Godzilla’s work for him, gratis.  He rarely needs to roll out of bed to deal with threats to his global rackets, as the problems take care of themselves, as the aspirants are devoured by their own.  You could not have convinced me of that before I met Dennis, but during those four years since I first met him, that lesson was beaten into my head ad nauseum.

It is challenging to refrain from becoming disgusted when realizing how the land really lies, and relinquishing one’s judgment of that situation is one of the greatest challenges on Earth, but the only people who are going to be able to help with what I am doing need to learn to relinquish it.  It is just where humanity is these days, and denying or minimizing that reality is suicidal for anybody trying to right humanity’s ship.  



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I looked at my remaining list of lessons learned from my days with Dennis, and they are variations of what I have already written, so I’ll move on from my Ventura days.  Without the Ventura experience, I would likely not have much worth saying.  It woke me up, radicalized me, and I would never see the world the same way again.  My mystical awakening was just a warm-up, to send me on my journey.  Having the government/media gangsters try to drive my next employer out of business was a joke to me, as it was vastly milder than what happened in Ventura.  The USA’s legal system is evil, from top to bottom, and Mr. Big Time Attorney was threatened with disbarment for bringing his lawsuit against the Ventura County gangsters, as bigger gangsters were in the federal court.  He had the awakening of his career.  I left Ventura in September 1990, never returned, and never want to, and neither does Dennis.  We were like Jews who escaped Auschwitz, and there was no going back for us.  I never want to see Southern California again, and only go to California when I have to. Our Auschwitz is still in business, not a museum of bygone evil.  I don’t even write publicly about my greatest personal devastations from those days in Ventura.  Maybe one day I will, but more people will have to die first.

In my LA Days, I subscribed to Christian Science Monitor, thinking that I was getting some thoughtful, alternative news.  I had a lot to learn.  In early 1990, while driving to work and listening to about the only radio station that my radio could pick up, a talk radio station, somebody was being interviewed, promoting their new magazine, titled Lies of Our Times (LOOT), which analyzed the media’s lies, particularly The New York Times’s coverage of the “news.”  It might have been Ed Herman whom I heard, who was LOOT’s editor, or maybe it was the publisher.  Soon after I moved to Ohio, I subscribed to LOOT and did until it went out of business several years later, but the first page of the first issue is still my most vivid memory of reading LOOT: the media can simply make it up as it goes, just like I discovered during my days with Dennis, although LOOT dissected the media’s lies with scholarly precision.

I was ready for LOOT’s message.  And Uncle Ed’s buddy, Uncle Noam, whom I first heard of from a roommate the year before, wrote an article every month in LOOT.  In those early days of my years of study, I read Unreliable Sources, discovered Ralph McGehee’s memoirs in a LOOT ad, and read it.  I discovered Uncle Howard’s work in those early days of study, but David Stannard’s American Holocaust was my big wakeup call on how the USA was “settled.”  Stannard’s work is where I first read of Junípero Serra’s exploits, which were decidedly different from the hagiographic accounts of my youth.  The genocidist Serra was literally sainted last year.

My political and media education was merely one facet of my studies in those days.  I spent months studying Mr. Mentor’s and Victor Fischer’s engine patents, had access to my wife’s university library and soon began bringing home books on thermodynamics, the Michelson-Morley experiment, and the like, and as I look back, that was really when I began to resume my science studies.  I began building my mystical library in earnest, but also encountered the work of Gaston Naessens and Royal Rife.  Microscopes nearly a century old, which attain “impossible” optical resolutions, whose findings overturn the foundations of biology, were ignored as if they never existed, and their inventors were subjected to harsh persecution.  Their stories seemed familiar.  :)  

In those days, I also obtained Medical Dark Ages, became Ralph Hovnanian’s friend, and read of how the booklet that saved my father’s life was banned in the USA.  The USA is really little different from Nazi Germany (Hitler modeled his efforts after the USA’s, and we hired all the useful Nazis after the war ended), but has better propaganda.

I was open to anything in those days, and got a book that argued that exotic technology was used to land on the Moon during the Apollo program.  But my further studies showed it to be based on a flimsy foundation, and I let the author know it.  I also slowly got sucked into the hoaxed Moon landing milieu, it took me a decade to extricate myself from that morass, and I still hear from people to this day who argue for faked Moon landings.  It was educational to get sucked into some of those rabbit holes, and I recommend that truth seekers go down a few of those (and extricate themselves), to understand the process.

I joined spirituality and new science organizations in those days, which is how I met Brian, and within minutes of first meeting him, he told me Sparky Sweet’s name.  Sparky is the first free energy inventor that I heard of who undeniably had the goods, and he was far from the last.  I heard from one of my close pals in those years about the underground exotic technology demonstration that he received.  In that new energy video of Greer’s that I recently watched, Greer mentioned receiving similar demonstrations, and when I told Brian about my friend’s show in 2001, Brian nearly yawned.  In my circles, my friend’s little show was no big deal and just comes with the territory (which is life-risking territory to navigate).  Free energy, electrogravity (AKA antigravity), and other exotic technologies are on the planet today and likely older than I am.

I also began studying the “skeptics” in those days, and while pursuing Carl Sagan’s debunking career I stumbled into the Velikovsky controversy and am still on its fringes to this day.  Velikovsky was treated quite shabbily by establishment science, but being treated shabbily does not mean that you are right, and after many years of study, I don’t consider Velikovsky’s hypothesis of global catastrophes in the Holocene to be valid.  Sure, there were global events related to melting ice sheets, but Velikovsky’s literalist interpretation of Bible stories is just another kind of fundamentalism, IMO, with a scientific veneer.  

For six years, from late 1990 to late 1996, all of my “spare” time (I worked 60 hours a week at my day job, and played husband and put my wife through grad school) was devoted to my studies, and bookstore employees’ mouths would begin watering when I walked in the store.  My library at home contains 2,000 volumes and stacks of magazines, such as all of LOOT’s issues (the earliest of which I bought from Ralph McGehee, after he was driven into “retirement” by the CIA’s harassment).  

Along with studying Uncle Noam’s work and those of the structuralists, I also studied the far right and subscribed to The Spotlight for years, and for a dozen years, I studied all of the JFK assassination literature and evidence that I could get my hands on, before I went public with my views on it.  I never saw any piece of credible evidence that contradicted Gary’s story of his encounter with John Tower, and evidence kept coming to light that further confirmed it, such as Operation Northwoods.  

But without my days with Dennis, I would have never done any of it, and certainly not with the radicalized perspective that I had.  I also suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from my days with Dennis, understandably.  There has been nothing easy about my journey.  I constantly encounter naïve and/or paranoid New Age/Conspiracists.  Their perspectives are almost invariably stunted, and some reminded me of how I might have turned out if I had not met Dennis.  I cannot overemphasize what experience can do for one’s perspective.  A scholar can spend a lifetime studying war, but can learn more from ten minutes on a battlefield.  



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When I moved to Ohio, Dennis, Mr. Professor, and their families were all that I stayed in touch with from Ventura, with one exception that I will get to soon.  Mr Professor began to pay a very heavy price for his involvement in my adventures.  I made it very clear that I was not interested in resurrecting our business once Mr. Professor and I busted Dennis out of jail, but Mr. Professor wanted to help Dennis rebuild the business.  He went from the fairy tale life of a beloved millionaire the year before we hit town to bankrupt and his health failing.  His health went downhill so rapidly that he was forced into early retirement and had to sell his house and move back to the family farm in North Dakota.  One day, in about 1991, as I recall, he admitted to me that the stress of those days contributed to his rapidly failing health.  I more than understood.  I was young enough to survive my adventures; Mr. Professor was not.  His was one of many ruined or prematurely ended lives that I encountered during my adventures, but his hit me the hardest, by far.  

His wife saved his legs by taking him to Mexico for a treatment forbidden by the USA’s medical racket, and he lived another decade, dying in May 2002, which sent me into the dark phase of my midlife crisis, which did not end until Dennis invited me to the White House.  Mr. Professor’s ruined life and early death was the most devastating part of my journey.  Even though he came through at his grave back in 2013, letting me know that he was OK and happy to be involved, I want to avoid another graveside visit of somebody whose life was ruined and prematurely ended because of my involvement in their lives, even if it was to save the world.  



Edited by Wade Frazier
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Just as I graduated from college in the worst recession in 40 years, I moved to Ohio during a recession, and it took me nearly a year to find a permanent job, as a trucking company controller.  It would not be the last time that I took a career break and took a long time to find work.  When I finished my site in 2002, it took almost a year to find work again, and it happened again when I took what turned out to be a career break to write my big essay.  My career has been either 60-hour weeks in a high-stress environment or being unemployed, with almost nothing in-between.  So it is, in the insanity of corporate America.  I have spent about four years of my career looking for work, and spent years recovering from the stress breakdowns that my stints induced.  What an insane world I live in, and having Trump ascending the throne only makes it more bizarre.

In early 1992, Dennis invited me to Las Vegas for a look at his latest effort, after the failure to resurrect the business in Ventura.  Dennis tried to use me as a prop in his presentation, I fled the scene, and to his credit, Dennis never tried to do that with me again.  His effort in those days was going the media route, and he moved to New Jersey, partly because Alison was raised in the Bronx and partly to be close to Wall Street and Madison Avenue.  Their moving to New Jersey probably saved Dennis’s life once again.  Dennis soon would survive more than one instance when the prison officials tried to get him murdered by the inmates, and surviving that, their evil plan was to force Dennis to serve his parole in Ventura, where he would have been quickly locked up again on some parole “violation,” and they would do it right that time, and ensure that Dennis never lived to see this side of the bars again.

In Las Vegas, the most prominent firm involved naturally tried to steal the business, and it was surreal how they showed me their plan.  From our very first Greatest Energy Show, Dennis played the “cut the power line!” card, and John Eichorn called the power line an “umbilicus.”  At the Vegas conference, Dennis played a TV ad that he had made, which was the centerpiece of his media campaign.  He did hundreds of radio talk shows in those days, too (two relatives scattered across the USA told me that they heard one of his shows).  One of the funnier moments of my days with Dennis was watching that ad.  In it was a woman who cut her power line, and it showered sparks while falling to the ground.  I am laughing as I write this.  It was something to see, five years after Dennis first began saying it.

But what was important to me, as far as the evolution of my perspective went, was what Dennis was trying and with whom.  Once again, he was mounting a business effort, and making money was going to be everybody’s primary motivation, and his campaign was literally targeted at late-night channel surfers, with his ad playing on those “get rich quick” channels.  I am not sure exactly how I thought about it back then, but it was a seminal event in coming to my approach today.

Almost nobody on Earth today has the right stuff to even think about making free energy happen, and Dennis was once again playing to a lowest-common-denominator audience.  I have worked in corporate America for my entire career, other than my stints with Dennis, and Dennis always wanted my perspective on his business efforts to make FE happen, and I eventually realized that no business-oriented effort had a prayer.  

If greed did not overcome the participants (that was a constant, in my experience), then other self-serving motivations among the participants doomed the effort, usually before any organized suppression needed to be applied.  People attracted to the bait of self-interest are not going be helpful for this epochal undertaking.  I doubt that Dennis yet understands, and he may never understand.  His attempts to go the Christian and “Patriot” routes still played to the USA’s population management ideologies, which are based on scarcity and fear, not love.  Watching Dennis doggedly try the same approaches, with only slight variation between them, helped lead me to thinking in entirely different directions, and was instrumental in coming to my current approach.  For that alone, Dennis has my gratitude.  There is nobody on Earth more qualified for the approaches that Dennis took, but I highly doubt that they would have worked if Jesus Christ had led the effort.  

And like in Boston and Ventura, the Global Controllers took a keen interest in Dennis’s efforts, as well as the White Hats.  One day, I may be free to discuss some of the particulars of that attention, but for now, I can only say that they were definitely paying attention, and some of what happened to Dennis’s efforts was likely due to Godzilla’s subtle interventions, which are usually so subtle that the targets never even realize how they were messed with.



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As I have written, after Mr. Professor and I busted Dennis out of jail, I was not interested in helping Dennis rebuild his effort, and really did not pay much attention to his efforts ever since, strongly doubting that his approach had a prayer.  Between busting Dennis out of jail and my second stint with him, I was busy digging out of my financial abyss, working long hours at my day job, playing husband and putting my wife through school, and studying that vast array of material.  I also began a ten-year effort to quit drinking, sometimes going a month or three without drinking, but falling back into the bottle, and I did not finally conquer that addiction until 2000.

Dennis stayed very busy, however.  When that Constitutionalist group helped us file our civil rights lawsuits against Mr. Deputy and friends, Dennis began his long relationship with Constitutionalists, “Patriots,” and the like.  It led to his hiring Mr. Big Time Attorney with the last of my legal fund, and after the failure of the attempt to revive Dennis’s effort in Ventura, which bankrupted Mr. Professor (which was the fate of all of Dennis’s financiers during my days with Dennis, beginning with John Spickard and including me), Dennis began going the “Patriot” route.

I have made the case very clearly regarding the energy-based demarcation of the epochs of the human journey.  Dennis was raised as a migrant farmworker, which is a decidedly Third Epoch profession.  Dennis was raised with a Third Epoch religion, and American nationalism was his other “faith” while growing up, which is also a Third Epoch phenomenon that accompanied the rise of the state. Even though Dennis came to realize that the American nationalism sold to him was a Big Lie, he could not shake the idea of nationalism, and banged the nationalist drums as much as he banged his Bible.  Can a person imbued with the ideologies of one Epoch leave them behind in a lifetime, and move into the next Epoch?  That has rarely happened in the human journey and Dennis is no exception.  He will keep banging his Bible until he dies, but he seems to have finally put his flag away.  But being born in a Third Epoch household, living in a Fourth Epoch society and trying to bring it along into the Fifth Epoch, is very rare in the human journey, as if Ishi could have become a scientist or a corporate executive.  It is easy to judge Dennis and his efforts, but I do my best to not.  Dennis always meant well, with his huge heart, but I doubt that his approach will work, as he appeals to the primary population management ideologies in the USA.  You aren’t going to outmaneuver Godzilla with his own tools.

The USA’s Patriot movement is largely a phenomenon of rural America, and if there was a “headquarters” of it, it would be Montana or Idaho, and plenty of them can also be found in that Mormon stronghold of Utah.  That conference in Las Vegas was related to Dennis’s Patriot efforts, and Dennis quickly became the biggest thing to ever hit the Patriot movement.  Dennis met with all of the Constitutionalist leaders, and he said that the only genuine right-wing leader that he ever met was Lindsey Williams.  All the rest were phonies who saw the Patriot and related movements as a way to cash in on all of those gun-toting “Patriots” in their camouflaged fatigues, not far removed from how Mr. Big Time Attorney saw the Constitutionalist and tax protestor movement as a way to find a well-paying niche in the legal profession.  In private, the “Patriot” leaders frankly admitted to Dennis the money-grubbing aspect of their efforts, and Dennis gradually became sickened.

At the time, the other big Patriot leader was Bo Gritz, who went out of his way to slam Dennis, as the other Patriot leaders eventually did, as Dennis was the Real McCoy and a threat to the Patriot racket.  Dennis thinks that Gritz was on special assignment, to mislead and fragment the Patriot movement.  There are other big names, such as in the free energy field, who Dennis suspects were also on special assignment.  After encountering people such as Bill the BPA Hit Man and Ken Hodgell, Dennis can be forgiven for such “conspiratorial” musings, and Dennis may well be right.  There are certainly many in the ranks of such movements who are not who they appear to be.  However, I discovered that agent provocateurs and the standard low-integrity thieves in such efforts are very difficult to distinguish, as they act the same.  For instance, it is psychologically far more interesting if Mr. Skeptic’s disinformation campaign against Dennis sprouted from his own diseased mind and spirit, but I think that he was likely on the payroll.  To me, it is not really important if he was on the payroll or not, and highlights the structural aspects of these situations, so that if Mr. Skeptic was really doing it solely from his own twisted motivation, he eagerly did Godzilla’s work for him, gratis.

In those days, there were two dynamics relating to Dennis worth discussing.  Mormons stole Dennis’s Seattle company, a Mormon led the takedown of our Ventura company (and was later imprisoned for his part in a Mormon scam), and Dennis later discovered that the Mormon financial empire was one of the biggest investors in Washington’s electric companies, and many years later, Steven Greer said that the Mormon financial empire was the most dominant organization in Godzilla’s hierarchy, and you don’t have to do much connecting of those dots before a picture emerges.  Many in the Patriot movement were from Utah and also members of the Mormon Church, and it got back to Dennis that the Mormon Church threatened expulsion to any Mormon who got involved with Dennis, and “coincidentally” the primary Mormon newspaper began libeling Dennis in a series of articles, which Mr. Skeptic used in his disinformation campaign against Dennis.  The Mormon connection in Dennis’s journey is likely far more than coincidental, and who knows what was happening in the smoke-filled rooms?

The other dynamic from those days was how quickly the legal system greased the skids for Dennis.  When the judge took Mr. Big Time Attorney hostage, to force Dennis to capitulate, Mr. Big Time Attorney assured Dennis that the appeals process would take at least five-to-seven years to wind its way all the way through the USA’s Supreme Court.  I have read most of the rulings that happened since Dennis was forced into the plea bargain.  Recall that the deal that Dennis entered into was to get a ruling on the Constitutionality of a law that makes failing to file a form a felony.  The courts reneged on their end of the deal, all the way to the USA’s Supreme Court, and Dennis’s appeal process ended in record time, in less than years, not the five-to-seven years that Mr. Big Time Attorney had assured Dennis of.  

I think it was the ruling at the California appellate court level (I could not keep all the levels straight, as I did not pay much attention to them, but Dennis’s case passed through multiple levels) that had one sentence that addressed Dennis’s plea, which read something like, “We find the SAMP law to be Constitutional.”  It was an obscene joke.  It was like a one sentence ruling that said, “We find Hitler’s treatment of the Jews to be legal.”  No arguments, no evidence, no process of legal logic, but just one sentence stating that unintentionally failing to file a form is a felony act and somehow Constitutional.

I am going from memory here and may have the observer wrong, but I think it was Alexis de Tocqueville who noted the fraudulent methods of the American genocide and dispossession of the American Indian, and he observed that the USA strictly observed the letter of the law in its genocidal theft, just as everything that Hitler did to the Jews was legal.  Those mass murdering thieves ensured that they dotted the I’s and crossed the T’s.  It was evil and genocidal and entire way, but somehow “legal.”  That one sentence in one of the rulings on Dennis’s plea I believe was all that there ever was.  Like the Indians, Dennis was coerced into a “deal” that the courts never had any intention of honoring.  If somebody does their homework, it would not be difficult to unearth the documents, but there is a ruling on the Internet to show what kind of “law” was being practiced, and it had to do with Mr. Big Time Attorney’s federal lawsuit, and it is here.  Do I have the stomach to analyze it this morning?  Well, here goes.

The named defendants are that rogues gallery that I know so well, including Mr. Deputy, Mr. Sidekick, Ms. Prosecutor, Mr. Investigator, and I believe that one of the named defendants was the deputy who wrote that lying letter to that test lab.  They are all likely heading to a very dark place when they pass from earthly life, and Dennis and I will likely try to help them leave their “heavens.”

I doubt that it was the first of the artfully deceptive rulings on Dennis’s case by the higher courts, and it was far from the last, but the beginning of that ruling is worth analyzing.  The ruling cites the SAMP and fraud charges, stating that, “all charges stemming from his marketing of a heat pump which was purported to generate electricity.”  That in itself was a lie, as Dennis never claimed that.  We were building prototypes with that as our goal, but Dennis never said that we achieved it.  Of course, that the heat pump was the world’s best heating system, which Dennis put on the customers’ home for free, and the heat engine was hailed as the world’s best for powering an automobile would always go unmentioned in the attacks on Dennis.  

And then the court performed the artful deception that the FTC would later use, in cleverly conjoining the dropped charges of fraud with the civil law “violation” of failing to file a form, to make it look like Dennis pled guilty to fraud.  It was an artful deception, and such deceptions helped that Mormon newspaper, Mr. Skeptic, and even Dennis’s prison security file to state the bold-faced lie that Dennis pled guilty to or was convicted of fraud.  Being convicted of failing to file a form is not sensational enough, so they have to resort to lies and artful deceptions.

The rest of the ruling highlights the system’s structural evil.  Recall that Mr. Big Time Attorney wrecked the lives of IRS agents who committed bone fide felony acts in pursuit of his client, in a landmark case that was ruled on in the USA’s Supreme Court, and those named defendants committed some of the very same crimes, even leaving aside their theft and espionage on the day of the raid, threatening witnesses, etc.  Mr. Big Time Attorney knew what he was doing.  

So, how did that court rule?  They ruled that by the time that Mr. Big Time Attorney filed his lawsuit, the statute of limitations had expired on all of those crimes.  So, if you can lock somebody up for long enough, your crimes can be protected by statute of limitations.  Mr. Investigator’s numerous crimes were very recent, however, and the court dismissed those crimes on grounds of immunity.  So, not caring whether his targets were innocent or not, and making many very provable lies in his reports to the courts, which he openly admitted that he did in the course of his duties, to gain those coveted convictions of innocent people, all gets protected under the umbrella of immunity.  When I state that the USA’s legal system is evil, from top to bottom, it is not some off-the-cuff opinion that I came up with one day.  The threat to disbar Mr. Big Time Attorney if he refiled his lawsuit I believe came from an earlier ruling.  

The skids had been greased for Dennis, and at the USA’s Supreme Court level, Dennis had a new attorney with a national reputation, and the machinations of the USA’s Supreme Court regarding Dennis’s case had that attorney scratching his head, saying that he had never seen them do that before.  Dennis’s case got special treatment and unprecedented behavior from the authorities all the way to the USA’s Supreme Court, and on March 5, 1993, less than three years after his coerced plea bargain, not the five-to-seven years that he had been assured of, Dennis ended up in Ventura County’s jail once again, after trying to retract his plea and demand a trial, as the courts had reneged on their end of the deal.

Then came several attempts on his life by the prison officials, and that will take some telling.  



Edited by Wade Frazier
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Those days of study began in 1990 (which really began in 1989, as I descended into library stacks to help prepare any expert witnesses that my defense money might bring to the witness stand), and I was an eager student.  The first body of work that I intensively studied was Uncle Noam’s.  He was such a prodigious writer that there was no lack of writings to study.  He wrote an article every month in LOOT, he wrote books such as Necessary Illusions and Deterring Democracy, he wrote books with Uncle Ed, such as Manufacturing Consent, he wrote small, pithy booklets such as What Uncle Sam Really Wants, and David Barsamian nearly made a career out of interviewing Noam and making easy-to-read books from them.  I have a Chomsky bookshelf or two in my library, and as eagerly as I wanted to understand what he had to say, it took about two years before I understood.  Noam’s work came from such a radically different place from my “education” and conditioning that it took a great deal of effort to wrap my head around it.  My work is far more radical: it is Epochal in nature, and my best students go deep on my work and don’t come up for air for months or years.  So, I am sympathetic with people who encounter my work and think that they understand it after a few hours or days of reading, when they have barely scratched the surface and really don’t understand the basics of my message.

I subscribed to Covert Action Information Bulletin, Z Magazine, the Christic Institute’s magazine, Utne Reader, The Spotlight, and other periodicals, so it was not like I read Noam in isolation, but his work was The Big One, which took me the longest to understand.  For me, the sense was not that I had found some new truth, but I strongly received the sense of how deeply I had been lied to during my “education” and indoctrination.  A couple of years into my studies, it was 1992 and the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s feat of discovery, and I worked in Columbus, Ohio.  The town mounted a celebration that lasted the entire year.

In Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States, I got the first inkling that the Columbus story that I was taught might not have been the whole truth.  Then, in 1992, I got my big wakeup call on what the “settling” of the USA was like by reading David Stannard’s American Holocaust.  It is still the one to be reckoned with.  What a devastating read.  From my earliest days of study, I raided the footnotes of the books I read, and daisy-chained along the sources, partly to see if what people such as Stannard wrote were accurate, as those writings were so alien to everything that I had been taught.  

Stannard’s work held up extremely well.  A few years before American Holocaust, Stannard published Before the Horror, which dealt with the pre-contact population of Hawaii, which shook up the scientific community.  Stannard argued that Hawaii’s pre-contact population may have been as high as one million people.  One response to his work is The Growth and Collapse of Pacific Island Societies, but the only scientific study in it still hewed toward the standard estimate of about 250K people in Hawaii when Captain Cook arrived.  So, scholars, like scientists, do not have to be right to be important.  It is the process that is important, and Stannard’s work was very worthy in that regard, and the thesis of American Holocaust has never been credibly challenged, as far as I have seen.  Ward Churchill furthered Stannard’s work with his magnum opus, A Little Matter of Genocide.  Stannard wrote the preface to it, and presciently remarked that Churchill was “looking for trouble” in writing his masterpiece.  That book was eventually put under a microscope, and in the scholarly equivalent of how Dennis went to prison for failing to file a form, a few footnotes were put under the microscope and Churchill was fired from his university position.  We don’t have anything close to true freedom of speech in the USA.

American Holocaust was where I first read that the Junípero Serra story taught to me in school, as I attended Junípero Serra elementary school, might have been a bit short of the truth.  Serra was sainted last year, and I regard him as the Hitler of California, whose chief accomplishment was establishing a string of concentration camps called missions, which resulted in the almost complete genocide of California’s coastal natives, from San Francisco to San Diego.

In a recent Scientific American issue, an article discussed how the evidence was shattering the Chomskyan paradigm in linguistics, of generative grammar.  Chomsky, like any good scientist, never expected his theories to last for centuries.  As Einstein said, every theory is killed by a fact, and Uncle Noam’s theories might not outlive him, but that does not make him an unimportant scientist.  The overturning of Newtonian physics by relativity did not make Newton a trivial scientist.  He is still regarded as history’s most important.  Virtually all hypotheses and theories are eventually proven wrong.  It is the nature of the enterprise.  Key core principles of Darwin’s work, such as descent with modification, have stood up for more than 150 years (that one may last forever), but that is highly unusual in science.  Darwin’s uniformitarian theory about extinction has long since been overturned, after a century of dogma regarding it.

But in my voyage of discovery, of all the lies I had been fed while growing up, I learned one of my journey’s most important lessons: almost nobody else wanted to know.  It was really a corollary to my journey’s primary lesson about personal integrity.  The vast majority of people will eagerly believe any lie as long as it keeps their belly full.  Many years later, I encountered the scientific/scholarly explanation of it: people cherish their in-group status above all, and they will engage in all manner of mind trick and open dishonesty to preserve their in-group’s reputation, at least in their own eyes, and most will instinctively avoid any information that calls their in-group’s status into question.  Also, “experts” and the “educated” are among the worst offenders against logic and honesty in defending their in-groups.   George Orwell summed it up well:

“In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible.”

It has gotten far worse since Orwell’s time.  One of my earliest and harshest lessons on this issue came via one of the few friends who supported me during my nightmare in Ventura.  That tale takes a little telling, and will come soon.  It can be highly instructive to those who want to proselytize their social circles with the “good news” of my work.  



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Dennis’s Patriot movement efforts were gaining steam in 1992, after I attended that Vegas conference, and Dennis’s plea bargain wound through the courts in record time.  As well as the artful deceptions in the rulings, the basic response by the appeal courts was, “What are we even reviewing this case for?  He pled guilty.”  They thereby avoided the entire plea bargain.  The day that Dennis pled guilty to not filing the form, after the judge took Mr. Big Time Attorney hostage, his fate was sealed.  Dennis’s assailants who have defended the appeals courts’ rulings, and there have been many over the years, have tacitly admitted the system’s structural evil.  

Dennis is as talented as I have seen or heard of, and has regularly attracted world-class talent to his efforts (scientific, inventive, technical, legal, etc.), and his memory is pretty good, but mine is better.  Over the years, I would see how he would recall some events not quite accurately, and I could refer to his books and see where he was not quite recalling it accurately.  They were understandable mistakes, his recalling events of a generation previously, and he would usually get the gist of it right but misremember the details.  I’ll provide a couple of examples soon.

Another thing with Dennis’s recall and what he chose to share was that he had a lot going on in his life.  I have heard of murder attempts that he survived that he never told me about, and I wonder sometimes if he was mixing up events or it was not important enough for him to tell me.  In a life like his, skipping over murder attempts is understandable.

When his case made it to the USA’s Supreme Court in record time, which was the last court for his appeal process, the court acted so strangely that Dennis’s big name attorney (a constitutional expert who was a consultant to Face the Nation) scratched his head, saying that he never saw the court do that before.  On March 5, 1993, Dennis was back in court in Ventura, trying to withdraw his plea and go to trial, as the courts had all reneged on their end of the plea bargain.  Other than that one sentence in an early ruling, none of the courts entertained the constitutionality of a law that made failing to file a form a felony.  In fact, the law itself had those felony “teeth” in it for especially egregious and criminal violations of that civil law, which was not remotely proven in Dennis’s case and even admitted by the prosecution.  Just like in Seattle, where they got Dennis on one person in the state misunderstanding one thing he said, Dennis’s “crime” in Ventura was literally not filing a form and paying $50, which was actually my job.

The judge in Ventura would hear none of Dennis’s attempt to withdraw his plea.  They seized Dennis right in the courtroom, and he was whisked away to prison.  While more than 90% of the organized suppression is structural in nature, the conspiratorial aspects in Dennis’s case were common enough, such as the theft and espionage on the day of the raid.  The conspiratorial aspects became highly evident once again, as officials in California’s “justice” system repeatedly tried to get Dennis murdered, and that takes a little telling.  When I met Dennis the day after his release from prison, he did not discuss all of the aspects of it, but I heard about some of it during my second stint with him, read about more in his books, and during my visit in 2013 he told me more (and I talked with Alison when Dennis was in prison, and she told me about some of it), and here is what I pieced together.

Dennis is a paraplegic, who could not run if his life depended on it, but he was always fitted for leg irons in Ventura.  Room temperature is too warm for him, partly due to his medical condition.  Dennis’s “crime” was failing to file a form, so one might think that he would be assigned to some minimum security, Club Fed kind of prison.  Oh no, not in California.  Not only was he not given some kind of Club Fed experience, his file was heavily doctored.  I think it likely that the gangsters in Ventura County were behind that.  In the California prison system, they have a ranking system to determine where an inmate should be incarcerated.  Not only did they have Club Fed kinds of prisons in California, even in the mainline prisons a prisoner could be in maximum, medium, or minimum security, depending on how his file was analyzed.  Somebody should have gone to prison for what was done to Dennis’s file, but the person probably got a promotion instead, which was common enough.

While the full might of the evil legal system could only get Dennis for failing to file a form, his intake file began with the Big Lie that Dennis had been convicted of fraud.  Those charges were dismissed, but whoever doctored the file took that liberty with the facts of the case, and that was just the beginning.  Dennis was honorably discharged from the military and was in combat in Southeast Asia, he attended four years of college and had a wife and children, and let’s leave aside his helping the FBI sting the Mob, the USA’s Attorney General calling him “squeaky clean,” etc.  That was all “erased” from his file.  Those facts, or lack of them, were used in their classification system, and fabricating what he was convicted for and erasing key facts of his life allowed the prison officials to nudge him up just enough so that they could classify him into medium security, which is the shark tank of the California prison system.  That is where gangs rule, and inmates attacking and killing each other was a daily occurrence in the medium security environment where Dennis was placed.

All of those “mistakes” in Dennis’s file can perhaps be explained away, but whoever did it would have a hard time keeping a straight face.  Not only was Dennis the paraplegic who can’t run and for whom room temperature is too warm, the prison system thought that Dennis would make a fine firefighter, and they placed him in a fire camp prison in California’s Central Valley, just before the hot summer season began.  Dennis lost all of his fingernails in the sweltering heat in that prison, and got a lesion in his throat that had to be surgically removed after he amazingly survived the prison experience.

Again, all of those “anomalies” in Dennis’s classification and placement could perhaps be explained away with extremely strained logic, which attributed it to a series of bizarre coincidences, but what happened next removed all doubt.  Not only was Dennis put into the shark tank of medium security, a serial murderer in maximum security, who was a legendary killer with the nickname The Sandman, had his lucky day when he was suddenly moved from maximum security and placed in medium security to be Dennis’s bunkmate!   When I saw Dennis in 2013, he said that it could not have been more obvious that the prison officials were trying to get him killed, in a fashion I’ll call “death by inmate,” when he found himself with The Sandman as his bunkmate in medium security in a fire camp.  The Sandman also knew that he had been setup to kill Dennis, but he hated the prison officials as much as anybody did and refused to do their bidding, and whoever greased the skids for Dennis that way had badly misjudged the situation.  Dennis quickly became The Sandman’s best friend in prison and even converted him to Christianity.  The Sandman was such a legendary killer that nobody in medium security dared cross him.  The Sandman furthermore declared that Dennis was under his protection, and that anybody who messed with Dennis had to answer to him.  Well, that attempt to get Dennis murdered by the inmates did not work, but the prison officials were not finished trying, and would try more than once later on, and that will take a little telling.

So, how many people were in on it?  Probably only a handful, who were handsomely bribed, and manipulating Dennis into the shark tank and letting “nature take its course” was their method of subtle and plausibly deniable murder, if Dennis did not succumb to the insane heat of California’s Central Valley in the summer.  Somebody had to doctor his file, somebody surely used that file to get Dennis into that prison and in into medium security, and somebody had to get The Sandman suddenly placed into medium security and be assigned as Dennis’s bunkmate.  Was the warden in on it?  I doubt it, as subsequent events would provide evidence for.  My guess is that only a few highly placed people had to be in on it, just like in Ventura.  A few subtle turns of the knobs in an inherently evil system is all it takes to grease the skids for somebody like Dennis.  There is much more to tell about Dennis’s prison experience.  



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As in Ventura, Dennis’s greatest ally and savior was always Alison.  She saved his life several times during their journey, and she did it at least twice during Dennis’s prison stint.  She never gave up contacting this and that authority, trying to find a sliver of justice in the system, and it ended up saving Dennis more than once, but it also threw him from the fire into the frying pan, too, and it happened at his first prison.  But also, whoever greased the skids was regularly thwarted by what seemed to be divine intervention.  Some interests wanted to kill him, but others seemed to be protecting him.

Those hundreds of radio talk shows had an impact on Dennis’s prison experience.  For those with the capacity to understand, it does not take long to see that Dennis is keenly intelligent, far more so than the average prison inmate.  Some guards knew who Dennis was, because of those radio shows, and they recruited Dennis into their operation as an engineer.  Some also likely knew that he was innocent, knowing of the system’s structural evil, which may have had something to do with it.

Even though he had the relatively easy life of an engineer and his would-be assassin became his friend instead, Dennis was dying in the sweltering heat, with losing his fingernails and voice being part of it.  Alison kept calling authorities, filing forms, and the like, to get Dennis some relief, and similar to when he was his own attorney in Ventura, Dennis was in the law library as much as possible and filed endless motions.  In The Alternative, pages 139-145, you can read Dennis’s account of his days in prison.  He wrote those pages while in prison, so had to be somewhat circumspect about some events, similar to when he wrote My Quest from his cell in Ventura.  There is no mention of The Sandman in The Alternative.  While in prison, Dennis discovered that yes indeed, the “convicted of fraud” Big Lie in his file was courtesy of Ventura County, and it is likely that the other alterations in his file had them to thank.  

The prison guards repeatedly set Dennis up to be murdered by the inmates, and seemed to frame him as a snitch.  To be regarded as a snitch is a death sentence in prison, and the inmates pronounced Dennis’s death sentence if he stayed in their dorm, and the guards kept putting Dennis right back into that dorm, to the disbelief of the inmates.  It culminated with a scene in which the guards forced Dennis into the dorm where he had been given his death sentence, where Dennis was placed in the rear bunk, and then the guard turned out the light.  Dennis was alone in the dark with the inmates who had pronounced his death sentence.  Dennis spoke into the darkness, telling the inmates what had happened, and asked to just be allowed to walk back out of the dorm.  Dennis then walked, in the dark, between all of the dorms bunks, past 35 inmates, and he told me that it was the longest walk of his life.  

In the “logic” of the prison system, in order to not be put back in the dorm where he had been given his death sentence, he had to snitch on those who threatened him.  What a deadly Catch-22.  Once he snitched, he would then be put in protective custody, but that meant nothing.  Inmates could easily kill other inmates in protective custody.  Because of how Dennis’s file had been rigged and how The Sandman was released from maximum security to be Dennis’s bunkmate, I would not bet against the idea that being framed as a snitch was more “special attention” from whoever was trying to get Dennis killed in there, and Dennis openly stated in The Alternative that it seemed to be the case.

Again, there is plenty that is not in his book about his prison days, and I’ll tell some of it.  In 1993, one of the world’s most notorious prisons was in operation, at Pelican Bay, which had opened only in 1989.  When I met Dennis the day after he got out of prison, he told me of life in prison for a few hours, and one of his observations was that a dog catcher had more risk than a California prison guard.  The guards simply did not care if the inmates murdered each other.  If one inmate murdered another inmate, the authorities would add two years to his sentence.  But if an inmate even talked back to a guard, it was a one-way ticket to Pelican Bay.  Dennis told of watching a buxom babe of a prison guard strolling through hundreds of inmates in the yard, and not one word would be uttered by any inmate.  One catcall, and it was a ticket to Pelican Bay.  

During that day at the Columbus Airport, Dennis told me that at Pelican Bay, prison officials would assign members of rival gangs to the same cell and have betting pools on who would survive that cellmate situation.  Several years later, that activity came to light in a public scandal.  This was also typical in California prisons, where the guards were as bad as the prisoners or even worse.  California’s prisons are legendary today, worldwide, for their evil practices.  On this list, Pelican Bay was not even the “top” rated hellhole in California – LA’s main jail was.

Dennis told me of how corrupt the prison system was, in many ways.  He told me of a little old lady who sat at a desk in a cellblock, with a key to the cellblock door.  Her only job was locking and unlocking that door, and she made $80K a year, or twice my salary as a trucking company controller (or when I worked at that medical lab in LA).  Of course, her salary paled next to Mr. Deputy’s $250K per year pension.  The dentist at Dennis’s first prison made $600K per year in 2011.  Those kinds of salaries are driving California into bankruptcy, and in the 1990s, the Little Hoover Commission oversaw the prison system, trying to rein in costs.

Alison contacted anybody that she could about Dennis’s situation, and she wrote to the commissioner of the Little Hoover Commission.  Alison knew how to play the game, and her letter stressed how much money ($20K per year) that California was paying to imprison a man who failed to file a form, not to mention that he had been placed in a shark tank environment.  Dennis’s treatment was so startling that the commissioner drove from Sacramento to Dennis’s prison and arrived, unannounced, to interview Dennis.  That spooked the prison officials there, including the warden, and Dennis soon found himself transferred to where he should have gone in the first place, a Club Fed prison that was less than a mile from where I lived while going to college, where Dennis served out his last months in relative bliss.

But Dennis did not escape unscathed from the death trap that was set for him.  When gangs pronounce somebody’s death sentence, they have to enforce their edicts to maintain “credibility” in the shark tank, and a couple of months after Dennis was moved to the minimum security yard, while waiting to go to the Club Fed prison, some of those gang members caught Dennis in the law library and beat him.  Dennis lost some more teeth and had his fingers broken.  They knew that he was not a snitch, but could not let him get off scot-free.  If Dennis had reported the attack to the guards, he would be signing his death warrant, so he made up an excuse of hurting himself in a weightlifting accident.  The next time that I saw Dennis after his release from prison, he was wearing dentures, in another instance of the physical toll of his journey.  

There is more to tell about Dennis’s prison days.  Just like in Ventura County’s jail, Dennis kept in touch with his former inmates, and The Sandman was one of them.  Some years later, The Sandman was due to be paroled.  There are a number of hierarchies in prison, and one relates to the inmate’s crime.  At the bottom are rapists, child abusers, and snitches.  Serial killers are at the top.  A week before he was due to be paroled, The Sandman had an opportunity to kill a child molester, and did.  Did The Sandman feel more comfortable in prison than outside, and sought a reason to stay in prison?  If so, it worked, and he had the standard two years added to his sentence (or perhaps more, in his case – I really did not follow it much).  

Alison was able to pierce the bureaucracy in California and got Dennis paroled to New Jersey, where she and her children had lived since moving from Ventura.  The officials tried to have Dennis serve his parole in Ventura County, where he would have surely soon enjoyed Mr. Deputy’s hospitality again on more trumped up charges, and that time they would have made sure that Dennis never lived to see this side of the bars again, but Dennis somehow slipped through their clutches and I paid for his ticket to New Jersey and had his plane stop in Columbus, where I gave him $200 of “out-of-prison” money and listened to him tell about his time in prison.  Just like when I met him after being released from jail, Dennis acted like the prison experience was no big deal, it gave him a chance to rest up, and he was ready to go chasing after free energy harder than ever.  It was awe-inspiring to witness.  I do not know of another like him on Earth.  

The authorities still tried to clip Dennis’s wings and put him on a very restrictive parole, but Dennis was soon raising hell again, and with a whole new level of credibility with the public, after barely surviving prison for failing to file a form.  



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Thanks Serg, for the Uncle Noam clips.  It is kind of timely, as I will soon post about my first contact with Noam, and now is a good time to once again step back from the narratives of the lessons learned and cut to the chase a little.  The approach that I eventually came to was a long time in coming, and I suppose that it could be considered close to what Uncle Bucky might do if he was still alive.  I have all the respect in the world for what Dennis, Brian, and Greer did, but the issue, to me, is if their approach has a chance.  Maybe what Dennis or Greer is trying has a chance (although I strongly doubt it), but I had to take my own path.  Ten Dennises or a hundred Greers or Brians, combining their efforts, and we would have had free energy long ago.  

When I first contacted Noam in 1992, he was gracious, but informed me that he was no expert and advised me to seek an expert opinion.  Well, the only “experts” on this stuff probably are/were Dennis, Brian, Greer, and a few others.  I have done it before, but I want to again make the distinction clear of what I am doing from anything else that I have seen or heard of.  If there were ten efforts like mine that gathered any steam, we would have also had free energy long ago.  Maybe one will be enough.  

I’ll start with the observation that Dennis, Brian, and Greer know/knew full well that free energy (FE), antigravity (AKA electrogravity and other terms), and other world-changing technologies exist on the planet today, and are likely older than all of us.  I recently wrote about watching some of Greer’s stuff, and his description of the underground facility that he was in, watching electrogravitic craft flying around, is one of the few credible public admissions of that kind of technology.  I am hard of hearing, and could not quite catch the acronym that he used, but the facility that he described was likely similar to if not identical to where my close pal was taken for his demonstration, the demo that Brian nearly yawned about when I told him.  Anybody who has played at the high levels for very long is well aware that such technologies are real and on the planet today.  As an aside, in that talk the Greer gave, you could hear him briefly refer to Mark’s experience at Lawrence Berkeley.  This community is not that large, and we pretty much all know of each other.  

Anybody that I invite into my choir will have had to gotten over the hump of FE’s possibility and desirability.  I privately help anybody who has joined up with me, and give them private details of my friend’s little show, as well as other information that I am not at liberty to disclose publicly.  For those that I seek, it is enough to get them over that hump, if they weren’t there already.  We are not chasing after unicorns.  

A primary purpose of my big essay is to show why the advent of an FE-based global economy will be the biggest event in the human journey, and its epochal significance.  The vast majority of humanity is unware of FE, gives knee-jerk dismissals of it, or thoughtful or sophisticated arguments for why FE is impossible and/or undesirable.  I seek the few who are not ensnared by those mind-traps.  But for those who get past denial and fear, they are almost always swallowed up by the quicksand of ideological delusions, misunderstandings of the human condition, human nature, and the human potential, and a lack of awareness of how our world really works.  I have sketched those many paths of failure as Levels 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11.  They are all missing key understandings, and those misunderstandings are usually rooted in inexperience, naïveté, and fear.

Dennis labored early on under the delusion that The People really cared, but did not have anything worth caring about, but a decade later, he admitted that he was wrong, and when I last visited with him, he admitted that his allies hurt him more than his enemies did.  The enemy is truly us.  

The mass movement approach will not work for this epochal undertaking.  Dennis tried it by using the three primary population management ideologies in the USA, and you aren’t going to outmaneuver Godzilla with his own tools.  At his life’s end, Brian admitted his co-dependence with Washington D.C., and when I watch Greer speak, he clearly has been drinking far too much of the USA’s national security Kool-Aid during his journey.  His talk that I watched was given down the street from the White House, and Dennis’s last splash in the USA made the sitting president’s eye bug out, but sitting presidents are truly nobody in the global hierarchy, little more than puppets and errand boys, which Trump will find out soon, if he has not already.  I regularly encounter people who eat imperial cornflakes for breakfast each day, and some pick out the Fox News or Trump raisins and think that they are eating the truth for breakfast, but they gobble down the NYT, CNN, NPR, and other offal.  

Greer hobnobbed with billionaires, and Dennis would be swarmed by them when he was riding high, but those billionaires and “philanthropists” are all worthless for this task.  They did not become billionaires because they were visionaries and people with the right stuff.  Capitalism does not work that way, and what my fellow travelers and I encountered on our FE journeys was capitalism on steroids.

For one example of where Greer’s mentality and mine are different, he mentioned that one reason why the people in charge on Earth are reluctant to allow the public to have FE technology is that “bad actors” on the world stage may weaponize FE.  However, the worst actors on the world stage are generally only there because the USA placed them in power and propped them up, from the Central American butcher-dictators to Pinochet to Suharto to Kagame today, who is currently lionized as some saintly figure (like some Mother Teresa figure), but he is a genocidist who serves Western interests in central Africa.  

The USA’s national security state has long been the greatest force of evil on Earth, and the last place on Earth where I would inquire regarding who should and should not get the benefit of FE.  They murdered the head of state and covered it up, and all American presidents since then have been puppets and they know it.  You won’t find me engaging in Washington D.C. activism anytime soon.  I have never visited the place and don’t plan to.  That is a big difference between my approach and Dennis’s, Greer’s, and Brian’s.  I do not seek to interact with the rich and powerful, “philanthropists,” and the like, and the masses are more harm than good for this task, although people constantly try to water down my work for mass consumption.  I regard that all as a huge waste of time and effort.  I’ll grant that the thought is seductive, for some benevolent rich person to step up and give the FE effort the Muppet Movie ending, but it is really one more way to give our power away.  There is no group today, other than the small and insular FE community, which supports the idea of FE, much less providing any real help.  I am going to have to roll my own.  I’ll write more on this topic soon.



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Hi Serg:

Noam is a man of his epoch.  The Enlightenment is the foundation of a great deal of Western thought, including its materialism.  Noam seems to be a materialist, just like most scientists and scholars today.  As Uncle Bucky, who was certainly a harbinger of the Fifth Epoch, stated, retail politics is useless for solving humanity’s fundamental problems, and in that regard, Trump, like Clinton, like Hitler, and so on, are merely symptoms of our malaise.  To the extent that people focus on those “stooges” of the economic interests, they miss what is really happening, even people such as Uncle Noam.  Nothing of true importance is decided in the White House.  Private interests run the world, not the world’s governments.  As we saw in recent days, the White House is where celebrities gather to receive medals from the puppet on the throne.  



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I am going to go quiet for a few days, but first, back to what I am doing and what makes it unique.  I did not really know what I was doing in those early days of study, as far as articulating my goal.  As I look back, after many scholarly and scientific years, I was deconstructing the in-group ideologies that I had been raised with, and I found them all to be based on lies, often big ones.  They were all based on scarcity and fear, and all had an egocentric appeal, as adhering to those in-group ideologies provided material benefits and egocentric strokes.  I realized that appealing to any in-group ideology was only going to attract self-interested people, and self-interested people are going to be no help whatsoever for making the Fifth Epoch happen.  They are easily manipulated by the carrots and sticks of organized suppression, and do quite well at destroying efforts before any organized suppression even needs to be applied.  Since personal integrity is the world’s scarcest commodity, I know that I seek very rare individuals, but this new tool called the Internet gives me a global reach, and I have devoted the rest of my life’s “spare” time to this task.

When I wrote about Castro’s death yesterday, and my great nation’s contribution to the Cuban situation, as well as my European heritage, I was once again taking my in-group to task (my nation, the West), which is the highest ethical social position that one can take.  I am trying to provide an example for those I seek, of what we need to do in order to be productive for this epochal task, which is to leave all in-group ideologies behind.  They are all egocentric barriers to comprehension.  The highest mystical understanding attainable is that all of creation is one.  That understanding was behind Jesus’s “Love the enemy.”  People need to deconstruct their own in-group ideologies and see them for what they are.  I am just showing what it was like for me, and those I seek will recognize my journey in theirs, as they already woke up.  

As I trod my scholarly/scientific path, a less lofty understanding, but along the same wavelength, is that we are all behaviorally modern humans, with far more in common than we have differences.  Love is indeed the answer, but achieving it in a world of scarcity and fear is no easy task.  Readers of my public interactions can see how I regularly encounter people who arrive with completely impractical New Age or conspiracist advice, who really don’t understand how the world works.  They seize on one aspect of it and think that they understand it all.  They decidedly lack a comprehensive perspective.  The advent of free energy will be the biggest event in the human journey, dwarfing all that came before it, as humanity becomes a Type 1 civilization.  Humanity is not going to suddenly wake up for no good reason, or because more of humanity might be praying or meditating.  That is not how it ever worked.  The evil institution of slavery ended only because rising standards of living made it obsolete, and industrialization did that, not some bout of conscience out of nowhere or a prayer circle.  

The hero archetype is several thousand years old in the West, and Dennis, Brian, and Greer walked the hero’s path.  I happily carried Dennis’s and Brian’s spears for them, but eventually realized that the hero’s path won’t work.  Indiana Jones cannot save the world by himself.  If I had to characterize what I am attempting to mount, it will be a stampede of sentience lambs that are not operating from in-group motivation but because they are pursuing a common goal.  There is not going to be anything in it for them, from a worldly perspective, so hardly anybody on Earth is going to be interested.  The horizon of awareness for nearly all of humanity is the limit of their immediate self-interest.  Those lambs will merely get a chance to help the biggest event in the human journey manifest, which will simultaneously save humanity and Earth.  That is enough “psychic income” for anybody, and helping the biggest event in the human journey manifest will be the crowning moment of any soul’s journey, at least that is planet-bound.  Galactic or truly universal events are another matter, but we need to take care of our backyard, first, grow up as a species, and become truly sentient.  Only then will we be off for bigger game.  :)



Edited by Wade Frazier
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Before I get back to my lessons learned posts, a little on current events and reading.  I recently finished This is Your Brain on Parasites, The Serengeti Rules, and I am in the middle of Frans de Waal’s Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?, and have a few observations.  They will all go into my big essay update.  

This is Your Brain on Parasites got a little carried away at the end on the influence of parasites, seeing everything in the world through a parasite prism.  That said, it was a fascinating and kind of eerie read, and emphasizes the idea that there is no morality in evolution.  But I have a hard time buying a purely materialistic explanation of how a wasp developed a way to perform brain surgery on a cockroach, to rob it of its free will, so that it becomes a food cache for the wasp younglings that the wasp will bury with the cockroach, which amiably ambles to its doom.  You might want to avoid cats for the rest of your life after reading the book.  The toxoplasma from cats may have created the disease known as schizophrenia.  The books hews closely to the evolutionary aspects, such as the role that disgust has played in the human journey (it keeps us away from unhealthy situations), and it was no surprise to find out that political conservatives are much more fearful and prone to violence than liberals are.  

The Serengeti Rules is about how similar dynamics regulate organisms and ecosystems.  It has nice vignettes on some important scientific discoveries, such as the first time that food chains and gene regulation were described.  

What I noticed about those books, and it extends to most popular science books, and I have read a more than a hundred of them over the past several years, is that they often repeat Establishment myths that lie outside of the area that they write about.  So, I often take parts of such books with a big grain of salt, and one of them is the faith that the authors have about using drugs, chemicals, and surgeries to achieve health.  The knives and drugs paradigm is buried so deeply that I see authors fail to even question it, thinking that all the answers will be found with the right drug or surgery.  

After reading The Serengeti Rules, I found myself reading up on smallpox again, and the history of the smallpox vaccine is anything but an unequivocal success.  I found myself reading Sherri Tenpenny’s work again.  It looks like she was recently silenced after a successful effort to wreck her speaking tour in Australia.  There are quite a few flies in the ointment of smallpox vaccination’s being God’s (or interventional medicine’s) gift to humanity (1, 2, 3), and that goes for vaccination in general.  I am willing to admit that vaccination is some great medical intervention, if all the evidence was weighed, but it isn’t.  Read up online about vaccination proponents’ dealing with vaccination’s critics and you will see a holy war being waged, which vividly reminds me of how the “skeptics” operate.  Nowhere in the arguments of vaccination proponents will you find a hint of the great conflicts of interest that saturate medical science, which are so great that Lancet’s editor recently stated that up to half of all medical research is worthless, because of those conflicts of interest.  Capitalism and medicine make for poor bedfellows, and also when it is wedded to the national security state, as it is today in the USA.

Speaking of being silenced, the recent “fake news” assault on the alternative media in the USA is something to behold.  The Snowden journalist launched into them, and one of the “fake news” blogs aptly showed why the USA’s imperial press is always pro-war.  We are literally seeing the return of McCarthyism in the USA, in which all dissidents are being branded Russian propagandists, “terrorists,” and the like.  We will see how it goes.  I am not worried for my personal safety at the moment, but that could change.  Crazy times.

De Waal’s book is a blessed antidote to the egocentric delusions that plague science, particularly when scientists and academics feverishly try to establish humanity’s unique magnificence.  De Wall has long been one of best voices on the subject of non-human cognition and, dare I say it, sentience:)



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Here are a couple of examples of Dennis’s fallible memory, where he recalled the facts incorrectly years later.  When his company in Seattle was stolen, Dennis privately was pleased.  He was willing to fight the hopeless battle in Seattle, but when the company was stolen amidst the cheers of the very people that Dennis was trying to save, he felt liberated.  He gave his best efforts, and the thieves had let him off the hook.  In Dennis’s words (My Quest, p. 175), he wrote:

“I smiled outside and believe it or not I smiled inside as well.  I was relieved.  They chose a phony Barabbas and although they thought that they were crucifying me, I was really set free.  I was off the hook for these people.  I would have stayed for a fight with the Securities Exchange and the 303 [phony bankruptcy suit – Ed.] and God only knows how many more takeover attempts and end runs because if they wanted to come, I knew where we were going.  I would have worked to protect their interests and investments as if they were my own.  I would have tried to take a spoon full of coal and power a whole trainload of riders with me pushing all the way.  I was free!  Although I was sad for the people, I was happy for myself.  I knew by what had happened that I was set free from the burden of this war to start again with the new knowledge I had attained.  I felt like Lincoln had just liberated me.  I knew that rebuilding would be hard, but not as hard as carrying all that history and dead weight.”

More than a dozen years after Dennis wrote that from his jail cell, I publicly wrote it (I don’t think that it is on my site anymore, and I think that I wrote it in 2001, but it could have been a year later), and I asked Dennis to look at it and see if I was writing it accurately, and to my “Dennis was relieved when the Seattle company was stolen,” Dennis replied with, “I never thought that or said that!”  I referred him to his own book, to refresh his memory.  He was likely recalling how he felt before the company was stolen, not immediately afterward.

Another instance was when he was nearly killed in prison, after the prison officials and others had set him up.  In the midst of the situation, Dennis begged a sympathetic prison official to get him moved out of the dorm where his death sentence had been announced if he stayed there, and he told the official that dying because he failed to file a form was a pretty stiff sentence.  He wrote that in The Alternative, p. 141.  Two pages later, he wrote of his surprise visit from the commissioner of the Little Hoover Commission, which Alison’s tireless efforts made happen.  The commissioner’s appearance spooked the prison officials, and Dennis was soon transferred to the Club Fed-type prison, where he served out the remainder of his time.

When I saw Dennis in 2013, he recalled that his begging for his life was done with the Little Hoover Commissioner, not that sympathetic prison official.  When I got home from that Bucket List road trip, I looked up the situation in The Alternative, and saw again where Dennis was not quite recalling it accurately.  It was nearly 20 years later, so a little misremembering was understandable, and on that same road trip, I visited Dennis’s most trusted assistant since Mr. Professor and me, and we talked a little about how Dennis’s memory could be a little creative.  We saw it numerous times.  Dennis would not lose the gist of his memories, but would sometimes scramble the facts a little.  They were really minor misremembrances, and my memory is far from perfect, either, although I only know one person whose memory is better than mine.  

Because Dennis’s journey is so much larger than life, those little lapses in memory were understandable, and I am happy that he wrote his books, as I can see how he thought soon after the events, not many years later, and his books were also chocked full of documentation, and I have reproduced many key documents on my site (1, 2, 3), along with some memorabilia (1, 2).

I never saw Dennis recall something that was far off-base or that missed the gist of the situation as I saw it.  Also, when Dennis was playing pitchman, he would gild the lily a bit.  He was trying to impress his audience and do it in a few seconds, and in doing so, he would garble or overstate the facts, and I let him know it more than once.  The straight truth was plenty spectacular enough, and did not need to be embellished.  Fortunately, his books are conservative renderings of the events, and backed up with many key documents.

The fact that Dennis thought that he needed to overstate things to impress his audience spoke volumes about the audience that he was trying to attract.  As I have written, I slowly came to see that such an audience would not be very helpful in manifesting the biggest event in the human journey.  It will take people far more committed, discerning, and savvy to do that, not a crowd that is there for the spectacle or to serve their self-interest.  

I sometimes don’t remember things accurately, and when I find those mistakes in my public writings on my site, I’ll fix them.  Also, I can cite sources that turn out to be inaccurate, and when I find that, I’ll fix it, too, and will let my readers know, as I did here.  We are all fallible humans and make mistakes, but striving to get it accurate is a key goal of any worthy scholar.  Dennis almost always gets it close, but sometimes gets the details wrong.  



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To return to a moment to the end, which is where I am today, the Left generally believes in The People, and Dennis did, too, and still kind of does.  But even from the Left can come refreshing admissions of who The People really are.  The truth can dismay, hurt, enrage, etc., but it can also liberate.  Anybody thinking that they can create some sort of stampede toward free energy and a healed planet has some hard lessons ahead of them, if they ever actually try to do something.  Even the least intelligent among us does not have to be around the idea of free energy to begin to grasp its magnitude.  For the masses, if they ever get in an active position around the issue, greed, delusions of grandeur, and other defects come to the fore, and before you know it, they can transform into Gollum or Boromir lusting after the One Ring.  I watched that happen many times.

To take the LOTR analogy further, the choir has to have Faramir’s motivation.  Without people like that¸ any free energy effort will self-destruct before Godzilla (or Sauron, to keep with the analogy) even needs to roll out of bed, as it turns into an Orc fight like what happened at Cirith Ungol.  That is why I have carefully designed what I am doing, have been very particular about who can join up, and am in no rush to go out and “do something,” which would be suicidal at this stage.  The only “do something” that I am interested in at this stage is building that choir.  That will be plenty for one man’s life, and anything after that will be gravy.  

What I constantly encounter is people trying to water down my work so that it can be fit for mass consumption, but that is the last thing that I want.  I know that such efforts are doomed, because it is playing to lowest-common-denominator thinking (AKA herd “thinking”).  I have had people try to turn my work into cartoons and Hollywood productions, but I have no interest in any of that.  None of that is going to help the epochal event manifest, and if you want to meet the world’s social managers, just try to go those routes.  I have watched Dennis get libeled and smeared since the day that I met him.  I know how the game is played.

One problem that I constantly encounter is people failing to understand free energy’s epochal significance.  Almost nothing of today’s societies will survive for long in the Fifth Epoch.  Each Epoch was radically different than what came before, and was firmly rooted in the energy issue.  I see people try to paste today’s world onto the Fifth Epoch, and completely fail to understand the transformative effects that will accompany it.  As an analogy, imagine being a Second Epoch hunter-gatherer, and somebody told you about having a stand of grain to harvest.  For starters, you would not really understand what they were referring to, but once you were shown a field of grain, do you think that you would have immediately grasped that it meant that your band could become sedentary?  Being sedentary was an alien idea, and none of your existence was built around that.  Do you think that you could have even imagined villages, then cities, then civilization, writing, metallurgy, and so on?  It would have been so far beyond your comprehension that you could not have imagined any of it.  You would not have even understood that hunter-gatherers harvesting fields of grain would end the Epoch of hunter-gatherers.  The world would end as you knew it.  Maybe your initial idea was that when the grain was ripe, the band would have an easy week or two, but the idea of staying in one place and cultivating the grain, storing it, and the like, would have been beyond your comprehension, as would the changes it would bring to your society.  Humanity’s first matrilocal societies came from those early days of horticulture, and that alone was unprecedented an unimaginable to those hunter-gatherers before that change happened.  

Although we have shows such as Star Trek or visions such as Roads’s to provide some idea of what the Fifth Epoch might be like, even that (or my work) can barely scratch the surface.  There are not going to be Starbucks, airplanes, roads, poverty, races, nations, soldiers, bankers, or cities as we know them in the Fifth Epoch.  And that is just for starters. Trying to project features of the current Epoch onto the next one is pure folly.  For the vast majority of humanity, their heads explode after only a few seconds of thinking about the Fifth Epoch, and they are not going to begin to understand until they can experience it, and that is normal.  Humanity is not going to be talked, herded, hoodwinked, and the like into manifesting the Fifth Epoch.  It is going to take a relatively small group of high integrity and high sentience to do it, and that group does not yet exist on Earth.  



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