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Lessons learned from my journey with Dennis

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With this morning’s response to the pipeline protests in the USA, I can segue to my greatest activist lesson from my days with Dennis, as far as what won’t work:

The mass movement mentality is worthless for the free energy pursuit

What Dennis did, to try to amass his activist “army,” was to appeal to the primary population management ideologies in the USA: nationalism, capitalism, and organized religion. It was kind of jarring for me, to see it in action. Although I doubt that Dennis was really aware of it, even to this day, appealing to those ideologies was really appealing to people’s sense of self-interest and in-group mentalities. What that really meant, but was unspoken, was that Dennis really didn’t believe that people cared for something beyond their egocentric existences, but that they had to be baited by their self-interest into becoming involved. Dennis eventually candidly admitted it, even calling himself a “con man,” meaning that he saw his job as giving people confidence, and he often did, as long as he was in the room. People’s confidence left as soon as Dennis did. Dennis thought that he had enough confidence for everybody to jump aboard his ship and sail off to Utopia. It never worked out that way.

At its root, that was the great contradiction in Dennis’s approach, but it was many years before I could articulate what was troubling about that approach. Dennis also appealed to right-wing Christians, and the right-wing mentality is primarily self-serving, which is the opposite mentality from what is needed, IMO.

I eventually called the mass movement mentality Level 10, and I also mounted a mass movement with Brian, but other than what I learned about how such approaches were doomed, what a waste of time, money, and a person’s life.

The so-called radical left is stuck in the protestor mentality. I have subscribed to Z Magazine for a quarter century, and every issue features protestors, holding up their homemade signs. As I stated this morning, all “protest” comes from an immature and stunted perspective that hacks at branches, at best. All protest is complaint-based and victim-oriented, and that mentality is not going to right the ship. The left’s towering intellectuals, such as Uncles Noam, Ed, Howard, and Mike, are great at pointing out the problems and exposing the Establishment’s innumerable lies, but they are all short on solutions.

Dennis’s effort was not about “protest,” but about doing something, but people “doing something” because of the enticements of self-interest are really no help at all. In Dennis’s books, you can read of his description of the motivation of many people involved with him, who sent in their money to buy kits or dealerships, to help the “cause,” kind of like “liberals” sending checks to the Sierra Club to help the environmentalist cause. It is relatively easy to do that, although sending in checks for $2K to $10K was far more than the usual Sierra Club donation. Far harder is performing the introspection needed to jettison one’s scarcity-based conditioning. I offer a course in it (my entire site can be seen in that light), and I do not ask for money. I ask for something far greater: integrity and sentience. Not many can muster enough of that, and I accepted that long ago, and know that I seek needles in haystacks.

One way to summarize the mass movement approach is that a lowest-common-denominator approach attracts lowest-common-denominator people, and they will do more harm than good to efforts such as making free energy happen. There needs to be an epochal left, which will be infinitely more “radical” than the radical left. :) It all starts in the heart.



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I am working seven days a week right now, and will do so for a couple more weeks, oh the joy. This will be a short twofer:

Free energy and related technologies already exist on Earth

Their organized suppression is a very real phenomenon

I should not have to belabor those points much, but I will make a few observations. Again, these are lessons that I learned from my experiences, not some armchair scholastic exercise. I first heard of FE when Dennis talked about Joe Newman, we soon took our own crack at it, and soon before I left Ventura, I heard about Sparky Sweet. I would see and hear plenty more, and I did not really become aware of the FE milieu until I was out of it. FE technology is already on the planet today, and is likely older than I am. You can take that to the bank. Among those in my FE circle (it is not that large), there is no doubt, as we all have had encounters that have gotten us close to what my friend was shown, several years after I left Ventura. They all have stories that can trip the light fantastic, and they often barely survived them. I am tired of hearing dead FE inventor stories, and I never wanted to collect them in the first place. I could tell hair-raising stories, which make tales like Mark’s merely footnotes.

I have crazily had my experiences in the FE milieu dismissed as a “conspiracy theory,” when there is no theory about it. Experiences are data, not theory, and they are very reproducible. Go find an astronaut and organize UFO conferences, or bring disruptive energy technology to market in a disruptive way, and you will collect your own “data,” if you survive the experience. That kind of dismissive (and often dishonest) irrationality abounds in the milieu, among “skeptics,” etc.



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I have to rush off to work, so this will be a short one. I have more lessons learned in Ventura to cover. All of my learning experiences since then have been modest ones. Hitting the books is tame compared to playing on the high road. Without those years with Dennis, I would not have much worth saying.

The Global Controllers are alive and well, but their interventions are relatively modest

Dennis called them the Big Boys, Greer calls them Godzilla, and I invented the term Global Controllers (or GCs). Whatever the name, they are a real organization, and you have never heard of its members. From what I witnessed during my journey, as I learned my life’s most important lesson, it was evident that the GCs did not need to intervene very much, as we do most of their work for them, gratis. People such as Mr. Deputy, Mr. Texas, Bill the BPA Hit Man, and probably Mr. Skeptic were on the payroll, at one level or another, and their activities were truly evil, but it was because they were paid to be. What was far more amazing to me was how easily they duped and manipulated people. From big names in the FE field to Mr. Engineer and Mr. Researcher to Mr. Stooge, it was initially stupefying to me how such people were almost effortlessly gulled by those professional psychopaths. But, it goes back to the primary lesson of my journey. People of low integrity are easily manipulated by the carrots and sticks of organized suppression, as they are maneuvered to slit their own throats.

Most of the time, one provocateur and 99 normal people, in thrall to fear and greed, are all that it takes to wipe out an effort. I saw it in Seattle first, as my boss engineered the theft of the company while the employees cheered, and even the “loyalists” showed their true colors by the end, as only two people in Seattle dropped out honorably. And the Seattle events were only a gentle preview for me. If you had told me what was ahead of me as I drove out to Boston to chase Dennis, or as I drove that truck to Ventura, I would not have believed you. The lessons I learned in Seattle were trivial compared to the Ventura experience.

The vast majority of the time, there does not need to be any organized suppression at all, as FE efforts self-destruct, from greed and a general low integrity among the effort’s members. Godzilla usually just needs to get some popcorn and watch the show, and most interventions are extremely subtle, so subtle that the targets never suspect how they were messed with. Only when targets like Dennis repeatedly survive the lower levels of suppression and their “allies” do they begin to receive overt suppression efforts from the GCs’ level, and even then, the effort’s “allies” and public still do most of Godzilla’s dirty work, and eagerly. It was an incredible realization, but it was beaten into my head in no uncertain terms. That realization greatly influenced the strategy that I am trying today.



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I am taking a little break from my lessons learned posts, to briefly address some of the hazards of waking up. I first heard of Noam Chomsky in the waning days in Ventura, and heard who may have been Ed Herman the next year promoting his new magazine, which I began subscribing to that same year, after I moved to Ohio, as the American propaganda machine was beating the drums for war. Not only was I learning how deep the propaganda well in the USA went, down to the very bedrock of our societies, but I also discovered that none of the brainwashed want to know, as the brainwashing justifies the in-group status that feeds them, and nowhere is it more evident than in military-industrial-complex (MIC) households, and I grew up in one, in an MIC neighborhood, in an MIC community, as military bases were the largest employers in the area. I have been hearing imperial rationales for 50 years.

I had to listen to a relative hold forth on our imperial beneficence recently, and once again realized that I can only talk about sports and the weather with the vast majority of people. I can’t be around people justifying our genocidal behavior, as I realize that they will parrot the propaganda for our next genocide, and I can’t stand listening to it. It is like listening to 1930s Germans extolling Hitler’s virtues, or even 1940s Germans in the middle of the Final Solution lauding those Jews getting onto trains to Auschwitz, believing that they were getting resettled on Madagascar or some such haven. It is truly sickening for me to hear those blithe justifications, especially as we are on the brink of electing a warmonger who may well initiate World War III.

I recently wrote about Uncle Ed’s exposure of the imperial propaganda around the Rwandan genocide, which has spread into the Congo today (1, 2, 3). The American propaganda system literally turned reality upside down, as the Hutu have been the target of genocide by the Tutsi rulers (with several million Hutu dead today), led by Paul Kagame, an American puppet who is securing the region for American, Canadian, and British mining interests (a very familiar tale), but the Hutu are portrayed in the USA as the genocidists, as if Jews and American Indians were portrayed as genocidists that the heroic Hitler and George Washington protected us from. It is similar to how Palestinians are portrayed as terrorists today, while the terrorist Israeli government is portrayed as a peaceful entity defending its citizens against those terrorists. The American government is the greatest terror organization on Earth, by far, and we even append cute names to our terror operations, such as “shock and awe.”

The fact is that the USA created the jihad culture that we see today in Islamic nations. It began it with the biggest operation in CIA history, as the USA baited the Soviet Union into invading Afghanistan, later bragged about by one of its architects, and created the modern idea of the jihad. Before Ralph McGehee was silenced, he wrote that the CIA printed up tens of thousands of Korans for its jihad schools in Afghanistan. Since Afghanistan, American-trained Islamic terrorists have been busy in the Balkans, Libya, and now Syria. These are the same people, and at times literally the same people, moving from one theater to another, on behalf of their CIA paymasters.

And as with all imperial propaganda, our crimes are swept under the carpet by the system or, surreally, turned into glory stories. The American propaganda focus on Libya is not about how the USA destroyed the most prosperous Arab nation (after the USA destroyed Iraq), but how some Americans, including the ambassador, were collateral damage in our imperial foray (and those who “credit” NATO for Libya’s demise ignore the fact that NATO has been an American puppet since World War II).

Hillary Clinton may well trigger World War III in the Middle East, with Syria being the current flashpoint, and when I heard her debating Trump recently, her shrill denunciations of Putin sounded like Joe McCarthy.

One of the most obscene statements uttered by an American president in my lifetime (and there are so many to choose from) was Bill Clinton’s greatest “regret” as president, in that he did not do more to prevent the Hutu genocide of the Tutsi. That is like Hitler in his bunker saying that his greatest regret was that he did not do enough to protect the German people from the Jews. When I heard a relative parrot that Clinton “regret,” as a way to justify our imperial behavior, to “save” people, it set me off, and I am still coming down from it.

I will cover a lot of this territory in coming lessons learned posts, but this was a recent incident that again drove home that I can only talk about sports and weather with the vast majority of Americans, and especially most of those in my social circles. It is a hazard of waking up.



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This will be another short one, as I rush off to work.  As I have written plenty, before I had even heard of Noam Chomsky or the alternative media, I got both barrels of the media’s inversion of reality during my days with Dennis.  They could literally turn reality on its head, as they lionized psychopaths and vilified saints.  It was incredible to witness at first, and nothing that Ed and Noam presented surprised me much, when I finally discovered their work.  So, this lesson may seem trite, but I had it beaten into my head in Ventura:

The media can simply make it up as it goes, and can literally turn reality upside down

That the media did that was amazing enough, but what was initially shocking was how eagerly people lapped it up, including my own mother, who never even asked for my side of the story, as she made a scrapbook of those libelous articles and took it on tour to my friends, family, and investors, telling the story of her son the criminal.  That was my big surprise about the media, not so much how effective it was at brainwashing people, but how the masses eagerly desired the brainwashing and avidly resisted any and all attempts to help them awaken.  

In the years since Ventura, I studied the media far more than I studied business or science, but my awakening happened during those days with Dennis, as I began seeing the media’s Big Lies only a few weeks after meeting him.  



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A couple of odds and ends before I rush off to work…

Hi Chris:

Your comments reminds me of Seth’s statement, in that when people channel their expression through acts like sex, they often are inhibiting their expression, by limiting it to certain “approved” means.  Similarly, body adornment is meant to make a “statement,” like a bumper sticker, but what does it really say?  Not much.  That is all so superficial.  

To all:

To my recent “hazards of waking up” post, it really needs to be sports and the weather with most people around me.  I was planning to write about it in my lessons learned series already, as it was one of the most important lessons that I learned since I left Ventura.  My journey has made me something highly unusual in people’s lives, and what happens all the time is that people who know something of my background want to interact with me, for various reasons.  Sometimes, it is for insights that they rarely encounter, but more often, it is to somehow defend their worldview or get me to validate it, and I am very tired of it.

My perspective is as radical as it gets on Earth, and is what I have called an epochal perspective.  People have to discard almost all that they think they know (and become scientifically literate) to even glimpse it.  But almost nobody is able or willing to do that, as they drag along their comforting baggage.  We can’t get to the truth by dragging along our conditioning.  I know that almost nobody is willing or able to do that, I know that I seek needles in haystacks, and I am not going to find many in my social circles.  When people in my social circles try to engage me in Wade’s World talk, it often ends badly, and I have quite a few relationships that were wrecked or ended because of it.  But it is not just people trying to defend their conventional world view.  Perhaps worse is people’s trying to engage me on some New Age/conspiracist topic that they are enamored with.  The vast majority of such stuff is invalid or of trivial importance, to put it politely, but few people exercise discernment: they either see anything unorthodox as a threat, or they get attracted to some fringe topic that appeals to them and they become aficionados of some New Age/conspiracist rubbish.  They want me to buy it with them, but are not willing to let go of their pet topic if it seems invalid (or of trivial importance), usually because it merely becomes another part of a slightly unorthodox and self-serving worldview.

An open mind is a key to progressing beyond our conditioning, but we also need to exercise our critical faculties.  Creativity and discernment is the hallmark of good science, but even there, the practice often falls far short of its promise, mainly due to conflicts of interest, which abound in our world of scarcity and fear.  

To my recent pipeline protest post, I do not want to give the impression that it never works, as there have been many victories in the USA, where people were able to stop the chainsaws, strip-miners, pipelines, and the like (I hike in some of those saved lands), but what usually happened was that the industrial interests merely moved abroad and strip-mined and clear-cut nations without the kind of internal freedom that American citizens have.  The corporatism that John Perkins wrote about is alive and well.  That said, those protestors have often been targeted by COINTELPRO kinds of efforts (see The War against the Greens, for instance), there are plenty of dead activists, and the cops are often in on it.  When Judi Bari survived a bomb placed under the seat of her car, the cops arrested her and the FBI kept trying to frame her for surviving a murder attempt (it was the domestic version of framing the genocided Hutus as genocidists). As Mark discovered, there is a COINTELPRO for FE inventors, too.  And, of course, most such suppression activities take place in California.  

I’ll finish with a little more on tropical rainforest Africa.  When Portugal began to learn to sail the Atlantic, the first thing they did was seek slaves and gold in Africa, which initiated a demographic catastrophe that lasted for centuries.  Spain was right behind them, and the greatest demographic catastrophe in the human journey was the century that Spain had the Western Hemisphere to itself, to rape and plunder it with abandon.

But malaria and other diseases kept Europeans out of equatorial Africa for centuries.  That was why what is known as the Congo today was ripe for King Leopold’s picking little more than a century ago, and another demographic catastrophe began.  When the colonial order began disintegrating after World War II, the USA merely replaced the colonial overlords with corporate ones.  The CIA helped murder the first elected leader of the Congo, Patrice Lumumba, and Dwight Eisenhower gave the order to kill him.  Eisenhower privately called African diplomats “niggers” while president, and did not want them invited to the White House, to show how progressive he was.  Ike’s ordering Lumumba’s murder is one of the starker presidential revelations of recent years.

A CIA official actually drove around the Congo with Lumumba’s body in his car’s trunk, wondering how to get rid of it.  One reason for his murder’s timing was that JFK was sympathetic to Africa’s efforts to shed colonial domination, and Lumumba had to be killed before JFK was inaugurated.  He was dead for a month before JFK was even told about it, and his relationship with the CIA went downhill from there, ending in his murder, which was covered-up by the USA’s chief spook, Allen Dulles.  

Time for work.




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Here is one of the most important lessons that I learned from my days with Dennis:

The power of a few committed people

As I look back at the Seattle experience, Dennis is the only reason why it all happened, and without Alison’s help, he would not have survived this far on his journey.  She saved his life several times.  The week before I became Dennis’s partner, there were three of us.  A few months later, we were offered $10 million for Dennis’s bright idea, and a year later, the offer was $1 billion to go away.  Then they began to play rough.  I did not hear about the big offer until 1996, when I read it in Dennis’s book and he began publicly discussing it.  When the night was the darkest at the end of 1988, there were four of us.

The full might of the USA’s legal system (and provocateurs such as Ken Hodgell) was dedicated to wiping us out, with no chance of ever recovering.  Dennis expected to never live to see this side of the bars again, as he sat in solitary confinement for trying to throw a Christmas party, after the farce of a preliminary hearing ended.  Instead of getting a shotgun and “cleaning up” Ventura County, I sacrificed my life, which incredibly worked, in the biggest miracle that I ever witnessed.  A handful of us stood up to an incredibly evil system, working on behalf of its patrons, and thwarted the dark pathers’ dark plans for us.  Dennis was long ago “all in,” after his moment with his shotgun barrel in his mouth, and Mr. Professor and I paid awesome prices for our heroism, but a handful of us “prevailed” and Dennis lived to try again, and again, and again.

I saw what a few committed people could stir up, and what a few of us could do in the face of an evil system.  The system is run by cowards.  A few people with the right stuff, committing their lives to the right cause, are very difficult to stop.

Ten Dennises or a hundred Brians and Mr. Professors, combining their efforts, and the public would have had free energy technology long ago.  But there is only one like Dennis and a handful like Brian and Mr. Professor.  That is not enough.  That reality has greatly informed my current efforts.  Almost nobody on Earth has the right stuff, but it does no good to judge the situation.  It is just what it is.

But are there enough people on Earth who are brave enough to shed their conditioning and dare to imagine the coming epoch before it is placed in their laps?  Can they learn to sing the song of abundance?  That is my gamble, and I have devoted the rest of my life’s “spare” time to it, and seeing what a handful of us were capable of accomplishing helped lead to my current approach.  It will only take a relative handful of people to usher in the next epoch, just as it was for all of the prior epochs.  But it won’t be easy, and finding and training the choir will be the hard part.  



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My next important lesson from my days with Dennis is this:

Secrecy and deception will not work, not for this epochal task

This is also related to the shows that Dennis would put on.  I was his sidekick for his first Greatest Energy Show on Earth, and watched many shows over the years.  Shows put on the best possible face, and Dennis would often be deceptive.  Never in a malicious or fraudulent way, but he was doing what showmen do, which was impress the audience.  But there was very little that I ever saw on stage where I went, “Ah, now that is something!”  With his heat pump, probably the most impressive demonstration was putting it in a freezer and having it make hot water.  In Ventura, we built an insulated room in our R&D facility, and wheeled in that demo that our salesman harmed by liquid-charging it (we swapped out the compressor and fixed the problem) during Dennis’s Saturday morning show, and after about 20 minutes or so, they would open that room, and the system had taken the air temperature to below zero.  Mr. Mentor suggested that demo.  That was actually an impressive demonstration.  But it was not flashy.  Nobody is impressed with watching refrigerators run.  :)

Another demonstration that impressed me was showing an aspect of Mr. Mentor’s engine, in which a hydraulic motor can instantly reverse itself, and instead of powering the car, it can store kinetic energy in a hydraulic accumulator, which is kind of putting that energy back in the gas tank.  I saw that at Dennis’s Columbus show in early 1996, which an Amish group attended.  

But other than those moments, I saw little that was impressive on stage, other than perhaps watching Brown’s Gas sublimate tungsten.  “Skeptics” deny that it can do that, but running the vapor through a mass spectrometer proves it.  The transmutation experiments were also impressive, but the feds were going to arrest Dennis and Yull if they tried it at their Philadelphia show.  

Dennis used secrecy and deception to navigate his way through the minefield, but I eventually realized that playing secrecy and deception games would guarantee that you never would negotiate that minefield.  When Dennis did not tell me that his initial investor in Boston was going to put up $1 million, he did it to protect me, but it ended up costing me later with my investors, but the ones who attacked and betrayed me would have likely done so anyway.  When Dennis did not tell me that we moved to Ventura because Mr. Mentor told him that if he wanted to work with him, that we had to move there, that act of secrecy really ended up costing me in the long run.  When Dennis did not tell me that he received that $1 billion offer to go away from the CIA, I certainly did not blame him, as I wanted out at the time myself.

Dennis justified his deceptions with the public and those around him as “godly deceptions,” like trying to convince an invalid that he could get out of bed and walk, but tricking him into it.  I eventually realized that anybody who needed to be tricked to be involved in this epochal task should not be involved.  The enticements of self-interest, I came to realize, are worse than worthless for this task, and if you have to play games of secrecy and deception, then you should not be playing at all.  That is what I eventually realized about Dennis’s approach that made me uneasy, and it also shows that Dennis himself does not understand the epochal nature of the free energy pursuit.  It also shows in how he drags his Third Epoch religion around with him.  Third Epoch religions are dying in the Fourth Epoch, and will have no place in the Fifth Epoch (and neither will the Fourth Epoch’s religion, materialism).  

I really only began grasping free energy’s epochal nature myself around 2010, about when I read a book published by Shell Oil, of all companies.  In the Fifth Epoch, games of secrecy and deception will end, as they will become pointless, like so many human behaviors in our world of scarcity and fear will.

Also, Godzilla is the master of secrecy and deception, and you can’t outmaneuver him on his home turf.  He is humanity’s master shepherd.  Whatever manipulations of the public that Dennis tried, to get people to save themselves, were trumped to the umpteenth magnitude by Godzilla’s minions.  Secrecy and deception have no place in my work, although naming names can bring both the innocent and guilty into an unwanted light, and they can keep hiding in the shadows for all I care.  Almost all of the names that I do not name in my public work can be easily adduced with just a little effort.  I do it to keep the idly curious out of trouble.  The vast majority of humanity today thinks that “research” is surfing the Internet for ten minutes.  I am regularly presented garbage such as Mr. Skeptic’s libelous article and asked to explain it (it happened recently at Avalon), as an Internet surfer performed “research.”    

I’ll be working seven days a week for a while still, and it is time to rush off to a 15-hour day at work.  



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I just pulled an all-nighter at the office (actually, I got a couple of hours of sleep in my car around midnight), and have to rush off soon to work, after getting a few more hours of Z’s, as I complete about an 80-hour week.  I really am getting too old for this.  :) So, this will be short, and will introduce a subject that will take a fair number of posts to cover.  

There are several levels of the global power structure, they are not all aligned, and the lower levels only have a dim awareness, if any, of the higher levels

This is only one reason of several why Dennis’s journey should be required study for any free energy aspirant.  Dennis’s preposterous journey took him from harvesting asparagus as a child to living amongst the Eastern Oligarchy to dealing with local mobsters (and repeatedly surviving their murder attempts) to being wiped out by the local electric industry, which had their very own hit men, to getting Godzilla’s attention, with his first overture being the friendly buyout offer in Boston, to Godzilla’s adding a couple of zeroes the next year, before he began playing rough.  And all of that was only the beginning of Dennis’s odyssey, in significant ways.  There is plenty about Dennis’s journey I don’t know about, and maybe he’ll tell me more on his deathbed, but of just what I know of and witnessed, the “tame” version of Dennis’s journey would blow the minds of nearly everybody who encountered it.  My own journey is unbelievable to the vast majority of humanity, and Dennis’s is far more so.  Brian’s journey is similarly unbelievable, and our journeys were so bizarre that being asked/ordered to go to Mars was only an amusing footnote.

In Boston we received our first “White Hat” contacts, which became far more intimate later on (I am not at liberty to reveal anything close to all that I know), and as I have written, I would find out about events many years later, which made things clearer and brought context to seemingly disparate events.  The Rockefellers and Rothschilds got involved, and we were regularly surrounded by Mormons, at least some of whom were likely Godzilla’s minions, such as Ken Hodgell.  

When I staggered out of Ventura in 1990, radicalized, with my life in ruins, I already had quite a few data points that inform my awareness today on the global power structure, but I was really pretty ignorant of those dynamics back then.  I knew that somebody stepped on us in Ventura, with the gangsters that run Ventura County merely being hit men.  But the mosaic of my awareness on this issue was formed over the next generation, from studying structural analysis to conspiracist literature to trading notes with my relatively few fellow travelers who also played on the high road to free energy, who all reported similar terrain, for those who survived the experience, to having more interaction with Godzilla’s minions and others at various levels of the power structure.  



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Here is my next one on the global power structure:

The retail elite are not at the top

The people who really run the world you have never heard of.  They know that invisibility serves their cause.  When people mention David Rockefeller, George Soros, the Rothschilds, Henry Kissinger, or even somebody such as Bill Gates, they are referring to the retail elite, and if they state that the retail elite really run the show, then they are deluded or are providing a disinformation function.  We have interacted with the retail elite level of the game numerous times, and when we did (and they almost always contacted us, not the other way around), they provided their names.  When we interacted with levels above theirs (again, they contacted us), they didn’t, as they played cloak-and-dagger games.  The people at Davos, Bohemian Grove, CFR, and the like are the retail elite, not members of Godzilla’s organization, although all such organizations are penetrated and monitored by Godzilla’s minions.  

When Dennis got the billion dollar offer to go away, it was delivered by a CIA man who represented “European interests.”  A witty and urbane CIA man from an Ivy League school is a high-class errand boy, and I doubt that he had much idea of who was ultimately behind the offer he delivered.  When you play at those levels, you begin to get to Godzilla’s level of the game, or are at least knocking on his door.  When the White Hats contact you, you begin to play at the high levels, and that is above where the retail elite play.

I just ordered Greer’s New Energy series.  I did not think that his Sirius video was very good, especially all the excitement over what is very likely a human fetus that they tested, too see if it was an alien corpse.  That was venturing into the tabloid fringe a bit, and Greer can aim higher than that.  Brian O was deeply involved in Greer’s Disclosure Project, for good reason, as Brian had his life shortened due to his involvement in the UFO issue.  

I have stated it plenty, that I strongly doubt that Greer has a prayer with his mass movement approach, and neither did Dennis or anybody else on Earth.  Dennis and Brian were fit for the “man of the people” role to lead a mass movement effort, but there is no army to lead.  I happily carried their spears and saw their greatest problems come from mutiny attempts, not external intervention, although in Dennis’s case, Bill the BPA Hit Man and Ken Hodgell were Godzilla’s minions who infiltrated the organization to incite mutiny, and the amazing part to me was how easily their efforts succeeded.  But Bill and Ken likely had no idea who their ultimate paymaster was, and it did not matter to them, as long as they were paid well.  They were disposable contract agents, as a close relative also was.  None of them could have led anybody anywhere near the top of Godzilla’s organization.  The highest you would have gotten through them was to their “handlers.”  

Greer has named the Mormon financial empire and the Jesuit order as Godzilla organizations, and Greer likely does know plenty of names from that level, but what an insanely dangerous game to play, and he has paid dearly.  While Greer is not the man for the mass movement job (and nobody is, not for this epochal task), I respect what he learned on his journey.  But it was only when his Disclosure Project witnesses began describing the same technologies that my close friend saw in his little show that Greer began earning credibility points with me, and having Ed Mitchell as your sidekick at Congressional hearings, and Gordon Cooper as one of your witnesses, is not bad, not bad at all.  

But nobody can take the names “Mormon Financial Empire” or “Jesuit Order” and go knocking on any doors, asking to meet with Godzilla.  Others in my circles have had similar encounters, and you risk your life to get to the level where you can have such encounters, and crazed hyper-elite plans to terraform Mars, as their ultimate survival enclave if their games destroy Earth’s surface, are real.  

While the core of Godzilla’s organization is truly insane, with their lust for power and control, the organization is also fractured (I’ll buy Greer’s 70-30 split), and the people who gave my friend his show were likely from the saner disenchanted faction of Godzilla’s organization that doesn’t want to risk having to live on Mars to survive Earth’s environmental demise.  

Every presidential administration since Reagan’s has known Dennis by name, including the coming rerun of the Clinton years, but sitting presidents are little more than disposable errand boys, and they know it.  Jack Kennedy was the last president who thought that he could make a dent, he was rudely disabused of that notion, and every president since then was handpicked by David Rockefeller, knew their place, and meekly complied, but again, David Rockefeller is nowhere near the top.  



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There were so many important lessons from my first stint with Dennis, which inform my efforts today, and here is one of the most important:

Organized suppression is at least 90% structural

Although Bill the BPA Hit Man, Ken Hodgell, and Mr. Deputy were definitely in on it, the vast majority of those involved in wiping us out were not.  While a well-paid psychopath took his mask off for me when I was on the witness stand in kangaroo court, and was in on it from the beginning, far more telling were Mr. Investigator’s behavior and statements.  When he openly admitted that he did not even care if his prosecutorial targets were innocent or not, and admitted to lying his ass off to gain the coveted convictions of innocent people, he was expressing sentiments held by most people in the USA’s law enforcement and judicial system, but only in Ventura could they be heard saying it aloud.  Ms. Prosecutor lied her ass off from the moment I saw her, was rewarded with a judgeship for her efforts, and promotions were liberally sprinkled around for everybody’s role in the legal abomination that saw a world-saving man imprisoned for failing to file a form, and the prison officials repeatedly tried to get him murdered by the inmates.  And almost none of them were really in on it, as far as knowing what was at stake, what happened on the day of the raid, and who was ultimately behind it.  

The system is so fundamentally evil, and the people who run it are so naturally evil-minded, just doing their jobs, that it is very easy to direct the system to take out targets like Dennis.  A third of all men become sadistic murderers if the opportunity presents itself, and our experiences were normal on Earth, not bizarre aberrations.  Godzilla’s interventions are exceedingly mild, for the scale of what he is manipulating, like a flea directing an elephant.  We have the Godzilla that we deserve.  :)  

Mr. Cub Reporter’s Big Lies about Dennis were just days at the office for him, and laughing while I testified was just a normal day for the likes of him, and my mother could not get enough of those libelous articles for her scrapbook of her son the criminal.  None of them knew or cared that they were helping destroy Earth and humanity with their behaviors.  The LA TV stations and LA Times parroting the lies was just what the media does.  Lying to the public is its primary function, just like the CIA’s is.  Telling Big Lies and engaging in evil-minded behaviors are the norm, not the exception, in the USA, especially at all levels of the power structure.  Most don’t know or care if their efforts are evil or not, as long as they are paid well.  This is just how our world works, and who humanity is.  I had somebody in my house just last week mindlessly justifying the USA’s imperial behavior, because the MIC feeds him.  

And as we are all behaviorally modern, this is not just some aberration that can only be seen in imperial societies, but what virtually all people will do when given the chance.  This is how behaviorally modern humans, in situations of scarcity and fear, act.  In subsequent years of study, I came to realize just how normal what I saw was.  Humanity has always been an egocentric animal virtually bereft of any personal integrity, and all out-groups have been fair game.  I saw it with Europe’s conquest of Earth, the Jewish Holocaust, today’s imperial behavior by the USA (as we elect another imperial warmonger as president today, who may well ignite World War III), and so on.  

It takes great integrity to even admit that the recitation above may be true, as people defend their egocentric conceits when confronted with them.  The path of enlightenment is coming to simply acknowledge that this is who humanity is and has always been.  Personal integrity is indeed the world’s scarcest commodity, and it is OK to have moments of disgust when realizing it, but those still productive came out the other side of that state and learned to relinquish their judgment of that situation, and realize that it is simply where humanity is.  I know what I have to work with, and know that I seek needles in haystacks.  

Rushing off now to another insanely long day at the office.



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I get to sleep in my own bed tonight:) Today is a chore day, so I’ll make a post or two between chores.  Back to my lessons learned:  

People operating primarily from self-interest are almost effortlessly defeated by organized suppression

As with most of these lessons learned from my first stint with Dennis, it relates to the integrity issue, or lack thereof.  When I saw my boss help engineer the theft of Dennis’s company while the employees cheered, it was my first glimmering of awakening.  I had more such moments over that summer of 1986, but class really began when I became Dennis’s partner, and by the end of 1988, I had learned my life’s primary lesson.  

What amazed me the most was not that professional psychopaths such as Bill the BPA Hit Man, Mr. Deputy, and Ken Hodgell were sicced on us, but how easily their manipulations worked, and on people who should have known better, such as Mr. Engineer.  The GC’s really don’t have to work all that hard to keep the lid on FE and other disruptive technologies.  The masses do almost all of the GCs’ work for them, gratis.  I learned that lesson in no uncertain terms, which is why I began having serious doubts about Dennis’s mass movement efforts, and later, Brian’s.  I did not want to believe it was true, and I resisted that lesson every step of the way, and I am sympathetic to people’s desire to deny or minimize that issue, but it is the truth and the biggest reason why we don’t have FE today.  All of Godzilla’s antics are mere noise compared to that.

Years later, when I encountered Michael Roads’s visits to two future Earths, both the heavenly and hellish, I immediately recognized the truth of what Roads’s mentor spoke of.  Those gray beings who manipulated that hellish society were merely parasites taking advantage of humanity’s benighted lack of integrity, while choosing love was the key to that heavenly world.  It was ringing truths such as those, along with knowing psychonauts who have taken travels like Roads’s, which lead me to not consider Roads’s accounts to be fiction.  



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As I have written, many lessons from my days with Dennis did not become clearer until years later, when I encountered more information, either about events from those days or when my studies helped me see a bigger picture, and this next lesson is one of them:

Conspiracism is not going to achieve a productive perspective

Conspiracism is a far cry from acknowledging that conspiratorial events happen, but making conspiratorial dynamics the dominant (or even sole) explanatory framework.  Even when conspiratorial events took us out, 90% of the damage was caused by people who were not in on it.  Most of the damage that Dennis received over the years came from his allies, not his enemies.  We experienced White Hat contact and Black Hat snuff jobs, and Dennis is conspiratorial in his outlook, for good reason.  Conspiratorial literature is the first alternative political literature that I encountered, years before encountering Uncle Noam and the structuralists.

But I found that conspiracists were usually scientifically illiterate, paranoid, simple-minded, often dragged around the baggage of Third Epoch religions, and the like.  Those who sit in the pews of the Fourth Epoch’s religion, materialism, err in the other direction, denying that conscious and surreptitious manipulation of events is even possible.  Conspiracists and structuralists are two sides of the same coin, and fear dominates their perspectives.  Neither one, by itself, will come to productive understandings of how our world really works.  Only a loving perspective can do that.  Structuralists come far closer than conspiracists do, however, because most of our actions are “unconscious,” simply following orders or blindly chasing our self-interest, not of the mindset that leads to conspiratorial behaviors.  Dark pathers are a tiny fraction of humanity, a few percent at most.

Understanding conspiratorial events is to understand merely one facet of a very large and complex phenomenon.  You can’t just study an elephant’s tail and understand the elephant, but that is essentially what conspiracists try to do.  There is far more to how the world works than its conspiratorial aspects.  I have borne the brunt of a global conspiracy, so am very familiar with them, but those conspiratorial activities were far from the whole story.  They are an important, yet minor, dynamic of how our world works, and obsessively focusing on them, or denying their existence, leads to lopsided and deluded perspectives, which are no help at all for making the biggest event in the human journey manifest.  Conspiracism is a self-defeating perspective, and readily gives over to fear and paranoia.  



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Here is my next lesson, which I began learning during my first stint with Dennis

A scientifically illiterate public is easily led astray

Somewhat ironically, I first began seeing it with Dennis’s scientifically illiterate bluster as he was pitching.  Dennis would make scientifically inaccurate statements, not being scientifically trained himself, and I would encounter people’s uncomprehending reactions to them.  A particularly memorable instance was when Dennis tried to impress his audience in Ventura with a statement about his heat pump’s panels.  Dennis said that they would warm to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the sunshine.  He was, I suppose, trying to make a case for the radiation absorption capabilities of the panels, which would have been obvious to the scientifically literate, but one day, one of the hangers-on at our Ventura facility asked me just how hot those panels got when the heat pump was working.  His question startled me, as I realized that he did not understand the first thing about why the heat pump worked, and Dennis’s explanation led to that confusion.

That is partly why Dennis’s marketing program was so brilliant.  The customer did not have to know how the heat pump worked or even care.  If it did not save the customer money, then the customer did not pay anything.  Dennis got far, far away from that approach after Seattle, going with faith instead, and I realized that a scientifically illiterate public would be swayed by any clever presentation, unable to assess any of it for themselves.

I began getting cold feet with Dennis’s approach in Ventura, as I saw the public’s reaction.  I have seen it many times since then.  Orthodox science is far from the be-all, end-all, but some scientific literacy can help people separate the wheat from the chaff.  There were scientific and technical heavyweights in Dennis’s camp, but they were not on stage with Dennis, and we would cringe at some of his statements.  

I recently wrote of my disappointment with watching Greer’s new energy video, but if you watch it, you can tell that Greer is scientifically literate and that the physics behind FE and electrogravity is far beyond the physics textbooks.  And he wisely does not go too far down the rabbit hole with this audience, who would not have been able to understand, anyway.  Brian O said that early in his FE days, he would begin talking technically in presentations, and the audience’s eyes would glaze over.  

So, the talks would get dumbed down, to reach the audience’s level, but what was really being accomplished?  Take infrared radiation and greenhouse gases.  It is pretty easy to understand why atmospheric molecules of more than two atoms can absorb infrared radiation.  The more of those molecules in the atmosphere, the more radiation that will be trapped, and the warmer the atmosphere will be.  It is highly evident where I live in Seattle.  When it is cloudy, it rarely gets below freezing in the winter, and it only gets cold when it is clear.  On clear nights, the water molecules in clouds are no longer there to absorb the radiation from the ground, as Earth cools off at night via that radiation.  But a handful of hydrocarbon lobby “scientists” have clouded the issue with the public, along with a compliant media.  A scientifically illiterate public watches the salvos fly back and forth, in a fake debate fostered by the media, and the public does not choose their positions based on their own understandings of the issue, but on whatever “expert” catches their fancy (often the position that best serves their self-interest).  They reject the problem’s existence because they don’t like the solutions being offered.  

You can’t fabricate Earth’s rapidly melting ice.  The White Chuck Glacier graces that Wikipedia article, and you can see its remnants behind me in this picture, and one year soon, I will take my nephew into Lyman Basin and see what is left of its glacier.  

The fact is that the general public is not scientifically literate (less than 10% of Americans are), and scientific presentations to them are meaningless.  Even scientists are going to have a hard time with free energy physics.  That is partly why I stay away from it and take another tactic, of relating people close to me who have seen such technology working (in Greer’s talk, he mentioned some of his own experiences witnessing some of it).  I write about plenty of phenomena that are reproducible and defy the “laws of physics,” such as Brown’s Gas, Rife’s and Naessens’s microscopes, and the like.  There is plenty out there that defies the tenets of orthodox science, and it is usually marginalized and attacked, and if it is really threatening, such as FE and electrogravity, it is taken out.

I learned one new piece of jargon from Greer’s talk.  What I call Godzilla’s Golden Hoard, Greer calls “Black Shelving,” as disruptive technologies are routinely obtained and sequestered.  They have that practice down to a science.  To Greer’s credit, he learned many lessons, usually the hard way, and one of which is that FE inventors who want to patent or keep their technologies proprietary are playing right into Godzilla’s hands.  Open sourcing is the only route with a prayer.

All the time, I hear from people who have zero scientific literacy who announce that some inventor with a gizmo can solve our energy problems, when they are nothing more than fancy batteries or other ways to store energy.  It is the energy source that is important, not how it is stored, but I hear no end of how electric cars or bicycles are going to solve our energy problems.  Those are statements that only the scientifically illiterate can make, and I realized long ago that the scientifically illiterate were useless for an FE effort, unable to winnow the wheat from the chaff, even the obvious chaff, and they uncritically eat that chaff or reject that wheat, even for simple stuff such as how greenhouse gases work.

A major purpose of my big essay is to help people become scientifically literate, so that they develop comprehensive perspectives and can be of help for manifesting the biggest event in the human journey.  The scientifically illiterate are usually little or no help, and are easily led astray.



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The next lesson is kind of the flip-side of the previous lesson, on scientific literacy:

Scientific and scientistic dogma is a great barrier to comprehension

I also began learning that during my first stint with Dennis, but it became much clearer in subsequent years.  Science is ideally a process of discovery.  But because scientists are human, there is a great tendency to treat assumptions as facts, and mainstream science’s positions today are often based on numerous assumptions which may not be true.  Getting scientists to admit it, however, is not easy, and generally, only scientists as internally secure as an Einstein cheerfully admitted how little we know.  Science progresses funeral by funeral, as anti-scientific dogmas die with their advocating scientists.

The hack class of scientists (and their magician allies) have tried to turn the process of science into a religion, and have largely succeeded, seduced by their senses and logic into a religion known as materialism or physicalism.  Scientism is the literal worship of the scientific process, with its adherents believing that the scientific method is the only valid means to knowledge.  How about direct personal experience?  

From the very beginning in Boston, scientists regurgitated their textbooks to us, telling us why FE was “impossible,” citing Carnot and the like.  Maybe they were right, about how Dennis planned to go about making FE happen, but minds greater than mine thought that it was possible, including the greatest inventive and scientific mind that I ever encountered.  

After leaving Ventura, I began studying the work of the “skeptics,” and after numerous encounters with “skeptics,” I consider organized skepticism to be a criminal enterprise.  They usually act like Dominican inquisitors as they execute their duties as the foot soldiers of the scientistic paradigm.  There is a great conceit that scientific training is all about some unbiased quest for the truth, when students are often led off in the wrong direction on the first day of class, and the vast majority never discover any differently, nor do they want to, after deeply imbibing the Kool-Aid of their faith.  I am not picking on scientists, as this dynamic is common in all professions, as they create in-groups, with their attendant egocentric ideologies.  This is common amongst all people and social groupings, and scientists are not immune to it.

Many of the greatest breakthroughs in science and technology were mercilessly ridiculed, attacked, or ignored, and the pioneers often died in obscurity as their breakthroughs were subsequently stolen, without giving them any credit, even in posterity.

While the scientific ideal is a worthy one, just like with historians, journalists, medical doctors, and other professions, the ideal is rarely achieved, and all too often, the professions act exactly the opposite of their stated ideals, particularly when wealth and power are involved.  I have found that scientific and scientistic dogma has crippled the critical faculties of the scientifically trained when they encounter anything the least bit unorthodox, and regarding free energy, I have called them Level 3s.  They have no more personal integrity than the general population, and that is not saying much.  Only when free energy is delivered into their lives will they begin to understand, just like virtually everybody else on Earth, and that is OK and normal.  



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