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Here's another one...  in the bottom image,,, where's the mic?



Edited by David Josephs
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That photo with no hanging mic and it's shadow versus the others showing this at the same time...is truly curious.

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Just now, Michael Clark said:

Camera flashes would make the shadow disappear.

but not the Mic itself ...  these images are split seconds apart Mike

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29 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Michael Clark...exactly.

Ruby's intent to shoot Oswald was not a spontaneous temporary insanity act...and everyone knew it.

But here's one of the biggest kickers in all of this.

Ruby was identified as the caller to the police ( or sheriiff's? ) dispatcher the night before warning them ahead of time about an attempt on Oswald's life during the public announced transfer the next day.  The dispatcher knew Jack Ruby well enough to "be sure" of his identification of Ruby as the transfer warning caller.

My feeling is Ruby was allowed into a position to do what he did in DPD basement that day.


Joe, I wonder if Ruby warned the DPD that an attempt on Oswald's life would be made the next day, in order that he would be arrested before he managed to do it. He was obviously under orders to eradicate Oswald, and getting himself caught before he managed it, might have been  a way of getting himself of the hook. Just wonderin'

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Ruby was frantic that entire weekend and quite so after his arrest after shooting Oswald even sweating according to at least one of his cell guards who also reported that Ruby only exhibited calmness once he heard that Oswald had actually died.

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Most of the well known pics of Ruby lunging and shooting Oswald do not show who Ruby is standing next to up until the time he does this.

This was one of his best DPD officer buddies ( 12 years of interaction ) William " Blackie" Harrison.

Read officer Harrison's Warren Commission testimony to see how personally friendly Harrison was to Jack Ruby.

Are we to believe that Harrison didn't even notice his big and burly strip joint owning friend Jack Ruby standing next to him during the most heightened security time in Dallas Police history?  And that it might have crossed Harrison's mind that MAYBE this was one time that his non-police non-press friend shouldn't be hanging around so close to the most important criminal suspect in American and Dallas history?

Hey, uh Jack...my security orders are that only police and the press are supposed to be here...but thanks again for those Reuben sandwiches you brought us last night.

These still pics always seem to end horizontally with newsman Ike Pappas as the last figure we see.

Just another suspicious aspect to Ruby's presence in the basement.


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Can we dispose of this nuttiness?

If you look at the combination of the clips from Evidence of Revision, and the KRLD tapes, there is no question at all that this is Ruby.  And as Bauer said, he was concealing himself behind Harrison.  

End of argument.

That nut Cinque has now convinced Fetzer and his gang that there is something to this.  

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On 5/4/2017 at 10:49 AM, Michael Clark said:

According to several testimonies (Senator, Crafard), the gun almost always stayed in the trunk, in a bag, with his money.

Also according to Ralph Paul....



Mr. HUBERT. What about the gun, did he keep that on his person?
Mr. PAUL. It's a funny thing about the gun--he would always carry it in a bag, in a deposit bag, a money bag.
Mr. HUBERT. A canvas bag, and----
Mr. PAUL. Unless he went some place special, because he always said somebody might want to beat him up.
Mr. HUBERT. What do you mean by "some place special"--like what? Mr. PAUL. Well, like if he was going out on a date or something, you know, I mean he wouldn't carry the bag. I mean, if he went to a show or something, he wouldn't carry the bag.
Mr. HUBERT. But he took his gun?
Mr. PAUL. No; he left it in the bag. The only time he would carry the gun--the bag was if he wasn't going to no place or he went home if he went to eat, he would take it with him.
Mr. HUBERT. The gun or the bag?
Mr. PAUL. The bag with the gun.
Mr. HUBERT. From his car? 

Mr. PAUL. Yes.
Mr. HUBERT. But yet he would leave it outside all night?
Mr. PAUL. Yes.
Mr. HUBERT. In the car?
Mr. PAUL. In the car.
Mr. HUBERT. But let me see if I get this straight--if he was going to eat, he would go to his car, take the money out of the trunk----
Mr. PAUL. No; the bag.
Mr. HUBERT. The bag--with the gun only?
Mr. PAUL. The gun.
Mr. HUBERT. He would leave the money there and take the bag with the gun, and then carried the gun in that fashion?
Mr. PAUL. Yes, many times he would be driving my car, he would leave the bag and the money on the bottom and lock the car.
Mr. HUBERT. And the gun would be in there with the bag and the money?
Mr. PAUL. Yes.
Mr. HUBERT. But you say that there were occasions when he would take the gun alone, leaving the money behind, but the gun not in a holster, but in a bag?
Mr. PAUL. But in a bag---so everybody thought he was carrying money.

Mr. HUBERT. Do you know if he ever owned a holster?
Mr. PAUL. No, sir.
Mr. HUBERT. Did you ever see him carry the gun in a pocket or tucked in his waist?
Mr. PAUL. No, sir; I never did.
Mr. HUBERT. The only time you have ever seen him carry his gun was when he carried it in a bag?
Mr. PAUL. In the bag. 


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On 5/4/2017 at 9:08 AM, David Josephs said:

Here's another one...  in the bottom image,,, where's the mic?




I imagine that the person holding the boom mic moved it because there was nothing notable worth recording. Maybe his arms were tired from holding it too long.


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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