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Cuban Intelligence Was in Contact With Oswald

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"MAY HAVE BEEN" in contact....

not "WAS"

disclaimer:  comments have nothing to do with the messenger...  thanks Doug for all your links

Edited by David Josephs
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Those are such lightweight revelations.

First time readers coming across these in the new release aren't aware of the 100's of other heavier ones that we all know so well.

In regards to warnings about JFK and Oswald's murders...readers should know the minimum others such as Rose Cheramie, Joseph Milteer, The Chicago FBI received call from "Lee" etc.

Regard's Oswald, how about the Dallas PD ( or Sheriff's office) dispatcher who was called the night before Oswald was killed with a warning that they were going to kill Oswald the next day?

And this dispatcher knew Jack Ruby and claimed that the warning caller was indeed Jack Ruby?

These new releases seem like meager, picked through left overs. The main course meat and potatoes and deserts have already been eaten by shredders.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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