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The Attention That We Received, and What I Probably Still Attract

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This will be a series of posts on the attention that we got, and what attention I likely still attract.  Dennis cut a swath from his early days, being class president at his college, earning more than the president of his university when he was still in school, surviving Mob hit attempts, a paratrooping medic who killed for his government, following orders, and many other events that made his journey much larger than life before he was 30 years old.

His first awakening moment was as dramatic as they come, and he pursued his Utopian dreams from the beginning.  He was so talented that he always attracted all sorts of attention, and the Mob and his business associates constantly tried to steal his businesses, and they were frequently successful.  Dennis resurrected his efforts more than a dozen times over the decades, after they were wiped out or stolen, and you have to see it to believe it.  I have never seen or heard of another like him.  

Dennis was partners with a famous televangelist in his early Christian days, who was swept up into Dennis’s vision.  When Dennis got involved in the insulation business and began to industrialize the fledgling industry, which was stuck at the craftsman stage, the local interests then began getting nervous, and Dennis had his first experience with media attention when he was named “con man of the year” by a newspaper, as it protected the interests of its patrons.  

When Dennis got involved with his heat pump, he once again thought big and began to industrialize a fledging industry stuck at the craftsman stage.  He tried to get the world’s largest heat pump manufacturer involved, and I don’t think that it will hurt to reveal a name that I have not revealed before, nearly 40 years after the events.  I have stated that the chairman of the board of a household-name financial company was going to put up $1 billion to carpet America with Dennis’s ingenious Systems for Savings program, but just then, Dennis’s business partners, with Mob help, stole Dennis’s company once more, and killed the deal.  The company was American Express.  American Express’s chairman, like John Spickard, was one of the few who were capable of understanding the genius of what Dennis was doing.  The Discover Card was issued by Dennis’s last employer, Sears, who fired him for selling too much, and it is a watered down version of the card that he invented.  What are the odds of that “coincidence”?

So, Dennis had received plenty of attention from high places before his big adventures really began in his home state.  When Dennis saw the full-page ads from the electric companies in Washington, to encourage energy conservation, he thought that he had finally come home, and was about to make his noble dreams a reality.  In Dennis’s home town of Yakima, the local electric company was enthused about Dennis, at least while his heat pump could make inroads into the natural gas market that served the agricultural industry, but once Dennis began talking about carpeting all-electric homes with his heat pump, their enthusiasm became panic, and they were behind wiping him out in Washington.  

Dennis truly thought that they would give him the tickertape parade, as he brought the energy conservation that their full-page ads said they wanted.  What happened in 1984-1985 in Seattle was the greatest effort ever made to bring alternative energy to the American marketplace, and the electric companies and their assets tried to snuff it out the entire time.  From the attorney general to the media to Bill the BPA Hit Man to the federal courts, all the stops were pulled to wipe Dennis out, and I recently wrote about the probable involvement of the Global Controllers (GCs) in the Seattle snuff job, which was capped off by the theft of Dennis’s company by Mormon grifters, with my boss on in the inside, helping out.  

The day that I met Dennis, I saw him make a speech in front of several camera crews, and the first time that I saw him on TV was the only positive coverage that he ever got, to my knowledge.  It was a news clip from a Canadian TV station, which is similar to Uncle Noam’s media treatment.  The movie on Noam’s life was the most popular documentary in Canadian history to that time, but it has never played on network TV in the USA.  In Boston, our treatment was again like Noam’s, in that the Boston Globe would not touch us, while the local power structure had secret meetings about what to do about us.  

So, Dennis had attention from very high places in Seattle, and probably from the top of Earth’s power structure, but the attention was just beginning.  



Edited by Wade Frazier
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I arrived in Boston on a Sunday morning in mid-November 1986, during my life’s happiest year.  Two days earlier, Dennis had talked at a Department of Energy event, and the day after I arrived, Dennis and I visited a company that made a turbine that produced electricity with hot water.  That gave Dennis his first free energy idea, but it was likely not until I became his partner and we put on our first Greatest Energy Shows on Earth that we really began attracting attention in Boston, at least apart from the authorities that the Washington gangsters had sicced on Dennis.  Those Washington gangsters are still around (as are their patrons at the electric companies), which is one reason why I keep a low profile in my home state, and have declined all invitations to speak publicly.  

The local electric industry was up in arms over us, but the most powerful electric executive in New England gave Dennis the red carpet treatment.  We began getting those “White Hat” phone calls in Boston, we also got the first friendly buyout offer from the GCs, and I met my first billionaire, as he sniffed for opportunities.  It was all a bit overwhelming for me, and my ego had a challenging time of it in those days.  It was relatively mild compared to the megalomania I have witnessed in the milieu, but the magnitude of free energy presents many challenges to the ego, and until you have been in that arena, it is not easy to understand.  

The man that we brought in to help run it, as we moved the operation to California, tried to steal the operation, as usual.  I did not express my shock to Dennis about those many theft attempts, which just kept coming, until later that year.  Dennis told me to join the club, and that I would eventually get over my shock.  I did.  :) It was like watching people turn into Orcs before my eyes, lusting after The One Ring.  It almost became amusing after a while.  

So, the local, national, and global interests were avidly watching us in Boston (while the media blacked us out), and early attempts were made to wipe us out, but we left the state before they could strike, while the public largely slept or came to gawk at our shows.  Little did I know it, but we jumped from the frying pan into the fire.  

On one hand, those days in Boston were my happiest with Dennis, like the calm before the storm, for all that we had already been through.  Living in that house in Boston is his oldest daughter’s favorite memory from her childhood, and I can see why.  Those were blessed days in ways, and the contrast between our lives in Boston’s suburbia and what we were getting into is a contrast that I still think about.  On one hand, you have to live, eat, and sleep, and on the other, the Eye of Sauron is on you.  Those scenes of normalcy and attention from the world’s power structure provided a contrast that is frankly bizarre.  On a surface level, it could seem like nothing remarkable was happening, but then we put on P.T. Barnum-ish shows and got White Hat phone calls, red carpet treatments, theft attempts, authorities sharpening their axes, sniffing billionaires, friendly buyout offers, and the like.  To be in the center of that maelstrom was unforgettable, to say the least.  



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Much of the attention that we received was far from obvious, and much was not evident until later, sometimes much later.  When we put on Greatest Energy Shows, in the audience were government and corporate officials.  The head of New England’s Department of Energy attended one show and was friendly and polite, asking Dennis when he planned to deliver free energy.  When Dennis got the red carpet treatment from New England’s most powerful electric executive, his assistants admitted that they attended our show at the Seabrook reactor’s front gates a week earlier.  Dennis and I did a radio interview that never aired, and Dennis said that the real interview was the informal one after the show was over, when the interviewer turned on another recorder, instead of the professional one that he did the official interview with.  I think that Dennis was right.  Some people in high places heard that informal interview.  

In the only show that we gave in Ventura County, however, Mr. Deputy was in the audience, and the next day, he was preparing the search warrant for our facilities.  He also attended one of Saturday morning shows at our facility, so his seeming uncertainty about the building we occupied when the raid began I now know was a bad acting job.  

Dennis knows far more than I do about who all attended our shows, but what I was aware of was plenty.  Those shows were just one way of many that we attracted attention.  Mere weeks before the raid, one kit buyer knew the USA’s sitting Attorney General, who knew Dennis by name and called him “squeaky clean,” as a result of the Justice Department’s investigations.  Dennis testified to Congress regarding the energy tax credit that his heat pump qualified for, so was no stranger to Capitol Hill.  

Dennis and I had no idea that we had received the GCs’ friendly buyout offer, a couple of months after our first shows, but a year later, when the CIA delivered the billion dollar offer, there was no longer any doubt about interest from very high places.  When Dennis began barnstorming the USA in 1996, the sitting American president was very unhappy with Dennis, and the Justice Department subpoenaed our phone records and gagged our phone company from notifying us.  The same department that earlier called Dennis “squeaky clean,” mind you.  When Dennis put on his Philly show, federal agents were in the audience, ready to arrest Dennis and Yull if they performed the transmutation demonstration with Brown’s Gas.  

I am not at liberty to relate all of the attention that Dennis received on his journey, but I can say that he gave the GCs some very interesting days at the office, and some sleepless nights.  He was at or near the top of their list of threats to their global racket more than once.  

When I last saw Dennis, in 2003, we talked about many subjects, and he said that the GCs probably had ten people assigned to him, and one to me, and I’ll buy that.  I had my own “skeptical” stalker on the Internet for a decade, who was probably on the payroll, but most assailants were free-lance defenders of their egocentric existences, protecting against the threat of abundance and the disappearance of their survival niche in hell, even if it meant that they would live in heaven on Earth.  

When Dennis began raising hell again back in 2005 or so, with his high-MPG carburetor, the sitting American president’s energy advisor not only attended his show and signed up for free energy, but arranged for an eve of the election demonstration of Dennis’s technology in Washington, D.C., which Dennis invited me to (and I instantly declined the invitation).  Dennis’s exhibit at a later energy conference had the sitting president’s eyes bugging out, then David Rockefeller got involved, and before long, the Federal Trade Commission attacked (accompanied by a smear job on a TV “news”  show that featured the lying Mr. Skeptic, using the artful lies that I know so well).  Even having the sitting president’s advisor as one of your fans means nothing when the big players get involved, the ones who own American presidents or consider them puppets on strings.  



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That kind of attention was no fun, and during our journey, many came to us with sobering tales of woe, from a rich man who built a windmill farm to a man who mined platinum to men who attended a conference where Max Gerson was poisoned.  You start playing at those levels, and your life is forfeit.  Many years after my first stint with Dennis, I traded notes with people such as Brian, Mark, and Tom Bearden, heard about Sparky Sweet’s travails, Adam Trombly’s preposterous journey, Steven Greer’s odyssey, and the like.  The NEM conference is the last one I will ever do.  Holding conferences is a good way to get wiped out, for what I do.  As with Greer, billionaires swarmed Dennis when he was riding high, and none of them ever helped, but hovered like vultures.  

The crazy part of that scene is that you can feel the sharks bump up against the raft, but the biggest danger is your raft mates, who will throw you overboard to the sharks at their first chance, while the others gawk at the spectacle.  Mutiny is a standard threat, even in the idealistic projects. Your allies hurt you worse than your “enemies,” as hard as that can be to believe.  

So, I have been very careful about how I went about it in what may be my lifetime’s last effort.  After the NEM experience, I was forever cured of even thinking about some kind of mass movement effort, and when I read the artful deception of the FTC’s charges in 2009, I thanked my lucky stars that I did not get involved with Dennis again.  I have seen Dennis smeared since the day I met him, the media can simply make it up as it goes, and your own mother will join the smear campaign.

I discovered the hard way that all-comer Internet forums are xxxxx havens, as trolls (nearly invariably anonymous cowards) swarmed wherever I appeared, and some were professionals.  Brian had his own “skeptical” stalker when he spoke publicly, and his life was shortened when he hosted a UFO conference.  Even when invited into forums, the experiences have rarely been pleasant, and even the administrators can start in on me.  After my forum experiences of 2007, I planned to one day begin my own forum, and be very careful about who joined, and choir aspirants have a lot of homework ahead of them.  My effort will start slowly that way, but it also won’t degenerate into what we see on the Internet today.  Building the foundation will be the hardest part of what I do.  I was delighted to see that Bill learned the same forum lessons that I did, and I have yet to have one xxxxx experience at Avalon, which is amazing to me.

The GCs have not forgotten about me.  I was the nucleus for what happened in Ventura, and Mr. Professor and I sprung Dennis from jail, when it looked like Dennis had a snowball’s chance.  Dennis should not have survived the California experience.  However, I have yet to see somebody like me get too much GC-related grief for simply writing.  My effort is happening in broad daylight, they can see me coming, but I don’t seek to engage them, and while what I am doing may seem like a threat, it won’t be stoppable if I can build that choir.  Right now, all that the GCs do is watch, probably don’t regard my effort as much of a threat at all, and that suits me just fine.  If they have a blind spot, it is about the power of love.  The love and sentience approach has never been tried before, but very few on Earth today are fit for the task.  Somewhat crazily, the greatest threat that would-be singers would face is from their social circles, not the GCs.  If they can refrain from proselytizing to their social circles and just learn the song and sing it with me, they won’t get any negative repercussions.  They completely misunderstand where the real threat is.  I get this a lot, as people are stuck in sociality, which is based on fear and survival, not love and sentience.  Combined positive intention, not sociality, is going to be the key.

I don’t expect that my effort will garner much attention for a long time.  Today, the free energy field, in its state of arrested development, will not be interested in what I am doing, except for a select few.  I will do some more visibility work after I finish my essay update, perhaps with some more interviews.  But what will attract the people I seek is people singing the song with me.  That kind of gathering has yet to happen in the human journey.  When free energy can be delivered into the lives of the masses, then they will begin to pay attention and begin to understand, and not before.  The choir will not be intended for the masses, but for those who will do something.  

With this post, I will wrap up this series of posts for now.  



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A close relative was a whistleblower, and in typical fashion, he took all the risk and his boss took all of the reward.  A close friend testified in a whistleblower lawsuit, in a case that is a big reason why we have whistleblower laws in the first place.  The most depressing thing about whistleblowing, however, is not that the whistleblowers get crucified by the system, but that their friends and relatives ostracize them for speaking up.  Truly heroic acts of conscience are punished far more than they are ever rewarded, in our insane world.  This is just one more aspect of my journey’s primary lesson.  

Under Bush the Second, whistleblowers were increasingly attacked by the system, going to prison, ending up dead, etc.  I remember reading, around 2004, an essay by an organization of federal employees, which described the alarming attacks on whistleblowers by the Bush administration, and how whistleblowers had essentially no protection in those Orwellian Homeland Security days (something like less than 1% of whistleblowers were protected under those laws by the Bush administration, in whistleblowing cases), as we invaded nations based on lies.  Ralph went completely silent after 9/11, and I did not blame him.  It actually got worse under Obama.  Our whistleblowing laws are effectively defunct, similar to how the Freedom of Information Act is a faded relic, highlighting the difference between theory and practice, or propaganda and reality.  

A video that showed American soldiers murdering a Reuters reporter and others was leaked under the Obama administration.  The leaker went to prison, the founder of the organization that published it is in solitary confinement today, and the American Empire is closing in for the kill.  The Land of the Free.  Right.  

I have no illusions about what my fate would be if I began doing public speaking tours in my home state, or really, anyplace in my home nation.  If I did not come to some untimely demise, I would have professional hecklers, etc., and I really would not be attracting the people I seek, anyway.  I have seen that show before.  I am doing something different, using this new tool called the Internet, with its global reach, to get beyond those kinds of hurdles.  It presents its own challenges, and I learned long ago about letting the public have easy access to me.  But for those with the right stuff and a little gumption, I am easy to contact.

On a related issue that I have written about before, what Edward Snowden did was child’s play compared to what Lee Harvey Oswald did.  Can you imagine Snowden getting a hero’s welcome if he came back to the USA, like Oswald did?  That is one of many facts that makes the “Oswald the lone nut Commie” story a pure fantasy, concocted by the spooks, who watch me and can easily take me out if they want to.  That just comes with the territory, but my recruits have nothing to fear from spooks, but proselytizing to their social circles is where the real danger is, similar to what those whistleblowers face.  



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