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I was surprised to find errors in the West Breneman survey map. The misplaced lane markers like the line near the front left tire in Altgens 6 is well known and all the lane markers East of the one in Altgens 6 are also a couple feet West of there actual positions in '63. What I found recently is that the two lampposts on the East side of Main St are about 10 feet West of there actual positions on 11,22,63. That is a very large error for a survey map. You can verify the error by doing a line of sight for Nix when he pans past the lamppost on the North side of Main St. The lamppost should line up with the right side of the Fort Worth sign according to the map but in reality it comes closer to the stairs  just East of the F.T. sign. Images of the lamppost from 11,22 show it is about 10 feet further East than the map shows. That is a pretty large error!
   So I am wondering if anyone has any other errors to report?

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