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The Central Issue for why JFK and LHO were murdered

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As far as JFK,  George D wanted to keep distant from LHO:   

LHO knew the SV-40 and deuterium issues and that was a major highly classified health disaster and pandemic issues,  that grew into the "War on Cancer" cover up by Nixon, and the NWO 2/3 population reductions under Kissinger.   The mistakes in Polio vaccines and SV-40 were extreme in nature, hence why the secret Oschner and Mary Sherman cancer vaccine experiments in New Orleans were part of SV-40 being classfied from 1959 to 1999 and then sill not much said, but more is leaking out in recent time.

National Sec Memo 200


More details on George D


Edited by Jim Phelps
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The Murder of JFK highly involved the Oak Ridge helping on the CIA project to kill Castro with SV-40 or the SIV Simian Immune Virus that needed deuterium to have it work well.

In the run up for the JFK hit, they had all the Southern Masons all upset over backing MLK and Black Civil Rights.    They said it interrupted their Southern way of Life----that they wanted Separate But Equal.    Lots of that got in a war between the Black Prince Hall Masons and the all White Scottish Rite Masons that did not like Catholic JFK.

Things worsened when RFK went after organized crime and had people like Marcello and Giancana all upset,    The Chicago Mob joined the CIA in efforts to kill Castro.

JFK and RFK got onto the Mafia and CIA alliances for CIA Cut Out operations and they were going to tear both into a Million Pieces.

What JFK and RFK did not know what that the Manhattan Project started the Govt and Mafia deals in WWII to protect the Manhattan Project from German Spies.   Hitler had the German BUND folks in New York and all around.    The Manhattan Project arranged for Mafia Protection to have them kill off suspected German spies in NYC and New York state as much of the project was inside Manhattan and Columbia University and uranium and other materials were stored in various warehouses.   Major chemical companies in upstate NY were doing the fluorine chemistry for the UF-6 process to make bombs,   The Military Project with the Mafia was run out of Plainfield, NJ by Army man named Ralph M. Lockhart.   The operation killed thousands, some good and some just in the wrong place.   When Oak Ridge got involved in the JFK and RFK discovery of the CIA and Mafia alliances they were going to go down with the CIA and Mafia as planned by JFK and RFK.    So, Oak Ridge went back to their roots and courted Chicago Mafia man Jack Ruby in Dallas to kill JFK using the Chicago Mobs killers.    The protection of the Mafia in WWII was part of the FBI Div 5 special protection issues.

FBI Div 5 and DISC, or Defense Industrial Security Command was the US spy network that spotted the suspected spies to be eliminated in wartime.   DISC was headed up by Louis Bloomfield.  It was this old network that went back into the Protect the Manhattan Project mode in getting JFK and later RFK killed.   They also did things like place a Southern Masonic backing despot as VP for JFK.   JFK and RFK detected that LBJ was connected with murders in Texas and they were going to push LBJ off the next election and shove LBJ into prison.

Oak Ridge was offended by JFK wanting the Atmospheric Test Ban with Russians and that began the actual plot to kill JFK in Dallas using Mafia man Jack Ruby and the Oak Ridge contact was Raymond W. Tucker, Sr.  of ORNL.

Haters of JFK involved the JCS, and persons like Lyman Lemnitzer and Curtis LeMay, both Masons.   Leminitzer got his Northwoods plans from London's Northwoods NATO underground bunker and that tried to push JFK into making a fake reason to attack Russia.     JFK opposed people like Lemnitzer and fired him from JCS and he ran right to the London NATO Northwoods base afterwards.

The JFK haters were many and very connected and many backed pushing LBJ in to replace JFK using violent Coup method and get their savior despot LBJ into place to keep up war footing, maintaining the Fed Res control over the US, and making nuke bombs.     At the time of JFK, the JCS were trying to force JFK to take advantage of the Russian Missile Gap or their response time to launch nuke issues.   Persons like Harry Truman wanted SR Masons in high level positions in US Govt and this happened with LBJ, Hoover, Dulles. Lemnitzer, LeMay, and many others in high places.  All these wanted JFK dead and despot LBJ into place.   All even benefited the proliferation of nuke weapons into the Middle East, that JFK also wanted to stop to get a better footing for the nuclear weapons elimination in his next term and the plan for peace, not war making NWO's.

As Oak Ridge was convinced they had the backing to kill JFK in Dallas, they pushed Jack Ruby to become a "Tough Guy" like the Mafia in New York that was used to kill German Spies against the Manhattan Project, and Ruby took up the plan and got Ginacana's killers in Dallas to hit JFK in a cross fire from Dal-Tex and Grassy Knoll.   All that went down while LHO was out on the front steps of the TSBD eating a sandwich.

Because of the Manhattan Projects cover up of Mafia killers for the Manhattan Project, the same type deal happened again to kill JFK and reward criminal depots in high places in the US Govt.     It gets worse in that the plan that LHO was working on to kill Castro for the CIA involved the SIV called SV-40 that was part cancer virus and part reason for the HIV, as the live Polio virus in Gabon/Congo jumped to humans as AIDS/HIV.     So, the costs to human kind for the JFK murders and the cover ups on SV-40 / SIV is now in the billions of lives.

Solving the JFK hit with all the factors is not so hard, but not solving the JFK hit has killed billions and it is getting more rapidly worse.    So much so, that the National Security of the US must solve the JFK hit and get into the issues of cancer virus, HIV, and the universal health and death problems from deuterium

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