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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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There is an angle to the current impeachment controversy that very few people know about.

And I am confident that the MSM will never inform them of it.  So therefore I will.

Since I and some others got a front row seat to it back in 1992-93.


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Nice article Jim. I never believed the russia gate nonsense. It always seemed to be a distraction from the illegal activity of the DNC and to cover the complete failure to beat one of the most embarrassing personalities of our time. It was also a way for the “deep state” to prevent any softening of the us-russian relations that trump may have achieved. Zaids presence certainly seems suspicious based on the truth past you elucidated. I am immediately suspicious of anyone that has read about the jfk case and is trumpeting oswald stuff from 1965. 

I still think Seth Richs murder is unsolved despite a video existing that no one has seen and julian assange strongly hinting that his death was related to the leaks. I believe he offered to testify about who gave him the info if granted immunity, the state/justice department didn't bite, big surprise. Not saying it is definitely related, but i wouldnt be shocked at all if it was. 

Andrew, Jim mentions in his article that he doesnt believe trump is a threat to the status quo, l agree. In my opinion, Trump is a loose cannon who occasionally acts against the interest of the “deep state”, treating russia like a non enemy for example. Killing him before he took office would be too chaotic and unpredictable to manage i think. There are so many other methods of control which makes the jfk case even more interesting to me and reminds me of the salandria quote about the critics being misled and the story never being designed to hold.

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I do think there are parallels with Trump and the Deep State but for different reasons. The Deep State was afraid of JFK’s policies and felt he was a traitor. The Deep State battle with Trump is personal (they believe is was too inept to be President) and he is now is declared war on the deep state. I sent a note to a contact in the White House  and suggested if The President really wants to hurt the Deep State, he should order the immediate release of the remaining JFK records. 😊 still working to leverage this idea. let’s not forget the enemy of our enemy is our friend. We should try to exploit this division to get Trump to order the release of the records.

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The whistleblower and his/her lawyer Zaid are old news. 

Whoever this person is, their testimony is no longer needed given the parade of current and former Trump officials appearing before the House.

Wanna-be fascist dictator Trump implicated himself in soliciting foreign help in the 2020 election -- just as he solicited Russian help in the 2016 election.

I dunno who your chief enemy is, gentle reader, but mine is the Theocratic Fascism seeking to overthrow our system of checks and balances.

History will not be kind to those who repeat Theocratic Fascist talking points.


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First, it wasn't old news to me, at least in the context that Jim put it in along with the many relevant articles he linked to.

I have no "chief enemy" or particular angle on these matters, just trying to follow the trail where it goes. Sometimes, people

who hate Trump are unable to be objective about these types of things and I believe that is a net negative. "The end justifies the

means" is not a positive slogan to aspire to in my opinion.



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1 hour ago, Dennis Berube said:


First, it wasn't old news to me, at least in the context that Jim put it in along with the many relevant articles he linked to.

I'm referring to the speed of current events -- there is no need for the whistle blower to testify. 

All the officials with first hand knowledge of Trump's treason are testifying before the House.


I have no "chief enemy" or particular angle on these matters, just trying to follow the trail where it goes.

You're on the wrong trail in my book.

How many times did the Russia-DNC-hack story hack make the 24-hour (mid-morning to mid-morning) cable news cycle during the 2016 election?  Twice.  June 14/15 and July 24/25.  On October 7, 2016, the Obama admistration formally accused the Russian government of meddling in our election -- but that did not make the 24-hour news cycle at all.  It was drown out by the Access Hollywood "pussy grab", and the release of the Podesta e-mails.

How many times did the Steele Dossier make the cable news cycle before the 2016 election?  Zero.  David Corn wrote it up in Mother Jones on Halloween but the news cycle was completely dominated by the re-opening of the Clinton e-mail "scandal."  Comey politically assassinated Hillary Clinton when he announced the new e-mail investigation on Oct. 28.  The last 11 days of the campaign featured non-stop anti-Clinton cable news.

It's a major Theocratic Fascist lie that the FBI  plotted to sabotage Trump's campaign when the stark fact is they installed him into the White House



Sometimes, people

who hate Trump are unable to be objective about these types of things and I believe that is a net negative.

Objective about what?  That the RussiaGate story only made 2 news cycles over the last 5 months of the election -- none over the last 70 days?

Objective about the fact that the Steele Dossier received no significant attention until after the election, and received very little attention from Robert Mueller?

Objective about the fact that Comey's letter to the House GOP on October 28 effectively rigged the programming on cable news?

Trump openly colluded with the Russians when he asked them to hack Hillary's e-mails, then doubled down on it in the same July 2016 press conference.



"The end justifies the

means" is not a positive slogan to aspire to in my opinion.



You seem comfortable with using a Theocratic Fascist to take down Hillary Clinton.   Hope I'm wrong.

If I were you I'd do some more homework before you join the RussiaGate-Denier Brigade.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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27 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Said the guy who doesn't know the difference between an Evangelical and an Episcopalian.

Episcopalians voted for Clinton.  Evangelists voted for Trump.

27 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

The Zaid info is news to me.

So you haven't been watching the news lately?

Nobody cares about the whistle blowers anymore- the principals are testifying

No body cares about their lawyer.  Or the Steele Dossier.  Or any number of other RussiaGate denials. 

Trump is openly soliciting foreign influence on our elections.  I pity those who can't see the obvious.


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7 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Cliff - I’m in agreement. 

I can't believe the claims I'm reading, Paul. 

The FBI "smeared and terrorized" the 2016 Trump campaign?  With two news cycles on RussiaGate over the last 5 months?

How does anyone make such an absurd assertion?


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Were you around in 1992 and 1993? 

I mean in Chicago and Dallas? You saw these things back then?

And you knew about Zaid's grand jury testimony in the John K/waterboarding case case and what he said in the Sterling case?


Edited by James DiEugenio
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12 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


Were you around in 1992 and 1993? 

I mean in Chicago and Dallas? You saw these things back then?

And you knew about Zaid's grand jury testimony in the John K/waterboarding case case and what he said in the Sterling case?


Nobody gives a shoot about Mark Zaid or the whistle blowers he represents.  They are moot.  The people the first whistle blower talked to are themselves testifying.

As a frequent defender of Donald Trump's RussiaGate-denial, James DiEugenio likes to bash Democrats, in this case Pelosi, Schiff and the entire impeachment effort.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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25 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Thurston Howell the 3rd has never voted for a Democrat in his life!

You're claiming there are no liberal Episcopalians?

Bush didn't vote for Trump.


You still don’t know.

Wrong again.



Jims interaction with Zaid was certainly new news.

But Zaid is old news in the context of current events.  All you guys are trying to do is smear the impeachment process.

Nice try, but it ain't gonna work.  Trump is a traitor and he's going down.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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"Trump is a traitor and he's going down."

In the last 3 years, I have seen nothing in these madcap, fake MSM / Democrat scenarios that would indicate Donald Trump is a traitor or a criminal.

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