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JFK Assassination Speech Help

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I have been a long term reader of this forum, and have enjoyed the breadth of research and discussion. My personal connection goes back to when I was a small kid. My dad always used to talk about JFK and the grassy knoll. I think I watched JFK when I was around ten years old with him (probably much too young), which started my interest in the topic. As a twenty year old university student from the UK, not many people I know share this interest, which is another reason I look at this site often. 

I have been asked by a society at my university to give a speech on the JFK assassination which will be entitled "JFK and the Death of American Liberty". The talks at this society are normally good-natured, however given my long standing interest in the topic I am trying to give the most informative speech I can. While I assume many will share my beliefs about the assassination, I am sure in the crowd there will be some who will not be aware of the debates surrounding that day in Dallas. In a post on here, I saw that some were talking about how it is the older members of society who are keeping investigations of this subject going. Given in school we were only told that LHO was guilty, the speech hopefully will make some question their existing beliefs. 

Given that my speech will have to be 30 minutes or less, it will be impossible to cover all or even most of the inconsistencies in the Warren Report. Therefore, I was wondering what you guys think are quick and solid facts, that encapsulate the suspicious nature of the Kennedy assassination? My main focus of the speech will be on the witness deaths and intimidation, but I'm sure I have missed out key pieces of evidence in other areas. 

Many thanks.


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IMO: best evidence that Oswald was an intelligence asset (Guy Bannister, Clay Shaw, Dean Andrews), evidence that Oswald was framed with fabricated evidence (Mexico city, the rifle, no credible witnesses pointing to Oswald's guilt), evidence for multiple shooters (EOP wound, autopsy cover-up involving the throat wound and chest tubes, experimental evidence disproving sound echoes off the grassy knoll). 

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Given that your title is "JFK and the Death of American Liberty," you might want to consider how many Kennedy policies were reversed, starting with his Vietnam policy, his anti-colonial stance, and his call for a national health care system (recently discussed on the forum).  You can do this briefly, and still cover the assassination, albeit briefly as well.  On either agenda, I'd be prepared for a long question period, so be prepared.

Edited by David Andrews
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A gaping wound in the back of JFK's head is evidence of a shot from the front, that is, of more than one shooter, thus a conspiracy. This wound was attested to by eyewitnesses in both Dallas and at the Bethesda autopsy. The written statements about this wound by the Parkland Hospital doctors who attended JFK are contained in the Warren Commission's own report (Appendix VIII). The HSCA Report flat-out lied when it said that Bethesda witnesses did not concur with the Parkland doctors. The official autopsy was a sham, the pre-ordained conclusion being that all shots came from behind, and the mainstream media is perfectly willing to ignore the gaping wound in the back of JFK's head as part of the continuing cover-up.





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Kishan, how did it go?  I'm assuming you've already given your presentation.

I almost jumped in when you posted this thread, but I advocate a totally different approach to the case.  You seemed to have a strong idea of how you wanted to approach it, and you got good advice from others.

You probably didn't get an argument from anyone in the audience -- but you never know about some tosser trying to take the piss out.


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11 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Kishan, how did it go?  I'm assuming you've already given your presentation.

I almost jumped in when you posted this thread, but I advocate a totally different approach to the case.  You seemed to have a strong idea of how you wanted to approach it, and you got good advice from others.

You probably didn't get an argument from anyone in the audience -- but you never know about some tosser trying to take the piss out.



The speech is actually a month away, but due to upcoming exams and essays I’d thought I’d get it out the way now. The advice had been great so I want to thank everyone for their help. 

As for the audience they will be mostly very good friends of mine so any taking the piss will be done in a good natured way. 

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