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Dallas Trip Nov 21-25 by Rob Clark

Guest Bart Kamp

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I agree, Bart, I turned down an offer last year to speak at the Judyth Baker event. She is a fraud. It hurts the cause

of truth for people to give her credibility. Beverly Oliver is another fraud. As we know, from the first, studying

the truth about this case has been made more difficult by imposters and false "evidence" (or what

Oswald called "this so-called evidence") and other forms of disinformation, as well as people

using the assassination for their personal benefit. We have to be wary of

all that and study each piece of alleged information and each person's account with great care and compare

it with other information. It's the way all history should be approached, and for me since the first afternoon,

it's been an invaluable study in epistemology.

Edited by Joseph McBride
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Jim Leavelle falls in that category as well.

And yes we need to be extremely careful with all these outings and not treat them like gospel.

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Ran into Rob in Dallas, was great seeing him...  thanks as well for the kind words... but there is something worth burning into one's memory:

I think one of the newer things missed in my presentation was the fact when the Chicago FBI arrived at Klein's, the only info they knew was

1 - Crescent &
2 - C2766... 
that was it.

By the evening of the 23rd, the FBI had reconfirmed that "N"2766 was shipped from Crescent to KLEIN'S in June 1962.
By the evening of the 23rd, the FBI also established a MARCH 27, 1963 order was received with C27"4"6

IOW - the June 1962 order they checked and rechecked DID NOT HAVE C2766 IN IT....

So instead of looking at all the orders from Crescent... Waldman/Scibor and FBI look at "SALES TO CUSTOMERS" trying to find "C2766"

So one has to wonder how the FBI was able to find an order blank with C2766 on it  AND  now they had a FEBRUARY 1963 order
which just happens to contain the same exact 100 rifles for which Feldsott provides packing slips....  Italy to USA packing slips showing "38  E" rifles as opposed to the domestic T-38's.

If there was no February order on Friday eve, all day Saturday and into Sunday... what does the FBI do?

Using FBI-doublespeak they first reiterate that C2766 comes from Italy (bottom right) yet was still subsequently sold to KLEIN'S on June 18, 1962.... in a carton with 9 other rifles.

Nothing is written in the WCR about "N"2766, or the remaining rifles in the JUNE order, or the remaining rifles and their type from the MARCH 27 '63 order... or any of the 99 rifles supposedly in this FEB 63 order.   (It looks like it has a real paper trail, I just believe KLEIN'S used the Feldsott 100 rifles on the packing slips to "UPDATE" this order at KLEIN'S.  I believe they VC#836 was used twice...  the other order being "1259" as written on the receiving form listing serial numbers... 

None of the investigations to date has provided any answer for why "1259" and "Page 1 of 2 pages" (and 2 of 2 on the other page) even appears on these sheets.... the order was 1243...
and this lone piece of paper is all the evidence there is which connects all the dots...



https://drive.google.com/file/d/11ktSVaiM-OixQFRqoXDHjnLPWHnT4AZz/view?usp=sharing (contact report from FELDSOTT reconfirming June 18, 1962)





Edited by David Josephs
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