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Unanswered Questions For Buell Frazier

Rob Clark

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I believe, out of the first hand witnesses that are still alive, Mr. Frazier could hold the key to the truth about Lee Harvey Oswald. My assertion is that from available HSCA testimony of Oswald's TSBD co-workers, Frazier's own testimony and statements,  and a little logic and common sense, that Buell Wesley Frazier has been concealing the truth for 56 years. I believe he knew Oswald better than he let on, knew about the rifle and lied about the package, and gave him a ride at least to, and if not from, work every day. I'd be interested in your feedback.  For full article, click the link below...



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Gave him a ride from the Paine house in Irving every day?  Or altered his route to pick up LHO at the North Beckley Street house in Oak Cliff?

FYI, there is a past thread here that speculates that LHO and BWF were lovers, based on a singular interpretation of something Frazier said.  I don't, at this time, endorse the theory.

Edited by David Andrews
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I don't know how well Frazier may have known Oswald beyond the weekend rides.  I've never read anything about him going by the rooming house to pick up or drop off Oswald.  That doesn't mean it couldn't have happened.  I kind of wonder if Ozzie didn't have other business to attend to in the evenings through the week that maybe he wouldn't want Frazier involved in.  I also believe Frazier knows more than he has ever let out and I've expressed that thought in the past.  Actually that was discussed in another thread here just in the last couple of weeks.  I believe even Larry Hancock thought he may know more but he's probably not going to reveal anything further at this point in his life.  That even if he felt he and his family were safe by this point in time it would cause too much disruption in his life.

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8 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Gave him a ride from the Paine house in Irving every day?  Or altered his route to pick up LHO at the North Beckley Street house in Oak Cliff?

FYI, there is a past thread here that speculates that LHO and BWF were lovers, based on a singular interpretation of something Frazier said.  I don't, at this time, endorse the theory.

The first one is a very good question...as I'm not 100 percent convinced it was our Oswald staying at 1026 N. Beckley...but if it was, it would've only added 5 minutes to Frazier's commute. Frazier was and still is a nice guy, and would have probably offered. And knowing how Oswald was with money, he probably would have taken him up on the offer. Norman, Jarman, Shields, and Lewis all said "they rode together either every day" or "always rode together". Shields and Lewis even specified where they normally parked. As for the lovers part, I dont endorse that theory either...Lol

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6 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I don't know how well Frazier may have known Oswald beyond the weekend rides.  I've never read anything about him going by the rooming house to pick up or drop off Oswald.

The WC never established how Oswald normally got to and from work. They managed to figure everything else out allegedly, but never brought forward a normal route driver or bus rider to say "I rode with the assassin every morning to work and didn't even know it!" Or "I used to drop the assassin off at Zangs and Beckley every day for a month and a half!" Would've made a great Enquirer story at some point...Lol But it didn't exist then, and still doesn't. People that ride the bus in the morning like that are usually commuters who ride the bus every day to work. Same goes for the afternoon. It would have been too far to walk, especially in the morning, cabs would have been too expensive to use twice a day for Oswald. We also dont have phone or cab records stating that they frequented this address for a month and a half...

Edited by Rob Clark
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11 hours ago, Rob Clark said:

The WC never established how Oswald normally got to and from work. They managed to figure everything else out allegedly, but never brought forward a normal route driver or bus rider to say "I rode with the assassin every morning to work and didn't even know it!" Or "I used to drop the assassin off at Zangs and Beckley every day for a month and a half!" Would've made a great Enquirer story at some point...Lol But it didn't exist then, and still doesn't. People that ride the bus in the morning like that are usually commuters who ride the bus every day to work. Same goes for the afternoon. It would have been too far to walk, especially in the morning, cabs would have been too expensive to use twice a day for Oswald. We also dont have phone or cab records stating that they frequented this address for a month and a half...

That is weird how they couldn’t figure out how he got to and from work everyday. Even if he walked the two miles everyday I’d imagine he’d be seen by multiple people also on their way to work at the same time. I doubt he took the bus because as you stated nobody ever came forward saying they seen him. I take the bus myself into the city for work and I see the same people every single day, morning and night.  At least one of them would have come foward and said they rode with him if he was taking a bus.         
  I’ve always thought that Frazier had more involvement than he let on and believe he was Oswald’s ride to work everyday. The police trying to make him confess to being involved in the assassination would only make him distance himself from Oswald as much as possible. I don’t blame him for staying quiet all these years but do hope he comes foward if he knows more before it’s too late. 

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11 hours ago, Rob Clark said:

The first one is a very good question...as I'm not 100 percent convinced it was our Oswald staying at 1026 N. Beckley...but if it was, it would've only added 5 minutes to Frazier's commute. Frazier was and still is a nice guy, and would have probably offered. And knowing how Oswald was with money, he probably would have taken him up on the offer. Norman, Jarman, Shields, and Lewis all said "they rode together either every day" or "always rode together". Shields and Lewis even specified where they normally parked. As for the lovers part, I dont endorse that theory either...Lol

I think you're reaching here Rob....

He only works for the TSBD 5-6 weeks... Wesley drives him to and from Irving on Mondays and Fridays..

He takes the Beckley Bus to a stop literally outside his rooming house.... (which is why his getting on the Marsalis bus makes no sense at all)


With regards to Wesley, I get the feeling you are correct about his knowing much more than he lets on...

btw - SHIELDS says a number of things about that morning which turn out to be false....
He claims he was told by Givens that Wesley drops Oswald off at the building, yet Givens does not corroborate this at all... 

Nor is there any testimony which claims that Wesley picks Oswald up daily... unless you can point me to some....

Mr. BALL - At any time coming back after a weekend did you ever stop at a restaurant for breakfast?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; we never did.
Mr. BALL - Did you ever stop on the way home on Friday night and buy anything?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; stopped one time and bought some gas, I remember.

Mr. BALL - Your memory is that he went,, he rode home with you every Friday and came back the following Monday?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes.
Mr. BALL - Except this one weekend?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right, that is what I say. If he went home with me on Friday afternoon he always rode back with me on Monday morning. It wasn't no added job when he would come with me on the weekend. He would ride home with me on Friday and he would come back with me on Monday.

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6 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Nor is there any testimony which claims that Wesley picks Oswald up daily... unless you can point me to some....


Four co-workers stated this, in my article the HSCA transcripts are there in black and white. The Roy Lewis audio stating this I play at the beginning of this episode...


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2 hours ago, Rob Clark said:


Four co-workers stated this, in my article the HSCA transcripts are there in black and white. The Roy Lewis audio stating this I play at the beginning of this episode...


yeah, and Jarman says he sees Wesley THE NEXT DAY AT WORK after the assassination

Norman isn't sure how often...

Shields is completely unreliable

And Roy Lewis talks 50 years after the fact....


Just saying you might want to rethink that conclusion Rob... he simply did not take Oswald to and from each day...

In fact, it's not until Thursday that Oswald even asks him to take him home THAT NIGHT to Irving...  if he was driving with him every day, he could have asked that morning on the ride in (not) or that evening since as you claim, Wesley would have taken him home...  I don't get that impression from this exchange...

do you?

Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I say, we were standing like I said at the four-headed table about half as large as this, not, quite half as large, but anyway I was standing there getting the orders in and he said, "Could I ride home with you this afternoon?"
And I said, "Sure. You know, like I told you, you can go home with me any time you want to, like I say anytime you want to go see your wife that is all right with me."

Mr. BALL - About what time in the morning?
Mr. FRAZIER - I would say sometime between eight and ten, because I go to work at eight and I would break at ten.

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Oswald's landlady Mrs.Earline Roberts came across as quite an observant woman ( maybe even snoopish? ) and with Oswald coming and going right through the larger unit she herself lived in, did she ever make any statements as to whether Oswald would leave in the morning and stand at any curb were the bus may have picked him up?

Or, did she say he would leave and walk far enough away that she couldn't say whether he actually got on a bus to go to work?


How about Oswald ( O.H. Lee ) returning to the rooming house after work?

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15 hours ago, David Josephs said:

Just saying you might want to rethink that conclusion Rob... he simply did not take Oswald to and from each day...

In fact, it's not until Thursday that Oswald even asks him to take him home THAT NIGHT to Irving...  if he was driving with him every day, he could have asked that morning on the ride in (not) or that evening since as you claim, Wesley would have taken him home...  I don't get that impression from this exchange...


So sayeth Buell Frazier...and no one else. Either Oswald had a package that morning and it was a rifle in a bag, and Frazier knew it. Or Oswald didn't have a package and Frazier lied about it. No 2 foot bag was found in the TSBD, no curtain rods were found. We do however have a rifle and a bag, much bigger than 2 feet, found in the TSBD. Edward Shields, if he were lying about the events of that morning...asking Frazier where his rider was etc...a much better lie would have been "Yeah I saw Oswald get out Frazier's car, grab a big long package out the backseat, and start walking over to Elm St." He would have corroborated Frazier's story, but he didn't. There is some lying going on, but I dont believe it's from four of Oswald's co-workers...its from one guy in particular, who knew Oswald more than he let on, knew Oswald had brought a rifle that day, let him off at the building, and went and parked. A scared 19 year old kid, worried he was gonna get "pulled into all this", who was arrested, interrogated,  given a lie detector test we'll never know the results off, and asked to sign a confession by Fritz. That in itself is motivation to lie, and I'm not saying I blame him...

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On 12/21/2019 at 8:01 AM, Rob Clark said:

So sayeth Buell Frazier...and no one else. Either Oswald had a package that morning and it was a rifle in a bag, and Frazier knew it. Or Oswald didn't have a package and Frazier lied about it. No 2 foot bag was found in the TSBD, no curtain rods were found. We do however have a rifle and a bag, much bigger than 2 feet, found in the TSBD. Edward Shields, if he were lying about the events of that morning...asking Frazier where his rider was etc...a much better lie would have been "Yeah I saw Oswald get out Frazier's car, grab a big long package out the backseat, and start walking over to Elm St." He would have corroborated Frazier's story, but he didn't. There is some lying going on, but I dont believe it's from four of Oswald's co-workers...its from one guy in particular, who knew Oswald more than he let on, knew Oswald had brought a rifle that day, let him off at the building, and went and parked. A scared 19 year old kid, worried he was gonna get "pulled into all this", who was arrested, interrogated,  given a lie detector test we'll never know the results off, and asked to sign a confession by Fritz. That in itself is motivation to lie, and I'm not saying I blame him...

I've not believed in many years Oswald carried a gun into the TSBD on the morning of 11/22/63.  Not to upset any apple carts but if it was a professional operation, the weapon(s) were both brought in the night before.  Might involve someone like Roy Truly, Byrd or subordinates, maybe cooperating with associates of the Mayor?

Edited by Ron Bulman
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23 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I've not believed in many years Oswald carried a gun into the TSBD on the morning of 11/22/63.  Not to upset any apple carts but if it was a professional operation, the weapon(s) were both brought in the night before.  Might involve someone like Roy Truly, Byrd or subordinates, maybe cooperating with associates of the Mayor?

The mayor being a CIA asset since at least 1956 (now proven) Earl Cabell. Brother of AF General Charles Cabell, fired along with Dulles and Bissell over the Bay of Pigs 12/62.  Think he might have known Dallas Petroleum Club member Harold Dry Hole Byrd, owner of the TSBD?  Or members George De Mohrenschildt or George Herbert Walker Bush?

I've believed for some years someone, likely from the CIA, had access to the building prior to the assassination to evaluate and plan, rehearse, and set up (bring in weapon(s)).

Edited by Ron Bulman
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I wouldn't be surprised if David Morales had cased the place, or another guy who helped train the Operation 40 shooters, can't remember his name at the moment.  Though if O-40 shooters might they have had military backup? 

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On 12/20/2019 at 5:42 PM, David Josephs said:

yeah, and Jarman says he sees Wesley THE NEXT DAY AT WORK after the assassination

Norman isn't sure how often...

Shields is completely unreliable

And Roy Lewis talks 50 years after the fact....


Just saying you might want to rethink that conclusion Rob... he simply did not take Oswald to and from each day...

In fact, it's not until Thursday that Oswald even asks him to take him home THAT NIGHT to Irving...  if he was driving with him every day, he could have asked that morning on the ride in (not) or that evening since as you claim, Wesley would have taken him home...  I don't get that impression from this exchange...

do you?

Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I say, we were standing like I said at the four-headed table about half as large as this, not, quite half as large, but anyway I was standing there getting the orders in and he said, "Could I ride home with you this afternoon?"
And I said, "Sure. You know, like I told you, you can go home with me any time you want to, like I say anytime you want to go see your wife that is all right with me."

Mr. BALL - About what time in the morning?
Mr. FRAZIER - I would say sometime between eight and ten, because I go to work at eight and I would break at ten.

David and Rob,

Doesn't it come down to how much weight we assign to the co-workers' statements, (albeit many of them somewhat vague and belated)?

On Rob's side we have no explanation from the WC about how our "Oswald" commuted everyday between 1026 N. Beckley and the TSBD. If he rode a bus or walked, the lack of any witnesses at all is suspicious. (Did the FBI even try to find any such witnesses? If not, why not?)

So, the possibility that Frazier picked up "Oswald" much more regularly than previously assumed is plausible. 

On the other hand, none of the witness statements are from men who would seem to be in the habit of speaking precisely (Jarman could not remember Frazier's name, Shields didn't know who did the hollering out the window which he may or may not have heard, Norman never made any claim that Frazier drove "Oswald" to work everyday, etc.) 

So, the evidence that Frazier actually did drive "Oswald" to and from 1026  N. Beckley daily is not strong.

To me, the gist of the Frazier mystery is the package/sack supposedly carried into the TSBD by "Oswald" that morning. As I re-read Frazier's testimony, I could not help but get the feeling that  Frazier's whole recounted dialog about "curtain rods" was repeatedly forced and phony.  I don't think those conversations happened. (Which is why our "Oswald" so adamantly denied bringing in or saying anything about "curtain rods" to Frazier!)

Remember, "Oswald's" denial was so vehement, forceful and persuasive that the DPD went back out and re-interviewed Frazier, this time complete with a polygraph. The results of that polygraph have never seen the light of day, and I believe that Frazier failed. George O'Toole wrote a whole book about this episode back in the 1970's. He reached the same conclusion - Frazier lied about the "curtain rods" sack. Late Friday night, the Dallas Police learned that the FBI was confidant they could make the case/frame "Oswald" alone, and therefore, no back-up patsy was needed. Frazier was released.

"Oswald" carried no rifle into the TSBD and Frazier knew it. But a way to get the "rifle" into "Oswald's" hands as he entered the TSBD was needed, and the "curtain rods" story would do it.




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