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Mauser in the TSBD

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My guess is that the Mauser was left (with the intent of retrieving it later) by a real TSBD shooter. I assume that a Mauser was a more dependable weapon than the patsy's MC. As for any bullet in JFK not matching the MC, it would of course be removed during body alteration.

The finding of the Mauser was an example of blown cover, and of course it had to disappear.







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12 minutes ago, Lewis Reynolds said:

Thanks Ron. So was the Mauser hidden?

Yes, it would be hidden. But I don't remember the details of finding it.



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Dallas sheriff Roger Craig stated in the Mark Lane documentary "Two Men In Dallas" that regards the rifle found in the boxes on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book depository the early afternoon of 11,22,1963  that he and Seymour Weitzman were "inches away" from the gun as Captain Will Fritz was holding it up by it's strap and "that stamped right on the barrel was 7.65 Mauser."

Craig said Sheriff Constable Seymour Weitzman ( a former sporting good store owner and gun buff) then said..."it is a Mauser."

Craig was inches from the found rifle as was Weitzman when the identification was made.

How much more credible and compelling could Craig's inches away personal presence eye and ear witness testimony be regards his statement that stamped right on the barrel of this rifle was "7.65 Mauser."?

Go to the 4 minute mark of the following You Tube video to hear and see former "officer of the year" Dallas Sheriff Deputy Roger Craig state these remarkable observations.

Two Men In Dallas - Part 2

Edited by Joe Bauer
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4 hours ago, Lewis Reynolds said:

What was the significance of this other rifle? (other than suggesting two shooters and a conspiracy).


Did anyone ever suggest or testify to two rifles being fired simultaneously or in near real-time proximity to each other from the sixth floor of the TSBD?

If not, then the significance had to be with the rifle and not the shooting. It doesn't suggest two shooters.

I personally believe that the Carcano had to be substituted so it could be matched to the shells, which had been found first and had already been documented and entered into evidence. Somebody had slipped up and planted the wrong caliber shells. The Sheriff's Deputies who found the rifle, testified that it was a Mauser. Once the Dallas City Police Department arrived on the scene, the Sheriff's Deputies were shooed away and sent elsewhere. The Dallas City Police took over the crime scene, and the rifle became a Carcano.

That's my thought.


Steve Thomas

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In his initial report statement Deputy constable Seymour Weitzman clearly stated what Deputy Roger Craig stated that he thought the rifle was a Mauser and that he said so on the spot.

This double verification of what Craig stated about the initial identification of the rifle with so many eye witnesses present would be ridiculously hard to dispute in any criminal court proceeding.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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This has been hashed over in depth on the forum in back threads if you look.  If the assassination was a well planned operation by the cia or military then a 6.5 mm Mannlicher Carcano known for jamming, this one in particular with a scope that had to be shimmed for the FBI to test would not have been used.  It was a prop to frame the patsy.

A Mauser was much more reliable, used by the Germans in WWI and II.  Shots were fired from the sixth floor of the TSBD on 11/22/63, even if only as a distraction from shots fired at lower levels.  Likely by a Mauser imho.  Craig wasn't blind, Wietzman ran a sporting goods store that sold rifles before joining the DPD.  It wasn't meant to be found, a mistake was made, the Carcano was.  Why the Mauser was discounted/discredited. 

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