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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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  • Benjamin Cole


  • Douglas Caddy


  • W. Niederhut


  • Steve Thomas


       I don't know about everyone else, but I am deeply concerned about the response to the Mar-a-Lago raid in the right wing media and Trump cult during the past 24 hours.

      There is, evidently, a lot of denial, disinformation, and rage out there, which is being aggressively promoted by Fox News.  Rather than talking about Trump's misconduct and possible crimes, they're blaming Biden and law enforcement.

      Many Republicans, including House minority leader Kevin McCarthy, are threatening to retaliate against Merrick Garland and members of Congress for investigating Trump's crimes.

      We even have a number of prominent media pundits, including Steve Bannon, Jesse Waters and Newt Gingrich, claiming that the FBI may have "planted evidence" at Mar-a-Lago!

      It's nuts.  Denial on steroids.


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Re Mar-a-Lago: I wish the National Archives had shown such vigor in finding and preserving JFKA records. 

From what I read, from Malcom Blunt and John Newman, National Archives records are prone to grow legs and disappear. 

Didn't anybody ever tell Trump about paper shredders? What is all this toilet stuff? Why are Donks sticking their noses down toilets?


Great (Grate?) political theater. 

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Interesting take, and in the WaPo too. 

Now, will some accuse the WaPo of being part of the right-wing jihad against America? 

Or...might there be valid and different points of view on public events? 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

There is, evidently, a lot of denial, disinformation, and rage out there, which is being aggressively promoted by Fox News.

Once again, Fox "News" isn't a real news org. It's purely a propaganda channel run by an Australian fascist that hates America and wants to destroy its democracy. Once people understand this, they understand the motives behind all the nonsense they see on Fox.

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33 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Marc Thiessen is a right wing propagandist.  I read the Washington Post every day, and I always do a double take when I see the titles of his absurd op eds.

If Thiessen is indignant about things that are "unprecedented" he should focus on Trump's crimes, not their investigation.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Once again, Fox "News" isn't a real news org. It's purely a propaganda channel run by an Australian fascist that hates America and wants to destroy its democracy. Once people understand this, they understand the motives behind all the nonsense they see on Fox.

So, fox fake news is an Australian fascist network?  Sounds logical.

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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Marc Thiessen is a right wing propagandist.  I read the Washington Post every day, and I always do a double take when I see the titles of his absurd op eds.

If Thiessen is indignant about things that are "unprecedented" he should focus on Trump's crimes, not their investigation.

You are attacking the messenger, rather than addressing the message. 

Evidently, he is a regular columnist for the WaPo


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Noah Feldman--Bloomberg 

Three Major Takeaways From the FBI Search on Trump’s Home

Don’t assume that executing a search warrant means the federal government will prosecute the former president. Getting a conviction would seem to be very tricky.


Well, insta-analysis everywhere, so who knows?  

But..the DoJ has painted itself into a corner, no?  If they do not prosecute, then why a heavily-armed 30-officer raid on Trump's home?  

So, the DoJ must prosecute? 

Stay tuned for more political theater. Trump is the gift that keeps on giving. 

Interesting idea that Biden was clueless that the raid was happening.

So...who is running the country? 



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