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The Far-Reaching Influence of “Harvey and Lee”

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11 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

John Armstrong will be on Black Op Radio in about an hour (5 PM Pacific) talking about the new Marine page.


I listened to the program last evening, and it was terrific.  There are many points to discuss about the fascinating topic of Oswald in the Marines.

In the program, a theme that really intrigued me was that, beyond the documentary evidence, it is the eyewitness testimony of former Marines who (a) place the two Oswalds in different locations at the same time during their training and (b) in their descriptions of Oswald, it is clear that the two Oswalds were different physically, in their personalities, and in their interests.  And this is not merely presented as a "theory."  It is meticulously detailed and supported.


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4 hours ago, Tony Krome said:

Just to be clear, you have one Oswald (Harvey?) present for the entire 1953 fall semester except for 1 day. This Oswald was part time and he attended only 2 subjects, Science and Physical Education, for the duration of the fall semester.

I'm hoping you can address the following questions;

1. Both of the above subjects have the number "70" attributed to them. What exactly does the number "70" represent? How was it calculated?

2. Say there was a science class at 10am in the morning, and a physical education class at 2pm in the afternoon, how did that work for part time students? Do you imagine that Oswald was present at school for the entire day, or would he be in and out of school at odd hours?

3. Does this Oswald (Harvey?) who specifically selected science and physical education, fit your profile of the person? Are these subjects ones that you would expect him to choose?

The “70s” I see appear to be grades.  There are two 70s for the fall 1953 semester (science and phys ed) and three 70s for the spring 1954 semester (social studies, math and science).  The following page from the same FBI report based on Wifred Head’s interview is easier to read than the original cumulative record and seems to match  it.  Note that Report 1 shows the fall 1953 semester grades, Report 2 the spring 1954 semester, and Report 3 is the summary of the first two reports (though how Beauregard got 74 for science by averaging 70 and 70 is beyond me). 


I can only speculate about the times any of these classes may have convened or why science and physical education were the two subjects this LHO was given, though it would certainly make sense if one course followed the other in time. Timing may have been the major criteria here.  Again, it makes sense to me that the part-time status of the fall 1953 Beauregard LHO was the direct result of an attempt to ease him back into school and avoid more truancy charges.

What the school records clearly indicate is this: For the fall semester of 1953, one LHO attended the full or nearly full semester at Public School 44 in NYC.  For the very same fall 1953 semester, the other LHO attended the complete semester at Beauregard School in New Orleans.

Finally, no photos are going to be deleted from my website.  I agree entirely with Dr. Norwood that photos by themselves don’t prove much of anything.  They are too easy to misrepresent, among other things.  John Armstrong dealt with photos by using evidence about the LHOs developed from documentary and witness sources to develop biographies.  He then sometimes published photographs associated by the WC (and other “investigations”) and the National Archives with that Oswald, letting readers make up their own minds about the evidence.  John agrees entirely that the photographic record may well have been highly manipulated.

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22 minutes ago, James Norwood said:


I listened to the program last evening, and it was terrific.  There are many points to discuss about the fascinating topic of Oswald in the Marines.

In the program, a theme that really intrigued me was that, beyond the documentary evidence, it is the eyewitness testimony of former Marines who (a) place the two Oswalds in different locations at the same time during their training and (b) in their descriptions of Oswald, it is clear that the two Oswalds were different physically, in their personalities, and in their interests.  And this is not merely presented as a "theory."  It is meticulously detailed and supported.


When I first read Harvey and Lee (the book) so many years ago, I was amazed at the scope of the Marine Corps evidence for two Oswalds.  My favorite of many examples is this: Harvey Oswald's trip to Formosa (Taiwan) while Lee was being treated for VD in Japan.

HARVEY Oswald Departed for Taiwan Aboard the USS Skagit (AKA 105) on Sept. 14, 1958. Note "AKA 105" Under "Record of Events" near top left of this document:


The Unit Diary below shows that HARVEY Oswald was in Ping Tung, Taiwan, on Oct. 6, 1958.


Here’s a 1953 image of the ship Harvey Oswald took .  Note the “K.A. 105” lettering by the bow.



During this very same time Harvey was aboard the USS Skagit and stationed in Taiwan, LEE  Oswald was being treated for V.D in Atsugi, Japan.  From September 14 through October 6, HARVEY Oswald was in Taiwan. At the same time, from September 16 through October 6, LEE Oswald was in Japan. Medical records for NAS Navy 3835 (Naval Hospital), located in Atsugi, Japan, show numerous medical entries for LEE Oswald recorded on Sept 16, 20, 22, 23, 29, and Oct 6. HARVEY Oswald's assignment in Taiwan, while LEE Oswald made numerous visits to the Naval Hospital in Japan, are an obvious example of what John A. calls a"smoking gun."  John made numerous reference to "smoking guns" in his Black Op Radio presentation last night.


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8 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

The “70s” I see appear to be grades.  

If thats the case, do you have one Oswald reflected in the 53/54 fall and spring semester grades or one Oswald for fall and another for spring?

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42 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

During this very same time Harvey was aboard the USS Skagit and stationed in Taiwan, LEE  Oswald was being treated for V.D in Atsugi, Japan.  From September 14 through October 6, HARVEY Oswald was in Taiwan.


Thanks for your great summary of the evidence placing Harvey and Lee in Taiwan and Atsugi concurrently.  In John's presentation last evening, he also shared the detailed eyewitness testimony of Marines who spent considerable time with Oswald.  The smoking gun in that area is certainly the recall of Alan Felde and Zack Stout.  Starting with boot camp in San Diego, Felde recalled moving around the country with Harvey, while Lee was concurrently in different locations for his early training.  Stout served with Lee for a lengthy period in the Far East at times when Harvey was in different locations, including an inexplicably lengthy leave of absence when he was in New Orleans.  Can you imagine how different the historical record of Oswald would be if Felde and Stout had only been called to testify by the Warren Commission?



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8 hours ago, James Norwood said:


Over the years, I have seen too many students of the JFK case get suckered into drawing false conclusions based exclusively on photos.  I would not for a minute begin to draw any conclusions about the three photos with the pearls without first understanding in detail the provenance of each photo.

It is not enough to merely accept as bona fide evidence the notation "original photo."  Who is saying that photos #1 and 2 above are "original."  That needs to be demonstrated by careful research to understand when and where the photo was taken and whether it is genuine evidence.  I don't care if the photos are original, but I do care that they are authentic.

For these reasons, in the Oswald case, I don't wade into photos...as fascinating as they are!


Translation: any photo that appears to refute the H&L theory is suspect. Any photo that seems to confirm it is authentic.

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On 7/21/2020 at 7:07 PM, James DiEugenio said:

But John's work did have an influence.  And whatever one thinks of his main thesis, his book and his archives at Baylor are full of information which I have never seen before either in print or in raw data form.  For example, his work on Mexico City, the rifle, and Ferrie and the CAP are all exceptional.  And if you take a look at the work he did  e.g. on Kerry Thornley in his archives, again, that was really good work.  His recent work on the Tippit shooting was also good.

But somehow all of that gets ignored.


Thank you very much for your post above.  Yes, there are so many areas where John's research has contributed to the JFK case that are often discussed on this forum.  I know that a previous thread was dedicated to his extremely detailed study of the rifle.

Also, I listened to your excellent talk on Len Osanic's program on 7/23, and I appreciated your work on Kerry Thornley.  It was a great program!  Some of the listeners wrote some very good questions.



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You and John Armstrong do wonderful research.  These documents are terrific.

Did you notice that Oswald and friends are listed under TAD?  That's Temporary Additional Duty.

TAD refers to military travel or other assignment at a location other than the traveler's permanent duty station.

In other words, Oswald could have stayed in Japan when the ship left on 9/14/59, but still be listed with his duty station.

It's possible that I am wrong - but that sure is what it looks like to me.

My suggestion is that you put at least as much focus on analysis, and submit your findings to the toughest scrutiny.

I applaud you for posting these documents on the Ed Forum.  Do you have other possible double sightings like this one?

When you do display these documents - like you did here - everyone benefits.


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1 hour ago, Bill Simpich said:


You and John Armstrong do wonderful research.  These documents are terrific.

Did you notice that Oswald and friends are listed under TAD?  That's Temporary Additional Duty.

TAD refers to military travel or other assignment at a location other than the traveler's permanent duty station.

In other words, Oswald could have stayed in Japan when the ship left on 9/14/59, but still be listed with his duty station.

It's possible that I am wrong - but that sure is what it looks like to me.

My suggestion is that you put at least as much focus on analysis, and submit your findings to the toughest scrutiny.

I applaud you for posting these documents on the Ed Forum.  Do you have other possible double sightings like this one?

When you do display these documents - like you did here - everyone benefits.


TAD or TDY or TDS is all the same.  It's temporary duty at a different location.   Usually when TDS (Temporary Duty Station) orders are cut there is a term of temporary service set such as 90 days or some specified time.

The TAD on the order movement is actually a smoking gun.  It means that Harvey Oswald was on temporary duty and would be on that temporary duty for about a month or more from Aug. 29th when the orders were cut, to begin at Sept. 14 on the Skagit in Yokosuka, Japan to his eventual return to his duty station which occurred probably in mid October.  The orders could be read as if the duty station was El Toro and the new location is Japan to catch the Skagit on Sept. 14, 1958 for forward movement to the South China Sea.  A date from the timeline says Harvey was back in California by Oct. 29:

October 29, 1958:  According to Harvey and Lee, “Marine Corps medical records confirm that HARVEY Oswald was at the Marine Corps Air Facility in Santa Ana, CA on October 29.


October 31, 1958: Lee Oswald receives his last overseas rating and his ordered home to the US.


November 2, 1958: Lee Oswald departs Japan by ship, the USS Barrett in Yokosuka, Japan for a 13-day voyage to San Francisco.

 This indicates Harvey was on temporary duty separate from Lee Oswald.     

If Harvey Oswald was on the Skagit, then Lee was left behind at Atsugi.  If Lee was on the Skagit then who was getting an alleged VD treatment back at the hospital at Atsugi?  OBTW, the lone nutters agree that Lee got his VD treatment during the time specified. 

Here's the way I noted this in a timeline I was working on:

September 14, 1958:  Lee Oswald is assigned to a rear unit at Atsugi.


Note:  The assignment to a rear unit at Atsugi and the alleged VD treatment from September 16- October 6, 1958 is the reason some people say Lee Harvey Oswald never went to Taiwan or was later assigned to Iwakuni.  They use information on only one Oswald for this belief. 


September 16- October 6, 1958:  Lee Oswald makes repeated visits to the Atsugi Station Hospital for treatment of an alleged VD episode.  He actually has a UTI, or Urine Track Infection eventually treated by a sulfa drug Pyridium.


Note: Lee Oswald must be the rarest of military people in have had VD and shoot himself with a gun and having it marked as “in the line of duty”.


September 30, 1958:  Harvey Oswald arrived in Taiwan on September 30.  There he was (from Harvey and Lee) “observed by Lt. John Donovan taking photos of troop deployments, fighter aircraft, ammunition bunkers and F-86 aircraft”. 


Lee couldn't be taking photos in Taiwan if he was still at Atsugi.  See the note above.  This use of the VD treatment is usually used by the lone nutters to say that a singular Oswald was never in Taiwan or Iwakuni. 








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3 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:


You and John Armstrong do wonderful research.  These documents are terrific.

Did you notice that Oswald and friends are listed under TAD?  That's Temporary Additional Duty.

TAD refers to military travel or other assignment at a location other than the traveler's permanent duty station.

In other words, Oswald could have stayed in Japan when the ship left on 9/14/59, but still be listed with his duty station.

It's possible that I am wrong - but that sure is what it looks like to me.

My suggestion is that you put at least as much focus on analysis, and submit your findings to the toughest scrutiny.

I applaud you for posting these documents on the Ed Forum.  Do you have other possible double sightings like this one?

When you do display these documents - like you did here - everyone benefits.


Thanks, Mr. Simpich, but John found plenty of other evidence indicating one LHO had indeed travelled to Taiwan (Formosa).  This LHO told Priscilla Johnson at the Metropole Hotel in Moscow that he had “spent 14 months in Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Formosa….”


This confidential Naval message says: “Oswald... served with Marine Air Control Squadron in Japan and Taiwan….”


This document says about the same thing:


There is still more evidence about one LHO in Taiwan,  but this stuff seems just  undeniable.  It was in Ping Tung, Taiwan on the evening of October 4, 1958, that a famous incident occurred involving "Oswald." He apparently fired four or five M-1 rifle shots at shadows and was seen by another soldier leaning against a tree visibly shaking and crying.  “He (LHO) kept saying he just couldn’t bear being on guard duty.” This LHO clearly was stationed in Taiwan, but he was hardly a real soldier.  His military career in Taiwan ended quickly,  but I think he made a much better spy than a soldier.

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46 minutes ago, John Butler said:

The TAD on the order movement is actually a smoking gun.  It means that Harvey Oswald was on temporary duty and would be on that temporary duty for about a month or more from Aug. 29th when the orders were cut, to begin at Sept. 14 on the Skagit in Yokosuka, Japan to his eventual return to his duty station which occurred probably in mid October.  The orders could be read as if the duty station was El Toro and the new location is Japan to catch the Skagit on Sept. 14, 1958 for forward movement to the South China Sea.  A date from the timeline says Harvey was back in California by Oct. 29


Thank you for the clarification of the usage of TAD (Temporary Additional Duty) and for your good chronology. 

I agree with Bill Simpich that all research findings should be subjected to the "toughest scrutiny."  So, let's look at the comparative evidence and especially the sources for two Oswalds at two places at the same time--Lee in Atsugi and Harvey in Taiwan.


• September 20 (official doctor's report at Atsugi Station Hospital):  "Still has profuse disch-somewhat clearer.  Received course of penicillin ending 2 days ago." (doctor's initials "J.C.")

• September 22-23 (official doctor's report at Atsugi Station Hospital):  "Still present...burning urination." (no doctor signature or initial)

• September 29 (official doctor's report at Atsugi Station Hospital): "Good response to therapy---has been doing much heavy lifting." (doctor signature Dr. Kuchen)

• October 6 (official doctor's report at Atsugi Station Hospital):  "severe heavy discharge...has been doing heavy lifting recently." (no doctor signature or initial)

• October 6 (Marine Unit Diary 1-58 139) reveals that Lee is dropped from MACS 1 and reassigned to H&MS in preparation for his transfer back to the United States.


• September 14 (Marine Corps Unit Diary 151-58 [744]):  Oswald and his unit depart Japan aboard the USS Skagit.

• In 1964, the Warren Commission received a memo from the Assistant General Counsel for the Department of Defense, indicating that Oswald departed Atsugi on September 14, 1958; he was at Ping Tung, North Taiwan on September 30; and he returned to Atsugi on October 5. (Warren Commission Report, 684 and Commission Exhibit 1961, Volume XXIII, p. 5)

• Interview with Lieutenant Charles R. Rhodes places Rhodes with Oswald in Taiwan (HSCA Report, p. 353:  29)

• 1959 UPI Interview of Oswald by Aline Mosby in Moscow in which Oswald stated that he had served in Taiwan:  "After I finished high school, I joined the Marine Corps at 17.  I was in Japan, Formosa [Taiwan], the Philippines.  I was discharged when I was 20, in Santa Ana, California."  (Warren Commission Hearings, Vol. XXII, 705)

• October 6:  Marine Corps Diary 158-58 [762] lists Oswald's location on October 6, 1958 as:  "Ping tung (North) Taiwan."

Jim Hargrove has provided a number of the actual documents of this evidentiary record in his posts above.
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On 7/23/2020 at 9:57 AM, John Butler said:


There was also the comment by Marina saying she had 2 husbands.  Some take this is just a psychological reference to two natures of her husband Lee Harvey Oswald.  I take it she was actually speaking about 2 people, Harvey and Lee.  The incident you mention and others brings one to the conclusion that Marina Oswald knew of the double Oswald usage by the CIA.  It's my opinion that she lived with each alternatively.   

If what you say is true then Ruth Paine did also.  Ruth Paine, IMO, was the CIA handler (or keeper) for the double agent, Marina Oswald.  But, she may have been a triple agent.  I base that on what she did after Harvey died. 

However, there is a part of me that says the Russians may have been aware of the Oswald Project as early as the 1940s.  Someone knew and that information and it came out in the Tippit telephone call in November. 1963. 

There are many odd occurrences concerning the Dynamic Duo.  Generally, folks overlook those things.  It is speculative, or not evidentiary enough, or it does not fit with the evidence they have accumulated, or the theory they are working out of at that time.  There are odd things that can throw a person's views off, and sometimes to a point of 180 degree turn, if true.

What if the following was true?:


Here is a photo of Harvey's suicide scar.  Or, a scar which very closely fits the definition of his suicide scar.  The problem is it is on the wrong arm.  According to the Russian medical reports the scar should be on his left wrist.  Harvey's autopsy doesn't mention this scar on the right wrist.  This suicide scar this (?) is on his right wrist.  The photo is not reversed.  We can see Harvey's left ear in the photo (it is distinctive).  There is no mention of cutting both wrists in the Russian reports.

If this was really Harvey showing his suicide scar as a means of identification to his superiors saying I am Harvey and not Lee who has been taken to the jail.  It could be because some of his handlers suffered from the inability to adequately see the differences in faces.  Many people have this problem and there are probably more than you think. 

So, if this was true would it change your beliefs?  For folks on the Forum probably not.  This may be unfair, but from what I have seen on the forum a lot of people would simply ignore this because it doesn't fit with what they know and it is so outlandish that it is easy to dismiss. 

I'll probably get a couple of good kicks for this, but I see this kind of thing here.  




Bizarre as it seems, there might (might) be a slight chance that Marina actually lived with another man briefly in the spring of 1963. 

Remember, our "Oswald" vehemently denied to Captain Fritz that he had ever lived at 214 W. Neely Street in Dallas, yet the Warren Commission concluded that both "Oswald" and Marina and June all lived there for the better part of two months in March and April of 1963. 

This is strange - there was no logical reason for our "Oswald" to deny living there, if, in fact, he really did so. However, if he did not actually live there, then a denial makes sense - it was the the truth!

The FBI could come up with exactly zero neighbors who could identify "Oswald" at Neely. 



Marguerite even said that Marina lived there with another man (and now I have to dig up and source the quote, but I've got it somewhere - I hope!)



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56 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

For John A's current take on this, see:

Lee and Harvey in Three Consecutive School Semesters

From what I see at that link, William Head provided the Register of Attendance and the FBI then "set forth as a summary" of that Register.

I gather from that link that you believe that the Register of Attendance reflects "Harvey", not "Lee" for every semester at Beauregard. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Now, you have "Harvey" moving into New Orleans from North Dakota in the fall of 1953, and more specifically, on arrival, moved into 126 Exchange Place.

So when "Harvey" enrolled as a part-time student at Beauregard in September 1953, what address do you believe he declared?


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5 hours ago, James Norwood said:


Thank you for the clarification of the usage of TAD (Temporary Additional Duty) and for your good chronology. 

I agree with Bill Simpich that all research findings should be subjected to the "toughest scrutiny."  So, let's look at the comparative evidence and especially the sources for two Oswalds at two places at the same time--Lee in Atsugi and Harvey in Taiwan.


• September 20 (official doctor's report at Atsugi Station Hospital):  "Still has profuse disch-somewhat clearer.  Received course of penicillin ending 2 days ago." (doctor's initials "J.C.")

• September 22-23 (official doctor's report at Atsugi Station Hospital):  "Still present...burning urination." (no doctor signature or initial)

• September 29 (official doctor's report at Atsugi Station Hospital): "Good response to therapy---has been doing much heavy lifting." (doctor signature Dr. Kuchen)

• October 6 (official doctor's report at Atsugi Station Hospital):  "severe heavy discharge...has been doing heavy lifting recently." (no doctor signature or initial)

• October 6 (Marine Unit Diary 1-58 139) reveals that Lee is dropped from MACS 1 and reassigned to H&MS in preparation for his transfer back to the United States.


• September 14 (Marine Corps Unit Diary 151-58 [744]):  Oswald and his unit depart Japan aboard the USS Skagit.

• In 1964, the Warren Commission received a memo from the Assistant General Counsel for the Department of Defense, indicating that Oswald departed Atsugi on September 14, 1958; he was at Ping Tung, North Taiwan on September 30; and he returned to Atsugi on October 5. (Warren Commission Report, 684 and Commission Exhibit 1961, Volume XXIII, p. 5)

• Interview with Lieutenant Charles R. Rhodes places Rhodes with Oswald in Taiwan (HSCA Report, p. 353:  29)

• 1959 UPI Interview of Oswald by Aline Mosby in Moscow in which Oswald stated that he had served in Taiwan:  "After I finished high school, I joined the Marine Corps at 17.  I was in Japan, Formosa [Taiwan], the Philippines.  I was discharged when I was 20, in Santa Ana, California."  (Warren Commission Hearings, Vol. XXII, 705)

• October 6:  Marine Corps Diary 158-58 [762] lists Oswald's location on October 6, 1958 as:  "Ping tung (North) Taiwan."




Jim Hargrove has provided a number of the actual documents of this evidentiary record in his posts above.


Thanks James,

I built my timeline of the marine service of the Oswalds from Harvey and Lee material, (lots of docs)Jim Hargrove's valuable advice and material, David Josephs timeline (which is invaluable) and Tracy Parnells excellent timeline ( from a single Oswald perspective).   It has the things you mention.

I built my timeline of the Oswalds marine service so I could speculate on certain things generated by this material.  This was so I could explore certain areas.  For instance in the new writeup of the military service of the Oswalds there is this "While HARVEY Oswald and Allen Felde were in basic training and infantry training, Private First Class LEE Oswald was a radio communicator at the jet base in El Toro. It appears that LEE Oswald never went thru boot camp or infantry training, but was a Private 1st class assigned to the jet base at El Toro, CA."

They stopped at this point due to not have any other evidence to explain this bizarre finding and had to make this conclusion.  I would have speculated further.  I would have speculated since Lee Oswald left the Marine Corps in March, 1959 he joined at age 16 somewhere around March, 1956 for a 3 year tour.  Lee Harvey Oswald could not have been discharged twice from military service.  But, Lee could and Harvey could at different times.  There is the Steve Landesberg's story of Lee Oswald and he at Camp Lejeune (last time I wrote this I said Parris Island) in the summer of 1956.

If Lee Oswald managed to join the Marines in New Orleans on a second try,  then he would have been sent to Parris Island for training.  He was rejected on his first try as too young.  The records for Lee Oswald prior to Oct. 24, 1959 could have been seized by the ONI or CIA people and haven't been seen since.

Training at Parris Island and other places before the fall of 1956 could explain why he was at El Toro in aircraft maintenance and repair as a PFC in the fall of 1956.  To be working in maintenance and repair he would have to had trained for that earlier.  Basically, this would be 2 months for basic training, two months for combat training, and another possible two month or so for repair training.  

And, then Lee Oswald disappears in March, 1959 and appears months later, perhaps at the Mercer farm for a hunting photo.  I dispute this.  I don't think it is Lee in that photo.  But, it could be in Sept. 1959 if Robert Oswald's memory is bad.  The caption on the photo reads the event occurred in Feb., 1959.  The next occurrence of Lee is when his cousin, Marilyn Murret, tells John Pic in Japan Lee is in Europe.  Then the next appearance is in Nov. 1960 with a Mr. Filian in a safe house in Miami.

Lee's time is very mysterious after March, 1959.  There are months of unaccounted for time.




Edited by John Butler
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