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The FDR Body Hoax

Shanet Clark

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I deleted the theory because it got absolutely no support.

My friend Joe was quite convinced that FDR died before Yalta

and a body double was sent to deal with Churchill and Stalin.

Joe had apparently read a book by one of FDR's doctors,

and was convinced of this hoax....since no one had any

support, I deleted it.


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I deleted the theory because it got absolutely no support.

My friend Joe was quite convinced that FDR died before Yalta

and a body double was sent to deal with Churchill and Stalin.

Joe had apparently read a book by one of FDR's doctors,

and was convinced of this hoax....since no one had any

support, I deleted it.


Okay, thanks anyway.

As a hypothetical, what advantage if any could be gained by sending a double? I'm not very familiar with FDR but have general knowledge of the period.

I haven't gone over my books for the period, but do you think Stalin and Churchill would have considered a "raw" President like Truman easier to manipulate than FDR?

Actually, I kind of like these scenarios. It's very interesting to imagine what "might have been" if events through history had not been the same as we know them.

A good example of this is a sci-fi novel (yes, okay, I'm a geek) by James P Hogan called THE PROTEUS OPERATION. A good read, and some interesting alternative timelines.


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[i don't know where Joe got the idea, it may be a book by a FDR doctor.

He may have been influenced by the death of FDR's appointments secretary

on the flight to/from Yalta...it is a bit more of a fictional scenario than a theory

right now, I was looking if anyone had ever heard it, but no...

probably all

bunk and balderbash...

also apparently FDR did have some cinematic double or photo ringer guy

that was a big factor in the rumor....

Edited by Shanet Clark
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I didn't realise that FDR had "body doubles" though it is certainly conceivable.

Is there anything we know, for certain, that indicates the first public or political figure to use a stand-in?

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  • 3 weeks later...

He was more of a stand-in, useful for long photo sessions, light meter tests, etc.

I have found a lead, this may be Joe Ionno's source for all this

(all I have is the title and author):

"The strange death of Franklin D. Roosevelt" 1948, by Emanuel Josephson.

Has anyone read this book?

Was this Joe's source for the FDR ringer-at-Yalta Theory?

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I haven't read the book, sorry.

I'll check the local library and see if there is a copy available in the library system.

It made me think, though - how often were there 'public appearances' by major political figures (specifically FDR) in those days?

I remember reading how Truman used to like walking in public a fair bit, but how often was FDR seen in public? The media was not as prevelent in those days, so it would have been possible to go out without a crowd of press reporters following you.

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Evan, (and whoever else is following this odd thread), I found a few copies of Josephson's book for sale on Amazon for 40-80 dollars. No summary or reviews were found.

But the full title is "the Strange Death of FDR: History of the Roosevelt Delano Dynasty, America's Royal Family." (1948 Chedney Press)

Dr. Emanuel Josephson also wrote "Your Life is Their Toy" about radiation and medicine, "Rockefeller Internationalist, The Man Who Misrules the World" (Chesney 1962) and "The Federal Reserve Conspiracy and the Rockefellers"

Apparently Dr. Josephson saw the Rockefellers as Satanically evil and hegemonically powerful....

Here's a list of other obscure books, obviously of mixed legitimacy and value.

Carroll Quigley was certainly legitimate, but the trend of the Josephson sites was toward hysterical New World Order conspiracy theories....

Heres the list that includes his FDR book:

Murray N. Rothbard,

Economic Determinism and the Conspiracy Theory of History Revisited,


& America's Great Depression, (Nash, 1972).

Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope (Macmillan, 1966)

Gabriel Kolko, The Triumph of Conservatism, (Quadrangle)

Carroll Quigley, The Evolution of Civilizations.

Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible, (Avon Books, 1969).

Arkon Daraul, Secret Societies, (Citadel Press, 1962).

Count Egon Caesar Corti, The Rise of the House of Rothschild,

The Reign of the House of Rothschild, (Cosmopolitan Book Corp., 1928).

Max Stirner, The Ego and His Own, (Libertarian Book Club, 1963).

Robert Ardrey, The Social Contract, (Dell Publishing, 1970).

Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future, (Random House, 1966.)

George Orwell, Animal Farm, (New American Library)

Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1955).

Ludwig von Mises, Theory and History, (Arlington House, 1969).

Human Action, Henry Regnery, 1966.

James J. Martin, Revisionist Viewpoints, (Ralph Myles Publisher, 1971).

Committee on Government Operations-U.S. Senate, Disclosure of Corporate Ownership, (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1974).

Antony C. Sutton, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Wall Street and FDR, (Arlington House, 1975.)

Gabriel Kolko, The Triumph of Conservatism, (Quadrangle Books, 1967).

Richard Ney, The Will Street Gang, (Praeger Publishers, 1974).

Ferdinand Lundberg, The Rich and the Super-Rich, (Lyle Stuart, 1968).

America's 60 Families, (Vanguard, 1938).

William G. Domhoff, Who Rules America? (Prentice Hall, 1967.)

The Higher Circles. (Random House, 1970).

Matthew Josephson, Money Lords, (New American Library, 1973).

The Robber Barons. (Harcourt Brace & Co., 1934).

George H. Shibley, The Money Question, (Stable Money Publishing Co., 1896).

Jules Archer, The Plot to Seize the White House, (Hawthorn Books, 1973).

William Hoffman. David: Report on a Rockefeller, (Dell Publishing, 1972).

Joel Andreas,

The Incredible Rocky, North American Congress on Latin America, 1973.

Gustavus Myers, The History of the Great American Fortunes 1907

Antony C. Sutton, National Suicide, (Arlington House, 1973).

Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., The Economic Pinch, Dorrance & Company, Inc., 1923, Reprinted by Omni Publications.

Louis T. McFadden, Collective Speeches of Congressman

McFadden, (Omni Publications, 1970.)

H.S. Kenan, The Federal Reserve Bank,( The Noontide Press, 1968).

Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy , (Concord Press, 1973.)

Richard Nixon - The Man Behind the Mask, (Western Islands, 1971).

The Rockefeller File, ('76 Press, 1976).

Dan Smoot, The Invisible Government, (The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962).

W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked Capitalist, 1970.

Taylor Caldwell, Captains and Kings, (Fawcett Publications, 1973).

John Robison, Proofs of Conspiracy, 1798, Reprinted by Western Islands.

Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements,

(Christian Book Club, 1967.)

A. N. Field, The Truth About the Slump, 1931,

Reprinted by Omni Publications, 1962.

William Robert Plumme, The Untold History,

(The Committee for the Restoration of the Republic, 1964).

June Grem, Karl Marx: Capitalist, (Enterprise Publications, 1972).

Emanuel Josephson, Rockefeller Internationalist: Man Who Misrules the World, (Chedney Press, 1962. )

DOMHOFF and QUIGLEY are probably the only two I would put into any bibiography, although the others have value as cultural markers and may contain some legitimate content.....the Jules Archer book "the plot to seize the White House" may have some relevance for us ....

{ Sorry to wander into the Larouche and John Birch paradigm, but they may be on to something --- how does one explain the Skull and Bones, for example....}

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