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America's "Left-Wing" Now Totally Punked: Oliver Stone Movie Review

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In recent years, we have seen what used to be thought of a "liberal" or "left-wing" elements in US society gravitate towards authoritarianism, censorship and alliance with globalists and the national security state. Hey, I am an old left-winger, believe me. 

From "The Wrap" review of JFK Revisited:

"Stone’s film is not a companion piece, making-of or follow-up to his all-star 1991 drama 'JFK' (a director’s cut of which played in the Cinema de la Plage section on the beach the night before) but a procession of white, male authors and experts in boring shirts hectoring you with their theories and old books."


So identity politics is now just another useful bludgeon in the hands of Deep State. 

If you are hip, you don't believe these old white guys. 




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It barely seems worth noting that Jason Solomons, the author of the lines above, is himself a white male. More noteworthy is the fact that Solomons is a BBC figure and appears regularly on BBC TV and radio. So he's going to be following party mainstream establishment line no matter what, I think.

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

In recent years, we have seen what used to be thought of a "liberal" or "left-wing" elements in US society gravitate towards authoritarianism, censorship and alliance with globalists and the national security state. Hey, I am an old left-winger, believe me. 

From "The Wrap" review of JFK Revisited:

"Stone’s film is not a companion piece, making-of or follow-up to his all-star 1991 drama 'JFK' (a director’s cut of which played in the Cinema de la Plage section on the beach the night before) but a procession of white, male authors and experts in boring shirts hectoring you with their theories and old books."


So identity politics is now just another useful bludgeon in the hands of Deep State. 

If you are hip, you don't believe these old white guys. 




Seems the wrap is crap in this case.  I guess the writer wasn't there for this.


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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

In recent years, we have seen what used to be thought of a "liberal" or "left-wing" elements in US society gravitate towards authoritarianism, censorship and alliance with globalists and the national security state. Hey, I am an old left-winger, believe me. 

From "The Wrap" review of JFK Revisited:

"Stone’s film is not a companion piece, making-of or follow-up to his all-star 1991 drama 'JFK' (a director’s cut of which played in the Cinema de la Plage section on the beach the night before) but a procession of white, male authors and experts in boring shirts hectoring you with their theories and old books."


So identity politics is now just another useful bludgeon in the hands of Deep State. 

If you are hip, you don't believe these old white guys.

Wow, what trash.

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1 hour ago, Larry Hancock said:

I'd meditate and center myself but I'm not sure where that would be now..?


Larry H--

Every four years, people lament about their Presidential choices, and that the two major parties have ossified and become corrupt. 

Perhaps there were shades a gradation in the old days, and certainly JFK was a horse of a different color. 


Today the institutional Democratic Party is more aligned with the Deep State and media censorship than the GOP. 

Note I said "institutional Democratic Party." 

There are many fine individuals in both parties, and across the political spectrum. I have met fair, smart and witty Trump backers, and intelligent people who voted for Biden. 

But I am hardly the first to note that institutions can first become rotten and then ossify. To become coprolite. 




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Benjamin; So identity politics is now just another useful bludgeon in the hands of Deep State. 

If you are hip, you don't believe these old white guys

Hmmm. Uh.... Are you by any chance old and white?.

Ok, Then let's join in the struggle to preserve Benjamin's identity from these slings and  arrows!

My God! Stop the bludgeoning!  Stop the bludgeoning!

BLM! BLM!   Benjamin's life matters! Benjamin's life matters too!


I can see for you this "tragically hip.'

As Matt said, that is quite an extrapolation from one line of one guy's review. 

Do you always respond so defensively to matters  about racial identity?
To each his own. I'm not that much into ''identity politics.''



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15 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

In recent years, we have seen what used to be thought of a "liberal" or "left-wing" elements in US society gravitate towards authoritarianism, censorship and alliance with globalists and the national security state. Hey, I am an old left-winger, believe me. 

From "The Wrap" review of JFK Revisited:

"Stone’s film is not a companion piece, making-of or follow-up to his all-star 1991 drama 'JFK' (a director’s cut of which played in the Cinema de la Plage section on the beach the night before) but a procession of white, male authors and experts in boring shirts hectoring you with their theories and old books."


So identity politics is now just another useful bludgeon in the hands of Deep State. 

If you are hip, you don't believe these old white guys. 



      It's true that the Democratic establishment has been somewhat aligned with globalists and the national security establishment, but the notion that liberals have "gravitated toward authoritarianism" is simply absurd.   Au contraire, authoritarian beliefs in the U.S. seem to be strongly correlated with right-wing politics.

     Here's a recent psychological study on that subject.

A Disturbing Number of Americans Have Right-Wing Authoritarian Views
A new poll shows a higher percentage of people in the U.S. qualify as "highly right-wing authoritarian" compared to other Western countries




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6 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


      It's true that the Democratic establishment has been somewhat aligned with globalists and the national security establishment, but the notion that liberals have "gravitated toward authoritarianism" is simply absurd.   Au contraire, authoritarian beliefs in the U.S. seem to be strongly correlated with right-wing politics.

     Here's a recent psychological study on that subject.

A Disturbing Number of Americans Have Right-Wing Authoritarian Views
A new poll shows a higher percentage of people in the U.S. qualify as "highly right-wing authoritarian" compared to other Western countries





Historically, that has been true. Right-wingers in the past were always attracted to uniforms, epaulets and jackboots, literally and figuratively. 

Not sure, anymore.

Note that I said "institutional Democratic Party."

As stated, there are many fair and fine minds in all political camps, from Trumpers   to Donkettes. 

But the ACLU? They used to say "free speech trumps all," and even backed the right of (loathsome) Nazis to march in Skokie, Ill. That was the liberals of old. 

Today? Not so much. People who are defined as "white supremacists" by others...well, maybe they do not have free speech rights. 

This is a slippery slope, no? 

And jeez, when was the last time a "liberal" President or nominee advocated a smaller US military budget or global posture? George McGovern?  

The Clintons were all about NAFTA and the WTO, opening up US retail to China goods, and working with globalist think tanks, and a globalized military, a pattern reprised in the Obama administration. 

I am glad you are keeping an independent mind, and look forward to your comments, even if we disagree on some specifics, or even if we disagree on some fundamentals. 













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The left and right are largely exactly the same as they've ever been.

If you want examples of Trump's seditious, racist cult followers, just spend some time in the comments section of Breitbart, Zero Hedge or any of the other slimy RW sites.

Continued attempts to paint Trump and his hateful crew as gallant victims is total nonsense, and will be called out as such every time.


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In prehistoric times we used a term that still seems appropriate - it was simply the "establishment", regardless of who was in power at a given time.  Still seems pretty accurate to me since it implies a primary motive of status quo.

As to Matt's second point - absolutely!

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Benjamin:As stated, there are many fair and fine minds in all political camps, from Trumpers   to Donkettes. 

Oh, "many fair and fine mind Trumpers?"  Well Benjamin, unless it's expat "Ninja Johnny" at your local Thai dive bar. Can we can assume those are your current online associations? Would you kindly gives us the websites you frequent so we  can browse and see what your standard is for "a fair and fine mind."?



But I am hardly the first to note that institutions can first become rotten and then ossify. To become coprolite. 

You certainly aren't.  Oh good, so you know you're nothing exceptional? Then why do you keep starting threads and saying the same things over and over  again and try to talk to us like we're 3rd graders? And then at least with me avoid direct questions with this super polite, amiable, veneer crap?
What are you trying so hard to convince us of? You're no spring chicken. Hey neither am I.  Why does it matter so greatly to you?
Do you envision yourself as a modern day Castro descending from the Thai jungles but to foment a  white backlash movement? Ha ha!
Seriously, what do you want, Benjamin?
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