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Documents released 12/15/21

Steve Thomas

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Think about it, nothing would be more likely to be covered up than evidence of Oswald on a long car ride to Mexico in September 1963 with an unknown individual or individuals, thus totally exploding the Loner narrative. And yet there's the doc, 58 freakin years later.

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only 31 documents are "new releases. the bulk are documents that were previously released in redacted form.   But this was not surprising since this was the batch the agencies had no objection to releasing. there are still 14,000 withheld documents.


we are filing lawsuit on monday for Biden's failure to comply with the JFK Records Act

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9 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Pretty interesting eh?

What this proves even further is what I determined from reading the last batch of docs on this. The CIA was going nuts trying to figure out 1.) If Oswald was there, and 2.) If so, how the heck he got there.

It is looking more and more like the whole thing about the bus rides back and down were pasted together by Echeverria and Ochoa for the CIA and that Hoover essentially discovered this was ersatz.  But he decided to go along with it rather than rock the boat. Meanwhile Angleton and Rocca were isolating Duran and Elena to set up this phony scenario about Oswald being at a twist party in cahoots with Cuba.



6 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


Thanks for the info on the photographer angle. Someday, it would be interesting to compile all the professions he claimed to be.

Import/export agent, photographer...

Steve Thomas

The car business caught my eye this morning. it was the one document out of this batch that i found interesting so far. 

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8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


Do you really think this was Oswald?




At the 1:04 mark, in the above Youtube, is Kostikov himself saying he met LHO at the Soviet Embassy there. 

My guess is LHO did make a trip to MC, and was also impersonated. Kostikov could be mistaken or lying, but my guess he met the "real" LHO. 

I am not sure about Richard Nagell's credibility, but he claims to have met LHO in Mexico City. 

My scenario is that LHO did a lot a "biography building" up to the JFKA, and this trip, and his loud protests and drama at both Cuban and Soviet embassies, was part of that build. 



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This one intrigued me:


Didn’t David Atlee Phillips testify to the HSCA that all recordings of LHO in MC were routinely erased? 

Of course we know the FBI said they received the recordings and said the voice did NOT match LHO.

I’m sure this has been released before but it jumped out for me.





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5 hours ago, Michaleen Kilroy said:

This one intrigued me:


Didn’t David Atlee Phillips testify to the HSCA that all recordings of LHO in MC were routinely erased? 

Of course we know the FBI said they received the recordings and said the voice did NOT match LHO.

I’m sure this has been released before but it jumped out for me.





Yes, the voice is Oswald's and it is not Oswald's. And he drove a car to Mexico City while riding in bus.  

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Yes, the voice is Oswald's and it is not Oswald's. And he drove a car to Mexico City while riding in bus.  

Ha. JFKA case in a nutshell. Always bewildering, contradictory, frustrating and disturbing. Like nothing I’ve ever encountered in normal life. It truly is a house of mirrors.

That’s why JFK Revisited is so groundbreaking. It clarifies instead of obfuscates, like a good trial lawyer would.

Edited by Michaleen Kilroy
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15 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

He definitely could have gotten there by car if someone drove him...

Yes he could have. But an investigation by the WC showed that he traveled by bus and did not own a car nor did he yet have a license. Nor did they find any confederates that drove him.

BTW, the "apparently by car" document is not new information. It was released in 2018:


Note also the word "apparently" which means that this was suposition on the part of the writer. What this document really shows is how little the CIA knew about Oswald. As Jim D. notes, the CIA "was going nuts" trying to figure out who he was and what information they had on him.

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The CIA said he arrived by car.

The FBI said he arrived by bus.

The CIA said that one of the recorded voices matched Oswald's. The FBI and (as Hoover told Johnson), it didn't.

This is like the old Mad Magazine cartoon Spy vs. Spy.

The spooks must have been tearing their hair out trying to get their stories straight.

Can you imagine the bureaucratic battles that must have been going on behind the scenes?

David Joseph spent a lot of time and energy proving the whole bus thing was "ersatz" as Jim DiEugenio called it.

Steve Thomas


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1 hour ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

Yes he could have. But an investigation by the WC showed that he traveled by bus and did not own a car nor did he yet have a license. Nor did they find any confederates that drove him.

BTW, the "apparently by car" document is not new information. It was released in 2018:


Note also the word "apparently" which means that this was suposition on the part of the writer. What this document really shows is how little the CIA knew about Oswald. As Jim D. notes, the CIA "was going nuts" trying to figure out who he was and what information they had on him.

So please explain how they obviously had recordings of LHO and then told HSCA they were erased before the assassination.

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55 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

One document from the CIA said that. Doesn't make it a fact. The totality of the evidence produces facts. 

You act like the CIA never lied, stonewalled, prevaricated, etc. in this case. They’ve never made an honest effort to clarify ANYTHING in this case..

I’m with Blakey in his public letter from 2003 - I don’t believe a word the CIA has said on JFKA, full stop. They’ve more than earned that distrust.

Edited by Michaleen Kilroy
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