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11 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

BTW, this is the best review of JFK:Revisited I have read yet.  Morley's dismissal is Alecia Long is especially trenchant. 


I especially liked this line and section:



A Straw Man 

In a sustained attack on Stone in the Washington Post, professor Alecia Longargued that Garrison’s investigation was motivated by homophobia. Shaw was a closeted gay man and Garrison used his private life to smear him, she contends in a new book. Long’s unsubtle implication is that anyone who believes Kennedy was killed by his enemies is an ignorant bigot prone to QAnon-type fantasies.

If Long thinks that Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Charles De Gaulle and Fidel Castro were deluded fabulists driven by homophobia, her argument is unconvincing, if not totally wrong.

The truth that Long and other critics are loathe to acknowledge is that plenty of serious political observers rejected the Warren Commission’s conclusion, not because they were ignorant or misinformed or hateful but because they knew more than the investigators and the general public.



49 minutes ago, Bill Fite said:

I especially liked this line and section:


Egads, Long dragging out the old homophobia charge is beneath contempt. My impression is that for the time and place, Garrison was fairly tolerant. While Garrison may have made some wisecracks at the time which are no longer acceptable, he suspected not homosexuals but the CIA or CIA assets and affiliates of complicity in the JFKA. 

The remarkable aspect is that despite a shoestring budget, CIA plants and saboteurs on his staff, and lies (Clay Shaw was in fact receiving CIA payments), and national ridicule, Garrison was barking up the right tree. 

I can remember reading Garrison's interview in Playboy magazine back in 1967.  I was 12, but I remember reading the story, and it sounded like Garrison was the Man from the Moon. The "CIA murdered JFK" was the sort of stuff far left-wing nuts printed. National Enquirer stuff. 

Now, after decades of research---well, Garrison was right or on the right path. 

It has been a humbling and sobering few decades. 


2 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

If Long thinks that Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Charles De Gaulle and Fidel Castro were deluded fabulists driven by homophobia, her argument is unconvincing

She doesn't. She thinks Jim Garrison was a deluded fabulist driven by homophobia. Where in the book does she mention the others?


I liked Jeff's article also.

And its amazing that he got it in Counter Punch.

Since the days of Alex Cockburn, that zine has been pretty bad on the JFK case.  And, in fact, I had written like four articles criticizing their approach to the case.

But Morley got a couple of previous articles in which were actually pretty good.  And now this long one, which I think is one of the two best reviews of the film. The other being in Covert Action Magazine.

And as I said, Counter Punch has a very well frequented web site.  

Posted (edited)

The Twitter thread is pretty good on Morley: 

https://twitter.com/search?q=JFK revisited&src=typed_query&f=live


Edited by James DiEugenio

I should add this one was pretty decent also:


I actually showed the writer  parts of the annotated script.

4 hours ago, Steve Roe said:

Excellent article and rebuttal to the Morley piece.

I wonder who put Morley up to attack Alecia Long? Oh, let me guess..........


Thanks Steve. It was a most curious attack by Morley indeed.

8 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

Thanks Steve. It was a most curious attack by Morley indeed.

As always, truth based.

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