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Bell Film Gifs Part 2

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6 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

So odd. Does anyone know the name of the lady in the bright red coat?

The woman in the RED coat is Jean Hill

The woman on her right in the dark blue coat is Mary Moorman they came in the same car to see the motorcade


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1 hour ago, Robin Unger said:

The woman in the RED coat is Jean Hill

The woman on her right in the dark blue coat is Mary Moorman they came in the same car to see the motorcade


Thanks. I thought so, I just wanted to make sure first.

Looking at these gifs it sure seems that everyone around Babushka Lady hit the deck when the shooting started, but it appears B.L. herself didn't move at all. I think I see her arms lowering slightly as if she had her hands up to her face, but obviously she didn't think she was in any danger of being hit by a bullet, unlike the others around her.

Then there is a moment after that when B.L., Hill, and a man in white pants are all standing together, and that's what I found confusing. I had always assumed everyone started streaming up the knoll immediately after the limo left sight. But those three are standing still and observing, and don't seem to be in any hurry to go anywhere. The white pants man actually looks like he has his hands in his pockets. It seems it's a moment later before Hill crosses the street and appears to be going west for a moment before many, Hill and B.L. included, begin running up the knoll.

I'll have to check Hill's book again.

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Bell Unger Comparison

This a Google Earth Pro overhead of Dealey Plaza including the railroad bridge:


Look at railroad bridge and see its measurements for the bridge width at 140.16 feet.  It has 7 train tracks creating the width.  You can’t see across the width from most places in Dealey Plaza.  Look pass the railroad cars.  You will not see the other side.



This photo show that you can’t see the Western side of the bridge.  Maybe Bell could.  Then again maybe not.

Here is a comparison of a Bell frame with Altgens 7 showing particular problems:



You will notice that in both photos you can see to the other side of bridge.  That’s not possible in Altgens 7.  Maybe in Bell’s frame, maybe not. 

The bridge is 140.16 feet wide.  Standing in Dealey Plaza anywhere it is not possible to see the Western side of bridge, the exception is Bell’s perch on Houston Street.  The railroad bridge slopes down hill to the west.


1.     Altgens 7 is fraud using imagery perhaps from Bell, or another source.

2.     Bell frame, as seen in this photo/frame may be a fraud.    



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On 8/1/2022 at 10:49 AM, John Butler said:

Bell frame, as seen in this photo/frame may be a fraud.    


To further amplify on this I have prepared the following:

Bell Possible Fraud

This is a photo from Jay Skaggs catching one of the press cars, and across Houston Street, four photographers including Mark Bell.  This was after another photo showing the president.  By this time the p. limo must be approaching the intersection by Bell's direction.


The first question to ask here is how could Bell film to the Triple Underpass through the Arcade structure, tree, and sign without including those in the film?  I don’t have an aswer, but it is very suspicious.

Here is what we see in a Bell frame that includes the Triple Underpass:



You can see across the railroad bridge, 140.16 feet from the east rail to the west rail.  Is that possible at a 5, or 6 feet height of his perch?  Someone should take a Bell camera and see if that is possible.

Altgens 7 is clearly a fraud.  In Altgens 7 we can see the west rail of the railroad bridge.  There is nowhere in Dealey Plaza on the ground you can see the west rail of the railroad bridge, particularly from Altgens position on Elm Street.


It takes height to see across the 140.16 feet, as measured by Google Earth Pro, of the railroad bridge.  The question is how much height?  Well, David Von Pein may have the answer.  Here is a 1954 image of the Triple Underpass.  It was probably taken from the Court Records Building at a height of about 30, or perhaps 40 feet, or more feet.  This is reminiscence of the Bell frame.




Is the Bell film real or an altered product to show the railroad men on the underpass?  This would be to confirm Altgens 7, an obvious fraud.  This is why we often see a crop of the photo rather than the whole photo.  I will believe it is real if someone goes down to Dealey Plaza gets on that perch with a Bell camera and duplicates the film.  At this point, at least to me, the Bell film is a fraud designed to match and give credence to the Altgens 7 photo.  And, the idea there were railroad men on the bridge at the time of the assassination.

Edited by John Butler
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2 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:


I usually don't pay much attention to Robin Unger's posts since in my opinion they are biased in one direction.  Bell on the grass could not have seen or filmed the west rail of the railroad bridge.  To see the 140 feet across the TU then one has to be at a higher elevation.  There are structures in the way from his position on his perch.  That's a fact.  

Here's is what made me think about this.


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IMO one should always bear in mind that all the assassination films are tampered with. These films are snippets and fragments of copies from copies blurred and cut and damaged  in an odd way ...

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