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New Litwin Article

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2 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

I read the article, and found it informative. But Litwin's conclusion (holding that none of the remaining redactions are of any importance) is pure flapdoodle. Just as there is bad logic in conspiracy thinking, there is bad logic in no-conspiracy thinking. I mean John McAdams was a smart man, but in his book JFK Assassination Logic he pushed one of the dumbest, most drool on the floor stupid, arguments I've ever read. He pushed that when a lot of people confess to something, or a lot of eyewitnesses suggest an alternative scenario to what investigators have concluded, we can assume none of the people confessing are telling the truth, and none of the witness reports are accurate. Such self-serving crap would earn an F in a high school class, and yet here it was being pushed by a college professor in a book on logic. Embarrassing. 

Of course, there's crap on both sides of the divide. We should never forget that one of the most disruptive and erratic CTs over the recent decades was a professor of critical thinking. So there's that.

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5 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

If this is true, then one wonders why the CIA and the FBI have so fiercely objected to releasing all the files.

On most JFK-case issues, I find Litwin to be a dogmatic, unconvincing WC apologist. I find it incredible that he still denies that Oswald worked with Banister, Ferrie, and Shaw.

However, I agree with Litwin on many historical issues and enjoy and agree with most of his posts in the USMB's History subforum. It's too bad he has such a gaping blind spot when it comes to the JFK case.

Edited by Michael Griffith
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Litwin is doing a great impression of Sergeant Schultz "I see nothing".  Or he reminds me  Mark 8:17-18 where Jesus admonishes his disciples:  "Do you still not see or understand? Do you have such hard hearts? ‘Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear?’..."

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