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The Right Wing attacks JFK

Gil Jesus

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Right-wing extremists like this nutcase made public appearances around the country and stoked the fires of hate from 1961-63.

Dr. Revilo P. Oliver's speech entitled. "They Must Not Go Unpunished", given before the Dallas Indignation Committee; October, 1961 ( audio ) :

Given before a very enthusiastic audience of over 5,000. A powerful call to evict the "traitors" from Washington. Includes detailed discussion of the "betrayal" of the anti-Communist Cubans during the Bay of Pigs invasion and the mysterious CIA radio station Radio Swan on Swan Island. ( 62 minutes )


I know none of the Warren Commission supporters will listen to this, but for anyone who wants to know the TRUTH about what was going on in the country leading up to the assassination, THIS is the kind of rhetoric that fed the hatred of JFK and led to his death.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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I’m not familiar with this guy, thanks for the link. From what I’m hearing so far he’s a typical anti-commie whack job of the period who thought Kennedy was a communist. 

Ask any real communist of the 1960’s and they were no fans of Jack Kennedy. The feeling was mutual. 

Anti-communism was like a brain virus with these “reds under the bed” types. Not so unlike the Russia Derangement Syndrome we see today… 

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1 hour ago, Lori Spencer said:

I’m not familiar with this guy, thanks for the link. From what I’m hearing so far he’s a typical anti-commie whack job of the period who thought Kennedy was a communist. 

Ask any real communist of the 1960’s and they were no fans of Jack Kennedy. The feeling was mutual. 

Anti-communism was like a brain virus with these “reds under the bed” types. Not so unlike the Russia Derangement Syndrome we see today… 

Lori, this guy gave 35 pages of testimony to the Warren Commission because he wrote an article that said that Oswald was a Russian agent. ( 15 H 709-744 )


35 pages of testimony.

Meanwhile, witnesses who were in Dealey Plaza and among the closest to the President at the head shot were ignored.



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On 12/24/2022 at 9:33 AM, Chuck Schwartz said:

This is a poster of JFK wanted for treason  put out in  Dallas in 1963 by a right wing fascist organization...https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:JFK_Wanted_Dallas_1963.jpg

These public-information meetings referred to as "Freedom Forums" and "Strategy for Survival" conferences were being conducted at various locations around the country in the early 1960s. Among the guest speakers were former and active military men who felt persecuted by Kennedy and McNamara. The purpose of these forums was to inform the civilian public about the anti-American conspiracy of the Kennedy administration by identifying, "public officials and policies displaying a 'softness' toward Communism."

Funding for these military-led forums came through "contributions" from such corporations as General Electric, Lockheed, Boeing, US Steel, Olin-Mathison Chemical, Acme Steel, Lone Star Cement and the Amercan Iron and Steel Institute. The contributions were funneled through Harding University in Arkansas. In 1961, these companies contributed more than $6 million to Harding. 

And the most notable benefactor of Harding University in 1961.......the CIA. ( Hepburn, Farewell America, pg. 146 )

In other words, the CIA was funding Psychological Operations ( PSYOPS ) against the Kennedy Administration as early as 1961.

Psychological Operations defined are: operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.


It's no wonder why the CIA still has a lot to hide in its JFK files. The Agency was forbidden from participating in ANY operations within the United States. By supplying financial support to these forums and seminars, they were certainly in violation of that.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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as a retired Detroit Homicide Sgt, I'm sure I'm right wing BUT just as SOME of the left wander in their own fantasy land I don't label "The Left Wingers" as guilty of anything. We simply ought to treat others as we would like to be treated. JFK was murdered because his continue presidency would have cost others billions!

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Gil- this is all fine and good but now that we have a new opening with the right that could possibly lead to an oversight hearing and a true bipartisan effort to enforce the JFK Act. I dont see the value of rehashing this old news that could only serve to undermine this effort. -IMHO. You do great work with the evidence and hope you continue to focus on that effort.   

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Historical fact is historical fact. We've been sweeping the truth under the carpet for almost 60 years. It's time to shed light on the darkness and evil of political extremism, whether it's from the Right or Left.

Political extremism has no place in politics. 


By the 1960's conservatism was woven into the fabric of American Society. Much of this was caused by the events of the day. Since the end of World War II, the Communists had blocked access to West Berlin, infiltrated spies into the Manhattan Project and achieved the Atom Bomb. Communists had taken over China. Communists from the north had attacked non-Communist South Korea. Senator Joseph McCarthy, the junior Senator from Wisconsin, publicly announced that he had proof that there were card-carrying Communists in the US State Department, triggering a second "Red Scare".

The Russians launched Sputnik in 1957, increasing American's anxiety that any day they would rain down missiles on the US. Even Jack Kennedy, during his 1960 Presidential campaign, proclaimed that there was a "missile gap" and that the US was behind the Russians in missile technology.

All of these things contributed to the fear of those on the extreme right, many of whom were military war hawks. America's stand since the days of Truman had been that you can't negotiate with the Russians.

During Kennedy's "watch", 147 Cuban "patriots" died at the Bay of Pigs.

Prayer was removed from schools.

The Federal Govenment forced southern states to comply with Supreme Court rulings on Civil Rights as unrest dominated in the South.

A Communist country was 90 miles from our shore and Kennedy allowed the Russians to place medium-range ballistic missiles in Cuba, bringing the US to the brink of nuclear war.

Communist pilots ( from Yugoslavia ) were being trained in the US.

Kennedy sold wheat to the Russians, giving aid and comfort to our enemy.

He signed a limited Test-Ban Treaty ( nicknamed by some as, "The Spirit of Moscow" ) with the Russians which the military and science community was against.

His policy to disengage from Vietnam was an "about-face" from the Truman Doctrine and what had been America's foreign policy of "containment" since 1947.


This was a political murder which was forewarned time and time again to those responsible for the President's safety and security. Those warnings were ignored and the assassination was allowed to happen by anti-Kennedy individuals in the US Military and Secret Service. It was covered up by the anti-Kennedy head of the FBI, J.Edgar Hoover. It was "investigated" by a Presidential Commission whose members were hand-picked by the man who gained the most from the assassination. The Commission's most active member was the former head of the CIA who Kennedy had fired.

All of the Commission's members were either Republicans or Southern Democrats. It's only "progessive" member was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who was coerced to serve against his better judgment.

Yeah, nothing to see here, folks.

The Russians were the only ones who got it right.


This was an extremist Right-Wing plot to kill the President and blame it on the Left. I'm not talking about today's American Conservative, I'm talking about extremists, driven by hatred for the President and his policies, many of whom were publicly calling for the Kennedys to be "shot".

And the CIA's gloom-and-doom PSYOPS against the Kennedy Administration and the fear they generated, were fed in public forums like these with anti-Kennedy speakers such as these men:



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I suppose "willing cutouts" would be the most accurate descriptor in my view. One still has to ask who could get into Bethesda and had the ability control all the government inquiries from the first to last step, but there seems to be significant evidence suggesting persons of right wing extremism were involved, with a focus on oilmen in particular. These people may not have been able to get into the Bethesda autopsy room, but they certainly could have provided a lot of assistance in the preparation and execution. Plus, any later investigation first leads to them and not the CIA.

I remember reading that someone who would have been in a position to know saying that the film "Executive Action" got close to the truth of the real plot. I've always suspected that the shooters were not professional assassins but true believers likely motivated by politics and personal animosity. It seems common sense that any professional sniper (Mafia or French) would quickly realize that they would also likely be disposed of soon after the hit in order to maintain secrecy. A politically motivated sniper would probably not focus on that part of the plan.

Edited by Denny Zartman
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If you look at the CIA's M.O. in Iran ( 1953 ), Guatemala ( 1954 ), and the assassinations of Lumumba ( 1960 ) and Trujillo ( 1961 ), the CIA never used Agency employees. They always used "cut outs " to do the dirty work. They teamed up with the US embassy in Saigon and the South Vietnamese military to murder the Diem brothers ( 1963 ). 

This is why I believe the gunmen were the CIA's Cubans. It was a perfect plan. If they had been caught, they would have been identified and portrayed to the world as Castro agents.

As far as the autopsy, that was all the military. By the time the autopsy started, ( 8 PM ) the narrative was clear: the suspect was in custody and he had shot the President from behind. The military's role from that point on was to make sure the autopsy report supported that conclusion.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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10 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Gil- this is all fine and good but now that we have a new opening with the right that could possibly lead to an oversight hearing and a true bipartisan effort to enforce the JFK Act. I dont see the value of rehashing this old news that could only serve to undermine this effort. -IMHO. You do great work with the evidence and hope you continue to focus on that effort.   

I don't think that Gil posting this is in any way at odds with that. If today's political right somehow identifies with the extreme right of the 60's that requires introspection on their part not Gil's or anyone else's. Ruffle feathers it may, but I doubt anyone today looking at the KKK and Minuteman of JFK's time would feel the need to defend them or be upset about the obvious. Gil's illustration of the place and time is largely accurate and not an attempt to draw a comparison of anything today. 

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Those with the greatest influence were men like Rather and Conkrite and they were hardly Birchers and where is the Klan and Minute Men today?

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5 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

Political extremism has no place in politics. 

This coming from someone who announced to the world earlier this year, right here on this forum, that "only God" can decide the sex of a child and that "he never makes mistakes" -- an "extreme" view if ever I've seen one, and one that imposes your personal religious beliefs on the lives of other people. Your massive hypocrisy should be apparent to any regular reader here.

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