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Roger Craig and the 7.65 Mauser

Gil Jesus

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Dallas County Sheriff's Deputy Roger Craig tells the story of how police found a 7.65 Mauser in the Texas School Book Depository on November 22, 1963. His story is supported by the sworn affidavits of Sheriff's Deputy Eugene Boone and Deputy Constable Seymour Weitzman. Boone later recanted his description and Weitzman refused to talk about it, but Craig never wavered.

Note: the weapon's identification as a Mannlicher-Carcano was not released to the press until after authorities "found" records that Oswald had purchased such a weapon.



Edited by Gil Jesus
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Remarkable that such a hugely important identification claim of the rifle used to kill the President could make it to the highest level of national news broadcasts with our most famous TV news broadcasters like Charles Collingswood and Walter Cronkite himself being allowed to report that the rifle was ID'd as a Mauser (for two days! ) before someone back in Dallas got it right?

Seems someone like Day and especially Constable Seymour Weitzman himself would have caught their mistaken ID before their Mauser ID went national.

Didn't Weitzman wait one or more days before going on TV to publicly correct his mistaken ID for the found rifle? Seems he would have caught his mistake as soon as Cronkite and dozens of other national news people were telling the world of his identification of the murder weapon as a Mauser the day and evening of the assassination.

That long time period before Weitzman sheepishly and embarrassingly confessing his grossly negligent ID of the rifle is what gives me suspicion thoughts about the whole affair.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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491 views9 months ago
Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through ...
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I have a newspaper from Michigan that was, I think, their first edition covering the assassination, and they say only that the rifle was a foreign make.

I've posted pictures before of both rifles. Apparently it is true that the Mannlicher Carcano has "MADE ITALY" and "CAL 6.5" written on top of it. The Mauser practically has a paragraph written on it giving ID information. The idea that all those cops that discovered it and first examined it could not read is ridiculous, in my view.

I've seen it argued that the misidentification was because they just glanced at it.

First of all, what cop "glances" at at what is a murder weapon and the most important piece of evidence they will ever touch in their entire lifetimes?

Second "glancing at it" -how, EXACTLY, does that work? I want a detailed explanation at how anyone, much less EVERYONE, could "glance" at the rifle. Did they keep their eyes covered with their hands the whole time except for one quick peek? Did they run up to the rifle, and then stole a quick look at it as they turned to immediately run away?

I know this sounds like I'm kidding, but I'm not. Anyone who thinks the cops "glanced" at it, I would pose the same question. If you came within an arms length of it and looked at it for more than a few seconds, it was not a glance. If you held it in your hands, you certainly did not glance at it.

And one of the cops owned a sporting goods store, didn't he? It really doesn't matter, it just further underlines how unbelievable it all is. I don't care how much the profile of the Mannlicher looked like a Mauser from a distance. Anyone who could read would not mistake both the make AND the caliber.

I have never once heard a convincing argument as to why I, or anyone, should honestly believe the cops in Dallas read the words "MADE ITALY" and thought to themselves "This rifle was made in Germany" and read "CAL 6.5" and thought to themselves "Cal 6.5 means 7.65." Especially someone who owned a store that sold rifles, but let's get real - these were all good ol' Texas boys in 1963. Each and every one of them was familiar with firearms.

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There are so many things right and wrong with an identification as a Mauser... and a scoped Mauser at that.

The scope mounts on the Mauser obscure the word MAUSER as well as the caliber.
MASUERs use stripper clips...  SINCE THERE WAS NO CLIP IN SIGHT.. and the stripper clip is discarded after loading this is very possibly the reason Weitzman says it's a Mauser.... 

What stikes me as strange is the reading of the Boone and Weitzman affidavits... they are virtually identical as if they are given a script...  raising the question...

"Why specifically name the caliber of the rifle in a signed legal document when according to so many DAY shows them a 6.5 FC Carcano?  or does he?

The photo below on the right side under the "CAL 7.35" is the only photograph depicting the rifle in evidence's caliber...  (part of Riva's job in Italy was to sand off the serial numbers and etch "Made in Italy" (https://www.kennedysandking.com/images/pdf/JosephsRifle.pdf).  Expanding on Armstrong's great work with the rifle origins https://www.kennedysandking.com/images/pdf/JosephsRiflePart1.pdf will give a good understanding of the events leading to placing a rifle into evidence.




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21 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

I've seen it argued that the misidentification was because they just glanced at it.

First of all, what cop "glances" at at what is a murder weapon and the most important piece of evidence they will ever touch in their entire lifetimes?

As a Dallas policeman or sheriff, you are in the most heightened attention span and focus mental mode of your life the day of the JFK assassination AND you are standing right inside the actual supposed shooters location, frantically looking for any evidence you can find.

One or two of you actually find a rifle and shout out ..."here it is!" or "we found it."

The finder knows he is a living, integral part of one of the most impacting historical events in America's history.

Like Denny says...this was the most important piece of evidence any of the policemen there ever come into hands on contact with in their lives...and they knew it.

Every cop standing in that circle looking at that rifle surely were mesmerized enough to look at it with more scrutiny than any other weapon they ever came into contact with.

Weitzman..".to my sorrow...I made a mistake in identifying the rifle as a Mauser."

Weitzman eventually had a nervous breakdown in the early seventies. He was actually institutionalized. 

According to some his involvement in the JFK assassination investigation was at least a part of this breakdown.

Roger Craig also died as a result of his JFK assassination involvement as well.

One can imagine a possible incredible stress on someone like Constable Seymore Weitzman.

Imagine he really did see a Mauser on the 6th floor or the TXSBD building that day. And he was telling the truth to everyone about it being a Mauser.

If he was coerced into retracting his initial identification by forces he felt were powerful and meant business and he truly feared for his life, he would also know the JFK assassination was a conspiracy.

Having to keep a truth that big and important inside of him out of fear the rest of his life...could very logically send him over the edge.

Weitzman also once stated two Cubans invaded his home and he had to chase them away with a gun.

What was THAT all about!


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Joe...  I am of the strong opinion that the rifle DAY carries out is not the rifle in Evidence...


As I've alluded to, the written descriptions are eerily close and much more specific than needed on an affidavit...  "I saw the rifle" would have been sufficient.

Weitzman then Boone.



Finally... our man Brennan who did/didn't see what happened did say this...   A scope seems less and less possible first from this statement and second from the reality a shooter at this distance with a moving target would not use a scope....

Food for thought. (btw - Boone calls Weitzman "Whitman from Robie Love office")




Edited by David Josephs
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If Boone found the Mauser, then who found the Carcanno?

Can you name at least one officer who saw 2 rifles being found or examined on the 6th floor? All photos and films inside and outside the TSBD show a Carcanno. Any photo of the Mauser? Craig told a reporter in 1968 that he did not know the rifle type because he did not know foreign rifles. How come he was able to recall 3 years later that it showed Mauser on the rifle? Why did Carl Day tell me that only one rifle was found? 

Who brought the Mauser out of the TSBD and at what time? 

If Weitzman insisted that it was a Mauser but never mentioned the Mauser stamp on the rifle? Wouldn't have it more credibility to the Mauser story?

Weitzman's affidavit does not say that it was a Mauser. It says it was a Mauser bolt-action. Isn't a Carcanno a Mauser bolt-action?

Roger Craig claimed that that either Day or his assistant took photos of the Mauser. Where are those photos? If you have them, can you post them here? Has anyone of you contacted the DPD or the City of Dallas to obtain copies of them?

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Denis Morisette, quote: Weitzman's affidavit does not say that it was a Mauser. It says it was a Mauser bolt-action. Isn't a Carcanno a Mauser bolt-action?

I'd like to dive into this. 

Quote, Chauncey Marvin Holt: SELF PORTRAIT OF A SCOUNDREL 

(He was ordered to modify some Carcanos prior to the assassination) 


.    We    were explicitly    instructed    to    acquire    and    modify,    in    accordance    with    specific
instructions,    carbine    and    rifle    versions    of    a    weapon    referred    to    as    the
 Our    astonishment    at    these    instructions    was    due    to    the    fact
that    this    weapon,    which    was    standard    issue    to    the    Italians    in    World    War    I    and    II,
is    a    very    inferior    piece    of    equipment    and    although    it    is    commonly    referred    to    as
Italian    Carcano-Mannlicher,    the    only    part    attributable    to    the    great    Austrian    gun
designer,    Mannlicher,    was    the    magazine.    The    breech    mechanism    was    of    a
modified    Mauser    action    developed    by    Paraviccini    and    Carcano    at    the    Turin
Small    Arms    Factory    in    Italy.    


Given, that ( acc. to Chauncey Holt) there were modified Carcanos around prior to assassination, for the first time, it occurred to me, that the rifle found on the sixth floor that day may have been a "composite rifle" ... "they" (Chaunceys instructors in this particular case)  not only used a Carcano, because the magazine was Mannlicher and the breech mechanism Mauser, but modified it further, for example they could have stamped "Mauser 7.65" in the barrel of a rifle which was a Carcano ... why ... to create a forensic nightmare ... just a thought ... 



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7 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

I'd like to dive into this. 

Quote, Chauncey Marvin Holt: SELF PORTRAIT OF A SCOUNDREL 

(He was ordered to modify some Carcanos prior to the assassination) 


Given, that ( acc. to Chauncey Holt) there were modified Carcanos around prior to assassination, for the first time, it occurred to me, that the rifle found on the sixth floor that day may have been a "composite rifle" ... "they" (Chaunceys instructors in this particular case)  not only used a Carcano, because the magazine was Mannlicher and the breech mechanism Mauser, but modified it further, for example they could have stamped "Mauser 7.65" in the barrel of a rifle which was a Carcano ... why ... to create a forensic nightmare ... just a thought ... 



Or Stamped a "C" in front of the 2766 rifle from Century's shipment... the same company is the source for the pistol attributed to Oswald

Century International Arms....  not too subtle, C.I.A.


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11 hours ago, Denis Morissette said:

If Boone found the Mauser, then who found the Carcanno?

Can you name at least one officer who saw 2 rifles being found or examined on the 6th floor? All photos and films inside and outside the TSBD show a Carcanno. Any photo of the Mauser? Craig told a reporter in 1968 that he did not know the rifle type because he did not know foreign rifles. How come he was able to recall 3 years later that it showed Mauser on the rifle? Why did Carl Day tell me that only one rifle was found? 

Who brought the Mauser out of the TSBD and at what time? 

If Weitzman insisted that it was a Mauser but never mentioned the Mauser stamp on the rifle? Wouldn't have it more credibility to the Mauser story?

Weitzman's affidavit does not say that it was a Mauser. It says it was a Mauser bolt-action. Isn't a Carcanno a Mauser bolt-action?

Roger Craig claimed that that either Day or his assistant took photos of the Mauser. Where are those photos? If you have them, can you post them here? Has anyone of you contacted the DPD or the City of Dallas to obtain copies of them?

All good questions Denis...

Have you dug up any answers...?   You could read any one of the 3 or 4 articles I pulled together on the subject...

Are you saying DPD officers may have lied about the evidence that day?  


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And while you're at it look at Nat Pinkston... or the fact that ODUM is the man who takes DAY back to the DPD...

Then we have Harry Holmes'

And Fritz was not exactly a paragon of honesty

Let me say this... the Evidence IS the Conspiracy.  we will not learn the details of this murder by examining the evidence given us but only the conspiracy and cover-up that was left behind.

I can say definitively that DAY does not have CE139 in his hands when he leaves the TSBD...  how that rifle and a clip come into being in Dallas at that time is a mystery...

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