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John Connally helped sabotage Carter's effort to rescue the hostages in 1980

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What the Reagan/Bush team did to Carter is beneath contempt. 

Echoes of Nixon and his behind the scenes chicanery in 1968 re Vietnam. 

I regard Carter, and Truman and JFK, as the last honest Presidents, regardless of their political view or policy positions. 

The two major political parties have evolved into coprolite since. 

Side question: Is this a JFA topic? I like it, but....

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Where did this photo come from Matt?  Not in the article.  Historic.  Connally in between Nixon and Trump???  Damning.  From 1/22/63 to now.

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Only when they sat down with the first Arab leader did Mr. Barnes learn what Mr. Connally was up to, he said.

Mr. Connally said, “‘Look, Ronald Reagan’s going to be elected president and you need to get the word to Iran that they’re going to make a better deal with Reagan than they are Carter,’” Mr. Barnes recalled. “He said, ‘It would be very smart for you to pass the word to the Iranians to wait until after this general election is over.’ And boy, I tell you, I’m sitting there and I heard it and so now it dawns on me, I realize why we’re there.”



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2 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

Only when they sat down with the first Arab leader did Mr. Barnes learn what Mr. Connally was up to, he said.

Mr. Connally said, “‘Look, Ronald Reagan’s going to be elected president and you need to get the word to Iran that they’re going to make a better deal with Reagan than they are Carter,’” Mr. Barnes recalled. “He said, ‘It would be very smart for you to pass the word to the Iranians to wait until after this general election is over.’ And boy, I tell you, I’m sitting there and I heard it and so now it dawns on me, I realize why we’re there.”



FWIW, I believe that Connally was involved in the Box 13 scandal.

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There were also reports of Reagan's secret negotiation team going to the Vatican months before the election.

To do what? Make a deal for their help in getting Reagan elected?

All I know is that every Catholic family I knew growing up ( hundreds here ) were always, and I mean ALWAYS. the most staunch Democratic party voters in every presidential election until 1980. Especially starting with their first Catholic president JFK.

I always figured this was so because the Democratic party platforms were always more Catholic/Christian values poor and working class considering versus the Repubs favoring the wealthiest income groups and agendas.

Heck, every Catholic family I grew up around were working class and working class poor. 10 to 12 kids. Tough to keep up with all those kids needs.

But something illogically weird happened in the 1980 presidential election.

Every one of those Catholic families just instantly changed their tune regards their decades long Democratic party voting loyalty!

I was the type to engage others in political discussion. I came right out and asked many of my Catholic friends why they were doing so.

I was hearing them promote the extreme right, rich man favoring Republican party and their poster boy Ronnie Reagan!

And acting as if the Democrats were all of a sudden these anti-Christian boogie man agents of the devil!

What was going on here?

I reminded my new right-wing repub promoting friends of how the Democratic party had always championed the Christian values edicts of their church in caring about the poor, the down trodden, and especially the working class and the labor unions that finally lifted them up to realize the "American Dream" life with home purchases, higher education and job opportunities for their children etc.

I asked them how they could vote for those in our country who wanted to emasculate those labor unions which had benefitted so many Americans like themselves as well as cutting back on other governmental programs that helped the working class and instead promoted what was more benefitting the wealthy class interests?

I remember these Catholic persons not really being able to make their argument for their instant abandonment of the working class value party to the rich man's party.

Except for one issue...abortion!

That was it...one issue!

I was told by a few brave Catholic Church goers who risked being called traitors to their church...that the church hierarchy from their father/pastors all the way up to Archbishops and Cardinals ( and even the Pope himself!) were instructing their flocks to abandon their Democratic party loyalties...because the Democrats were not just liberal about abortions...but promoting them!

The work of the DEVIL!

That was it!

To hell with the working class defending Democrats.

The Republican party gained millions of Catholic votes that election they had never had before. 

To this day, I lost so much respect for those Catholics who abandoned their much more Christian values Democratic party loyalty and instead handed our nation over to the anti-working class rich right wing that election, again, just over one manipulated super-hyped up issue.

I strongly suspect that Reagan's roving back room deal maker Bill Casey and his team made a deal with the highest rungs of the Catholic Church hierarchy during their Vatican meet up.

You tell your Cardinals, Archbishops and church fathers to instruct their flocks to embrace the Republican party in the 1980 election. Work them up with boogie man sermons regards the Democrats being baby killing agents of the devil!

And it worked!

Catholics across the country voted for the Republicans in unheard of numbers relative to their past presidential election Democratic loyalty voting records.

Reagan and his extreme right wing, wealthy class favoring, union busting working class weakening clan got the ultimate power grab prize.

And just years later, the Catholic church was revealed to be a massively corrupted institution of child sex abuse ... afflicting millions of children "world wide."

A scandal so deeply effecting and disturbing...it has damaged their reputation to the point they have lost membership by the millions and donation funding by the billions!

They haven't recovered from that diabolical debacle. To this day disturbing jokes about Catholic priests are common place.

So, the Catholics handed their votes to the extreme right wing, rich man's party in 1980 to the detriment of all working and poorer class Americans ( even many of their own! ) all because they were worked up to believe Democrats were the ultimate child hurting anti-Christian heathens.

And in the end it was "they themselves" who were exposed for the same sinful act affliction.

You would think the world-wide Catholic church child sexual abuse scandal would have humbled them.

But I've never heard any Catholic church adherent ever express such a feeling or thought.

And here's what is equally crazy imo.

Most of those Catholics who abandoned their more Christian principles Democratic party loyalty in 1980?

They've continued their Republican party defending and voting for them...until today?

And they are "still" using the single issue of abortion as their one and only rational for doing so!





Edited by Joe Bauer
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8 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Very what?

I'm guessing that it's a reply to the title of this thread, How corrupt was Connally?


Edited by Dan Rice
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   The alleged Reagan/Bush 1980 "October Surprise" deal with Ayatollah Khomeini's government is an interesting rabbit hole.  Former Reagan/Bush staffer Barbara Hoenegger published a 1989 book on the subject entitled, "October Surprise."

    Oliver Stone bought the rights to another book on the subject by Gary Sick.

    Allegedly, GHWB and William Casey were involved in the deal with one of Poppy Bush's long-time CIA associates, (?) Donald or David Glenn.

    This is the first time I've heard anything about Connally being involved.

    Both the Senate and House investigated the 1980 October Surprise allegations and reported that there was, "Nothing to see here.  Move along now."

Edited by W. Niederhut
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I think if you want to know how corrupt was Connally one must ask how corrupt was LBJ.  If I remember right, years ago I read Connally was LBJ's "Boy" as a Fort Worth lawyer before becoming governor.  Possibly being in a few important cases being a bag man for LBJ, receiving or disbursing funds in exchange for favors?  Didn't LBJ promote him for the Secretary of the Navy appointment, even though he wasn't really qualified?  Not from any book I have, likely one from a library, not sure what book though.

This info on the 1980 mid east trip is interesting though.  I remember Ben Barnes.  In the story Matt related it mentioned Barnes stated this for the record as he was terminally ill if I remember right?

Does his corruption relate to the assassination?  His protest at Love Field about riding with JFK, Yarborough not wanting to ride with LBJ.  JFK mentioning "we're in nut country now", something about anyone with a rifle from a tall building.  He insisted on the seating arrangement, did he have a thought that if someone might take a shot a him they might hesitate for fear of hitting Johnson's "Boy"?  We all know how that went.

I know, JFK reputedly did this to illustrate his commitment to the conservative side of the Texas democratic party, as well as show Johnson and Yarborough "getting along" in the same car.  Part of the purpose of the trip was supposedly to unite the sparring factions of the conservative LBJ/Connally and liberal Yarborough sides.  But I have to wonder if JFK might have considered Connally as insurance in Dallas.

Did Connally cry out "They're going to kill us all" when hit?

He did turn republican a few years after the assassination.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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