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Morley: RFK Jr. Campaign Prompts Reluctant Media Coverage of JFKA

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RFK Jr. Prompts Reluctant Media to Talk About JFK's Assassination

A flurry of coverage that wouldn't have happened otherwise

JUL 10
First Lady Jackie Kennedy and JFK arrive in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963

What has made Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign undeniably compelling for students of the JFK assassination is that it has caused traditional media, however reluctantly, to discuss the event — and the shadow it has cast upon the United States’ politics in the six decades since—flushing the issue from the ghetto of “fringe” subjects — where it is all too often consigned. 

This was made particularly clear in a recent New York Times column by Michelle Goldberg, who wrote about Kennedy’s campaign and its appeal. In “Robert F Kennedy Jr. and the Coalition of the Distrustful,” Goldberg quotes various RFK Jr. supporters in New Hampshire. Some hadn’t voted in the 2020 election because they balked at the choices; some were Bernie Sanders supporters while others would prefer Donald Trump to Joe Biden. An overarching animating factor for many, it seemed, was having been at the receiving end of contempt for even questioning official narratives, whether it be about Covid or vaccines or the war in Ukraine.

‘A Radioactive Pellet’

While focusing on New Age writer/thinker Charles Eisenstein, a Yale-trained mathematician who officially joined RFK Jr.’s campaign in May, Goldberg quoted him as saying the official story of the JFK’s assassination “beggars belief.”...

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