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Marina Oswald Trust Fund

Gerry Down

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During his HSCA testimony, Jim Gochenaur said that Elmer Moore spoke of a Marina Oswald Trust Fund which the Secret Service had tried to trace the money of but had no luck. Do we know anything about this trust fund? Such as what date it was set up?



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15 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Soo much missing here.

Who the heck are these two people?

Jim Gochenaur is a JFK assassination researcher. Elmer Moore was a Dallas Secret Service agent. They became friends a few years after the assassination and Moore told Gochenaur a few things he knew about the assassination.

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I guess the trust fund is most probably referring to the trust fund which Robert Oswald mentioned in his WC testimony which can be viewed here:


Marinas manager apparently set up a trust fund for her in late Dec 1963 at the Trust Department of the First National Bank of Fort Worth, Texas with an initial monetary value of $25,000. 

Mr. McKENZIE. ...The next exhibit is Commission Exhibit No. 280 entitled "The Oswald Trust," and bearing a heading, "The State of Texas, County of Dallas, Know all men by these presents," and it is a trust agreement dated December 30, 1963, by and between Marina Nikolaevna Oswald "a widow, hereinafter called grantor, and John M. Thorne and James H. Martin of Dallas County, Texas, co- trustees, hereinafter called the trustee" in which it describes certain funds described on Schedule A attached to this exhibit, which consists of some six pages, plus the Schedule A, Schedule A describing the trust funds as cash, $25,000. 

The beneficiary of the trust fund was Marina Oswald and her children, in the discretion of John Thorne and James Martin.

Not sure why the Secret Service could not trace the source of these funds as Elmer Moore stated. 


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As I was looking for links to that Project found this, it is only allegations, but it does contain some interesting elements on the money

and Mrs. Martin part (see page 2 of the FBI report-pages) :  https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=97748#relPageId=1&search=Martin_AND six AND flags


Edited by Jean Ceulemans
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1 hour ago, Gerry Down said:

I'd imagine the $25,000 came from public donations and possibly sale of book/movie rights. If people mailed cash to Marina, this could be one reason why the Secret Service would have difficulty tracing the money.

This is correct, Gerry. Nothing nefarious to see here.

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2 hours ago, Gerry Down said:

I don't know. I guess Rob Clark would be the one to ask on that. He's doing a presentation on him at this years Lancer conference. 

Indeed, he was the one that brought the project up on the forum and the first to put that document online here, he deserves all credit for that.

So I am looking forward to what will come up on the Lancer conference.  And I'll leave the subject for untill that.

Edited by Jean Ceulemans
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Good Day Jim.... Writer A.C. GREENE, the editor of the "Dallas Times Herald" newspapers

"People's Forum" column in 1963 and 1964, has stated for the record that the DMN received

$241,000 from readers in donations for MARINA OSWALD.

$243,000 in donations was received for MARIE TIPPIT. GREENE stated he gave their donations

to each of them.

44 years later, in 2007 dollars, according to this inflation calculator....


....each of those amounts for MARIE and MARINA would be over $1,615,000 in 2007 dollars.

(kinda' makes you think about actually planning, investing smartly, and saving/growing some

retirement ca$h, ayyyye?!! :lol:

If I remember correctly, the DPD also received donations of a near equal amount.

(probably mostly for TIPPIT's wife)

For MARIE TIPPIT, another $25,000 (around $167,000 in 2007 dollars) was given


Best Regards in Research,


Don Roberdeau

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$ 240,000 dollars!!!

Back in 1963 you could have purchased 25 homes with that huge chunk of cash!

I think book and movie rights brought Marina Oswald even more.

Her book, ghost written by Pricilla Johnson McMillan was a top selling one.

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