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Is that a hole in the driver's sun visor?

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The rearview mirror appears to be showing the driver's side sun visor, and there is a bright circular area in the mirror's reflection of the visor.  It looks like a hole in the visor, but the visor itself shows no such hole.  If the visor was lowered, the hole would be at about the same location as the windshield hole described by several witnesses.  Food for thought. 

If anyone has a diagram of Parkland hospital's ground floor that shows the location of the elevator area where Nathan Pool reports having been able to watch JFK's body being moved on a stretcher out of Trauma Room 1 under a "purple cover" I would really like to see it.  There is no elevator depicted on any drawing of the hospital floor plan that I've seen, and I can't figure out where Pool was standing when he made his observation of the body on a stretcher being rolled out of Trauma Room 1.  I wonder if Pool says where the stretcher was pushed after it left Trauma Room 1 in one of the five other recordings of his deposition at the HSCA that Mr. Morisette reportedly has.

Hole in visor of JFK limo 19631122 smaller.png

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4 hours ago, Steven Kossor said:

The rearview mirror appears to be showing the driver's side sun visor, and there is a bright circular area in the mirror's reflection of the visor.  It looks like a hole in the visor, but the visor itself shows no such hole.  If the visor was lowered, the hole would be at about the same location as the windshield hole described by several witnesses.  Food for thought. 

Hole in visor of JFK limo 19631122 smaller.png

There is a white-ish dot on the back of the vizor. It could be....

(1) A chalk mark or small sticker etc, on the mirror, or on the vizor.

(2) A dot of light. In which case it could be....

(a) A small rough spot on the glass of the mirror (the rough spot reflecting the light from bright objects in on near the limo).

(b) A dot of light on the back of the vizor made by shining a light throo a small hole (where is the light?)(where is the hole?).

(c) A dot made by a reflexion of a light reflecting off a small shiny object. In which case it could be....

(i) A shiny object sitting on or near the limo.

(ii) A shiny part of the limo.

Ok, i reckon that it is a bright spot made by the Sun reflecting off (1) a shiny chromed rail, then reflecting off (2) the rear vizion mirror itself onto the dark polished back of the sun vizor, & then (3) reflecting off the dark polished vizor onto the rear view mirror again, & then (4) reflecting to the camera, & the camera sees a bright dot.

Thats 4 reflexions. 5 reflexions if its an SLR camera.

Re the spider web cracking on the glass windshield, i think that a part of the cracking should be vizible to the left of the rear view mirror, except that that area is in the dark shade. Or the spider cracking could be behind the vertical post of the divider/roll-bar. Or it could be blocked by the vizor.

The spider cracking was made by the remnant slug from the AR15 after the slug exited jfk's head. The slug would have ricocheted off the windshield, & the slug would have gone down & back, & then bounced off the front seat & out into Elm St.

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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Interesting, although it seems the visor was mostly in an upright position 


Edited by Sean Coleman
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On 3/27/2024 at 3:59 PM, David Andrews said:


not really….


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12 hours ago, Sean Coleman said:

Interesting, although it seems the visor was mostly in an upright position 147FC692-7FFD-4AEE-B32E-B9D94CEC83AB.jpeg.6e17654239cba60740bb531de87bd307.jpeg

We can see a/the white dot on the vizor.

So, what is that white dot?

It woznt made by the AR15 (unless its a bit of jfk).

It woznt made by the Carcano.

I think that it is a permanent long term blemish, made a long time before.

Or is it an accident in the dark room?

Hmmmm -- ok -- i an thinking that it is a bit of brain -- it is very near where the remnant slug cracked the  windshield. Yep. Duz cooled/dried  fat/brain make a white-ish dot? 

That white dot is in the wrong place on the vizor, but, there duz appear to be another white dot partly hidden by the divider/roll-bar, & that partly hidden dot is in about the correct place.

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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Given the other photos of the visor, it is more likely that there was some white circular anomaly on the underside of the visor, rather than a hole through it that was covered-up by photo retouching.  Another example of the depth and breadth of the research capability of the Education Forum.  Thanks for the clarification.  Still waiting to get the other 6 recordings of Nathan Pool from Mr. Morissette, and/or the floor plan of Parkland's ground floor showing the location of the elevator from which vicinity Pool reported to have made his observation of the movement of a gurney coming out of Trauma Room 1 with a purple covering over the body on it.  Best wishes to all!

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On 3/28/2024 at 4:50 AM, David Andrews said:




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I'm not sure that's the "visor." I think it's actually a reflection of the front edge of the "bubble top" cover that's being put on the limo at Parkland, with the white spot being a reflection off the snap holding it into place.

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19 hours ago, Sean Coleman said:

not really….


Sean Coleman, that apparent damage to the top right corner of the visor does seem to line up with the dent in the chrome strip diagonally to the right above it. If that is in fact damage to the visor, I suspect that the bullet fragment causing the dent in the chrome strip nicked the visor on its way to the chrome strip. (The Charles Taylor memo described an FBI man as telling him that one of the bullet fragments found in the front of the limo as having caused the dent in the chrome.) This is from an FBI photo taken at the WH garage, yes?

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28 minutes ago, Denise Hazelwood said:

Sean Coleman, that apparent damage to the top right corner of the visor does seem to line up with the dent in the chrome strip diagonally to the right above it. If that is in fact damage to the visor, I suspect that the bullet fragment causing the dent in the chrome strip nicked the visor on its way to the chrome strip. (The Charles Taylor memo described an FBI man as telling him that one of the bullet fragments found in the front of the limo as having caused the dent in the chrome.) This is from an FBI photo taken at the WH garage, yes?

The damage to the vizor would be from the spray-back from the slug that made the dent in the chrome trim.

Remember that the vizor was up, not down.

Remember that i a genius know more than every one else on this forum put together.

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1 hour ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

The damage to the vizor would be from the spray-back from the slug that made the dent in the chrome trim.

Remember that the vizor was up, not down.

Remember that i a genius know more than every one else on this forum put together.

1. Visor or Vizor. Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to.

2. I admit that the damage to the visor could be as the missile traveled toward the chrome trim, or after it had bounced off the chrome trim. However...

3. It was a fragment (nose or tail), not a "slug," per the Charles Taylor memo.

4. "Up" puts the visor damage that much closer to the chrome strip. I accept "up." They probably had to lower the visor in the process of putting on the bubble top. 

5. You are a "genius" who "know(s) more than every one else on this forum put together"? Proof required.


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On 3/28/2024 at 12:41 PM, Denise Hazelwood said:

Sean Coleman, that apparent damage to the top right corner of the visor does seem to line up with the dent in the chrome strip diagonally to the right above it. If that is in fact damage to the visor, I suspect that the bullet fragment causing the dent in the chrome strip nicked the visor on its way to the chrome strip. (The Charles Taylor memo described an FBI man as telling him that one of the bullet fragments found in the front of the limo as having caused the dent in the chrome.) This is from an FBI photo taken at the WH garage, yes?


A better pic, don’t think the visor is damaged? It would be nice to know what the dented trim strip is made of - these days it’s chrome plated tin, very cheap, light and malleable. I would’ve thought a vehicle of that calibre made at that time would have stainless steel trim? Which is very hard and would need to take one hell of a belt to leave such damage.

Edited by Sean Coleman
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