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Lee Bowers Rush to Judgement Transcript--"no accomplices" behind the wooden fence, and a bit about the 3 tramps

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4 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Have you ever read about two separate sets of tramps being arrested?  One in the search of the railroad yard immediately after the assassination.  The other about 2:30 closer to Union Station/(now reunion tower), these taken off a train Bowers had just released from the yard heading south.  He reportedly saw them get into a grain car south of the south knoll, stopped the train and called the cops.


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Ron, its been years but my best recollection is that one set of tramps was picked up in the railroad annex west of the post office annex building, in the area of the rail yard on that side of the bridge.  

Bowers report of a single tramp caused the police to check the cars in the train he had put on hold moving from downtown and out of town across the bridge...he saw only a single person in an open hopper car.  At that point the yard area was searched, there is no mention of the arrest of that tramp nor does Bowers describe it in his statements. 

As you say, that train and related search was carried out well after the assassination, when the area had cleared and he had released train traffic. Its possible that tramps were picked up then or for that matter the tramps that were picked up had been on the train from downtown and thought they were headed out of town with the train. 

  -- best I can do from memory


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9 hours ago, Ron Ege said:


I remembered this thread, begun by by Steve Thomas:

The three tramps mystery - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum (ipbhost.com)

Perhaps relevant to your question?  Dunno.



Yes, it is, thanks for bumping it.

This post of mine from it has an important link in it for those who may have never read it.

Ron Bulman

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Posted July 18, 2023 · IP  (edited)

For those who might not read this article because of it's source a paraphrased summary.  It's pretty well documented, two sets of three tramps were arrested in different locations near Dealy Plaza 1-2 hours apart.  Read the article yourself and tear it apart.

The Oswald Code: Tramp Documents

Bowers, 50-100 officers in the railroad yards a few minutes after the assassination, "with shotguns and tommy guns shaking them out of box cars", 3 arrested, to Ball in his WC testimony.

Arrest reports of Gedney, Abrams and Doyle all three say "taken off box car Right After President Kennedy was shot", signed by DPD officer Chambers.

Deputy Sherrif Elkins Affidavit: searched the yard for 10 minutes, went to tower and talked with Bowers about cars driving through.  To the TSBD, mixed with crowd, took several to the Sherrif's Office, went to WFAA TV studio to pick up two witnesses taken there by reporters took them back to the SO.  "A while later a DPD officer came in with three prisoners arrested in the railroad yards." 

Bowers had received the all clear to release trains, shortly there after, radio dispatch, 1:56 PM, DPD Officers Temple and Vaughn info from T&P agent, train stopped on triple overpass, person jumping at 9th boxcar, hiding in it.

In 1968 FBI agent Bardwell Odum (the Caretaker?) investigating the MLK assassination interviewed DPD officer William Bass regarding his being in the tramp pictures, for some reason.  Bass said he, Vaugh and Wise took three men off a box car about a mile down the tracks from the TSBD.  In 1975 Bass told the Rockefeller Commission it was at the Houston street viaduct about a half mile from the TSBD.  To the HSCA he said me, (Marvin) Wise and (Roy) Vaugh ran a quarter mile to the Grain Cars, and marched the prisoners back to Elm, past the TSBD, to the Sheriff's Office.

DPD officer Roy Vaughn to the HSCA.  Ran down the tracks 3-4 blocks to the grain cars near the Union Terminal (Union Station plus now days Reunion Tower, south of Dealy Plaza).  Climbed up a box car, went to the other end and looked down on the open car, with three men in it he cocked his shotgun and ordered them out.

11/22/93, Vaughn, it was after lunch 1-2:00, 2:30 or after.  Me and several other officers were involved in getting people out of an open type car.

1994, Wise, Bowers points 3-400 yards down the track, I saw three men running beside the train,90 minutes after the assassination.  Wise, ultimately left with them after taking them to the Sheriff's office and waiting while they were questioned was then told to take them to Fritz at the DPD, where he was asked to wait while they were questioned then told to take them back to Decker at the SO.  Where he had to explain the ordeal again and finally got loose from responsibility for them, never knowing what happened to them from there.

Wise was asked specifically was it a box car or a gondola?  He said a gondola, filled with grain.

Edited July 18, 2023 by Ron Bulman
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