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Robert Morrow responds to Jefferson Morley who thinks Lyndon Johnson had no role in the JFK assassination

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20 hours ago, David McLean said:

Ron, my thinking as well,  with a couple  anecdotes…

1 .a friend/customer at the bookshop we run had been at  DARPA/JPL on high security clearances and later worked for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and claimed knowledge of the family. When asked about David R in regard to the JFKA, he pointedly said he David R was too prissy, precise or bankerly to be involved in assassination. When I replied, well who then, he simply said”The Republicans”, and that is as far as he would go.

Robert, the photo of David R and Ed Clark is in the Australian American association periodical from the early 1960s which I once owned. Not sure if its is still in my possession but would be in an archival library.

2.Fast forward to 2005, while in Washington DC a friend and I spent time with a senior partner at Akin Gump Strauss et al. Talking politics and the Kennedy assassination, he posed a koan for me: Who was Thomas Dewey’s running mate in 1948? I did not know but thought of the only West Coast Republican I could think of was California governor Earl Warren. A lucky guess and to my mind a telling Q and A, given Dulles’s  involvement with both the  Dewey campaign and the Warren Commission. The lawyer’s next remark still in context had to do with Nelson  Rockefeller dying “on the job” with a secretary after hours. He was also scathing about unstated  business involving the firms Texas office. 
End of Story

Ed Clark also knew Katharine Graham of the Washington Post ... in addition to the photo you saw of Ed Clark and David Rockefeller, who I do NOT believe was involved in the JFK assassination.

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On 9/9/2024 at 9:55 AM, David McLean said:

It would fundamental to this hypothesis to know when and if in 1963 Kennedy actually set a date for his Indonesian visit the following year.

Also note that formulating this into a plan of action would be tantamount to planning the crime of a war of aggression, hence I suspect there to be little documentation apart from the fragments of OpPlan34A.

Operation 34A, the plan to provoke North Vietnam was very important. It worked!

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On 9/8/2024 at 11:28 PM, W. Niederhut said:

Two things, Robert.

1) Sirhan didn't kill RFK.  Have you read A Lie Too Big to Fail?

2) There is ample circumstantial evidence that Allen Dulles was involved in the JFK assassination plot, and that a major motive for the murder had to do with JFK's foreign policy vision (and directives) relating to Cuba, Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Cold War.

     Who orchestrated the 60-year mainstream media psy op covering up the JFK assassination plot?  LBJ?

     JFK's views about colonialism and the Third World were antithetical to the Dulles/Wall Street/CIA/WASP establishment.

     Dulles and his older brother were two Cold War kingpins, and they represented a lot of wealthy financiers with global investments. 

     Can't trust those damned Presbyterian Princetonians... 😬


I want to add further detail to what my good friend W said.
Salandria got the essentials right decades ago.  Kennedy was murdered by the top echelons of his own government.  The people who had the power and resources to plan and carry out the murder, cover up their involvement to get away with it, blame someone else, and, (this part is often ignored) secure the policy changes that motivated the murder in the first place.  A plan was in place before the murder to achieve each of these things.
Both Allen Dulles and Lyndon Johnson, for different reasons, wanted Kennedy eliminated. Each played distinct and crucial roles in the success of the plan.
Dulles and CIA cohorts set up the ambush at DL, using shooters from their roster of trained killers, as the best way to ensure Kennedy didn't escape. The Oswald story they were going with, however, directly contradicted the actual crossfire they established, so the coverup plan took on a special importance.  This was made clear by Brugioni's boards from the Z film used to brief Johnson on Sunday morning.     
Dulles spent the weekend at his CIA hideout in Virginia directing some of the coverup. While turning down the offer of a lawyer from the head of the Dallas Bar, Oswald told the man he might get back to him if he couldn't find a lawyer of his choice.  That was Oswald's death knell.  He was murdered the next day, which set up Johnson to establish the WC a mere 5 days later to frame him, since there would be no trial.
Meanwhile, on the day of the murder LBJ snatched the body from Dr. Rose to be taken to DC where the autopsy could be controlled. Rose could not be allowed to examine the body shortly after the murder.
As the new president, LBJ was crucial to protecting the conspirators--they knew he wasn't coming after them--and getting the policy changes they wanted that motivated the murder in the first place. 
They came together as a team when Johnson appointed Dulles, 5 days after Oswald was murdered, to ride herd on the WC, which was designed to frame Oswald.
It's likely the murder doesn't happen without them both being behind it.
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No, Vincent Salandria did NOT get the JFK assassination "right." Salandria never figured out the critical role that Lyndon Johnson played in orchestrating the JFK assassination.

And I spoke with Vincent Salandria several times and he was grateful when I explained the USS Liberty attack to him.

Vincent Salandria thought the "military" killed JFK; I actually agree that "elements" of the U.S. military and "elements" of the CIA killed JFK. But I put LBJ at the top of the pyramid of the JFK assassination and I think "proteges" of Allen Dulles were directly involved in the JFK assassination which does not mean that Allen Dulles was involved before JFK was killed.

Certainly Allen Dulles on the Warren Commission foisted a fraud and a lie on the American people.

I don't think Allen Dulles spent the weekend at the CIA's "Farm" despite that being on his calendar. I think Dulles was ferried right back to Washington, D.C. immediately after the JFK assassination (no matter what his calendar says).

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I believe that LBJ was for sure a part of the run-up to the assassination, not just a conspirator after the fact. So I agree with you there. His calculated misdirections, whether to Walter Cronkite "off the record" is classic LBJ manipulation. But putting Dulles exclusively in the cover-up only, I just don't see how or why you would lean that way. No way (that I can see) Dulles was ONLY a part of the cover-up. He was Yoda to all of the lower/mid-level CIA operatives and guys on the ground (for example EH Hunt/David Morales) even to the higher-tier guys, Pentagon types a la Lansdale. Whoever initially broached the idea of the coup, whether it was LBJ or LeMay or Lemnitzer, whoever it was, they're going to consult with Dulles at some point. If it wasn't Dulles himself, of course, who first brought up the idea. The coup/assassination itself is black ops of the highest order and Dulles was THE spymaster. I don't care if Dulles was on "the farm" or not, I believe he was a key to this thing (IMHO). 

I think it's very possible that LBJ and Dulles were simpatico from the summer/fall of 1963 (when dissent against JFK from the top echelons of power was at its peak) thru Nov 22nd. They had mutual interests and motivations. And they are not mutually exclusive, in terms of the conspiracy. In my mind they are both involved pre-assassination, and quite obviously in the aftermath. 

Edited by Brian Kelly
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For one to accept that elements of our own government eliminated JFK... they would have to believe that one or more of the usual suspects mentioned were truly willing to go so far as to violently remove a sitting president.

Everybody including LBJ, top military Generals and Admirals, black budget agency heads, Hoover, corporate icons, wealthiest families,  ... etc. etc.

That is a paradigm belief crossing too scary to accept for the vast majority of Americans.

Because if they do ... it would mean that the true reality of our nation since 1963 is that it was taken over by non-elected forces and the idea that we have had a constitutionally based democracy government since then has been a mirage.

A reality such as that is simply too hard to accept. It would have a psychological impact as devastating as one would imagine if our society was told the Alien ET presence is real.

The huge majority of American society citizens just could not ( and still cannot ) go there.

Do you believe LBJ was capable of crossing the line like that? Dulles? Hoover? Generals and Admirals? 

The 1962 published book and 1964 produced film "7 Days In May" suggested that a reality like that was more a possibility than the average American wanted to believe. JFK himself ( who wanted the film to be made and nationally distributed ) believed such a scenario was possible!

Seven Days in May is a 1964 American political thriller film about a military-political cabal's planned takeover of the United States government in reaction to the president's negotiation of a disarmament treaty with the Soviet Union. The film, starring Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Fredric March, and Ava Gardner, was directed by John Frankenheimer from a screenplay written by Rod Serling and based on the novel of the same name by Fletcher Knebel and Charles W. Bailey II, published in September 1962.[2]

Edited by Joe Bauer
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