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I found a Hungarian - Ex Russia - State archive report claimimg an US stranger visiting a Budapest family friend with some KGB and CIA relations in 1964

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So I did try to contact the US Embassy, the online CIA Archive and NARA online about it but I never got any reaction (except frendly advice that I  stop  mentioning conteos. 

I tried to mention this on the subgroup mentionig in its tiitlee  The Tippit  Call - but I only remember  my Enflish seemed to be incomprehensible there-


I repeat the title - I dound a document on a  US stranger visiting a Budapest family friend with some KGB and CIA relations  in 1964. 


I  can imagine that the CIA did not make any inquiry here (as they - theee AG Bob K Senior - have decided early on to avoid any Russian involvement due to thei regular nuclear threats.


So tis suspicios Us visito claiming to be a elative was just a tourist. His name in the secret agent report is Peirse. (May be Peirce and may be just a fake name too)

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