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Hitlerjunge quex

Dan Lyndon

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A bit of a long shot I know but i was wondering if anyone ahd a copy or even better a clip of the nazi propaganda film Hitlerjunge quex. I saw bits of it when I was doing my MA but that was quite a while ago. I want to use it as part of my lessons about the Hitler Youth for my gcse classes.

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A bit of a long shot I know but i was wondering if anyone ahd a copy or even better a clip of the nazi propaganda film Hitlerjunge quex. I saw bits of it when I was doing my MA but that was quite a while ago. I want to use it as part of my lessons about the Hitler Youth for my gcse classes.

Not so much of a long shot. I have a little bit with additional contextual material on this page: http://www.intst.net/humanities/igcsehist/...n/resources.htm

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I saw the whole film once. It was part of a seminar anlysing the extremely propagandistic films made by the Nazi film industry. The main question was if the film or parts of it should be used in our history lessons. We decided against it because this films and other (more glorifying ones and more racist and vile ones) are very cleverly made and you end up being caught in the aesthetics of the film and the way the scenes are shot and the story is presented. Even though we knew about the intention and aim of the film we found ourselves somehow fascinated by and caught by it. As images have a more lasting effect and impact on us than words we thought showing the films to classes my be slightly dangerous even though the film would be analysed and its propaganda exposed afterwards. In Germany this film and others are not available for "public" use but for scientific research only.

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We were also singing the song for days afterwards 'our banner flies before us ....'

The song might sound rather innocent without the whole context, but quite honestly I would be aghast if my students sang that song.

In the final days of World War II hundreds of "Quexes" were sent to the front and were killed or severly injured: they obediently followed the song they had learnt by heart and till the very end they were blinded by an ideology so cunningly hidden in the film about the heroic Hitlerjunge Quex.

Edited by UlrikeSchuhFricke
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At Georgia State University in Atlanta we viewed this film in our undergraduate German History class. We also read Ernst Junger's Copse 125. I believe this sort of material can be responsibly used in history classes. While the cunning nature of the propaganda does present some ethical issues, the material is a true primary document of the times. There is a powerful trend toward cultural studies in history, and the class also viewed Der Bleu Angel with Marlene Dietrich and Murderers Among Us, set in the rubble of Post war Berlin...Americans in general are shocked and somewhat amused that the "german boy scouts" were an element in Nazi race hatred, and the film, I believe, is suitable for viewing by college students, with appropriate guidance...films of this nature, if unavailable elsewhere, can often be found on EBAY.......

shanet clark

woodruff history fellow gsu

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