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Date of Z-film Frame(s) in 1st Newspaper?

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Good Day.... I am looking at a 29NOV63 "Chicago Daily News" newspaper that shows a circa Zf-350 cropped frame from the ZAPRUDER film at the very top of the front page. (the accompanying article is entitled, "Jackie's Agony")

Is 29NOV63 the first day that Z-film frame(s) appeared in any newspapers, or, did that occur earlier than 29NOV63? Thank You.

Don Roberdeau

U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker

Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly



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"(D)rehm (sic) seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the President." (my EMPHASIS)

----CHARLES F. BREHM, a gunfire-battle experienced, WWII D-day, United States Army Ranger veteran, quoted just minutes after the attack and while still standing within Dealey Plaza ("Dallas Times Herald," 11-22-63, final edition)

Edited by Don Roberdeau
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Guest Stephen Turner


The only information I have on this, is that Time/Life Execs meet in New York

on the morning of the 24th, to decide which stills from the Z film were

suitable to offer to the Media. I will see if I cant come up with something a

bit more concrete.

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Good Day Stephen.... Thank You.

I have received the following information....

"LIFE and TIME both published Zapruder frames on Tuesday, November 26, and released a frame sequence through the Associated Press."


"The 11-29-63 issue of LIFE magazine was on the newsstands by Tuesday, 11-26, and in subscriber's mailboxes the next day. Among the 28 frames in that issue, LIFE released six to the news media that week and they started appearing no later than 11-30." (covered in Trask's book "Pictures of the Pain," who also has a book coming out this year about the ZAPRUDER film)

Don Roberdeau

U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker

Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly



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"According to Mr Zapruder the position of the assassin was behind Mr Zapruder."

- earliest public statement by ABRAHAM ZAPRUDER of from where he sensed that, at least, one shot was fired from, as documented in Warren Commission Document CD87, a 22NOV63, 9:55 pm note from PRS agent MAXWELL PHILLIPS that accompanied 3 copies of the ZAPRUDER film ("behind" ZAPRUDER's facing direction up to Zf-321 was the north picket fenceline easternmost corner on the north "grassy knoll")

Edited by Don Roberdeau
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"(D)rehm (sic) seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the President." (my EMPHASIS)

----CHARLES F. BREHM, a gunfire-battle experienced, WWII D-day, United States Army Ranger veteran, quoted just minutes after the attack and while still standing within Dealey Plaza ("Dallas Times Herald," 11-22-63, final edition)

From Presidential transcripts of 11/29/63:

LBJ How did it happen they hit Connally...

JEHoover Connally turned... to the President... when the first shot was fired... and I think in that turning... it was where he got hit.

(The schematic of the Magic Bullet's path does not show Connally leaning to his right - if he had been, according to the drawing - he'd have been shot through the heart...)

LBJ If he hadn't turned... he probably wouldn't have got hit?

JEHoover I think that is very likely.

LBJ Would the President've got hit the second one?

JEHoover No, the President wasn't hit with the second one...


JEHoover Oh, yes... yes... the President would have no doubt been hit...

I was thinking the other day that every time I have seen the victim of a gunshot first reacting to the initial wounding - invariably they reach for the point of the bullet's entry. Even a person who has been shot in the center of the back tries desperately (and in vain) to reach for the spot that the missile first contacted the body's sensory apparatus. Why didn't JFK reach for the top of his back - instead of the front of his throat? I've never seen anyone reach for the point of exit.

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JL Allen Posted Yesterday, 01:57 PM

I was thinking the other day that every time I have seen the victim of a gunshot first reacting to the initial wounding - invariably they reach for the point of the bullet's entry. Even a person who has been shot in the center of the back tries desperately (and in vain) to reach for the spot that the missile first contacted the body's sensory apparatus. Why didn't JFK reach for the top of his back - instead of the front of his throat? I've never seen anyone reach for the point of exit.

Agreed. Exactly the point I made not too long ago; hard to imagine one would reach for an exit wound, rather than the entry.

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