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Ernesto Rodriguez, Jr

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here is why I was looking for the description.

Pedro Valencia wrote to LBJ on Dec 2, 1963 stating that he had been to the Cuban Embassy Sept 30 doing a cred check on an employee (he was a credit investigator for a department store). Upon leaving the embassy, he heard a "heated discussion" in English between a Cuban and an American. The discussion involved Castro, Cuba and Kennedy. The CUban was counting out US currency. He had concluded from photos in the papers that the American was Oswald.

The FBI interviewed Valencia Jan 29, 1964, at which time, he gave further info, including this description of the Cuban:


about 33 years old

5' 3" to 5' 5" tall

very stocky and strong looking

black curly hair

light complexion (for a Cuban)

wore a business suit

spoke English fluently, though rapidly.

The money being counted by the Cuban was passed to the American. They left in a Dina Renault.

The American twice referred to the Cuban as Ernie, noting that this was probably what a Cuban named Ernesto might be called by non-Spanish speaking people.

The full account can be read here:


Clark Wilkins stated in a newsgroup post a fews years ago that Rodriguez had followed Oswald to MC. In another post, Wilkins stated that Rodriguez once claimed to have been a CIA contract agent in MC.

The Cuban Exile site does give solid evidence linking his father to ONI.

The Spanish Language School he ran was under the the Berlitz umbrella. Berlitz and CIA have had a long-standing relationship. David Atlee Philips used a Berlitz school in Cuba for a recruiting office.

The FBI could not find any dirt on Valencia. In fact, they got nothing but glowing regferences concerning his character. In the end, they could not disprove his story, and seem merely to have left it, and moved on.

So... does Ernesto Rodriguez fits the description... ?

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Hi Greg,

I can't help with Ernesto Rodriguez but there was a Cuban by the name of Ernesto Esteban who apparently had something to do with the Dallas chapter of Alpha 66, and was closely associated with Manuel Orcaberrio.

I don't really know anything about him, just thought I would offer the name in case it rang any bells.



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I did some checking on Ernesto Esteban and discovered that there was a guy who went through Fort Benning in 1963 named Ernesto Esteban Leon. I have no idea if this is the same guy who was connected to Orcaberrio. Esteban below.

BTW, I am trying to get a photo of Ernesto Rodriguez but to this point, with no luck.



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I did some checking on Ernesto Esteban and discovered that there was a guy who went through Fort Benning in 1963 named Ernesto Esteban Leon. I have no idea if this is the same guy who was connected to Orcaberrio. Esteban below.

Thanks for the name, James. I'll add it to my pile of "to do" checks.

BTW, I am trying to get a photo of Ernesto Rodriguez but to this point, with no luck.


Worth a motza, I'd say (or at least a beer!). I would think if you can't find a picture, it's only because none exists  :)


Following my last post on this, a lurker drew my attention to http://history-matters.com/essays/frameup/...Mysteries_4.htm

Which is an article on Valencia by Rex Bradford. Valencia was interviewed by Lopez in 1978. He denied to Lopez that he had ever mentioned any Cuban being with Oswald. Bradford has made a tentative conclusion that this apparent retraction was made under duress.

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