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Death of attorney Larry Teeter

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Lawrence Teeter, 56; Lawyer Tried to Win New Trial for RFK's Killer

----- Original Message -----

From: Copa

To: undisclosed-recipients:

Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 5:29 PM

Subject: Lawrence Teeter, 56; Lawyer Tried to Win New Trial for RFK's Killer


It is with sadness that I send notice of the passing of our friend and

fellow truth seeker Larry Teeter, who until his untimely recent death

was fighting in court for both the examination and preservation of the

RFK assassination site at the Ambassador Hotel which he had been denied

access to, and for the release of Sirhan Sirhan, the wrongly convicted

alleged assassin who was under some sort of mind control at the time of

the shooting. Larry was a constant presence and a speaker at various

COPA meetings over the last decade and we will miss him sorely. The LA

COPA meeting this year was co-sponsored by his Committee for the

Preservation of Assassination Sites. He died of an agressive lymphoma

and was seeking treatment at the end of his life in Mexico, since he was

very critical of US medical methods. In June, he spoke at the COPA event

despite being "under the weather" with what he thought was a bad cold.

He gave me a tape to play there if he could not attend, so I will air it

at the Dallas meeting in his stead. I hope the work he was doing can be

continued in some way. John Judge


COPA Dallas update:

Dallas, November 18-20 (and 22nd on the Grassy Knoll)

Hotel Lawrence, 302 S. Jackson St. (off Dealey Plaza)

214-761-9090 COPA rate $84/night single/double

Friday, November 18 - Adolphus Hotel on Commerce Street

5-7 pm - drinks and dinner at the Bistro off the main lobby

7-10 pm - Keynote speaker Rep. Cynthia McKinney

shuttle available from the Hotel Lawrence both ways

Saturday, November 19 - George Alllen Building

9 am - 5 pm - Speakers and a panel on Assassination Archives and


7-10 pm - Hotel Lawrence, speakers and videos

Sunday, November 20 - Hotel Lawrence

9 am - 12 noon - Speakers and COPA discussion

Confirmed speakers: Walt Brown, Dick Russell, Brad Ayers, Bill Kelly,

Nick Kotz

(author of Judgment Days, about LBJ and MLK), Dr. William Pepper, Dick

Gregory, Billy Sol

Estes, Joan Mellen (author of new book on Garrison), Philip Melanson,

PhD, Jerry McKnight, (Weisberg Archives), and the curator of the Penn

Jones archives, Chris Pike (researching Penn Jones), Dave Starks (JFK

Assassination Web), John Judge (Emcee).

Invited speakers: Michael Newton, Ronnie Dugger, Barr McCellan, Clay

Carson (MLK Papers), the director of Malcolm X Museum, Paris

Flammonde, Rex Bradford, Ed Tatro, Ralph Schoenman, Paul

Krassner, Robert Groden, David Wrone, Stuart Wexler, T Carter.

Registration $50 or $20/day, payable at event.

If you are able to make an additional donation to COPA this year, please

make the check to COPA, PO Box 772, Washington, DC 20044 or donate at

the events.

Thanks, and hope to see you there,

John Judge

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