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Adding Insult to Injury

Carol Reid

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According to the Houston Chronicle:

Halliburton Hired for Storm Cleanup

The Navy has hired Houston-based Halliburton Co. to restore electric power, repair roofs and remove debris at three naval facilities in Mississippi damaged by Hurricane Katrina.

Halliburton subsidiary KBR will also perform damage assessments at other naval installations in New Orleans as soon as it is safe to do so.

KBR was assigned the work under a "construction capabilities" contract awarded in 2004 after a competitive bidding process. The company is not involved in the Army Corps of Engineers' effort to repair New Orleans' levees.

I hope VP Cheney chokes on his dividend checks.

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Guest Stephen Turner
According to the Houston Chronicle:

Halliburton Hired for Storm Cleanup

The Navy has hired Houston-based Halliburton Co. to restore electric power, repair roofs and remove debris at three naval facilities in Mississippi damaged by Hurricane Katrina.

Halliburton subsidiary KBR will also perform damage assessments at other naval installations in New Orleans as soon as it is safe to do so.

KBR was assigned the work under a "construction capabilities" contract awarded in 2004 after a competitive bidding process. The company is not involved in the Army Corps of Engineers' effort to repair New Orleans' levees.

I hope VP Cheney chokes on his dividend checks.

Carol, I read the thread name and went "Haliburton the B******s" do you think I'm psychic maybe, or just deeply cynical... :down

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"Carol, I read the thread name and went "Haliburton the B******s" do you think I'm psychic maybe, or just deeply cynical... "

I wouldn't call you psychic or cynical, the word I would use is ASTUTE. :lol:

Thousands of people in the area are now jobless. It would make sense to me, given the situation, that local businesses be given the contracts, and that local people be hired to repair and rebuild. But i suppose that idea makes too much sense.

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Guest Stephen Turner

Big business, nothing gets in the way of profit, personally speaking I like to be able to look in the mirror of a morning. I have just finished reading a book called IBM, and the Nazi's, yeah Big Blue making BIG bucks from the gas chambers, and just so I dont get accused of picking on US corps, check out the history of the British "East India Company" Makes Haliburton look Liberal :lol:

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I posted, on September 2, 2005 at 2:17 pm:

The solution to the disaster should be self-evident: give Halliburton a no-bid, no-ceiling contract to clean up the mess, and it'll be handled so quickly it'll make your head swim.

Yes, Tim...the word IS spelled "f-a-c-e-t-i-o-u-s"...

...but now "c-y-n-i-c-i-s-m" is taking over.

I guess since the Cold War is over, the "red phone" has been disconnected between the Oval Office and the Kremlin...and moved to Dick Cheaney's office, connected directly to KBR.

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According to the Houston Chronicle:

Halliburton Hired for Storm Cleanup

The Navy has hired Houston-based Halliburton Co. to restore electric power, repair roofs and remove debris at three naval facilities in Mississippi damaged by Hurricane Katrina.

Halliburton subsidiary KBR will also perform damage assessments at other naval installations in New Orleans as soon as it is safe to do so.

KBR was assigned the work under a "construction capabilities" contract awarded in 2004 after a competitive bidding process. The company is not involved in the Army Corps of Engineers' effort to repair New Orleans' levees.

I hope VP Cheney chokes on his dividend checks.


Let me relay some personal info regarding Halliburton and Kellogg, Brown and Root. Halliburton, as you may know, was the defendant in an asbestos class action lawsuit brought about due to KBR's manufacture and use of asbestos. After the suit was filed, Halliburton broke KBR into separate entities so its multi billion dollar profits would not be affected by the suits. When the move was challenged, a judge agreed that Halliburton could do it. That KBR division then declared bankruptcy. My father was part of the suit, and subsequently died of asbestosis related lung cancer almost 3 years ago. KBR's division that will bear the brunt of the suit settlements has yet to pay a dime, although a settlement has apparently been determined.

So instead of facing up to its responsibilities, Halliburton devised a plan to save its profits, effectively negating what may have been payouts to thousands of very ill people who worked with KBR products containing asbestos. The division splitting allowed substantially less payouts by the designated division instead of the whole Halliburton/KBR conglomerate. And a federal bankruptcy judge let it all happen.

This was a well conceived plan by Halliburton to limit its responsibility, and it worked.

Needless to say, I also hope Cheney chokes on his dividend checks. I'm sure he's thrilled that my 80 year old widowed mother will get very little if anything, while he's laughing all the way to the bank with check in hand.


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Big business, nothing gets in the way of profit, personally speaking I like to be able to look in the mirror of a morning. I have just finished reading a book called IBM, and the Nazi's, yeah Big Blue making BIG bucks from the gas chambers, and just so I dont get accused of picking on US corps, check out the history of the British "East India Company" Makes Haliburton look Liberal :ph34r:

There were many instances of "Big Business/Banking Interest" from the US who were directly and indirectly supporting NAZI Germany.

Hitler was considered good for business.

In fact, Joe Kennedy was of course also in on this. As were the Rockefellar's and many others who were in the banking/loan business.

American society has developed under the general acceptance that one can purchase respectibility, provided of course that one has the money and power to do so.

The American public is highly forgetfull. Especially when overdosed on football, etc;.

The subject of this forum should serve to indicate that single individuals can not achieve the objective of forcing the American public to open their own minds and, if nothing else, state that the WC was an unethical lie on the part of many of those responsible for telling the facts.

That we, (primarily those of the State of Pennslyvania) can be lead to believe that Arlen Specter is an honorable person who should be a Senatorial Representative of this Government, is further proof of this concept of ignorance on the part of the general public.

In all probability, 98% of all americans have no concept as to what the IRAN Hostage situation of Jimmy Carter's administration was actually about and who was actually responsible for this fiasco.

Therefore, the Ken Lay (ENRON) of today is little different from the Joe Kennedy of yesterday, who is little different than Charles T. Howard of New Orleans who stole millions through the Louisiana Lottery Scam.

All acquired their monies in completely legal, yet somewhat unethical means, and thereafter utilized the monies to "purchase" their respectibility.

Fortunately for those of us who agree with your statements, morals and morality can not be purchased.


P.S. It is a highly contagious aspect of the human species.

P.P.S. Few are aware of the fact that Clay Shaw, in his experience with both the OSS as well as the CIA, worked in/and for the "Stolen Art Recovery" section.

The OSS, among other tasks, was attempting to trace where the millions of dollars in various looted treasures and monies went, and in whose vaults and banks these were in.

Needless to say, a considerable amount of this NAZI wealth and treasures had gone to South America with those of NAZI Germany who had fled there.

Since Shaw quite obviously had nothing to do with the assassination of JFK, and was not a part of the "inner crowd" of New Orleans Upper Society, then one must accept the possibility that he was fully sacrificed by those who not only knew who and what he was, but also that it would, not unlike the WCC Ammo, send agencies running for cover.

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Tom 100% correct. Steve.

Not likely! But thanks anyway.


P.S. During the Reagan era, it was Bechtel that got all of the goodies.

During the Johnson years, it was Brown & Root.

And so it goes, and so it continues.

"The Golden Rule"---Them that's got the gold, gets to make the rules!

FYI...Halliburton and Brown and Root are the SAME COMPANY. From Wikipedia:

Kellogg, Brown and Root is an American engineering and construction company, a private military contractor and a subsidiary of Halliburton. After Halliburton acquired Dresser Industries in 1998, Dresser's engineering subsidiary, M.W. Kellogg, a pipe fabrication business started by Morris W. Kellogg in 1900 and acquired by Dresser in 1988, was merged with Halliburton's construction subsidiary, Brown and Root, to form Kellogg, Brown, and Root. The legacy of Brown and Root, has had many contracts with the U.S. military during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, as well as during the Vietnam War.

As for Bechtel...it has close ties with GHWB and GWB:

The Bechtel family has owned Bechtel since setting up the company in the 1920s. Bechtel's size, its political clout, and its penchant for privacy have made it a

perennial target for journalists and politicians since the 1930s. Bechtel has maintained strong relationships with officials in many United States administrations,

including those of Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush. The company also has strong ties to other governments, particularly the Saudi Royal



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Richard said,

"Needless to say, I also hope Cheney chokes on his dividend checks. I'm sure he's thrilled that my 80 year old widowed mother will get very little if anything, while he's laughing all the way to the bank with check in hand."


My heart goes out to your mother, and to so many others who have been screwed over because of corporate greed.

I grew up in the town that was the home of the Cannon textile empire, and many of my family worked their entire lives in the mills. A good number of the retirees here suffer from emphesema and brown lung. When these cases started to surface, the Cannon family sold out, and they are still enjoying their fortune. My father-in-law has emphesema. He lives off social security, and the 25 dollar-per-month pension he gets after working for nearly 50 years in the mill.

The concept of corporate responsibility seems to have been completely obliterated.

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Tom 100% correct. Steve.

Not likely! But thanks anyway.


P.S. During the Reagan era, it was Bechtel that got all of the goodies.

During the Johnson years, it was Brown & Root.

And so it goes, and so it continues.

"The Golden Rule"---Them that's got the gold, gets to make the rules!

FYI...Halliburton and Brown and Root are the SAME COMPANY. From Wikipedia:

Kellogg, Brown and Root is an American engineering and construction company, a private military contractor and a subsidiary of Halliburton. After Halliburton acquired Dresser Industries in 1998, Dresser's engineering subsidiary, M.W. Kellogg, a pipe fabrication business started by Morris W. Kellogg in 1900 and acquired by Dresser in 1988, was merged with Halliburton's construction subsidiary, Brown and Root, to form Kellogg, Brown, and Root. The legacy of Brown and Root, has had many contracts with the U.S. military during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, as well as during the Vietnam War.

As for Bechtel...it has close ties with GHWB and GWB:

The Bechtel family has owned Bechtel since setting up the company in the 1920s. Bechtel's size, its political clout, and its penchant for privacy have made it a

perennial target for journalists and politicians since the 1930s. Bechtel has maintained strong relationships with officials in many United States administrations,

including those of Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush. The company also has strong ties to other governments, particularly the Saudi Royal



Wilkipedia should, not like many others, follow the history.

When I declined employment from Brown & Root many years ago, there was no "Haliburton" association.

Of course, this was during the Johnson Administration.

We were offered National Guard release (temporary excuse from duty) if we chose to go to Vietnam as civillians working for B&R.

As a former supervisory employee working for Bechtel, who on occassion attended meetings called by Mr. Schultz, Their corporate structure as well as corporate philosophy are hardly new to me.

50 Beale St., San Francisco, CA, had virtually an entire floor of empty offices in which the names of former Secretary of "something" within the US Government was on the door.

Not to mention the numerous children of foreign leaders and dignitaries whom Bechtel manages to get into the US to attend college and thereafter also find good "summer jobs" for.


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