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The Times-Picayune Publishing Corporation

Director: Ashton Phelps, Jr.


The Times-Picayune News Media

Director: Ashton Phelps, Jr.


Ross-Hatfield Corporation

Incorporated: 03/12/1963

Registered Agent: Sumter D. Marks

Registered Agent: Louis B. Claverie

Registered Agent: Ashton Phelps, Jr


Vent-Air Specialists of New Orleans, Inc.

Incorporated: 10/01/1958

Registered Agent: Sumter D. Marks

Registered Agent: Louis B. Claverie

Registered Agent: Ashton Phelps, Jr


Desco-Keliher Sales, Inc.

Incorporated: 05/17/1954

Registered Agent: Sumter D. Marks

Registered Agent: Louis B. Claverie

Registered Agent: Ashton Phelps, Jr



Claverie, Louis B. "History of Phelps Dunbar"

(In possession of Phillip deV. Claverie


(to be continued)

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Might I recommend that one enter the keywords of either: "Ashton Phelps", or "Esmond Phelps".

Many interesting items related to:

a. Tulane University (Board of Tulane)

b. Tulane University, "Tulane's Kings and Queens"

c. REX, King of Carnival

d. Comments of President George Bush, Sr directed to Ashton Phelps

Of course, one would also be somewhat negligent were they not to research into the background history of the Times-Picayune and their award of the "Loving Cup" to outstanding New Orleans citizens.

Such as:

1941---Mr. Charles E. Dunbar

Thereafter, a prudent person may just want to know the background history of Mr. Charles E. Dunbar as well as his potential connections with Tulane University; REX; The Boston Club; etc; etc; etc;


"Mardi Gras can even poke fun at itself. The blacks of New Orleans mocked the snobbishness and exclusivity of Rex with their own Parade"



(to be continued)

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The Dixie Parking Garage*

Mailing Address: C/O Esmond Phelps, 321 St. Charles St., New Orleans

Incorporated: 05/07/1937

Registered Agent: Esmond Phelps

*Where LHO applied for employment


American Women's Voluntary Services, Inc

Qualified: 08/19/1942

Registered Agent: Esmond Phelps

Registered Agent: Charles E. Dunbar

Registered Agent: Sumter D. Marks



Applicant: Phelps Dunbar

Type of Business: General Legal Services

First Used: 10/01/1955


Modern Materials of Louisiana, Inc.

Incorporated: 01/11/1955

Registered Agent: J. Barnwell Phelps, United Fruit Bldg., New Orleans

Registered Agent: Ashton Phelps, United Fruit Bldg., New Orleans


G.A.C. Finance Corporation of Louisiana, Inc

Incorporated: 05/04/1956

Registered Agent: Charles E. Dunbar, 321 St. Charles St., New Orleans

Registered Agent: Ashton Phelps, 321 St. Charles St., New Orleans


Arnold Altex Aluminum Company of Louisiana, Inc

Mailing Address: 420 Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans

Domicile Address: 420 Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans

Incorporated: 03/24/1959

Registered Agent: J. Barnwell Phelps, 1300 Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans

Registered Agent: Ashton Phelps, 1300 Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans


Spillers Home Builders of Louisiana, Inc

Mailing Address: 1300 Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans

Incorporated: 11/30/1960

Registered Agent: Sumter D. Marks, Jr, 1300 Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans

Registered Agent: Louis B. Claverie, 1300 Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans

Registered Agent: Ashton Phelps, 1300 Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans


(to be continued)

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"These were men, however, of small compromises rather than stategic vision. Collectively, they wielded great power. Judge John Minor Wisdom, who know (sic) them intimately, described them as a kind of "interlocking directorate" or "closed corporation," for the same people could be found on the governing bodies of the Hibernia and Whitney banks, Tulane Unversity, NOPSI, the Orleans Parish Levee Board, and the Board of Liquidation of the City Debt. Many belonged to the same social clubs (Boston and Pelican), sent their children to the same private schools (Newman and Country Day), and masked in the same Mardi Gras krews (Rex, Comus, Momus, and Proteus). This concentration of old wealth made New Orleans one of the most conservative cities in the South. More exclusive and tradiltion-bound than wealthy whites in other southern cities, such people were slow to change and, in Wisdom's view, "never did really assert themselves in favor of desegregation."

-----Adam Fairclough, p. 284



Interestingly enough, most of this information was provided PRIOR to Hurricane Katrina.


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Vigilance Incorporated

Qualified: 03/16/1951

Registered Agent: Charles E. Dunbar, 1300 Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans

Registered Agent: Sumter D. Marks, 1300 Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans

Registered Agent: Louis B. Claverie, 1300 Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans


For America

Qualified: 07/14/1954

Domicile Address: 208 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL*

Registered Agent: Charles E. Dunbar

Registered Agent: Sumter D. Marks

Registereed Agent: Louis B. Claverie

*Address from which LHO received financial assistance from the "Traveller's Aide Society", after his return from the Soviet Union.


Central Automatic Sprinkler System

Qualified: 09/02/1949

Domicile Address: 9760 Lemmon Ave., Dallas, TX

Registered Agent: Esmond Phelps

Registered Agent: Louis B. Claverie


GeoMarine Service International, Inc

Qualified: 04/06/1954

Domicile Address: 5900 Lemmon Ave., Dallas, TX

Registered Agent: Charles E. Dunbar, 1300 Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans

Registered Agent: Sumter D. Marks, 1300 Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans

Registered Agent: Louis B. Claverie, 1300 Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans



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Surely, this can not be!

WTPS (Times-Picayune owned Radio Station) operating out of the Howard Memorial Library, which is in fact a portion of the Confederate Memorial Hall, of which all/both were constructed from the funds derived from the Louisiana Lottery Company (The Serpent/aka The Octopus) which was run by Confederate Veteran Charles T. Howard.


For the photo!

Needless to say, Confederate Veteran and Louisiana Lottery co-founder Charles T. Howard was also "King" REX (1877), just as was the son, Frank T. Howard who paid for construction of the Confederate Memorial Hall in which Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America, lay in state.

Frank T. Howard---REX, 1895. First recepient of the Times-Picayune awarded "Loving Cup".



P.S. Needless to say, the Louisiana Lottery operated under the reverse philosophy of "Robin Hood".

Robin Hood of course robbed from the rich to give to the poor.

The Louisiana Lottery robbed from the poor to give to the rich.

Another link:


One should not kid themselves into believing that any portion of the Confederate Museum or the Howard Library have ever left control of direct descendents of the Confederate States of America.

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Topic: Mississippi River Flooding

Waldemar Nelson gets 2001 T-P Loving Cup;

Engineer literally helped build a better New Orleans

"One of my ancestors was Samuel Lockett, who designed the defenses for Vicksburg," Nelson said"


Of course, other recepiants include:

a. Frank T. Howard

Son of Confederate Veteran and co-founder of the Louisiana Lottery, who utilized the gain riches to construct Confederate Memorial Hall, while his Sister constructed the Howard Memorial Library.

b. Samuel Zemurray

Of United Fruit fame.

c. Charles E. Dunbar, direct descendent of a Confederate Veteran and the sister to General P.G.T. Beauregard; principal partner in the law firm which has it's roots founded in Charles E. Fenner in whose home Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America died.

d. Charles E. Fenner (Jr.)

Son of Charles E. Fenner, of "Fenner's Battery" of Confederate Artillery.

Co-founder of stock brockerage firm which later became partners with Merrill Lynch.

e. Mrs. James Weaks Reily

Wife of James Weaks Reily, of Reily Coffee Company fame.

f. Crawford Ellis

Son of Confederate Veteran; Manager of United Fruit.

g. Darwin S. Fenner

Son of Charles E. Fenner, Jr., Grandson of Charles E. Fenner of "Fenner's Battery" of Confederate Artillery.

Defender of the segregationist attitude of Tulane University.

See: http://www.tulanelink.com/tulanelink/fenner_box.htm


P.S. Hope that the road is becoming considerably more clear!

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Crawford Hatcher Ellis

Son of Confederate Veteran Thomas Jefferson Ellis and Elizabeth (Hatcher) Ellis.

Born: Selma, AL, August 26, 1875

At age 26, made Manager of United Fruit Company.

Mr. Ellis is a member of the Boston Club, Young Men's Gymnastic Club, and the various carnival organizations.

"He has a beautifully appointed office at 321 St. Charles St."


Coats Safe & Lock Company, Ltd.

Incorporated: 07/07/1914

Domicile Address: 321 St. Charles St., New Orleans

Registered Agent: Esmond Phelps, 321 St. Charles St., New Orleans

Registered Agent: Charles E. Dunbar, Jr., 321 St. Charles St., New Orleans

Registered Agent: Sumter D. Marks, Jr., 321 St. Charles St. , New Orleans



Mailing Address: 208 LaSalle St., Chicago, IL

Qualified: 07/14/1954

Registered Agent: Charles E. Dunbar, Jr., 321 St. Charles St., New Orleans

Registered Agent: Sumter D. Marks, Jr., 321 St. Charles St., New Orleans

Registered Agent: Louis B. Claverie, 321 St. Charles St., New Orleans


Dixie Parking Garage

Incorporated: 05/07/1937

Registered Agent: Esmond Phelps, 321 St. Charles St., New Orleans


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"After leaving the FBI offices, BARRIOS and GATLIN met with a Mr. Dunbar, who occassionally represents the United Fruit Co. in New Orleans. They asked for one million dollars from the United Fruit Co., in support of BARRIOS intended revolutionary movement in Guatemala, but they were unseccessful in obtaining any commitment."


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CIA Involved in Guatemala coup, 1954


Note: One certainly does not want to miss out on the United Fruit Connections to this.


CIA and Assassinations: The Guatemala 1954 Documents


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"One of the many oddities of that amazing day is that when Oswald was arrested he had on him a payroll stub from the American Bakery Co. dated August 1960."


Actually, I see nothing that amazing or coincidental in this!


American Bakeries Company

Prior Name: Purity Bakeries Corporation (7/07/1953)

Type Entity: Business Corporation (Non-Louisiana)

Domicile Address: 100 West 10th St., Wilmington, DE

Principal Office: 10 S. Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL

Principal Bus. Est. in Louisiana: 1300 Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans


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Another good "Son of the South"

Champagne--Leo Pierre Champagne, Sr. On Sunday, February 13, 2005. Age 83 years.

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Confederate Memorial Hall Foundation

Christian Brothers Foundation

The John Birch Society


Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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Keep it coming Tom.

321 St. Charles St., New Orleans - any idea if that was on the same block as 344 Camp Street?  I did a mapquest - can't tell.  Within a stone's throw for sure.  Interesting.

- lee

Glad to know that someone at least reads the ravings.

I will attempt to find my old NO City Street Map and post some of it.

As regards the 344 Camp St. Bldg., there appears to be an extremely curious link to this bldg. as well.


Break Time

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