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Oswald and Ruby targeted by the NSA?

Steve Thomas

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On page 3 of a September 23, 1975 memo from Dan Dwyer and Ed Greissing of the Senate Select Committee to Paul Wallach, there is this paragraph:


II. It has been determined by the military task force, as a result of the NSA - watch list case study, that Oswald, Jack Ruby and Earl C. Ruby, Jack's brother, were targeted. An NSA spokesman reported that Oswald's name "appeared" in the rhyming dictionary on the day of the President's assassination. The following lines of inquiry should be considered:

A. The dates of which Oswald and the Ruby brothers names were placed on the list.

B. The amount of product.

C. The information contained in the product.

D. A determination if the product was forwarded to the FBI and CIA and how these agencies might have used the product in the investigation of the President's assassination.

I haven't found yet if the SSC got those answers.

Steve Thomas

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Am I to understand that the NSA was not only spying on U.S. citizens in 1963, but that it keeps a "rhyming dictionary" of their names?

I guess that means that if your name even rhymes with Oswald (e.g., Cornwald), then Big Brother is watching you. But I find that hard to believe. When it comes to Big Brother watching you, I don't think it makes any difference anymore what your name is.

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  • 5 years later...

Am I to understand that the NSA was not only spying on U.S. citizens in 1963, but that it keeps a "rhyming dictionary" of their names?

I guess that means that if your name even rhymes with Oswald (e.g., Cornwald), then Big Brother is watching you. But I find that hard to believe. When it comes to Big Brother watching you, I don't think it makes any difference anymore what your name is.

I always like to do something special for Christmas, so today I decided to post this. Its relevance to this thread is that it is excerpts from the document

that the mention of the Oswald/Ruby/NSA rhyming dictionary is taken from. It is a Church Committee era document that contains other compelling


Merry Christmas!



page 3, January 19, 1976 Phone call from Paul Wallach to "Chief " Giarusso of NOPD. Wallach then spoke to Lt. Hunt who transferred him to Major Earl Burmaster, explaining that he was the "keeper of records." Burmaster called me back and suggested I talk to Sgt Weinstein at Ext 311. He was out of the office, but had left the matter with Sgt. Loicano who with the rap sheet in hand stated that the only arrest of Oswald in NO was the August 9, 1963 arrest. (Included in the documents pertaining to said arrest was a memorandum by Lt. August Lang, and an August 12, 1963 "inter-office memo" to Major Prossens.

page 4, Inquiry by Lt. Dywer at LBJ Library into what was discussed at a May 10, 1967 meeting attended by [LBJ] Johnson , Helms and Christian.

Diary back-up records indicate there was a note stating that, "Mr Helms wants to see you about Drew Pearson column."

page 9, Jose Aleman had regular meetings with Santos Trafficante in 1963 which he reported to SA's George Davis and Paul Scranton in particular Sen. Mathias is interested in any documents relating to a meeting between Aleman and Davis and Scranton on November 22, or 23, 1963, the day or the day after the Kennedy assassination,

page 100, II. It has been determined by the military task force, as a result of the NSA - watch list case study, that Oswald, Jack Ruby and Earl C. Ruby, Jack's brother, were targeted. An NSA spokesman reported that Oswald's name "appeared" in the rhyming dictionary on the day of the President's assassination. The following lines of inquiry should be considered:

A. The dates of which Oswald and the Ruby brothers names were placed on the list.

B. The amount of product.

C. The information contained in the product.

D. A determination if the product was forwarded to the FBI and CIA and how these agencies might have used the product in the investigation of the President's assassination.

page 102, there is also some evidence to indicate that Oswald may have been an informant in New Orleans.....Pena's testimony to the Warren Commission on July 21, 1964, clearly contradicts the points outlined by DeBrueys in the June 19 report, and that in fact, Pena had reported Oswald's appearance and behavior at the bar....

page 103, Additionally, Pena applied for a passport to Mexico the same day as Oswald. DeBrueys was transferred from New Orleans to Dallas to investigate the assassination and then returned to New Orleans.

The SSC has recently been forwarded a letter through Senator Church's office dated June 30, 1975 written by Orestes Pena. Prior to his testimony before the Warren Commission, Pena states he was threatened by DeBrueys and warned not to disclose information regarding his role as an informer or to mention DeBrueys name.

Pena volunteered to testify that Oswald was employed by the federal government at the Customs House in New Orleans and offered information regarding the federal agents with whom Oswald was associated.

page 104, Hosty re November 1 and 5 visits to Paine residence. James Gouchenaur, an independent researcher

is a potential source of information on Hosty's relationship with Oswald. While living in Seattle, Gouchenaur had the occasion to meet Carver Gayton, an ex-FBI agent. Gayton met Hosty while serving with him in Kansas City. Gayton related the following information to Gouchenaur based upon conversations he had with Hosty in Kansas City. Hosty had been Oswald's handler and the FBI listed Oswald as a "Potential Security Informant."

page 107, Allegation III. The Secret Service obstructed the medical investigation of President Kennedy's assassination.

Jim Gouchenaur also reported to the Committee that he had information regarding the destruction and alteration of evidence in the investigation of President Kennedy's assassination. Gouchenaur befriended Elmer Moore, a Secret Service agent of the Dallas office. Moore confided to Gouchenaur that he was ordered by the Inspector General's office of the Secret Service to destroy a photograph given to him by Eva Grant, Jack Ruby's sister. (We have no other information regarding the photo.) Moore also told Gouchenaur that he had been ordered to tell Dr. Perry, who first treated the President at Parkland Hospital, to change his medical report which initially indicated that a bullet penetrated from the front.

Moore also indicated that he helped to prepare the original report on the

page 108, direction of the shots and that the initial finding was that it was impossible to determine from which direction the shots had originated. Moore told Gouchenaur that whatever he had contributed to a cover-up at the time of the assassination was done on orders from Washington and Mr. Kelley of the Secret Service headquarters.

The SSC has determined that the CIA withheld information about Castro assassination plots from the Warren Commission.

Richard Helms testified that he did not think information regarding Castro assassination plots was important to the Commission's investigation; he assumed Dulles would have initiated the inquiry, since Helms believed Dulles was privy to assassination plots. This seems ironic in light of an investigation outlined in Commission Document 935. (withheld from public view) The CIA had a "well-placed individual who has been in close and prolonged contact with ranking officers of the Cuban DGI."

The source "did not know whether Oswald was an agent of the DGI or any other directorate or department of the Cuban government," but that "the agency has queried him in detail on possible contacts between Oswald and the DGI prior to the assassination of President Kennedy."

Helms also reported to the Warren Commission that strict security measures were taken upon news of the assassination by Cuban intelligence.

The source believes these orders were issued "because of the possibility that the U.S. might have taken some type of action against Cuba and the DGI itself."

page 115, Source had an IRS agent by the name of Al Biernat, who is still with the IRS Intelligence office in Detroit check on Ruby's brother Earl who lived in Detroit at that time. Biernat checked the long distance telephone and telegraph records for Earl Ruby's telephone number. Biernat found that there were records of a telegram to Cuba charged to Earl Ruby's telephone number/ In addition there were records of long distance telephone calls by Earl Ruby to Robert Welch, the John Birch Society leader. Finally there were records showing Earl Ruby had called Jack Ruby in Dallas in the same time frame.

pages 116-123, HSCA Richard Sprague Era allegations; page 122, One in particular regarding George Bouhe source: The Boston Phoenix of May 27, 1975

Bouhe aided Marina Oswald, he worked for Lewis MacNaughton who is associated with Karl Hoblitzelle of the Hoblitzelle Foundation, a CIA conduit.

page 123 6. Photo of elderly gentlemen "derelict" taken into custody behind the Grassy Knoll is Fred Lee Chrisman a minuteman from state of Washington

Source: The Pacific Sun February 28, 1974

7. John [Emery?] Blumer, one of the individuals allegedly involved in CIA training for Cuban covert operations at camp near Lake Ponchartrain, Louisiana, may be one of the derelicts taken into custody behind Dealey Plaza.

Allegedly, President Kennedy ordered the camps raided by FBI and Secret Service in July 1963. Eleven people were allegedly arrested.

Source: The Pacific Sun February 28, 1974

also see


John Emery Blumer, Ballwin, Missouri


page 124, Harry Dean tells CTIA that various meetings had been held by Ferrie, Shaw, William Seymour and others in Mexico

City apartment of Guy [sic] Gabaldin, who was a member of the OSS and who worked for the CIA in Mexico City.

pages 125-27 Chronology of FBI relations with Lee Harvey Oswald [June 1962-November 1963]

page 128, May 24, 1975, we spoke yesterday re photos of certain persons in Dallas on November 22, 1963 ie Hunt and Sturgis

page 129, To: File

From: David Aaron

In discussion with Mr. Crosby from Minneapolis, he made the following comments.

The Miami police had a tape recording of November 9, 1963, which was released in 1967 concerning

(Oswald and a Cuban?)

Crosby drew attention to a note in the Archives concerning a J.A. Milteer, a threat contained in the FBI file, not in the 26 Volumes, the file is CD1347 filed Internal Security: Oswald in Russia. The archives and the FBI deny knowledge of the tape recording. Milteer denied the threat that was to be made on Kennedy's life on December 1, to the FBI. In the threat, Milteer apparently made some comment about Brown of the States Rights Party being involved in a plot.

Comment: I don't know how this all fits together, or whether it does. But the thrust of Crosby's point was that Oswald may have been involved with Cuban's in Florida, or someone posing as Oswald. He also may have been in contact somehow with Milteer and Brown

page 130-31, Initial Overview of Warren Commission

pages 132-157, Warren Commission Analysis

page 140, Richard Sprague CTIA maintains via info from Tad Szulc that Albert Osborne was a CIA front agent working out of Mexico City.

page 154, [cites CD 631] Reference is made to OUT TELETYPE 74673 dated 10 October 1963 regarding possible presence of subject in Mexico City

It is requested that you forward to this office as soon as possible two copies of the most recent photograph of subject. We will forward them to our representative in Mexico, who will attempt to determine if the Lee Oswald in Mexico City and subject are the same individual.

page 157, Scope, Approach, Study Team


Robert: I believe one key area is in reference to the alleged telegram from Earl Ruby to Havana, and the right-wing connections cited.

I do not believe that one can look at this area without remembering Ed and Lawrence Meyers who are smack dab in the middle

of Jack Ruby's activities the night before the assassination at the Cabana Motor Hotel. Jack Ruby himself had a link to a right-wing figure named Thomas Hill, an official of the John Birch Society. His name written on back of white envelope in Jack Ruby's possession.References to CD 935 ie Manuel Vega Perez, his assistant Rogelio Rodriguez Lopez, both in Havana at the time of the assassination, but Perez had previously been assigned to the Cuban Consulate in Mexico City, in CD 935 Helms mentions the informant's "knowledge of DGI activities, techniques and personalities is direct and profound."


There is a good chance this reference deals with AMLEO-3, another document mentions by name

Juan and pseudonyms SCORCH and AMMONIA




An operative named AMTOBY/16 was exfiltrated on the same day as President Kennedy's assassination;

PLAN MEGGET suspended except broadcast portion, which will remain active temporarily for deception.


NARA Record Number: 104-10075-10195



Home/Archive/Documents/JFK Assassination Documents/JFK Documents - Federal Bureau of Investigation/FBI - HSCA Subject Files/FBI - HSCA Subject Files, M - N/FBI - HSCA Subject File: Larry Meyer and Irving Davidson/

NARA Record Number: 124-10338-10145



Robert: According to NARA the above document, allegedly contains ELSUR transcripts between August 20, 1963 and December 3, 1964. If the document had a subtitle, it might be Liquor, Meyers and the State Department.

Although I cannot substantiate my suspicion, I believe Ralph and Ed Meyers were an integral part of a discarded attempt

to link Jack and Earl Ruby to pro-Castro DGI personnel at the time of the assassination, which was abandoned after

the realization that LBJ was not falling for the attempt to use the Cuba angle to provoke an invasion of Cuba, and that

the reason it was discarded was that it had been built on a house of cards to begin with, ie alleged Earl Ruby telegram

to Havana, being just one.

Edited by Robert Howard
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Guest Tom Scully

....I always like to do something special for Christmas, so today I decided to post this. Its relevance to this thread is that it is excerpts from the document

that the mention of the Oswald/Ruby/NSA rhyming dictionary is taken from. It is a Church Committee era document that contains other compelling


Merry Christmas!

....Although I cannot substantiate my suspicion, I believe Ralph and Ed Meyers were an integral part of a discarded attempt

to link Jack and Earl Ruby to pro-Castro DGI personnel at the time of the assassination, which was abandoned after

the realization that LBJ was not falling for the attempt to use the Cuba angle to provoke an invasion of Cuba, and that

the reason it was discarded was that it had been built on a house of cards to begin with, ie alleged Earl Ruby telegram

to Havana, being just one.

I think, in the fullness of time, your suspicion is still reasonable.

Merry Christmas, Robert!

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....I always like to do something special for Christmas, so today I decided to post this. Its relevance to this thread is that it is excerpts from the document

that the mention of the Oswald/Ruby/NSA rhyming dictionary is taken from. It is a Church Committee era document that contains other compelling


Merry Christmas!

....Although I cannot substantiate my suspicion, I believe Ralph and Ed Meyers were an integral part of a discarded attempt

to link Jack and Earl Ruby to pro-Castro DGI personnel at the time of the assassination, which was abandoned after

the realization that LBJ was not falling for the attempt to use the Cuba angle to provoke an invasion of Cuba, and that

the reason it was discarded was that it had been built on a house of cards to begin with, ie alleged Earl Ruby telegram

to Havana, being just one.

I think, in the fullness of time, your suspicion is still reasonable.

Merry Christmas, Robert!

Thanks Tom, Hope Santa, was good to you....

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On page 3 of a September 23, 1975 memo from Dan Dwyer and Ed Greissing of the Senate Select Committee to Paul Wallach, there is this paragraph:


II. It has been determined by the military task force, as a result of the NSA - watch list case study, that Oswald, Jack Ruby and Earl C. Ruby, Jack's brother, were targeted. An NSA spokesman reported that Oswald's name "appeared" in the rhyming dictionary on the day of the President's assassination. The following lines of inquiry should be considered:

A. The dates of which Oswald and the Ruby brothers names were placed on the list.

B. The amount of product.

C. The information contained in the product.

D. A determination if the product was forwarded to the FBI and CIA and how these agencies might have used the product in the investigation of the President's assassination.

I haven't found yet if the SSC got those answers.

Steve Thomas

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On page 3 of a September 23, 1975 memo from Dan Dwyer and Ed Greissing of the Senate Select Committee to Paul Wallach, there is this paragraph:


II. It has been determined by the military task force, as a result of the NSA - watch list case study, that Oswald, Jack Ruby and Earl C. Ruby, Jack's brother, were targeted. An NSA spokesman reported that Oswald's name "appeared" in the rhyming dictionary on the day of the President's assassination. The following lines of inquiry should be considered:

A. The dates of which Oswald and the Ruby brothers names were placed on the list.

B. The amount of product.

C. The information contained in the product.

D. A determination if the product was forwarded to the FBI and CIA and how these agencies might have used the product in the investigation of the President's assassination.

I haven't found yet if the SSC got those answers.

Steve Thomas


TO: Bob Kelly

FROM : Dan Dwyer and Ed Greissing

DAGE August 22, 1975

SJB: John F. Kennedy Assassination

This memorandum will outline the major contemporary allegations regarding the intelligence communities’ activities prior to and after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. These major allegations were derived from the study of the following sources: the Warren Commission Report and its 26 volumes of testimony and exhibits, the review of both FBI and CIA documents at the Archives withheld from the public, the opinions of independent researchers and the information volunteered from individuals previously testifying before the Warren Commission.

To further substantiate those allegations which have some foundation, it would be necessary to purse the following courses of action: request both FBI and CIA documents available to the SSC through the third agency rule, interviewing individuals who have been involved in anti-Castro activities, and interview individuals who have knowledge of the FBI and Secret Service investigation of the assassination.

This pursuit will elevate the Select Committee’s inquiry one phase further and careful consideration should be given to this individual pursuit.

I. Allegation: Lee Harvey Oswald was an Informer….

II. Allegation: A theory has been presented that by the end of the Eisenhower Administration, the lower echelons of the anti-Castro forces established training camps throughout the Southwest. The groups were trained by ex-Batista soldiers, as well as CIA contract agents…..

III. Allegation: The Secret Service obstructed the medical investigation of President Kennedy’s assassination.

IV. Allegation: The CIA withheld substantive information from the Warren Commission…

TO: David Aaron

FROM: Dan Dwyer and Ed Greissing

DATE: May 29, 1975

SUBJECT: Initial Overview of Warren Commission

The Warren Commission contains a massive amount of information regarding intelligence operations. Therefore, this initial overview focuses on three main investigative areas relating to CIA operations and Department of State communications: (1) Oswald’s Russian experience; (2) Oswald and the Fair Play for Cuba Committee; and (3) Oswald’s trip to Mexico City.

Reviewing the Commission Exhibits and Hearings necessitated a careful reading of the Report, with particular attention to the chronology of events and intelligence operations responses. This approach afforded an opportunity to develop a working knowledge of the chronology of events and an understanding of how the Report is organized, the thrust of the Commission’s analysis, and how the Commission utilized Documents and Exhibits.

Focusing on limited areas of investigation proved to be a workable and efficient research technique. It seems reasonable to continue with this technique but to further define specific areas of investigation.

The Mexico City case, for example, invites inspection of declassified Commission Documents not available in the Commission Volumes but which could easily be requested (cf. references to these sources in Mexico City case).


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